Where are GMs and PWI owners from Broken PvE.

Ulquiorraa__ - Raging Tide
Posts: 360 Arc User
Hello, Well ... Anybody wondered why a game should have same instances after 5 years not revamped... ? while the gear is getting a lot stronger and damage is boosted over 1000% since 5 years .
Why the instances that we used to farm in hours take 10min ? should u ruine our game fun? our market prices as farmers?why should we 1 shot bosses as if its solo game and not team work anymore ?
Is anybody out there from owners or GMs will give a shiit about this ?.... idk i just hope so.
Why the instances that we used to farm in hours take 10min ? should u ruine our game fun? our market prices as farmers?why should we 1 shot bosses as if its solo game and not team work anymore ?
Is anybody out there from owners or GMs will give a shiit about this ?.... idk i just hope so.
Up for any challenge .
RT PvP Ruler .
RT PvP Ruler .
Post edited by Ulquiorraa__ - Raging Tide on
Is anybody out there from owners or GMs will give a shiit about this ?.... idk i just hope so.
Nope. All they care about is money so nope0 -
Maybe you should first let people know your avatar cards/shards/refine level/weapon/gear set-up first Ulq, then ask how many on the forums have a similar set up dependent on their class.
What maybe easy for you, isn't for most....just being honest.Malice Leader - Raging Tides
Honestly they dont care what happens in game if the game glitchs or not. When TT crashed a copal weeks back on arch server all my tt/oht mats disapeared. I asked for the back and instead of getting them back i got tamp banned for asking for them back. Honestly they dont care how things go in game or anything. They should have made bosses all harder when they came out with rebirths and cards. That would have made most since but they didnt care too. Comes down to if they cared at all about there players they would have kept up with this game making it challenging but sadly they dont0
Hahaha everything is hard for me depends on how you play!0
Ulquiorraa__ - Raging Tide wrote: »Hello, Well ... Anybody wondered why a game should have same instances after 5 years not revamped... ? while the gear is getting a lot stronger and damage is boosted over 1000% since 5 years .
Why the instances that we used to farm in hours take 10min ? should u ruine our game fun? our market prices as farmers?why should we 1 shot bosses as if its solo game and not team work anymore ?
Is anybody out there from owners or GMs will give a shiit about this ?.... idk i just hope so.
Mmmm what are you farming?
Whats the point of revamp something that gives gear inferior to the minimun req for said instance.
Lets not forget the: LF +10 5 aps sin/rrr9, sage veno, hf bm full warsong mobless (no **** players allowed)
or the: LF more bh abba pm weapon (no **** weapon)
Instead of revamping those instances, they should create new ones like FSP or undercurrent hall... or the Quicksand Maze
But people don't do undercurrent or maze one couse is challenging and not worth the effort b:laughLuckingFoco - Raging Tide wrote: »Maybe you should first let people know your avatar cards/shards/refine level/weapon/gear set-up first Ulq, then ask how many on the forums have a similar set up dependent on their class.
What maybe easy for you, isn't for most....just being honest.
pretty much this b:bye0 -
LuckingFoco - Raging Tide wrote: »Maybe you should first let people know your avatar cards/shards/refine level/weapon/gear set-up first Ulq, then ask how many on the forums have a similar set up dependent on their class.
What maybe easy for you, isn't for most....just being honest.
Maybe u should know more about current farmers and the time they take to farm ANY instance b:bye.
there is out there over 30-40 r9-r9r-r9rr daggers sins and tons of /T3+10 or -11 or 12 .
even due with a bm or veno u can drop any boss in TT in 2 sparks max .
Even a Psy with S cards and just +12 sphere r9rr can drop a FC boss in 15 sec .
u talk as if having cards will boost pve dmg from spirit over 15% ,So the boss that drop with me in 1 spark if takes other ppl 2 spark then PvE for u aint broken anymore ?
The most hard TT , Lunar , or whtever are now days done very fast and easy even solo .
u think the 1K+ EoD farmed by all those ppl out there in just 1 week came out of hard team works and a filled squads that farm using every debuffing class ? and the tons of TT mats that are out there like rice came also from such farming methods? u have no idea my friend .
there is out there over 50 farmers who are able to drop any instance in few min,and get tons of mats .
A Game with difference in DD power vs PvE btw 5 years ago and now that is over 1000% difference, is just not working right and doesn't show a balance in power event / time .
U would better focus on the main goal and purpose of this thread not ur fcken grudges and annoyed feeling toward someone.
or the feelings u hold when u see someone outgeared others u start building a pic inside ur head and fix it that "it's him the different from ppl, he must be the problem", ofc the pve aint broken when he talk, any opinion this outgearing guy says is instantly wrong .
Seriously when will some ppl get over stupid things, and see things well.Up for any challenge .
RT PvP Ruler .0 -
Mmmm what are you farming?
Whats the point of revamp something that gives gear inferior to the minimun req for said instance.
Lets not forget the: LF +10 5 aps sin/rrr9, sage veno, hf bm full warsong mobless (no **** players allowed)
or the: LF more bh abba pm weapon (no **** weapon)
Instead of revamping those instances, they should create new ones like FSP or undercurrent hall... or the Quicksand Maze
But people don't do undercurrent or maze one couse is challenging and not worth the effort b:laugh
Leave the current instances alone for freak's sake. Not everyone is rank out the butt geared. It's awful that a lvl 99 cannot go into their FB and complete it with like leveled/geared players. Quit making everything even harder to farm or get for the rest of the playerbase.0 -
noodlepunch wrote: »Exactly.
Leave the current instances alone for freak's sake. Not everyone is rank out the butt geared. It's awful that a lvl 99 cannot go into their FB and complete it with like leveled/geared players. Quit making everything even harder to farm or get for the rest of the playerbase.
That guy is right ! Doing culti 99 with a full squad of level 100- is not really easy... Yeah I know there is almost no new player but this is not the point. The fact is that I don't think we need rewamped instances. We need new instances. But instances that have some interest lile FSP. Not Maze... Even UCH is a problem. I never liked UCH but at least this couldn't be considered like something easy to solo (and this is boring as hell b:chuckle). But they should add some other useful rewards. When bloods were useful to a lot of people, this was kinda popular.~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
Ulquiorraa__ - Raging Tide wrote: »...
there is out there over 30-40 r9-r9r-r9rr daggers sins and tons of /T3+10 or -11 or 12 .
Over 5 years of pwi 30-40 top players.
All other players left out.0 -
PWE has nothing to say in this, GM's even less.
China creates the content, so go ask there.
Also, china only has PvP servers, so their need for PvE is less than ours, also they have way less insane geared people than ours.
PvE isn't broken, our cashshop and gear is.Soon™
Well, maybe later, semi-retired.0 -
Toliman - Raging Tide wrote: »Over 5 years of pwi 30-40 top players.
All other players left out.
I think u underestimate the T3 aps daggers +10-12 around , there is over 100 of those .
or just not considering it .
The ppl that want to Whinne about low lvl gear aint able to do solo instances,Sir i know a veno T3 that solo PV100 5-6 times a day in 1 token .
If u don't know how to play ur class or do ur shiit , it's not the op players fault .
Every instance is solo'able .and TT T3 gear is out there in 2 socket for NOTHING 25-30mil per .
Add to consideration the illusionary stone that made every single old player from before 2 weeks till 5 years ago over lvl 100 .
What does ppl farm to make coins in this freaking game? TT, Lunar, FS , nirvana .
they killed nirvana , u cant make coins there anymore.
FS is farmable, and not revamping tt /Lunar making the whole farming from tt lunar pointless .
so u want to keep the game this way , it's gonna stay ***** up with only option to farm as FS.
It's not a problem, i would like a new instance or 2 or 3 . if not revamp current .Up for any challenge .
RT PvP Ruler .0 -
Ulquiorraa__ - Raging Tide wrote: »I think u underestimate the T3 aps daggers +10-12 around , there is over 100 of those .
or just not considering it .
The ppl that want to Whinne about low lvl gear aint able to do solo instances,Sir i know a veno T3 that solo PV100 5-6 times a day in 1 token .
If u don't know how to play ur class or do ur shiit , it's not the op players fault .
Every instance is solo'able .and TT T3 gear is out there in 2 socket for NOTHING 25-30mil per .
Add to consideration the illusionary stone that made every single old player from before 2 weeks till 5 years ago over lvl 100 .
What does ppl farm to make coins in this freaking game? TT, Lunar, FS , nirvana .
they killed nirvana , u cant make coins there anymore.
FS is farmable, and not revamping tt /Lunar making the whole farming from tt lunar pointless .
so u want to keep the game this way , it's gonna stay ***** up with only option to farm as FS.
It's not a problem, i would like a new instance or 2 or 3 . if not revamp current .
Then you need restrict access to pwi to some like you only.
You do know how to play ur class and do ur shiit.
Good, that so small quantity of such, like you (professional players).0 -
DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver wrote: »PWE has nothing to say in this, GM's even less.
China creates the content, so go ask there.
Also, china only has PvP servers, so their need for PvE is less than ours, also they have way less insane geared people than ours.
PvE isn't broken, our cashshop and gear is.
PWE introduced the power creep that has caused the situation. If you're bored, step down in gear. Go don some TT99 gear and do your farming with that. OR, go do something else.
You should also educate yourself a bit more on the games history and development before you go off whining about lack of changes. There's a damn good reason. The only exception to this would be the current state of FCC, but that (once again) is at the fault of PWE for requesting a change specific to our version that has brought a negative impact to our servers. (Although, if they changed it back to the much harder farming instance it used to be, I imagine you'd QQ about that too.)
Great fail in starting this thread OP. b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ulquiorraa__ - Raging Tide wrote: »Maybe u should know more about current farmers and the time they take to farm ANY instance b:bye.
there is out there over 30-40 r9-r9r-r9rr daggers sins and tons of /T3+10 or -11 or 12 .
even due with a bm or veno u can drop any boss in TT in 2 sparks max .
Is Raging Tide server really that empty? I'd wish there would be a list of all full R9ers of each server on pwi website. I'd bet Lost City server has several thousands full R9 toons (and 99% of them which are still active have R999 ofc).
Even people which have 2-4 full R9 toons aren't really rare. Full +10 gear is standard nowadays, same is true for +11/12 wep. All those toons could solo a wb within ~1-~7mins.
But most of those people are not interested in PVE. I'd bet there is e.g. even a majority of full R9ers which never farmed HH. That's why the instances have to be easy: it's for the cheaper toons.0 -
Mmmm what are you farming?
Whats the point of revamp something that gives gear inferior to the minimun req for said instance.
Lets not forget the: LF +10 5 aps sin/rrr9, sage veno, hf bm full warsong mobless (no **** players allowed)
or the: LF more bh abba pm weapon (no **** weapon)
Instead of revamping those instances, they should create new ones like FSP or undercurrent hall... or the Quicksand Maze
But people don't do undercurrent or maze one couse is challenging and not worth the effort b:laugh
pretty much this b:bye
People don't do UCH anymore because effort is not worth the time, unless ofc you still need bloods. Sealed flier etc are just stupid. That instance becomes obsolete as soon as skills are done. A revamp of rewards would put players back in. It has nothing to do with the challenge, the instance is easy enough with decent players.
Haven't done maze mostly because I don't need it. So unless I decide I want r8 recast, no reason for me to venture there. I know people are already asking for openers so it can't be that challenging either.
@the OP, stop QQing about easy instances. People shouldn't need r9 to farm tt90 or tt99 gold gear.0 -
OMG this kind of thread again.
When people consider that things in pve are too easy they scream at PWI:
''Make it harder''
When PWI revamp instances making them harder you scream:
'' Its to hard .Takes to long to do it''
You people are never satisfied. You always find something to complain.
Now I talk to the OP:
since you want things harder than i propse PWI to make bosses in instances like TT and FWS, Lunar immune to auto attacks, reduce dmg taken from psychical skills by 50%. And immune to rib strike and genie skills.
Happy with this?0 -
bloodedone87 wrote: »OMG this kind of thread again.
When people consider that things in pve are too easy they scream at PWI:
''Make it harder''
When PWI revamp instances making them harder you scream:
'' Its to hard .Takes to long to do it''
You people are never satisfied. You always find something to complain.
Now I talk to the OP:
since you want things harder than i propse PWI to make bosses in instances like TT and FWS, Lunar immune to auto attacks, reduce dmg taken from psychical skills by 50%. And immune to rib strike and genie skills.
Happy with this?
Lemme tell u how I'd be happy , TT and Lunar mobs hit 3x times harder , Bosses hit 3 times harder and defense added 300% . This to balance the current dmg boost over years and get us back to old days .
if u will find it hard to do such instance go back few posts and read about the server that has 23213123 r9rr ppl in it, with ability to kill World boss in 1-7min .
Aint PWI about making CASH ? I doubt PWI will worry about the none CS'ers . Time to get us something worth not a 1 spark boss and flooded markets .Up for any challenge .
RT PvP Ruler .0 -
Ulq if you have remotely paid attention to forums you wouldn't have even bothered with making this thread. First of all...it is a known fact that the GMs and sparkiesoft rarely post comments anymore..and if they do they are as vague as possible with their responses. Secondly, QQing about not revamping stuff is just silly. Not only do people really not care much for PWE's idea of revamping stuff...but given your history as a PVP player that constantly cries and whines for more PVP I don't see why you care so much for them to do any revamping of the PVE aspect of the game.0
Every instance is solo'able .
Patently false. Unless you define "soloable" as "drag along enough alts to complete the portion of the instance that requires more bodies." Even then, EU has its relay race, where someone other than your main has to accomplish something more than stand around in the right place.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
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So according to your logic Ulq, people that don't want to buy TT mats from catshops, and want to farm with a squad of say level 90s, to get their own mats (and yes there are a lot of people that still do it this way, because its challenging and enjoyable to squad with friends/faction mates), they shouldnt be able to farm their own gear anymore because a handful of T3 +10 or R9rr +10/+12 sins can do it solo and think, "well its not a challenge. I can do this easily and kill everything in one or two sparks"
So you want to alienate a lot of the player base that still wants to squad and not be dependent on catshops run by OP sins?Malice Leader - Raging Tides
I feel the same way. While farming 3-3 with a friend I remembered how the green floating boss(forgot his name) used to take forever and how Illusion Lord would wipe us all out and we would take turns using the AOE Absolute Domain. The only 'challenging' instance is FS on first boss because I die if I dont pay attention.
But then again I still see people running around with HH90+5 and so HH and everything would be challenging to them. So idk.lvl 101 ea from Lost City.
Aubree - Dreamweaver wrote: »People don't do UCH anymore because effort is not worth the time, unless ofc you still need bloods. Sealed flier etc are just stupid. That instance becomes obsolete as soon as skills are done. A revamp of rewards would put players back in. It has nothing to do with the challenge, the instance is easy enough with decent players.
Haven't done maze mostly because I don't need it. So unless I decide I want r8 recast, no reason for me to venture there. I know people are already asking for openers so it can't be that challenging either.
@the OP, stop QQing about easy instances. People shouldn't need r9 to farm tt90 or tt99 gold gear.
Indeed, those two instances are not extremely hard for the average squad (not even rrr9), however I do remember a lot of people whining how the Underurrent bosses were 1 or 2 b:laugh shoting them, and those people were not really undergeared but average (g16 with no too bad refines). Also it was hard for me to find people to make a squad for that, even among my FL/faction mates.
I did maze 2 times, and it is not that hard again, but is a randomly generated instance. The squad that I had was full of rrr9 +10 and yet many died again and again, especially on that boss who puts colored circles on the floor.
Now why not the effort? Just as you said once you have the bloods there is no point in going back there, and about the maze... well I think PW database can explain it:
And about your answer to the OP, is pretty much what I think. Those instances were not created for rrr9 omen + 12 people..
Heck, I can go and one shot zimo on fb 59... Should they revamp fb 59 and make those bosses one shot level 59 players b:laugh ?
Instances like tt 3-X were created for people lvl 88 + on gear 80 + to farm their 90+ gear and for 90 gear players to farm their 99 gold gear, Not for rrr9999 +12 super omen asdfg rolfmao I one shot everything b:laugh
If people ask me about a revamp for TT: I think a good Idea could be a TT 4. A whole new map that give something nice and that can be focused on powerfull players like the OP.
That way every one wins, players like the OP get a new and challenging instance to farm and enjoy, and the average player can still farm the old TT like always.
But as many stated before this is a chinese game and the developers don't read this forum, not even the local ARC/PWE people seems to read it.0 -
Harshlands has at minimum 350 r9 3rd casts.... where is 30-40 comming from?
Also r9 3rd cast alone means nothing. having full set of a/s cards and other end game gear is just as large of a factor as well. Thats why it could take 5 r9 3rd casts just to take out 1 other one.░░░░███████]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.0 -
Well I think they should not make the current instances harder than they are cause there are still plenty of people running in worse gears than r9rr.
China could either make
1. New instances, with difficulty ranges like QSM has but for different purposes
2. Add a tougher difficulty to older instances though this would seem trickier change
Or simply add instances that cannot be made easy with gear.Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101
Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 470 -
By your logic, means that PWE should accommodate all or most dungeons for R999.....
which if that were to be revamped and happen, people would complain that in this game they are force to spend, which atm is not really true. Currently its more peer pressure from fellow players than the game itself. It would make it nearly impossible for newer players to jump in and the survival would be for real CSers. Even the would-be merchants would not have the opportunity to integrate themselves into the community to take interest in merching.
If you want a challenge, take your damn gear off in a PVE setting. Its not going to kill you, and if it does, then that means you suck cause we handled things with TT gear before.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]lagunal8.deviantart.com
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
Ulquiorraa__ - Raging Tide wrote: »Hello, Well ... Anybody wondered why a game should have same instances after 5 years not revamped... ? while the gear is getting a lot stronger and damage is boosted over 1000% since 5 years .
Why the instances that we used to farm in hours take 10min ? should u ruine our game fun? our market prices as farmers?why should we 1 shot bosses as if its solo game and not team work anymore ?
Is anybody out there from owners or GMs will give a shiit about this ?.... idk i just hope so.
b:pleased I have three words for you:Level 100 Quicksand
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
ulq has a very good point. r8, t3, and especially r9 is hopeless overkill for any pve enendeavor. look at worldbosses, i recall a time where you had entire factions struggling to even kill a worldboss. now any class can solo worldbosses in seconds.
or take harpy, it used to be an insurmountable challenge. thx to new gear any class can solo harpy.
any instance that used to take hours, and many deaths is, thanks to the new gear, a solo mission now (if it werent for the min squadmember requirement, you wouldn't even need to wc for openers). one could even solo fs if it werent for the min requirement of several toons at succubus.
as for the new instance that gives r8r mats; it is not a challenge, it is plain annyoing and unfair. mobs that spam debuffs several times faster than any cooldown of corresponding counter spells or skills. not to mention the attibute 1-shot... mobs that just 1shot randomly. that is super lazy design. don't get me wrong i would spam that instance anyways and accept this unfair instance, if it werent for the abysmal quantity of rewards one gets for completing the instance, but on top of that the few rewards you get are utterly and completely useless.
-keep old instances as they are for new and casual players
-add hardcore mode for old instances that give additional items. pefably non-gear items, like fash, ink, spurs, titles.
-add new, very hard instances that will test the gear and teamplay of harcore players. reward them with actually useful stuff - like s-pax, war avatar catalysts.
-and for god sake fix the faction base trials, the rewards are ludicrously disproportionate to the time and effort spent.
but in the end, as many already noted, they only care about the money we keep shoving up their *****. b:sad0 -
Just gonna put this out there, but see my lvl there? That is my main char, highest lvl char I have. I have been on and off this game for a very long time. I have had no ill feelings about how hard the game is and expenses and gear, mostly because I simply played in a way that made it harder for myself. If I wanted to I could make some money, spend stuff on gear, runs some dungeons etc etc you know the drill. Maybe thats just me haha, I may be too social etc, or I am really bad at mmorpgs b:chuckle0
Tiramnia - Sanctuary wrote: »Just gonna put this out there, but see my lvl there? That is my main char, highest lvl char I have. I have been on and off this game for a very long time. I have had no ill feelings about how hard the game is and expenses and gear, mostly because I simply played in a way that made it harder for myself. If I wanted to I could make some money, spend stuff on gear, runs some dungeons etc etc you know the drill. Maybe thats just me haha, I may be too social etc, or I am really bad at mmorpgs b:chuckle
All background of this thread as said some players is high profit of Top players.
If they want challenge, they can remove Top level equipment and try to play without it.
But what they want really is wealth only.0 -
Toliman - Raging Tide wrote: »All background of this thread as said some players is high profit of Top players.
If they want challenge, they can remove Top level equipment and try to play without it.
But what they want really is wealth only.
So essentially they could play how I play? Because my equipment kinda sucks hahaaaaa, but thats part of the fun of a challenge, mind you I didnt plan on not having good gear it kinda just happened. But the last time I was in the game....it seemed like wealth was everything. I dont know about right now but I guess I will find out when I get back into it.0
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