Stormbringers in PVP

Toryni - Raging Tide
Toryni - Raging Tide Posts: 42 Arc User
edited February 2015 in Arigora Colosseum
Hi all! Just thought I would make a thread where we could talk about Stormbringers and what they bring to PvP as we explore and experiment with the class. One of the first things obviously is the casting of certain skills while moving. Another is the aoe knockback that works against players (b:cry my mystic main is hurting inside, as that's kind of "our thing").
Finally, the reaper mode is interesting and provides a large bonus to physical defense as well as additional damage to certain skills over a short period. Has anyone engaged in duels, pk, etc. and would like to share their observations and experiences? Or even if you haven't, feel free to share your thoughts about what the Stormbringer will bring to TW, NW, PvP, etc.

b:bye Looking forward to reading your experiences/ideas!
~ Toriano ~ Demon Mystic 102-102-101 ~

Sage Cleric 101-101-100/Sage Seeker 100-100-100
Demon Sin 102-101-8x/Sage Wiz 101-101-100
Sage Psy 100-100/Demon BM 101/Demon Veno 96
Post edited by Toryni - Raging Tide on


  • chuksum
    chuksum Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    From what I've seen so far, it seems like kiting will be the way to go in PVP aswel. A combination of stuns and casting spells on the move to withle down your oponent's health. Or dealing the finishing blows whn your enemy is running off.

    I'm curious to see the range on the skills.
  • curseeds
    curseeds Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    from what i have seen the storm bringer isin't a really long AA class such as a wizzie or whatever , most of it's skills are short range i reckon and it's damage is surprisingly low .

    *note that these are my conclusion hence 1 vs 1 ing a stormbringer and im a duskblade
    (by far i see that the duskblade can prove death easily to stormbringers)
  • Viktorian - Archosaur
    Viktorian - Archosaur Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Having fought quite a few Stormbringers as a 95(culti only to 59(yet to do fb59) Assassin, the stormbringer doesnt bring much to the pvp table AT THE MOMENT. Its DoTs are strong and if it can get a few of those off on you, your in for a world of hurt. But the straight damage is low and could even be negligible if played at the current rate. Will be interesting to see if this changes in the coming weeks.
    Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
    Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    I've wrecked every one I've fought so far with my DuskBlade, but I think at end game Storm Bringers are going to shine and that Dusks are going to be ****.
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    tbh, think half the issue is that it's kinda hard to use the wasd keys to move while casting skills with F1-F8+1-9.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Well who knows, I thought Psy was going to be the DoT class with the soulforce DoTs, until they added big nukes as lv 100 skills.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Joe - Morai
    Joe - Morai Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Electrostatic Discharge is all I have to say. That skill is heavily Spirit dependend.

    With an triple sparked attack stat of ~43k at max with only 200 spirit vs 800 spirit the seeker I used it on got ~7k dmg ticks per seconds while he was simply following me (r9 seeker that is).

    If we get endgame SBs with 1k Spirit and a normal attack of ~60k...heck they just need to use that on a flag puller in nw and they kill themselves by simply moving. That skill is only dependend on the metal def, magic attack and Spirit value. Defense and Attack Level are not a factor.

    Add to it that once the debuff is applied the dmg can't be evaded and can't be purified by all means. So even if you Pop an IG you still get dmg while moving. Moving includes flying, being reeled in, teleporting and ofc knock-back. This skill alone while be the killer against melee classes.

    The Clone skill is amazing as well cause your opponent has no way to tell which is the real you. Massive stunning capability from the clone and yourself will make stun locks possible.

    Once we get the lvl100/Morai Skills as well as the Demon/Sage ones things will get even better.

    SBs will have the possibilities to reduce both metal and water defenses by a max of 145%. In comparision: Wizards can apply a 166% debuff but only with the use of a 100 Dex genie. SBs don't need a genie.

    Add to that the possibility to increase the range of most skills to 42 meters which lets them outrange anything else ingame. 400 chi regain over 20 secs isn't too shabby, as well as the one-time anti purge skill.

    The physical dmg reduction from both the passive and buff skills is amazing and outclasses selfbuffs like the wizards by far in terms of incoming dmg (thats why I surely go 16 garnet gems/8 josd).

    I did not even start mentioning the advantages thru the amazing movement and all the little nuances that are a part of the SBs.

    And a little extra: They got the most AOEs out of all classes ingame and their skills deal more dmg than wizard skill and are alot faster. Their healing skill is by far the best ingame. Once you started channeling that skill you can't be interrupted/purged/debuffed of any kind and are instntly healing once the chan is over. this skill will be a major life saver.

    SOOO can't wait for the skills and r9rr ._.
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • dark8hamster
    dark8hamster Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm interesting in info about pvp SB vs veno/seeker.who can say something about pvp with this 2 classes? it seems the most dangerous classes except EA. Electrostatic Discharge couldn't help if seeker will use Quid Pro Quo, and veno's pet have ehough movement speed to stun whenever veno want. and veno's Myriad Rainbow with reducing 100%pdef/mdef...
    Sorry for my english, I'm from Russia b:surrender
  • XXHotXx - Morai
    XXHotXx - Morai Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Electrostatic Discharge is all I have to say. That skill is heavily Spirit dependend.

    With an triple sparked attack stat of ~43k at max with only 200 spirit vs 800 spirit the seeker I used it on got ~7k dmg ticks per seconds while he was simply following me (r9 seeker that is).

    If we get endgame SBs with 1k Spirit and a normal attack of ~60k...heck they just need to use that on a flag puller in nw and they kill themselves by simply moving. That skill is only dependend on the metal def, magic attack and Spirit value. Defense and Attack Level are not a factor.

    how can a skill be more situational than this?
    It has no other use except zoning flag carrier,
    about atk n def lvl thing, you know that at endgame every r9r3 class has more atk levels than target def levels?
    that means only a reduced damage value respect how it would've been if atk and def level had been taken in account

    Add to it that once the debuff is applied the dmg can't be evaded and can't be purified by all means. So even if you Pop an IG you still get dmg while moving. Moving includes flying, being reeled in, teleporting and ofc knock-back. This skill alone while be the killer against melee classes.

    The Clone skill is amazing as well cause your opponent has no way to tell which is the real you. Massive stunning capability from the clone and yourself will make stun locks possible.

    Wait lemme get it straight when you clone yourself does your enemy lose the "tabbed" target or what? Cause if i am tabbing you and you clone yourself, i just won't switch the tab and gg XD

    Once we get the lvl100/Morai Skills as well as the Demon/Sage ones things will get even better.

    SBs will have the possibilities to reduce both metal and water defenses by a max of 145%. In comparision: Wizards can apply a 166% debuff but only with the use of a 100 Dex genie. SBs don't need a genie.

    It still needs to be confirmed if its global value or gear value, cause in the second case the debuff will be way less significant

    Add to that the possibility to increase the range of most skills to 42 meters which lets them outrange anything else ingame. 400 chi regain over 20 secs isn't too shabby, as well as the one-time anti purge skill.

    The physical dmg reduction from both the passive and buff skills is amazing and outclasses selfbuffs like the wizards by far in terms of incoming dmg (thats why I surely go 16 garnet gems/8 josd).

    no it doesnt LOL, you serious? my wiz has 59k pdef that is 93% w\o any garnet shard or w.e., SB will reach 30k that is 88% which is 71%% more damage respect what a wizard is taking, considered that SB passives are vs melee range and auto attacks, anything else ranged will really onehit them

    I did not even start mentioning the advantages thru the amazing movement and all the little nuances that are a part of the SBs.

    And a little extra: They got the most AOEs out of all classes ingame and their skills deal more dmg than wizard skill and are alot faster. Their healing skill is by far the best ingame. Once you started channeling that skill you can't be interrupted/purged/debuffed of any kind and are instntly healing once the chan is over. this skill will be a major life saver.

    must agree with how outdated are wizard aoes

    SOOO can't wait for the skills and r9rr ._.

  • Molniya - Dreamweaver
    Molniya - Dreamweaver Posts: 341 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Against Veno, I feel like the real thing will be stunning the Veno's pet and then focusing damage on the Veno herself. If you can keep the pet stunned, then either AoE them both or just direct damage down the Veno, the pet doesn't matter as much.
  • ZentDreigon - Raging Tide
    ZentDreigon - Raging Tide Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    The Clone skill is amazing as well cause your opponent has no way to tell which is the real you. Massive stunning capability from the clone and yourself will make stun locks possible.

    There is a way to tell which is clone: the clone always has fashion on. Even if client is set on simple models. This is one huge flaw.
    > A demon is driven by desire, pure desire, that cannot be stopped by reason or logic. - Mo Zun
    > Believing in demons doesn't mean believing in evil. Demons are not necessarily an evil thing. - Chin Wuming
  • Joe - Morai
    Joe - Morai Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    There is a way to tell which is clone: the clone always has fashion on. Even if client is set on simple models. This is one huge flaw.

    That sucks xD damn. Well, I found myself only using the clone on pve for dmg and for stuns during pvp anyways. So its not a big deal.

    It's still a big question as to why stormies only get their melee-range dmg of any sorts reduced and not the dmg that is written on the passive/buff. Kinda weird. But I won't be doing more assumptions as this could get fixed/changed. Maybe it'll work as intended in the near future.

    I like it the way it is currently tho. You are playing the moving class no. 1 and aim to be close up to your enemy for dmg reduction. This adds a very special strategic note. I like that.

    Currently, with borrowed gears (another +11 stars destiny and a +11 g16 cube neck) my SB got 40k pdef fully buffed with still only g16 vana on. My barb only hits her for 6.5k zerk crits like that Up close. This is nothing. She only got 690 spirit atm as well. On my gf cleric (nearly same pdef/def lvl and 820 spirit) thats over 9-10k dmg. So the reduction is freaking huge. Don't even start with reaper form. She got like 73k pdef already while being fully buffed. Nothing will kill endgame SB while in Reaper form at least not solo. Thats sufficient for me xD

    Hope they finally release the gears/skills this weak so I can actually get some real pvp footage and see how it plays out under real circumstances. (Yes I do already have the defenses for pvp but no where near the hp and dmg to kill anything. 15k mag attack, 7k HP and 37 attack lvl are quite something.)
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • iperen
    iperen Posts: 2
    edited February 2015
    Honestly, I'd like to what the stormbringer can really do. The class doesn't really interest me to play. It's too facebook imo. But it would be nice to get them as a real factor in PvP. Hard to see what a class can do on a NW map when they go splash 1shot because they all lack passives, sage/demon skills, cards and so on (an interesting map always attracts some +12 weap in no time). There is only 1 I saw on Morai that's hardcore enough to actually be a factor even when bigger guys show on the map, but that one is just in afk-leech mode whenever I see it in NW.

    Overall with the new classes, it seems like the ones that actually become a factor stat-wise are just alts, while the ones that actually become a factor skill wise take their time on all the primal/rb/gear/etc. The amount of "catch up" is that much higher then with last time new classes appeared.
  • Joe - Morai
    Joe - Morai Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    iperen wrote: »
    Honestly, I'd like to what the stormbringer can really do. The class doesn't really interest me to play. It's too facebook imo. But it would be nice to get them as a real factor in PvP. Hard to see what a class can do on a NW map when they go splash 1shot because they all lack passives, sage/demon skills, cards and so on (an interesting map always attracts some +12 weap in no time). There is only 1 I saw on Morai that's hardcore enough to actually be a factor even when bigger guys show on the map, but that one is just in afk-leech mode whenever I see it in NW.

    Overall with the new classes, it seems like the ones that actually become a factor stat-wise are just alts, while the ones that actually become a factor skill wise take their time on all the primal/rb/gear/etc. The amount of "catch up" is that much higher then with last time new classes appeared.

    Why? XD my SB(Reapa) will be Astral Sky X in 3 days. All passives maxed then. I got 2x 2 piece A-Card set currently with all 6 cards being lvled to 40/40 = 720 spirit which is quite nice. only catch ups left are still nuema and meridian. The rest lies within PWE's hands. In around 20 days I will also hit my first 105, so I can destealth anyone and already use the highest nw buff possible.

    But ya...still a huge dif between being g16 +7 with lvl10 skills and being r9rr +10 with full lvl11/morai skills.

    I make sure to record loads of videos when this time comes.
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • iperen
    iperen Posts: 2
    edited February 2015
    Why? XD my SB(Reapa) will be Astral Sky X in 3 days. All passives maxed then. I got 2x 2 piece A-Card set currently with all 6 cards being lvled to 40/40 = 720 spirit which is quite nice. only catch ups left are still nuema and meridian. The rest lies within PWE's hands. In around 20 days I will also hit my first 105, so I can destealth anyone and already use the highest nw buff possible.

    But ya...still a huge dif between being g16 +7 with lvl10 skills and being r9rr +10 with full lvl11/morai skills.

    I make sure to record loads of videos when this time comes.

    Well Joe, I didn't want to be accused of naming/shaming and get the topic on alts in NW, but ofc the stormbringer mentionned having the stats to be a factor in a big battle was you. I've seen you plenty of times in NW, but always afk. I can't see what you do in TW since it wouldn't be equal anyway. You probably 1vs1, which I don't care about.
  • XXHotXx - Morai
    XXHotXx - Morai Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    iperen wrote: »
    Well Joe, I didn't want to be accused of naming/shaming and get the topic on alts in NW, but ofc the stormbringer mentionned having the stats to be a factor in a big battle was you. I've seen you plenty of times in NW, but always afk. I can't see what you do in TW since it wouldn't be equal anyway. You probably 1vs1, which I don't care about.

    On the other hand have you ever encountered a duskblade called SoSinFull in nws? : >

    pretty sure he was able to afford spawnkilling despite the gears XDDDDDDDDD

    and @ Joe line: my SB has 40k p def

    yea but how many defense levels did you trade for that?
    Like 48? :-)

    30000 + 48 def levels= (88%)12% "damage range" - its 48% = roughly 6%

    40000 + no def levels = (91%) 9% " damage range" = 9%

    thats 50% damage more you take from anything that has attack levels (so any r9r3)

    (while still my wiz has 59000 and 48 def levels = (93,5%) 6,5% "damage range" - its 48% = 3,3% so i don't really get how can you compare wiz def with SB def since wiz is getting 65% less damage your SB is getting)

    SB is squishyyyyyy
  • Evryn - Morai
    Evryn - Morai Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Nothing will kill endgame SB while in Reaper form at least not solo. Thats sufficient for me xD

    And if that Stormy gets purged...? Any class that heavily relies on buffs for survival tends to keel over when faced with a purge weapon/class (Veno, BM, archer). Also, a highly mobile class might suffer from excessive stun/paralyze. Have you tested what happens when you spam the barb paralyze on it? And whack it with Clean Sweep a few times?
    I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.

    Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
    Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
    Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
    Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
    StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.
  • Joe - Morai
    Joe - Morai Posts: 1,299 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    And if that Stormy gets purged...? Any class that heavily relies on buffs for survival tends to keel over when faced with a purge weapon/class (Veno, BM, archer). Also, a highly mobile class might suffer from excessive stun/paralyze. Have you tested what happens when you spam the barb paralyze on it? And whack it with Clean Sweep a few times?

    Yap. Purge does not affect reaper form + we will get a one-time anti purge xD

    I did dozens of duels against DonQuihotte which has nearly equal gears to my sb during that time and won quite a few times, ok those have been duels. Would have had a hard time killing him through charm and all but still. I go paralyzed quite often sure...but only BMs can really lock you up which you could easily escape with a genie. They need to get up close with something like holy path to even get you into a stun again when ur constantly moving away from them.

    That said...I'd always go for a very aggressive strategy against them as a melee. Holy path and hit hit hit Paralyze. add endgame gears and purify spell that could get way way harder. We'll see.

    PS: we did those fights self-buffed ofc. Only on the rare occasions like tw and nw I will fight buffed. The 1on1s I will be doing will ALWAYS be selfbuffed. If I cant beat one selfbuffed I cant beat them anyways. Buffs are still unfair and **** so even if I would have the advatange via the anti-purge I will not use it. Why should I?
    My Barb:

    My SB:
  • iperen
    iperen Posts: 2
    edited February 2015
    On the other hand have you ever encountered a duskblade called SoSinFull in nws? : >

    pretty sure he was able to afford spawnkilling despite the gears XDDDDDDDDD

    Yes, I've seen Dikke in NW. I wasn't really impressed as it seemed more like he was just testing things and derping around. Which was probably exactly the case. But still, an obvious alt (and not a stormbringer). I derp around on my duskblade, so I got a better idea of what it could do later on even if I get 1shot a lot in NW.

    For stormbringer I just don't know, cause the class doesn't interest me to play and nobody on morai got me to think "wow ! who was that ?". Most go splash by crossfire aoe when things get serious on a map. Some are just obvious alts of players that choose to get competitive stats before "learning the class". And seriously, they will do any big TW on their main. That makes it even more annoying that Joe just uses his stormbringer to map-hop in NW as he's talking so much about the class, but I've never seen anything in the dozens of maps we were on togather. The only thing I saw from stormbringers is the few that actually play in faction (but they go splash really fast in interesting TWs) and derping around with Ray's alt.

    Guess we need more time and the update with skills/gear ~~~
  • XXHotXx - Morai
    XXHotXx - Morai Posts: 1,246 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    iperen wrote: »
    Yes, I've seen Dikke in NW. I wasn't really impressed as it seemed more like he was just testing things and derping around. Which was probably exactly the case. But still, an obvious alt (and not a stormbringer). I derp around on my duskblade, so I got a better idea of what it could do later on even if I get 1shot a lot in NW.

    For stormbringer I just don't know, cause the class doesn't interest me to play and nobody on morai got me to think "wow ! who was that ?". Most go splash by crossfire aoe when things get serious on a map. Some are just obvious alts of players that choose to get competitive stats before "learning the class". And seriously, they will do any big TW on their main. That makes it even more annoying that Joe just uses his stormbringer to map-hop in NW as he's talking so much about the class, but I've never seen anything in the dozens of maps we were on togather. The only thing I saw from stormbringers is the few that actually play in faction (but they go splash really fast in interesting TWs) and derping around with Ray's alt.

    Guess we need more time and the update with skills/gear ~~~

    yea we need more time for sure but the maths about resistances + the passives that won't cover them against ranged skill damage, is pointing out a major weakness

    SB is exposed a lot against classes like venos (antinomy), wizards (bt), clerics (ps), seekers (gemini and rest), archers (skill spam) etch...

    not to mention that in TWs it's pretty much always a barrage fest,

    barrages will completely delete SBs (ranged phys skill damage)
  • dark8hamster
    dark8hamster Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    barrages will completely delete SBs (ranged phys skill damage)

    don't think it will be more than 30 sec (hi reaper form)/ and if SB the most time moving he hardly ever will be in range of phis aoe-s . and as always my PL says "don't be in a crowd!"b:laugh
    Sorry for my english, I'm from Russia b:surrender
  • ablabahabla
    ablabahabla Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    last time i saw some aa class get wrecked by ranged skills was pretty long ago and due to stats on their r9 gears and the fact that they can just move while cast im pretty sure sb will have one of the best surviveabilities of all aa classes to ranged dmg.