Doug's Stormbringer guide
Posts: 36 Arc User
Welcome fellow stormbringers (SB)! This guide is always open for improvement and additional info.
What is a stormbringer?
A SB is a water and metal magic damage dealer, using a scythe as weapon. We are able to channel and cast several spells while running. Our another advantage is the ability of shapeshifting for 300% physical defense boost. We kite a lot and electrostatic discharge deals damage to those wo follow us or run from us![;) ;)](
can deal damage while running
most AOE (Area of effect) skills
very high magic defense
high mana
shapeshifting for additional physical defense
can summon a clone of self
got plenty of chi
low repair costs
passive skill to reduce incoming damage
low HP
slow movement speed
low physical defense
average channeling speed
low control resistance
draws aggro
SB build
You are meant to be a magic damage dealer, so i recommend going pure magic, 9 magic and 1 str every two levels. If you find yourself dying a lot, you can add 1-2 vit every two levels, but make sure you reset to pure magic after first reawakening.
Skills to get first
“i m poor and cant afford all skills at once”.
Sonic Boom is cheap to get and a nice spot filler between other hits
Ice bullet helps you to keep fast mobs in distance, get it.
Cloudburst is a must-have magic debuff.
Downburst, cheap and boost your channeling speed, nice in macros.
Moonblade, hard hitting skill, get it, makes kills faster.
Thunderstrike, along with the bleed effect makes 1-shots possible.
Lunar Surge, amazing knockback AOE, will save your life sometimes.
Lunar Guidance, its a buff, u ALWAYS want to have the buff max lvl.
About the rest, worry when u got the $ to max lvl it.
As a kiting class, and owner of 10 AOE, macros make life much easier. Make at least 5 macros:
1. Can cast while moving
Note: i DONT recommend to put Ice Bullet in this one. If u do u might end up having to run back a few steps to your target, it can be annoying, and in PVP its harder to control the stun‘s cooldown if it‘s in a macro)
2. AOE’s macro (yes frontal AOE is also an AOE)
3. Heavy damage, most hard hitting skills, big numbers FTW
4. Water damage only
5. Metal damage only
Where to get SB weapons
Lvl 1-20 get their stuff in Celestial Vale as quest rewards, at lvl 40 u can take the quest “The Showdown” in Misfortune area to obtain the lvl 40 Royal Scythe. At lvl 55, try to get some friends to run Quicksand Maze with you, to get the QSM armor and scythe. At lvl 60-90, Twilight Temple and QSM gears are similar, with TT being a bit better in stats, but QSM is free. And keep in mind that QSM 85 got better stats than Morai quest reward lvl 95 set, so it s not THAT bad.
SB endgame gear
Aim for rank 8, G16 full set, or if u can afford it r9rr of course arcane. “But but i wanted to be one of those insta-cast -100% channeling mages...” Just forget it. U sacrifice way TOO MUCH of your defense, for channeling gear. U will get 6% channeling from each ring, 6% from sleeves, and lots more depending on what you are wearing. An average r9rr SB easy get around 30% channeling without losing defenses. And for more channeling u still got Downburst and pots.
Physical belt and necklace, like cube necklace and WS belt for example. Magic rings depending on your money. If u re super poor, make the free one with 90 attendance sheets at PW teacher npc, it’s awesome. If u can afford it, get Moon’s Embrace. And refine the ornaments. ALL. Rings too. Even a mere +5 helps a lot.
Scythe G16, r8rr, r9rr, warsoul or morai G15. Forget the rest. Shard it with Sapphires.
SB shards in armor
Depending on your money and personal taste, u ll chose one of the following:
Garnet = worst choice imo, boost ur p def a bit (IF, then recommend garnet/citrine mix)
Citrine = more hp, u can take more hits
Deity = 1-shot the world and be a 2-shot, costy glass cannon
JOSD = low HP wannabe magic barb, costy, good defense
SB’s War Avatar Cards
Rebirth your toon once, and then start running Flowsilver Palace. U should get in average 1 A card per week, if you run daily. It s a lot of work but it s worth it. After u have 1 A card for each slot, i recommend u to keep running FSP still, and try to get an A card set. Once u found an A card u decided to keep forever, lvl it up. Lvling up a card is like refining your armor for additional defenses. Lvl your cards in this order: Longevity -> Soulprime/Lifeprime -> Rest
Passive Skills, Spirit and you
Not much to say here, do the Primal World quests daily, collect the Primordial Bloods to make the passive skillbooks and learn then asap. With time u ll notice why it s worth it, i promise. A tiny step closer to god mode, lol.
Stuff to always have with you
-genie with holypath
-herb yuanxiao
-HP pots
-dew of star protection
-jones/omalley blessing
Stormbringer Genie
get a Zeal or Longevity, and teach it, depending if PVP or PVE genie something of the following:
Holy path (run fast)
Wind Shield (less damage taken, short cooldown)
Tree of Protection (heal)
Expel (physical immunity while sealed)
Extreme Poison (amp damage the target takes)
Faith (immune to negative status effects, drain your genie)
Absolute Domain (immunity, drain your genie)
Occult ice (freeze target)
Heart of steel (meatal magic effects immunity)
Andrealine Surge (anti sleep)
Will surge (seal/silence immunity)
Elemental Weakness (Marrow-****-Up-2Go)
Fortify (antistun)
Tangling mire (reduce p def.. for 3-sparked perigean tide maybe..)
Whirlwind (slow target)
Remove Paralysis
Wind Prison (silence a nearby target)
Badge of courage (antistun)
Cloud Eruption ( a spark)
Stormbringer in PVP vs...
Debuff their magic defense. Hit them with Metal spells, dont kite them, unless they pull cragglord pet out. Then kite till cragglord is gone. If you bother killing Devil or Mistress, u ll just see the mystic summon if again and again, to reset the cooldown of pet‘s skill. Tank the pet, or come closer and AOE. U can also stand at max range and try to kill devil before he reach u. Play the pet’s battle and use your clone. Dont let them EVER hit u with Absorb Soul. Interrupt it with Stun, Freeze or Paralyze
Seeker's downside is the low magic defense. Debuff them with cloudburst to make it even lower.
I dont recommend using Perigean Tide, since Seekers got the ability to reflect debuffs. If they reflect the Cloudburst magic defense debuff on you, just shrug if off, you should still be fine. You wont be fine if u dont keep an eye on the debuffs and stance effects. As Seekers deal both, physical and magic damage, use Reaper Form. Dont kite, but keep 15-27 meter distance. Use clone when the target is stunned or paralyzed.
Get your Antisleep pots and genie ready! Put Devouring Darkness or ice bullet on them, to stop the endless heals stacks, get your clone, let clone stun them again, debuff them with cloudburst and perigean tide and hope that it ll make them panic and waste the genie.
Most archers start with a stun. Stun them first, with the additional range from waxing crescent, or use lunar swiftness. Dont kite them, their range is better than yours. Try to be in Reaper Form as much as possible. If it runs out, try to win time with stuns, paralyze, freeze, or in emergency even with genie, defense pots or Lunar Blessing. Afterward back to Reaper form. Make sure to always try to "hug" the archer when fighting them, Archers hit you less in close range (metal skills not included).
They are sins. With the difference that ANY debuff and stun will do what it s supposed to. On the other side, they ll stun n sleep the hell out of u. Vs Duskblades a weapon with purify i REALLY helpfull. Be prepared for this battle, have the right genie and pots ready. Kite them, kite them a lot. Let them reel you. Once reel is on cooldown, continue kiting and put Cloudburst and Electrostatic Discharge on them. Reaper form is a must-have. Stay far especially when they are shapeshifted. Knockback with Lunar Surge if they come too close.
Feel free to kite. Why? Many SBs got the habit to run ALL the time, even with Electrostatic Discharge on them. 3-Sparked ED on a Cloudburst/Perigean Tide debuffed target can be very deadly, and clone finish them off. Your target just noticed the overkill-debuff combo and stopped moving? Make them move! Waxing crescent and Lunar Surge
Just kite, then they die themself, no? Barbs got a load of HP and un-debuffed not killable for a unsparked SB without clone. Also keep in mind that u can only kite barbs for a while. A barbarian in panda form runs about 10 ms and will get u easy if u immobilize/stun/slow him too late. Use reaper form whenever possible. Immobilize or stun the barb, before u start channeling Electrostatic Discharge on him. Dont stop and wait. Once the barb reach u, he ll knock u over. Reaper Form, knock him back, stun, ED, and let the kiting game start over. SB vs barb is an eternal draw, unless SB happens to get some good hits at the debuffed barb. Thunderstrike is a must have for the leftover HP
We ve got antipurge vs them. And they, in return, can knock us out of Reaper Form. Slow the veno with deafening thunder, debuff her and spike damage. About the pet, nix and harpy, kill them, herc and monkey, kite them. Or use Lunar Swiftness, get your clone, and all damage on the pet owner.
The only true key to win a fight vs a good r9rr lvl 105 sin, is stealth detection lvl 105.
Your 2 choices is trying to tank the damage in reaper form and trying each possible stun/debuff on them, or trying to win time, spike damage and kill them asap. You can kite them aswell, but chances are high ED will fail. If u r trying the as soon as possible kill, then make sure u get your clone ready, and Avatar of the Storm is your best friend to knock them out of stealth. Ways to win time are Lunar Blessing, Lunar Swiftness, pots, genie, Tidal Force, Devouring Darkness, ED, Lunar Surge and all sort of immobilize
Will Surge is a must have here. Without it, better just hunt psychics that can be 1-shot. Make sure u look weak enough to them, to make them switch to Black Vodoo. Cloudburst, get your clone, place clone a few steps far from u, otherwise it ll die too quick my the aoes raining on u. It s a die quick, or kill quick battle. Spam your best damage, and always keep a finger on Lunar Blessing button.
A wizard’s biggest pain is the channeling and the chi. Slow them down with Deafening Thunder, or keep them completly busy with Devouring Darkness. If u are demon, spam Lunar Guidande for the additional defense lvls. Keep them locked as much as possible with Ice Bullet and Tidal Force. Dont use your Lunar Blessing and your clone too fast. It s your trump cards.
Pretty much the easiest class for SB to kill. Kite, stun, immobilize, Electrostatic Discharge, kite more. But dont underestimate a Blademaster’s ranged damage, and the leaps. As long as they are 15 meter away from u, you are fine. Once they get closer than that, u got a problem. Break out of a stun-chain without a purify weapon rely on genie. Also keep in mind that BMs with a spear can immobilize u from long range. Use Reaper Form. iIf u happen to get HF’d and ice bullet is on cooldown, run, knock them back or use Lunar Blessing
Stormbringer in PVE
SB is meant to KITE. SB can easy solo kill even lower cultivation bosses. So... happy hunting.. errr KITING!
What is a stormbringer?
A SB is a water and metal magic damage dealer, using a scythe as weapon. We are able to channel and cast several spells while running. Our another advantage is the ability of shapeshifting for 300% physical defense boost. We kite a lot and electrostatic discharge deals damage to those wo follow us or run from us
![;) ;)](
can deal damage while running
most AOE (Area of effect) skills
very high magic defense
high mana
shapeshifting for additional physical defense
can summon a clone of self
got plenty of chi
low repair costs
passive skill to reduce incoming damage
low HP
slow movement speed
low physical defense
average channeling speed
low control resistance
draws aggro
SB build
You are meant to be a magic damage dealer, so i recommend going pure magic, 9 magic and 1 str every two levels. If you find yourself dying a lot, you can add 1-2 vit every two levels, but make sure you reset to pure magic after first reawakening.
Skills to get first
“i m poor and cant afford all skills at once”.
Sonic Boom is cheap to get and a nice spot filler between other hits
Ice bullet helps you to keep fast mobs in distance, get it.
Cloudburst is a must-have magic debuff.
Downburst, cheap and boost your channeling speed, nice in macros.
Moonblade, hard hitting skill, get it, makes kills faster.
Thunderstrike, along with the bleed effect makes 1-shots possible.
Lunar Surge, amazing knockback AOE, will save your life sometimes.
Lunar Guidance, its a buff, u ALWAYS want to have the buff max lvl.
About the rest, worry when u got the $ to max lvl it.
As a kiting class, and owner of 10 AOE, macros make life much easier. Make at least 5 macros:
1. Can cast while moving
Note: i DONT recommend to put Ice Bullet in this one. If u do u might end up having to run back a few steps to your target, it can be annoying, and in PVP its harder to control the stun‘s cooldown if it‘s in a macro)
2. AOE’s macro (yes frontal AOE is also an AOE)
3. Heavy damage, most hard hitting skills, big numbers FTW
4. Water damage only
5. Metal damage only
Where to get SB weapons
Lvl 1-20 get their stuff in Celestial Vale as quest rewards, at lvl 40 u can take the quest “The Showdown” in Misfortune area to obtain the lvl 40 Royal Scythe. At lvl 55, try to get some friends to run Quicksand Maze with you, to get the QSM armor and scythe. At lvl 60-90, Twilight Temple and QSM gears are similar, with TT being a bit better in stats, but QSM is free. And keep in mind that QSM 85 got better stats than Morai quest reward lvl 95 set, so it s not THAT bad.
SB endgame gear
Aim for rank 8, G16 full set, or if u can afford it r9rr of course arcane. “But but i wanted to be one of those insta-cast -100% channeling mages...” Just forget it. U sacrifice way TOO MUCH of your defense, for channeling gear. U will get 6% channeling from each ring, 6% from sleeves, and lots more depending on what you are wearing. An average r9rr SB easy get around 30% channeling without losing defenses. And for more channeling u still got Downburst and pots.
Physical belt and necklace, like cube necklace and WS belt for example. Magic rings depending on your money. If u re super poor, make the free one with 90 attendance sheets at PW teacher npc, it’s awesome. If u can afford it, get Moon’s Embrace. And refine the ornaments. ALL. Rings too. Even a mere +5 helps a lot.
Scythe G16, r8rr, r9rr, warsoul or morai G15. Forget the rest. Shard it with Sapphires.
SB shards in armor
Depending on your money and personal taste, u ll chose one of the following:
Garnet = worst choice imo, boost ur p def a bit (IF, then recommend garnet/citrine mix)
Citrine = more hp, u can take more hits
Deity = 1-shot the world and be a 2-shot, costy glass cannon
JOSD = low HP wannabe magic barb, costy, good defense
SB’s War Avatar Cards
Rebirth your toon once, and then start running Flowsilver Palace. U should get in average 1 A card per week, if you run daily. It s a lot of work but it s worth it. After u have 1 A card for each slot, i recommend u to keep running FSP still, and try to get an A card set. Once u found an A card u decided to keep forever, lvl it up. Lvling up a card is like refining your armor for additional defenses. Lvl your cards in this order: Longevity -> Soulprime/Lifeprime -> Rest
Passive Skills, Spirit and you
Not much to say here, do the Primal World quests daily, collect the Primordial Bloods to make the passive skillbooks and learn then asap. With time u ll notice why it s worth it, i promise. A tiny step closer to god mode, lol.
Stuff to always have with you
-genie with holypath
-herb yuanxiao
-HP pots
-dew of star protection
-jones/omalley blessing
Stormbringer Genie
get a Zeal or Longevity, and teach it, depending if PVP or PVE genie something of the following:
Holy path (run fast)
Wind Shield (less damage taken, short cooldown)
Tree of Protection (heal)
Expel (physical immunity while sealed)
Extreme Poison (amp damage the target takes)
Faith (immune to negative status effects, drain your genie)
Absolute Domain (immunity, drain your genie)
Occult ice (freeze target)
Heart of steel (meatal magic effects immunity)
Andrealine Surge (anti sleep)
Will surge (seal/silence immunity)
Elemental Weakness (Marrow-****-Up-2Go)
Fortify (antistun)
Tangling mire (reduce p def.. for 3-sparked perigean tide maybe..)
Whirlwind (slow target)
Remove Paralysis
Wind Prison (silence a nearby target)
Badge of courage (antistun)
Cloud Eruption ( a spark)
Stormbringer in PVP vs...
Debuff their magic defense. Hit them with Metal spells, dont kite them, unless they pull cragglord pet out. Then kite till cragglord is gone. If you bother killing Devil or Mistress, u ll just see the mystic summon if again and again, to reset the cooldown of pet‘s skill. Tank the pet, or come closer and AOE. U can also stand at max range and try to kill devil before he reach u. Play the pet’s battle and use your clone. Dont let them EVER hit u with Absorb Soul. Interrupt it with Stun, Freeze or Paralyze
Seeker's downside is the low magic defense. Debuff them with cloudburst to make it even lower.
I dont recommend using Perigean Tide, since Seekers got the ability to reflect debuffs. If they reflect the Cloudburst magic defense debuff on you, just shrug if off, you should still be fine. You wont be fine if u dont keep an eye on the debuffs and stance effects. As Seekers deal both, physical and magic damage, use Reaper Form. Dont kite, but keep 15-27 meter distance. Use clone when the target is stunned or paralyzed.
Get your Antisleep pots and genie ready! Put Devouring Darkness or ice bullet on them, to stop the endless heals stacks, get your clone, let clone stun them again, debuff them with cloudburst and perigean tide and hope that it ll make them panic and waste the genie.
Most archers start with a stun. Stun them first, with the additional range from waxing crescent, or use lunar swiftness. Dont kite them, their range is better than yours. Try to be in Reaper Form as much as possible. If it runs out, try to win time with stuns, paralyze, freeze, or in emergency even with genie, defense pots or Lunar Blessing. Afterward back to Reaper form. Make sure to always try to "hug" the archer when fighting them, Archers hit you less in close range (metal skills not included).
They are sins. With the difference that ANY debuff and stun will do what it s supposed to. On the other side, they ll stun n sleep the hell out of u. Vs Duskblades a weapon with purify i REALLY helpfull. Be prepared for this battle, have the right genie and pots ready. Kite them, kite them a lot. Let them reel you. Once reel is on cooldown, continue kiting and put Cloudburst and Electrostatic Discharge on them. Reaper form is a must-have. Stay far especially when they are shapeshifted. Knockback with Lunar Surge if they come too close.
Feel free to kite. Why? Many SBs got the habit to run ALL the time, even with Electrostatic Discharge on them. 3-Sparked ED on a Cloudburst/Perigean Tide debuffed target can be very deadly, and clone finish them off. Your target just noticed the overkill-debuff combo and stopped moving? Make them move! Waxing crescent and Lunar Surge
Just kite, then they die themself, no? Barbs got a load of HP and un-debuffed not killable for a unsparked SB without clone. Also keep in mind that u can only kite barbs for a while. A barbarian in panda form runs about 10 ms and will get u easy if u immobilize/stun/slow him too late. Use reaper form whenever possible. Immobilize or stun the barb, before u start channeling Electrostatic Discharge on him. Dont stop and wait. Once the barb reach u, he ll knock u over. Reaper Form, knock him back, stun, ED, and let the kiting game start over. SB vs barb is an eternal draw, unless SB happens to get some good hits at the debuffed barb. Thunderstrike is a must have for the leftover HP
We ve got antipurge vs them. And they, in return, can knock us out of Reaper Form. Slow the veno with deafening thunder, debuff her and spike damage. About the pet, nix and harpy, kill them, herc and monkey, kite them. Or use Lunar Swiftness, get your clone, and all damage on the pet owner.
The only true key to win a fight vs a good r9rr lvl 105 sin, is stealth detection lvl 105.
Your 2 choices is trying to tank the damage in reaper form and trying each possible stun/debuff on them, or trying to win time, spike damage and kill them asap. You can kite them aswell, but chances are high ED will fail. If u r trying the as soon as possible kill, then make sure u get your clone ready, and Avatar of the Storm is your best friend to knock them out of stealth. Ways to win time are Lunar Blessing, Lunar Swiftness, pots, genie, Tidal Force, Devouring Darkness, ED, Lunar Surge and all sort of immobilize
Will Surge is a must have here. Without it, better just hunt psychics that can be 1-shot. Make sure u look weak enough to them, to make them switch to Black Vodoo. Cloudburst, get your clone, place clone a few steps far from u, otherwise it ll die too quick my the aoes raining on u. It s a die quick, or kill quick battle. Spam your best damage, and always keep a finger on Lunar Blessing button.
A wizard’s biggest pain is the channeling and the chi. Slow them down with Deafening Thunder, or keep them completly busy with Devouring Darkness. If u are demon, spam Lunar Guidande for the additional defense lvls. Keep them locked as much as possible with Ice Bullet and Tidal Force. Dont use your Lunar Blessing and your clone too fast. It s your trump cards.
Pretty much the easiest class for SB to kill. Kite, stun, immobilize, Electrostatic Discharge, kite more. But dont underestimate a Blademaster’s ranged damage, and the leaps. As long as they are 15 meter away from u, you are fine. Once they get closer than that, u got a problem. Break out of a stun-chain without a purify weapon rely on genie. Also keep in mind that BMs with a spear can immobilize u from long range. Use Reaper Form. iIf u happen to get HF’d and ice bullet is on cooldown, run, knock them back or use Lunar Blessing
Stormbringer in PVE
SB is meant to KITE. SB can easy solo kill even lower cultivation bosses. So... happy hunting.. errr KITING!
Post edited by dhudg on
Change log
05-08-2015 Seeker PVP added, passive skill in Pros added
05-18-2015 Archer PVP complemented0 -
Debuff their magic defense. Hit them with Metal spells, dont kite them, unless they pull cragglord pet out. Then kite till cragglord is gone.
Do you really know any mystic that would use Cragglord in PVP ?
Nice effort on your guide though~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
Zoldi - Morai wrote: »Do you really know any mystic that would use Cragglord in PVP ?
Nice effort on your guide though
Last time I saw a mystic use cragglord was during a caster nirvana, back in 2012/2013b:laugh
You are missing PvP seeker strategy.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
5 years lurking forums0 -
mhm. seems to be a bit lowend/midrange oriented bit fine.
might as well wanna write that storms got a passive 23% dmg reduce from any dmg thats being dealt from melee range. physical and magical alike.
imho sins/barbs are the easiest class to pvp against as a storn. they are nearly chanceless on equal gears. heck any class on equal gears should be np for a storm with the exception of Duskblades. they, if done right, will wreck storms in 1on1.My Barb:
My SB: -
low HP
slow movement speed
low physical defense
average channeling speed
low control resistance
draws aggroOrnaments
If u can afford it, get Moon’s Embrace. And refine the ornaments. ALL. Rings too. Even a mere +5 helps a lot.Weapon
Scythe G16, r8rr, r9rr, warsoul or morai G15. Forget the rest. Shard it with Sapphires.SB shards in armor
Depending on your money and personal taste, u ll chose one of the following:
Garnet = worst choice imo, boost ur p def a bit (IF, then recommend garnet/citrine mix)
Citrine = more hp, u can take more hits
Deity = 1-shot the world and be a 2-shot, costy glass cannon
JOSD = low HP wannabe magic barb, costy, good defense
Depending on your funds, i'd put garnet as a better choice than cits, if you can afford to +10-12 your gear I'd go w/ garnets since the shards you get from weekly will boost your p def by about 500 p def per shard full buff+reaper apposed to 75 hp per shard from cits.SB’s War Avatar Cards
Rebirth your toon once, and then start running Flowsilver Palace. U should get in average 1 A card per week, if you run daily. It s a lot of work but it s worth it. After u have 1 A card for each slot, i recommend u to keep running FSP still, and try to get an A card set. Once u found an A card u decided to keep forever, lvl it up. Lvling up a card is like refining your armor for additional defenses. Lvl your cards in this order: Longevity -> Soulprime/Lifeprime -> RestStormbringer in PVP vs...
Most archers start with a stun. Stun them first, with the additional range from waxing crescent, or use lunar swiftness. Dont kite them, their range is better than yours. Try to be in Reaper Form as much as possible. If it runs out, try to win time with stuns, paralyze, freeze, or in emergency even with genie, defense pots or Lunar Blessing. Afterward back to Reaper form.full +12 SB, currently lv 105 105 1050
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