Seeker transposition glitch is legal?



  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Can we get stuck in terrain, yep. Can seekers switch locations with their enemies, yep. Was the skill implemented with full knowledge that we can get stuck in terrain, definitely yes.
    While I appreciate your logic and the support for your statement I think there are a few key points missing.

    -snip-. While the developers may have known that it’s possible to get yourself (inadvertently or on purpose) stuck in the graphics, they very likely were not aware that this would cause an entrapment for any player other than your own and therefore they believed there would be no point in exploiting this flaw in the game.
    On the point of the part in the TOS where it's illegal to interfere with a players gameplay, that's kinda sketchy in PvP arenas like TW and NW.
    Firstly, the exact wording of the TOS is: "using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players" (
    While it is legal to affect other players through normal game play, it is not in alignment with the terms of service to exploit bugs or design flaws. As stated above.
    By that logic spawn camping is also impeding a player's ability to play, and there's no strong persuasion to have that practice end. I'm not saying in any way that I approve of landscaping as a tactic, but it could be considered as much of a "tactic" as spawn camping is considered a "tactic" by some; unsportsmanlike as it is.
    Spawn killing, though unpleasant, is legal because it can occur through normal controlled skills and movements within gameplay. I can spawn kill you by moving my character in the valid gameplay arena and use gameplay skills to spawn kill you. Developers know about this probability and this is why in NW we have a short IG effect to allow us time to have a charm tick/buff and get back to battle.
    The reason transpositioning targets half way out of the gameplay area is illegal: it is NOT a normal part of game play. How do we know this? There is no way to get behind the graphics or through them without specific combinations of skills or movements to cause this “glitch”. There is also no way for a player to become completely trapped and immobilized for an infinite amount of time that is inescapable except for logging out or teleporting or dying any other way. This situation is the exception.
    This situation points out that it most likely is possible for a seeker to entrap themselves in the terrain and theoretically transposition a target to become entrapped instead of themselves. While it is legal to trap yourself in terrain all you want, it becomes illegal the moment you are causing this effect on another player, specifically to benefit.

    If we agree that becoming trapped in the graphics is not an intentional design of the game, (PWI, Free to Play, Free to get stuck in the ground and never move ever again!) then we can agree that making purposeful movements to trap others as a strategy is an exploit (definition: make full use of and derive benefit from [a resource]). I think it also goes without saying that having your opponents permanently unable to move is an advantage.

    If we can agree that trapping other players purposefully to gain an advantage is an exploit, then looking at the what the TOS states, ("using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players") I am pretty sure we can agree that this action is against the TOS and therefore considered "illegal".
    I doubt this issue will ever be on the PWI troubleshooting radar.
    While the developers may have known that it’s possible to get stuck in the graphics…
    This seems contradictory. And this subject already is on their radar. Please see this link.
  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    That doesn't happen only when I have the flag. Check the last minute of my NW video. (Link at 1st page). He did that on me everytime, everywhere.
    And the point for you is: "If enemy is stronger, cheat is legal?"

    Another exemple: between 16.20 to 17.30.
    He used the glitch when i didn't carry the flag, just to kill me and i was playing with my huge g15 set.

    Oh yeah I'm not doubting that it is an unintended exploit, I'm just drawing similarities between other unsportsmanlike tactics.

    By "Illegal" I'm assuming most people would define that in PWI terms as "Something that could get you banned", and based on the posts of others in this thread, things like this have been going on for years without action taken. It's unsportsmanlike yes, and troll-esque, but not something that anyone will be banned for, probably. Maybe people just haven't been reporting things like this? Rules are meaningless if they're not enforced, or at least there is no -fear- of enforcement. This is just the current atmosphere.

    I think of terms of the rules and precedent that has been set; the rules say exploits of this nature are of course illegal, but the precedent set by PWI so far seems to be that it is not enforced. Is a rule a rule if disobeying the rule has no consequences? I follow the TOS rules not because they're enforced, but because I believe in fair play, but some people will do anything at all if they know there is no consequence.

    What I -am- saying is that I understand why it is frustrating, but I also understand why people might feel ok doing things like that, not condoning the action itself.

    Asking whether it's ok to cheat to win against equal or greater or even lesser odds is obvious since the answer is no. I'm 100% against all cheats and exploits 100% of the time no matter what they are, but thinking in PWI management terms, this is just not something I anticipate will be on their radar, so we will just have to put up with it. More importantly, calling attention to the problem is always a good thing. I really hope I'm wrong though, seeing people get punished for cheats and exploits makes my inner yearning for justice feel satisfied.
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    By "Illegal" I'm assuming most people would define that in PWI terms as "Something that could get you banned", and based on the posts of others in this thread, things like this have been going on for years without action taken.

    Yeah unfortunately this is the heart of it. While PWE has rules and a terms of service, (Meet these terms or we deny you service) they for whatever reason do not or are not able to enforce them, or do so only very rarely. They seem to push issues to Wanmei when in reality from a customer service stand point they should be handling the TOS issues as separate from game glitches.
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This is such a disgusting and game breaking glitch. lol Ofc this is illegal. You're clearly breaking TW the way it was intended to work.

    But yea, I don't see PWE caring. Not with their history and general lack of giving a ****.

    It's just sad that this game had to end like this :/ But I guess the community isn't innocent either...

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited April 2015
    It's an exploit. When it happens report it.

    This thread's clearly moving away from that and people condoning the use of exploits need to stop. The forums aren't the game.
    (Insert fancy image here)
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