balance pure spell

Shidoshi - Lost City
Posts: 192 Arc User
can you please balance the pure spell skill on r9 weapons. it one of the most broken weapon skill on this game. i don't mind it purifing or immune from stuns BUT NOT BOTH.
melee class gets god of fenzy. a skill that deals double damage.
archers get devouring black hole. purges positive skills
ALL mage class's gets pure spell. purifys, immune to movement debuffs AND 200% speed increase.
so tell me is this a little unfair? i think so.
melee class gets god of fenzy. a skill that deals double damage.
archers get devouring black hole. purges positive skills
ALL mage class's gets pure spell. purifys, immune to movement debuffs AND 200% speed increase.
so tell me is this a little unfair? i think so.
pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.
Post edited by Shidoshi - Lost City on
Roll sin
learn life hunter and elimination
problem solved
And dont get me started on 4x damage from zerk crits0 -
You have paralyze. Use it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »You have paralyze. Use it.pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.0
Shidoshi - Lost City wrote: »wow your dumb. bm paralyze skill is not effective as everyone thinks. BUT i wouldn't expect someone from a pve server to understand pvp problems
wow our dumb. bm one of the only classes to somewhat handle purify spell before paralyze and bm paralyze skill is effective when used by someone who knows how to play the class. BUT i wouldn't expect someone who doesn't know the difference between a pve server and a pvp server to understand how the game works. so please don't side track this forum with stupidity
Seriously, you're on one of the best classes for dealing with purify as long as you know how to play. Then again, you seem to think Harshlands is a PvE server so that's not a good sign to begin with when it comes to how much you know about the game.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
that is where you mistaken. we have to be up close to the target to use it. so we half to stun and inmoblize the target. its so easy to hit a immune pot or faith then dragon rising is worthless. dragon rising is good in group combat but is really wasted in range or 1v1 situations because its a melee skill. BUT again lets not side track the forum with useless comments this is not about combat skill this is about weapon skills.
mods are suppose to stay quite and not heard.
OH and thier is a difference with pve servers and pvp servers. seeing that theirs more r9 3rd class on lost. you're cash cow server where gm's let people do what ever they want as long as they throw money at it.pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.0 -
.... Yeah I'm sorry but... you're kinda proving my point about your own lack of ability playing a role in your misjudgement here. Purify is still broken against the classes who can't do anything about it, sure... but that's basically only archers since most other classes now have a much easier time dealing with it through either sheer damage (IE: Assassins with life hunter/elimination) or improved CCs and mobility (IE: BMs who can disarm, reel in, have two leaps, have two speed skills, have a paralyze, still have an arsenal of stuns, and can spike damage rather well when played properly).
PS: No the mods aren't supposed to stay quiet and not be heard. Deal with it. b:cute(Insert fancy image here)0 -
Purge on bows > GoF on seeker weapons > Purify > GoF on other classes.
Purify is far from the worst offender here. I would gladly give it up on my caster if other classes lost their weapon procs too.0 -
.... Yeah I'm sorry but... you're kinda proving my point about your own lack of ability playing a role in your misjudgement here. Purify is still broken against the classes who can't do anything about it, sure... but that's basically only archers since most other classes now have a much easier time dealing with it through either sheer damage (IE: Assassins with life hunter/elimination) or improved CCs and mobility (IE: BMs who can disarm, reel in, have two leaps, have two speed skills, have a paralyze, still have an arsenal of stuns, and can spike damage rather well when played properly).
omg you so wrong. the use of faith genie skill and/or the use of anti stun pots can easily bypass ANY inmobilzation of a mage class and then the next hit prox the skill and their they go and are speed skill CANNOT keep up with 200% speed increase i have tryed and don't make it seem that i don't know how to please my bm cause i do AND being a bm i has seen tons of ways to get around paralyze skill WITH immune pots. you ever seen a person in paralyze to immune i have on a dealy base's.
so with taht
blade hurl is easily to get around. reel in doesn't always put the target in front of you making it where you have to get close to them. leap skill are use to GET OUT of situations. are speed skill are easy to avoid just start jumping up and down and we can't lock are stuns do to the being a melee skill which mean you have to be in 0 meters of the target.
i'm not saying get rid of the pure spell weapon skill. i'm saying balance it out with the other weapon skillspwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.0 -
Shidoshi - Lost City wrote: »omg you so wrong. the use of faith genie skill and/or the use of anti stun pots can easily bypass ANY inmobilzation of a mage class and then the next hit prox the skill and their they go and are speed skill CANNOT keep up with 200% speed increase i have tryed and don't make it seem that i don't know how to please my bm cause i do AND being a bm i has seen tons of ways to get around paralyze skill WITH immune pots. you ever seen a person in paralyze to immune i have on a dealy base's.
Paralyze cannot be purified by anything. Only avoided via faith/immune pot/phys immune before the paralyze lands.
You either need to gear up or reroll to a different class.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »Paralyze cannot be purified by anything. Only avoided via faith/immune pot/phys immune before the paralyze lands.
You either need to gear up or reroll to a different class.
what you say and what i see are two different thingspwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.0 -
Shidoshi - Lost City wrote: »what you say and what i see are two different things
Dude she just stated hard facts. A BM has little reason to complain about puri now that they have para.
I will admit, that purify makes fights really stupid and I'd prefer it not be in the game, especially when it's a 1v1 between casters, but as long as Assassins and Para still exist, it's a necessary evil to keep casters viable. Remove puri, then the other classes besides Archer would all have to give up something as well.0 -
Puddinsundae - Harshlands wrote: »Dude she just stated hard facts. A BM has little reason to complain about puri now that they have para.
I will admit, that purify makes fights really stupid and I'd prefer it not be in the game, especially when it's a 1v1 between casters, but as long as Assassins and Para still exist, it's a necessary evil to keep casters viable. Remove puri, then the other classes besides Archer would all have to give up something as well.
never said anything about removing pure spell just balanced it. and again no one understand that a bm paralyze is the most easiest thing to get around but they use it as an arguement to keep the weapon skill unchanged. if you can't dodge a bm paralyze skill them maybe you don't know how to play your class?pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.0 -
Because it's totally easy to consistently block something that can only be stopped by being completely immune to it BEFORE it lands when all your options for said immunties are limited and costly while the skill itself has a much shorter CD and an easily manageable cost to people who know to play the class.
As a BM, I'm embarrassed by the excuses you're trying to come up with to claim that purify spell is oh-so-devastating for you to handle. If this was prior to New Horizons, sure. If you were on one of the classes that had very little ways to mange purify, sure. But as a BM post -NH you have no excuse and this really feels more like a QQ thread than anything else.
Especially since when people point out your many glaring flaws you either ignore them or... repeat your flawed points as if repetition somehow changes the fact that you're wrong.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
Because it's totally easy to consistently block something that can only be stopped by being completely immune to it BEFORE it lands when all your options for said immunties are limited and costly while the skill itself has a much shorter CD and an easily manageable cost to people who know to play the class.
As a BM, I'm embarrassed by the excuses you're trying to come up with to claim that purify spell is oh-so-devastating for you to handle. If this was prior to New Horizons, sure. If you were on one of the classes that had very little ways to mange purify, sure. But as a BM post -NH you have no excuse and this really feels more like a QQ thread than anything else.
Especially since when people point out your many glaring flaws you either ignore them or... repeat your flawed points as if repetition somehow changes the fact that you're wrong.
this whole game is flawed and unbalanced. AND I"LL SAY IT AGAIN paralyze is the most easist thing to get around but for a person who plays a bm you should understand't that. i'll say it as many time i want cause its the truth.
OH and i see some post on here thats off topic so do your job and clean it up.pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.0 -
Shido, I realize your angry, regardless if your right or wrong, taking it out on others... especially OPK, just is not the way to go about getting a positive change/a reasonable conversation/discussion going.
Giving their difficultly/how hard it can still be to live/maintain chi on them... compared to other classes in similar gear... it does leave a bad taste in my mouth so to speak when a casters weapon procs and they erase my stuns/hf/gs or w/e else I threw on them. (Yes there is apo's/genies to make sure a bm has chi to blade hurl/throw down an hf/gs etc... but that can be hard to pull off especially when most (of us bms) are so damn squishy.)
While I still don't agree with how easy she makes it sound (as far as the plethora of stuns go... bms do take insane amounts of chi/are insanely hard to master/difficult to play - Even in pve /o\) she also has a point, the counters to the paralyze proc/skill while they are there, they are also hard to pull off, and bms do indeed have the best counters to it especially after the NH update/expansion.
Even one of the new classes (that I know of for sure) got a paralyze skill, so there are becoming more and more ways to counter it which is very good... its just too bad it still erases debuffs/regular stuns on them... if its allowed to anyways. xD - Though slowly the proc is arguably becoming just a purify, the more that stuns are allowed to do what they're suppose to do... and that is make our opponent stop moving/attacking.
I know on my server the proc has cooldowned quite a bit from being stupidly oped... assuming we have people in there that can put a stop to the proc. (In nw)Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick
What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)0 -
Slivaf - Dreamweaver wrote: »Shido, I realize your angry, regardless if your right or wrong, taking it out on others... especially OPK, just is not the way to go about getting a positive change/a reasonable conversation/discussion going.
i agree with you but i'm not the one that started being negative. plus i have no respect for OPK as a forum mod.
i have a cloud eruption genie to supply chi but even taht takes time to charge @.@ use to be nice being a blademaster in the past but now because almost all mage class has stuns,seals,sleep,freeze, and now paralyze on the move (storm bringers). its a waste being a blademaster if your not fully decked out OR if you are. i have seen end game gear bms just get wasted. so its hard to paralyze when in constant attack.pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.0 -
do you even? .... i can't even.... looks like some1 needs to give up pvp and move to a carebear server and stay for ever blue b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Shidoshi - Lost City wrote: »look another troll post
troll? if you cant win a 1v1 like u said on ur OP against ANY caster with a BM ur just playing so horribly ******n wrong. b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
maybe you should see these caster i'm up against. come to lost city.
OH and bloodedone why should i ask them to do it if its their job to do it in the first place? i guess the mods in the forums are jsut like the gms in games USELESS. no wonder why this game is dying.pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.0 -
Shidoshi - Lost City wrote: »maybe you should see these caster i'm up against. come to lost city.
theyre the same trash as every caster.. ur playing a bm man.. its the most broken 1v1 class after sin .. learn to play it and stop ur QQ b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
yea come and say that to are mage class on lsot city.pwi gms are useless. submitting tickets are useless. start calling their main office's. raise hell. take back the game.0
Holy, sh** , dosh imma yell at you in TS today. ..
After fighting bms, barbs, and especially DB I think the exact opposite, puri spell needs a dam buff be it's almost completely worthless against those classes, at the very least paralyze needs to not be able to override each other. What the actual f***, stuns don't override ea other so you need to time them perfectly, Para though on the overhand, 1 sec left on the time? Override it w^ a 6 sec para, allowing 2 ppl to keep someone parade forever. Doesn't matter how many times puri spell pros if I can't Move, heal, use, skills, or faith.
Ps. I apologize for the way my guildy has been actingfull +12 SB, currently lv 105 105 1050 -
Obviously just implement primal purify for clerics/mystics/sage psys that's able to purify paralyze. b:dirty[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Whats mostly wrong with the purify spell weapon proc on caster R9 weapons is the 200% speed boost that they get when it goes off. So i'll suggest that either they lower the speed boost % or remove the speed boost altogether. Since i as an archer also have alot of trouble with this. Plus pw should make the aim low skill on the archer to be paralyze as well since having a purge bow just isnt enough anymore.The Sure Shot that Flies Straight
Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)
2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 640 -
Actually nvm about puri spell all together, I suggest an option to trade one super mod for another, I'd kill to be able to trade puri spell for GoFfull +12 SB, currently lv 105 105 1050
GOF QQ about Puri
Puri QQ about purge
Purge QQ about GOF
Rinse repeat
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Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
They already "balanced" it. How many Paralyze abilities does the Duskblade have again? Right...
That said, would make sense if they'd put a timer on the damn proc. So that it can trigger no more then once every 30 seconds or so.I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.
Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.0 -
The retort of 'come lost city brah, you dun know how we roll on pvp server brah' is quite redundant after seeing that there are pretty much the same amount of noobs that have no idea how to play their class and the same level of gear imbalance as there is on any other server pve or pvp. So don't hide behind that argument.
Paralyse is the counter to purify proc. Immune pot's/faith are not a counter to Dragon Rising, the reason it isn't a counter is very simple.
>cooldown of Dragon Rising is 15seconds.
>cooldown of immune pots is 2mins.
>cooldown of Faith is (on a super high mag genie) like 53 seconds or more
Any caster that uses immune pot or a pre-emptive faith to get out of Dragon Rising is either about to die or dumb, why would you use a pot to evade a Dragon Rising when the BM can just use another Dragon Rising 15 seconds later..
Also complaining that it's a melee skill so it's not that great, like bro you're a melee class.. b:shocked
Bm's are the one of most equipped classes to deal with purify proc, the best obviously being Duskblades.DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer
DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
Tempest-dw.shivtr.com0 -
DarkSkiesx - Dreamweaver wrote: »Bm's are the one of most equipped classes to deal with purify proc, the best obviously being Duskblades.
Try pinning an equally geared Stormy down long enough to lock it in a paralyze. I can tell from recent experience: Not easy. At all. Only ways to get them in range is to use speed skills to catch up (while they run away while bombing you) and either use Reel In and hope it procs and that the animation for it ends while you're still in range for Dragon Rising, or use Reckless Rush (due to range, you'd still need to use a speed skill to get into range to actually use Rush).
Storms are going to end organized PvP once those become mainstream at endgame. Superior range allows teams to just use them as artillery, possibly with a cler behind them out of range of hostiles, providing bb. Defend with a few heavies so that anything that comes closer first gets bombed, then gets ground up by melee. Anything that doesn't come closer... just gets pounded without end. Superior range. Superior firepower. 100% accuracy.I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.
Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.0
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