Sky Drake Pirate

welshvamp Posts: 10 Arc User
edited June 2015 in General Discussion
Hey guys, I have been reading all the posts and threads and youtube videos I can about this thing and so far only found this thing 3 times and every time was by accident running into it while I was doing dailies. Was wondering if anyone has noticed any patterns in where it spawns and also a few other questions like,

Does it move around the map after it spawns?

What are the actual spawn times approximately?(I only ask because I find so much different people saying different things that I never know which one is right)

Does the sky drake spawn on the latest part of the primal world map? ( Mights outpost and further to the right )

How many times a day does it spawn? (heard it spawns once 3 times and 4 times a day, yet again not sure which is true)

Also I'm not from PWI im from different server asking for help hope that's allowed here -_-

( Notice ) The red message that comes with the drake spawn doesn't work on our server but the drake definitely spawns

Any other information would be appreicated
Post edited by welshvamp on


  • Miszdevil - Sanctuary
    Miszdevil - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It has 3 spawnslots a day each spawnslot takes about 2 hours.
    It can spawn everywhere all over the primal map and it stays semi in place it moves around like a few meters from its spawn spot but its pretty stationary

    Check out this post aswell it has some information:
  • welshvamp
    welshvamp Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    well the problem with our server is no red message to say when it spawns, so can it spawn any time during the day or is it for example 2pm 6pm 10pm server time. or is it literally any time during the day?
  • _HawkEye - Raging Tide
    _HawkEye - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No its fixed. I think system message appears between 11am and 1pm, 5pm and 7pm and 10pm to midnight server time.
  • Hisiala - Morai
    Hisiala - Morai Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    On morai I noticed it spawns around 12am, 5pm and 10pm. As for "around" I mean that it could happen half a hour before the time I gave, or half a hour later. If not more.
  • welshvamp
    welshvamp Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    What I ment is im not playing a pwi server im from a private one asking here for help xD but ty for the help any further inputs will also be appreicated
  • welshvamp
    welshvamp Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    also how long does the sky drake pirate last after spawned? (tricky question I know since pwi got a lot of players and is probably found before then)
  • comeonnow
    comeonnow Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Ask the person running the "private" server they can tell you more about what they encoded and what not.... any thing in the posts you have read and what has been said on here is what is known... we play on the real servers so any info we give you could be differnt from your private one..... alas again ask the ppl running the server you are on ik they have players running around as gms and what not get in touch with them we know nothing about whats going on your server. good luck
  • Aiwana - Harshlands
    Aiwana - Harshlands Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Drake can spawn everywhere in primal world, on the edges, in snow area, on the sea, in rocks even, at a height of 45-50m in the air. He talks from time to time, general chat should be open. It has 3 spawn windows (12am +/-2, 12pm+/-2, 6pm +/- 2 server time, which can be checked in event calendar) every day, every spawn window lasting 2 hours. Basically that means it can spawn anytime in those 2 hours. It doesn't move much, but can hide in trees/rocks. If it's not found like 15-20 mins after spawn, it will disapear (gives diff msg)
  • welshvamp
    welshvamp Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thanks for the info ^_^ very helpful, gonna ask the GMs to see if they can fix the red message for the spawning will help a lot because atm were just roaming around with no clue what so ever xD

    any further help if any would be helpful ^_^ ty for all replies so far
  • Halfrican - Sanctuary
    Halfrican - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    some people compiled a time and made a chart where it generaly spawns ## TIME / day
    A0 11:13
    A1 11:17
    A3 11:31
    A4 11:41
    A5 11:54
    A5 12:07
    A6 12:20
    A7 12:24
    A8 12:42
    A9 12:58

    B0 17:11
    B1 17:15
    B2 17:29
    B3 17:39
    B4 17:52
    B5 18:05
    B6 18:18
    B7 18:22
    B8 18:40
    B9 18:56

    C0 22:09
    C1 22:13
    C2 22:27
    C3 22:37
    C4 22:50
    C5 23:03
    C6 23:16
    C7 23:20
    C8 23:38
    C9 23:54

    and u can view the map here
  • welshvamp
    welshvamp Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    very handy ty but some of the locations aren't marked very well and some are missing :( any further information available ?