Server Error, PLease log off and try again

Jaabg - Sanctuary
Jaabg - Sanctuary Posts: 2,256 Arc User
edited March 2015 in Support Desk

I was playing on laptop the past few months, due to desktop taking a sick leave. The desktop got better, and decided to come in for work. Being the lazy boss i am, i copied all the files from laptop on to the desktop.

Ever since i have been facing the ""Server Error, PLease log off and try again" on both laptop and desktop. These are the things i am trying

1) Set permission to admin for elementclient.exe and launcher.
2) Set the compatibility to windows xp sp2
3) verify files
4) reinstall windows (desktop already had it done, so lucky me b:surrender)

The above 4 still are giving me trouble
5) Patch to a lower version (no idea how that is done, but when i manually do it, it does not allow me)

Now i am resorting to

6) My second client pwi (good old days) has not been updated since version 629, that version is in the process of being updated to current version.

The first time this occured, there was a massive brownout in the city, and the net speed dropped from 8mbps to about 0.5mbps. Connection is all the way from pakistan, so i thought it just took way too long to communicate things. After a day the net connection came back to regular 8mbps, but i still got the error.

Now after 3~8 log in, one would be successful. If i usually wait and log in after 3~10 minutes, the issue goes away.

I read previous posts where people had similar issues, I am still not clear what might be causing my issue. I am hoping the patching will solve it. I was just missing a file or it got corrupted.

I thought it could be my desktop, but i would not get the same error on the laptop in that case where things were working fine before. If anyone has more info on the matter, would appreciate the help.
Post edited by Jaabg - Sanctuary on


  • Jaabg - Sanctuary
    Jaabg - Sanctuary Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I updated my previous client, still get the error.

    It seems to happen most often when i log in to arch. If i log into an instance, i do not get this issue.

    If i log a second client, the second client will not have this issue, but it remains with the first client.

    After 2~8 minutes, i can click on shops, get quests and stuff, but I am not sure if the problem has gone away or not. I do get a ping above zero, so i presume it is fixed at that time.

    Anyone have any luck identifying the cause and how to fix it?
  • Jaabg - Sanctuary
    Jaabg - Sanctuary Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    No one found a solution to this yet? b:sad
  • Nudimmud - Lost City
    Nudimmud - Lost City Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have a 15 page support ticket with PWI where they had me try basically everything. They even told me to bypass arc at one point and how to do it. They've officially given up on it and blamed it on ISP connections to me.
  • Ufoundwaldo - Sanctuary
    Ufoundwaldo - Sanctuary Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have 2 videos of it happening I posted with my ticket and still no support on this o ping connection issue. funny, I can still chat, see world chat, and watch people walk by me but I cannot move. and they say its my ISP. LOL.

    They still have not figured out why only 1 character on 1 account gets a bug report when left on for 4+hours while the other plays fine for days at a time without reboot.

    lately I just been constantly disconnecting from server every 2 hours.

    Listen, if its my ISP, allow me to buy an item that will allow me to transfer my account to another server wiping out any existing ones I have on there and offering rename for any that match existing. I would pay $100.00 for something like that. Shoot Final fantasy only changes $30.

    I put too much money into my main 2 accounts to just leave them and start on a server that gives me 0 trouble. specially with 2 r999 toons.
  • Triandi - Raging Tide
    Triandi - Raging Tide Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm honestly annoyed with it.

    I play on Archosaur Server by the way.. ignore the avatar... it's outdated x.x

    6 out of the 8 charas do fine... 2 get the Server Error. Please log out and try again message..

    To the point where nothing works..

    No flying
    No porting
    No using skills ( be it to buff or attack )
    The genie not working
    Pm not working
    NPC's not reacting when trying to talk with them
    The safety lock didn't unlock
    The fashion bag didn't open
    Nor could I equip gear or unequipped it...
    Logging into Charactermenu didn't work either from the 2 mentioned characters, for the rest it worked.
    Ping remained at 0 even after waiting for nearly 15 mins and moving around ( walking mind you )

    What worked was using Faction chat and a Faction Mate bringing my chara from middle of nowhere where I logged in, to Plume.

    Only way to log out of the game was with a forced logged out or the Task manager...

    Before Sylen asks...

    The system is a Windows 7 ( 64 bit), WLAN, ping usually around 240 -700ms, 40 FPS, regularly updated, cache cleared, no extra software running...

    And no... connection from my part can't be the issue as other games run smoothly without any troubles.

  • DoodsWH - Sanctuary
    DoodsWH - Sanctuary Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    100% fix

    Wait about 3-5 minutes logged in with the server error. Use a self-buff.boom can move around and talk to npcs and do stuff again.

    Credit to xGary From Vindicate for this little gem
  • lordarrakis
    lordarrakis Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Happens to me from time to time too, maybe 1 time in 4. This never happened before the last expansion. Chat is still scrolling and stuff, and other people move around, but other than that nothing works. The most annoying thing is you have to force-logout because the normal exit button won't work, especially if all you wanted to do was check in. Force logout means you have to wait for the security timer again. Somebody need to seriously look into this and stop blaming ISPs, ijs...
  • Evryn - Morai
    Evryn - Morai Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I've had the server error pop up some times. It is reproducable when I use a whole bunch of usable items very fast... for instance guzzling up 400 Fantasy Fruit bags after rebirth. At some point, if moving, you can see the map no longer updates (new NPC dots don't appear on the minimap), and eventually you get the "server error" glitch.

    Suggests to me this is a sync error between server and client.
    I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.

    Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
    Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
    Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
    Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
    StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited February 2015
    I've had the server error pop up some times. It is reproducable when I use a whole bunch of usable items very fast... for instance guzzling up 400 Fantasy Fruit bags after rebirth. At some point, if moving, you can see the map no longer updates (new NPC dots don't appear on the minimap), and eventually you get the "server error" glitch.

    Suggests to me this is a sync error between server and client.

    From what I can see, that's almost exactly what it is. Though it is currently looking like it's server-side and an issue with accessing the character database for information. Then once that errors, everything goes downhill from there. Eventually your client notices the issue and you get the error. Unfortunately, the error may still be cascading on the server until it "sees" your account has disconnected, which may prevent you from logging back in.
  • Ayida_ - Heavens Tear
    Ayida_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm having this same issue but only on one char, the other newer one all work fine. I can log onto my account, but once it loads in west arch, I can't interact with anything or anyone.
    I have to force log out and no matter where I was when I logged out, I always start back at the same point in west arch.
    Mobs around arch are gone and so are most the npc's. Others players are still there and chat seems to be working fine.
  • profit
    profit Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    all i see is us the players talking about the dc ing and lad issues where is the non exsisting tech help. our guilds has players from england to california and all in between area so PWI tell me how u can say its not u its the personal comps . Ty Ill wait for the next BS story from u
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited February 2015
    profit wrote: »
    all i see is us the players talking about the dc ing and lad issues where is the non exsisting tech help. our guilds has players from england to california and all in between area so PWI tell me how u can say its not u its the personal comps . Ty Ill wait for the next BS story from u

    Whole squad was just having some real huge lag issues in FWS.

    So I started tracing to the server.

    Hop right before the international hub in LA was spiking, the hub right after LA, and before PWE's ISP was spiking, and LA was so bad it wasn't even returning ping requests.

    That will cause half the server to have lag easily.
    Ain't nuttin PWE can do about it either. Neither can you.

    Maybe you should educate yourself more on how the internet actually works.
  • sheryhogo
    sheryhogo Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2015

    why u guys dont do anything with the problem ,,,,,3 or 4 time s in one hr ,after i log in pwi i get dc

    and all i see is SERVER Error please log again
  • senshi88
    senshi88 Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    sheryhogo wrote: »

    why u guys dont do anything with the problem ,,,,,3 or 4 time s in one hr ,after i log in pwi i get dc

    and all i see is SERVER Error please log again

    nice i have that problem like all 10 secs, i just tried to run brim for my rebirthed alt, dc/unable to connect/cant login/ empty account

    support blames my isp (wierd i didn change them the past 5 years and never had problems) made few tickets which support doesnt even feel to answer at all - they just close my tickets
  • patangua
    patangua Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Whenever I've had this, I've waited a couple of minutes and then used town tele to move me to another location. The issue seems to go away
  • silosarin
    silosarin Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Yeah ya can move outside Archasour to start with .. then server error doesnt happen so often.

    Noticed that if ya get server error and continue to play,
    Base quest materials whont change so ya cant turn em in ...
    Sometimes Jones Blessing whont change either
    Some popup quests doesnt work etc etc...

    Hope they fix it soon .. its getting very annoying to get it when switching between chars ...
  • Tigerninja - Heavens Tear
    Tigerninja - Heavens Tear Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I have one temp solution:

    park your toon in reflection. i never get 'server error' in there. b:victoryb:victoryb:victoryor in any instance that you can't double jump. like BH or cube. don't park in morai or primal, cuz i consider these as 'worlds'

    so long i tried everything as mentioned by starter of this thread but only see that parking in instance helps. although it sucks big time to go out and in just not to get server error
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    I've started verifying the game after every single patch.