Serious glitch in NW on my BM

Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2014 in Blademaster
I have a RRR9 BM +11 weapon +10 gear 129 attack lvl and 36 def lvl 18k phy attack at level 103. Everytime I am in NW the result is the same. Doesnt matter what class I fight, arcane, light or heavy I will only do 200 to 3k dmg average yet get hit for as high as 35k dmg by any class. After one NW I spoke to a BM who I could only do 400 dmg to and who hit me for 25k. She was almost identically geared. Every BM I spoke to tells me this is not normal and that they hit arcanes and lights for high damage with while they BM has lesser gearing. I have sent multiple screen shots in to support and complained repeatedly with no result. IF you think I am imagining things then tell me how a tt80 geared Sin can do 2x the damage I did when I was R9 in all 6 fights before RB and passive skills even existed. Something is broken and I have spent a lot of money trying to see if its just my gear but obviously its not. I do normal damage in duels which makes this hard to pin point except possibly a code issue in NW causing my char to fight as if it has no gear. The damage difference on an identically geared BM is way to much to be just some coincidence. Last night I was hitting for as low as 20 dmg - 200 dmg on arcane classes. I hopped all over the map so it wasnt just me fighting only 105s or total OPs. Before you post the obvious stuff remember this has been going on for 2 years and I have tested and tried everything to eliminate the obvious.
Post edited by jerr65 on


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  • Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    First things first, 18k physical attack is nothing. An arcane with similar gear will have over 40k magic attack, and depending on the class over 30k physical defense.

    Secondly, there's more to gear than your armor and weapon. What is your Sky level? Are your primal passives maxed? What are your historical levels? There's a big difference between a 105-105-103 and a 100-100-103. What kinds of cards do you have, and what is your total spirit?

    BM is one of the lowest, if not the lowest damage dealing classes when you take aps out of the equation. They should however not be taking 35k hits unless you get caught in the wrong marrow. I see so many BMs running around NW in physical marrow - that's like free candy to an arcane.
  • Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    People still thinking gear and skills are all there is...

    Level your cards and farm your neumas or you will get no where.

    Also screen shots of said tt geared sin doing 2x damage would be more believable.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    LIke I said..stating the obvious is no help but thx, this is what I expected to hear when support suggested I post this. and really I dont care what you think is believable or not so really again no help. I have 28k phys dmg, primal lvl is astral sky 6 and with passive attack maxed at this level and passive def at 4, not enough difference to account for the dmg difference. unless every person in NW is 105 105 103 or everyone is super geared then that is irrelevant. Plus I never use phy marrow since with only my sage bell I have over 26k phys def without any other buffs. Again this isnt something I am writing after 1 or 2 NWs, this has been ongoing a very long time. And I have discussed it with several BMs who also find this odd. I am 103 100 102 RB but again irrelevant unless everyone in NW is higher which I know isnt the case. Plus I am aware BMs get the short end of the stick when it comes to dmg dealing but with a variety of debuffs and hf and extreme poison..using combos of weapons and skills makes that irrelevant also. Unfortunately PWI doesnt advertise the BMs short comings otherwise no one would waste the money to rrr9 one. The cost to make a good BM is probably 3x the cost of any other class before it even has any survive ability at all. With all that being said..this issue is not only annoying its a disappointment PWI doesnt even take the time to help a cash paying customer.
  • Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I don't know what server you're on but as far as Sanctuary goes you're low geared for NW. Your passives are low, your sky level is low. Just doing Primal dailies every day you should be Astral Sky 9 by now.

    How much spirit do you have? People who go to NW have close to 900, I'm guessing yours is around 500? That's a 40 attack and defense level difference.

    NW is a playground for endgame characters and their alts. Casual players don't go there anymore. It's not a surprise you're getting wrecked.
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Minus the gear there are also these to take care of:

    - Sky levels (though you already mentioned you're Astral VI)
    - Meridian & Titles (might not seem much but the HP/defences add up)
    - Nuemas (You can get like 60+ free Spirit with them)
    - Spirit
    - War Avatar cards (B? A? S? Are they leveled? Do you have any card set?)
    - Passive Skills (You said they are level 4)

    - Do you use NW pot? (The one that increases def/hp etc. that you craft with Supply Tokens)
    - Do you have a Spirit coin buff?
    - Do you use Inkdragon Blood? (Spirit buff from Soldier's Pay, items obtained from Resource Wars)

    It might help us understand if you can tell us what you have for each one of those.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    This issue started before primal existed, right after I went R8r, before that I was hitting about as expected. Since then I have been chasing a solution and soaking money into the BM. I am a disabled Vet so I dont have 30k to thro into my char. I was off PWI for quite some time with health issues thats why I am behind on primal stuff. Coins from soldier pay...not really possible since I usually am soloing RW lol. I could try NW buffs but not sure that will make up such a huge dmg variance and trying to save what little tokens i get to upgrade my r9 ring. So unless its going to be effective its more costly then useful. Other things I dont understand is archers that shoot me while they carrying the flag as well as a seeker I run into...but thats a whole different issue. Look thuis situation is very frustrating and very disappointing as I have put way more into my BM than common sense and my budget should allow. I have been a combat gamer for years and I am use to being good at what I do. This huge dmg difference makes absolutlry no sense to me when I am useing a rrr9 +11 axes with 33% crit and zerk.
    These same issues should show themselves while dueling..but dont..when I hit a sin in a duel..he goes down after I tick his deaden. or very least I tick his charm several times.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    jerr65 wrote: »
    This issue started before primal existed, right after I went R8r, before that I was hitting about as expected. Since then I have been chasing a solution and soaking money into the BM. I am a disabled Vet so I dont have 30k to thro into my char. I was off PWI for quite some time with health issues thats why I am behind on primal stuff. Coins from soldier pay...not really possible since I usually am soloing RW lol. I could try NW buffs but not sure that will make up such a huge dmg variance and trying to save what little tokens i get to upgrade my r9 ring. So unless its going to be effective its more costly then useful. Other things I dont understand is archers that shoot me while they carrying the flag as well as a seeker I run into...but thats a whole different issue. Look thuis situation is very frustrating and very disappointing as I have put way more into my BM than common sense and my budget should allow. I have been a combat gamer for years and I am use to being good at what I do. This huge dmg difference makes absolutlry no sense to me when I am useing a rrr9 +11 axes with 33% crit and zerk.
    These same issues should show themselves while dueling..but dont..when I hit a sin in a duel..he goes down after I tick his deaden. or very least I tick his charm several times.

    Your toon is not glitched. That much I am positive about.

    How much spirit do you have? What cards are you wearing? Are they leveled? What tiers are your neumas? All of these things have more more to do with your damage output.

    I wouldn't worry about nw buff pots. I would focus on cards, neumas and spirit from sky levels. My wep is currently 0 refines but because I have been working on all of the things I have mentioned I hit some people with +10 and +12 just as hard as they hit me. I can't wait to get a good roll on my r9rr wep to refine it.
  • Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    yeah idk about the stats u posted tho since ur a sage bm like me... im sort of in the endgameish gear and my patt is allready 33,5-43k unbuffed u said u have 28k ? so yeah thats not even half done.. u also said u have 26k pdeff with ur bell ? mine has closer to 60k with my bell alone... so thats how far off ur gear is..

    another thing is u said u dont use phy marrow.. thats good but do u use magic one then ? cause ur pdef is redicously low i bet ur mag def even weaker so ofc any caster 1 shot u if u dont mag marrow....

    also in duels charms dont work so maybe thats why u kill ppl easier there ? i mean health charms.

    also theres defensive charms which many if not most allready spam like candy in nw with autopotter so obv u'd hit nothing when they use them..

    get ur gear and cards straigtened then try again cards=more stats than ur whole r9rr set at +12 with endgame shards...

    also ur spirit must be low as heck since only astral 6 so get that done...

    im certain theres nothing glitched here ur just far too far behind on all the above things and maybe lack the knowledge of many things used in pvp such as apo for reducing dmg charms and such autopotters and all that ...

    maybe record ur duel with a friend and then ask same friend to meet u in nw with nothing changed on his end then ull see if theres any difference.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    If 28k is only half done at +11 then really there isnt more to go accept shards and +12. but like I said before..I ran across a BM with almost identical gear and she hit me for 25k and my dmg to her was 400. If spirit makes that much difference than really I wasted my money on RRR9 +11 when really I could have just used 900 spirit and a wooden spoon. seems like from what I am hearing I am just wasting money. Archo server greed is out of control in the first place, 600 mil for a +12 orb, 120 + mil for vit stones. And if I assume you are all correct and I soak and addition 2000 usd into it and there turns out to be a glitch then who is going to cover that cost? I am quite sure PWI wont. Seems a bit odd I do same damage with my +11 RRR9 axes as I did with my +5 G16 pole axe. and that was before I was even close to astral VI when i was more like arcane 3 with almost no spirit. I do have pics of the tt80 sin doing more damage than my R9 axes and that pic was sent to support long ago. BMs with lesser gear, lesser astral lvl etc tell me they do way more damage so either everyone is lying or they just get lucky somehow. Its easy to not have this issue and pick everything apart as the cause. but the damage variance and the fact it doesnt change with improvements in refines, gear spirit, cards etc doesnt seem to support those arguments.
  • Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    dl a free screen capture software and record it and in that video show all your gear aswell..

    and yes like i said Cards alone > any r9rr +12

    and im not talking bout spirit cards alone theres plenty others and u need a card in all of them.

    if i have c cards not leveled yeah same gear bm as me wud also hit me tons and i wudnt do ****.

    reality is that most ppl allready have S cards max leveled OR even s card sets.

    and theres way too many variants that can happen to lwoer ur dmg so just record ur NW experience for like 10 minutes and share it with us...

    No1 can really help u untill u provide some actual footage of this.
  • Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    dl a free screen capture software and record it and in that video show all your gear aswell..

    and yes like i said Cards alone > any r9rr +12

    and im not talking bout spirit cards alone theres plenty others and u need a card in all of them.

    if i have c cards not leveled yeah same gear bm as me wud also hit me tons and i wudnt do ****.

    reality is that most ppl allready have S cards max leveled OR even s card sets.

    and theres way too many variants that can happen to lwoer ur dmg so just record ur NW experience for like 10 minutes and share it with us...

    No1 can really help u untill u provide some actual footage of this.

    @ OP: I don't think in NW you can check another players gear. You would have to find the same player on the open map after and SS the gears ad card etc. Also A card are free. You can get a nice A card set, level it and be good with that.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Im not trying to be the most OP BM the world has ever seen, all I want is to at least enjoy NW while I farm tokens. Running out ans getting 1 shot and not being able to kill anything while I chew up 2 not only not fun its costly and a waste of time. and like I said before this started before primal, and almost over night. Like one tw I was doing fine, then I R8r and suddenly my BM is useless. That was a few thousand dollars ago and still same results. It takes forever to farm bloods for primal skills and spirit via nuema. as far as cards go I have 3 A cards but after 20 or so S packs all I get are B cards. I could take a video but I have already sent many screenshots into support. I could be one of those people who map hop thru NW avoiding fights..which I have done, but being a Marine vet running from combat doesnt sit well. or I can just stop doing NW, farm spirit and blood for a year then try again...Both options make me question the point of even playing. seems like the smart thing for me is to cut my losses and find a skill based game not one dependent on the size of your checking account or ablitiy to spend 12 hours a day farming. While its not likely I am glitched or got ****, this game runs rampant with hackers and scammers so it is a possibility I ticked off a hacker in NW or a simple piece of code updating my gear stats is borked. Yes not likely but hey its a code based game in which if there was a problem it wouldnt get fixed unless it was looked for since I am sure they backup the data and not overwrite it. Either way its an impass for me since I am not willing to soak more money into this sinking ship and not going to spend money to r9 another char. Finding out the BM was a **** PVP char was a disappointment enough
  • Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Hate to break it to you, but more than likely the ones that are one shotting you are probably the same gear styled characters that one shot/two shot me on RT. Its going to happen and probably often. They tend to be full R9rr, squad buffed, either all S cards at 80/80 (especially Life/Soulprime), or most S cards at 80/80 and some A cards 40/40, as well as some with set bonuses, also +12, JoSD, RBII, all primal passive skills, and Astral Sky X, as well as close to or full max tier nuemas.

    In NW I've gotten recently as low as 142 tokens in a badly beaten nation, and right at 400 tokens in a winning nation. I also can also blow through charms like they are the candy and I'm a Pez dispenser. I go through one silver at least during NW, and in one bad NW I went through five silver HP charms. But I will also attack anyone regardless of how well geared they are, and I am normally self buffed only and in NW alone due to arriving late or unsure if I am going to stay awake through the whole thing.
    Malice Leader - Raging Tides

  • Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Defence charms hav been here forever idk if you recognise when som1 is using them. From a video we could also see this.. Apo used etc. Recordind ur nw for few minutes vs the same person outside nw is the only way to prove the glitch if there is one. And yeah its quite simple ask ur FL ppl to meet u in a specific map to do a few hits then after nw do same outside of it.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Its not the one shot killing me that bothers as much much as the fact I cant do damage, I run up and drop glacial then hf or myriad then hf and extreme poison and score a whopping 1k - 2k and then get hit back for 15k to 35k...doesnt matter what class, what armor and anywhere on the map..they cant all be rrr9 105 OPs. especially when I hear people with less gearing talking about all the kills they got. I avarage about 120 tokens, last time i had 17k personal credit 2nd place nation and got 198 tokens. cant get tokens when u cant kill people and u always die. and yeah I know there are OP p[eople who one shot everything. I use auto pot, charms, sutra, AD etc, mag marrow on mag class, when i drop myriad on something I dont expect to get hit for 17k since its a 200% to 300% debuf and when I drop glacial then hf I expect the damage to go up to at least a respectable amount. especialy on a mag class or archer. At the rate I am going from what you all are telling me it will be a year to 3 years to get geared up because I am NOT putting more money into this game. So if thats the case then it really just wasting my time when there are Games out there where I buy something and only need skill to kill. This may be a free to play game but its pay to win or wait 5 years to gear up to win. I dont know what they pay diabled vets where you live but they sure the heck dont pay me enough to sink 15k into a game char and right now my patience is worn thin from the feeling that i wasted a lot of money and time on something that doesnt even give enjoyment in return. I would have felt better spending the money on hookers and beer ffs. If this is the game dynamic then its flawed at its core when you have to be rrr9 +12 full sprit primal full josd just to enjoy NW.
  • Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    use an eye of observation (or the jungle belt) from an alt, screenshot the stats and post it here; post a screenshot of your cards too, name or list them nwith name and level;
    post your PWcalc.
    then we'll give an answer that's not based on, uhm, nothing
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    There is an A card seeker trainer card lvl 5 that doesnt want to show up from the link






  • Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Okay, that tells us what we need to know. There is no glitch, your BM is undergeared for NW. Unfortunately there's no quick fix, it will take some time.

    1) Do Flowsilver Palace every day. Get the 20-coin A packs until you get 10 A cards. Then you get a free S card from the War Avatar Master. At that point you can decide to keep getting A packs until you get a nice set (Candleflame, Abaddon, etc.) or just level the cards you have. Note that getting a nice set will take quite a while longer. When you level the cards level Soulprime and Lifeprime first before working on the others. Spirit is really important.

    2) Do your primal dailies every day. This will get your Sky level up, get you extra C packs for leveling cards, get you bloods to get your passives up. You can also do Undercurrent Hall for extra bloods, although it may be difficult to get a squad on your server.

    3) Do Phoenix Valley every day. A single run with hypers is around 5m experience. Level your historical levels before your current level.

    4) Continue to do NW, but don't go crazy buying charms for it. You won't get many tokens and the experience may be frustrating, but it's still a great moneymaker. Concentrate on getting your rank 9 ring recasted first, that's a really important piece of gear.

    Everything I mentioned above costs zero real life money. It just takes the dedication to log in every day and do it.

    One more suggestion, this is a personal preference, but as a Sage BM you might want to use a physical neck instead of magical. Your mdef will be great anyway as you run around in magic marrow all the time (which you should be, your overall defenses are higher), but the extra pdef will help against archers and sins. At some point you should replace your rank 8 ring with Sky Cover/NW upgrade to Sky Cover.
  • Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    what cap said basically.. pretty dang far from being competitive with allmost all of the server (at least that wud be the case in my server)

    ur mag def for example makes u hav to mag marrow constantly which combined with that low pdeff makes u squishy as hell

    and yeah u lack about 800 spirit to be competitive against near endgames

    and 1 other thin i notice since u said u throw in hf and what not to try amp ur dmg ...
    with that accuracy i doubt it lands maybe 1/10 times so thats a factor too..

    what cap said bout pdeff neck tho i wudnt agree... i still use a mag deff on mine which works fabulously as a sage when u got nw cast rings..

    but mainly yeah a-cards are farmable and c-cards for leveling them as well so prioritise this...
    since u allready have 2 a- cards use all ur c cards to lvl them

    also r8 ring is pretty much horrible as cap said u can even get a lunar one which serves u much btr with a low cost on it.

    heres my stat screen for comparison to yours: bnIHslu.jpg
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    thnx but the sky cover sells for 450+ mil so while needed its a ways away. I do all the dailies accept FSP at this point do to lack of faction participation in it. The problem with time is, at some point in the year my nervous system will attack something and shut me down from playing for weeks to months,,so then I just fall farther behind again. THis last 3 months was a huge push to try and catch up spending a lot of cash and time only to find I cant even kill in NW or even do respectable dmg. When I came back to play this time it was confusing, I didnt even know what nuema was good for or that I could farm it 20x a week until recently. I cant even finish my pan gu with tokens at 25k or gang of hooligans selling for 169 mil, I would rather this problem be a glitch than to think I have to go another 2 - 3 years sucking. I am use to being the guy accused of cheating or the guy training fighters but in PWI I either need a huge influx of cash or to plan on feeling frustrated and unhappy for years. Having an OP requirement is fine for TW but for a public instance when everyone needs tokens shouldnt happen, I have read posts where the BM is the least feared joke of NW to start with, its a complicated class, very expensive to maximize and can be killed by a flying peanut from a monkey. In business a person has to know when to cut their losses and run, and right now I am on the edge. The fun per cost ratio is far far out of whack. PWI could simply make the BM more competitive but they wont. make mag morrow a 10- 30 minute buff or budha guard at the very least 60 seconds cooldown not 10 minutes. Its sad when a heavy armor class stands no chance against an arcane who has o chance to miss or a light class that can shoot u from new york and when u get to him cant kill him anyway. If a BM cant have good dmg at least give survivability like every other class gets. sorry for all the long posts...just very disappointed at this point and cutting my losses is at the point of almost equal to continuing.
  • Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Well you have to realize what a BM is good at and what they aren't. In a one versus one scenario they are one of the strongest classes, if not the strongest. Their high hp and (customizable) defenses enable to face almost any opponent and do well. But mass PVP (TW/NW) is a different story. They have to get close to do their job and taking hits from multiple ranged opponents at once is not going to end well for them.

    BM is a support class, *not* a DD class. Your job is to stun, seal, Reel In opponents to set them up for your teammates to kill. If your faction doesn't even do Flowsilver Palace you may need to look for a different group of people to hang out with and do instances together with. If you have a good group of people watching your back in NW, you'll be able to accomplish more.

    I'm sorry to hear about your physical condition. To be the best in this game you either have to spend lots of money or spend lots of time. It sounds like you don't have enough of either. I don't want to discourage you from playing the game - there's still a lot you can accomplish if you set your goals to be something other than "PVP God".
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2014
    As there was no glitch, moving this to the BM section so you can get further advice.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    First thing, buy a spirit coin. It's only one gold and will up your spirit by 105.

    Second, recast your r9rr ring+refine it and buy a Lunar patk ring if the Sky Cover is out of reach atm. Do not bind it so you can resell later.

    Third, do your dailies to get max Astral Sky level and do FSP for better cards. Open A packs and try for an A card set. Even just a 3 card A set is decent, especially if you can rb the cards.

    Otherwise, you're pretty much good to go. There's other things you can do, but those are the most cost-effective. Also, don't listen to that guy saying to get a pdef neck unless you wanna fall over whenever you get purged.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Okay, that tells us what we need to know. There is no glitch, your BM is undergeared for NW.

    If he was on sanctuary that might be true. Hes on Archosaur tho, the faction name gave it away, and that gear is about average for NW on our server. His cards are on the low side for the majority of people his gear equivalent tho. Still, idk why hes only hitting 400s. Ive got lower gear about the same cards and hit a bit harder then that.
    Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
    Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    The unfortunate side is that even with your gear being as good for gear as it can get pwi added all these other things that have a massive effect on pvp. While csing can help you through some of the obsticles you still have to work to get the others, such as passives.

    Even on arch (btw sky covers not that expensive) there are still some massivly geared people that you will run into every single nw. For me those are the good fights, but for others being one shot over and over isnt worth it. My advice to you would be to stick to smaller battles and leave when the stronger people get there, especially if you're going alone.

    I do pathetic damage to people with the added defenses they have and defense charms, depressing as it is its part of being a bm. You don't need to put more money into your bm right now to make it better, you need to do what the others have suggested and get the passives, get the cards, level your toon and be patient. right now with your gear you're worse off than a g16, its not all gear, its the game as well. Fear not and fret not because your problems sounds like lack of competitive edge rather than a glitch.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    BM is a support class, *not* a DD class. Your job is to stun, seal, Reel In opponents to set them up for your teammates to kill. If your faction doesn't even do Flowsilver Palace you may need to look for a different group of people to hang out with and do instances together with. If you have a good group of people watching your back in NW, you'll be able to accomplish more.

    This. BM is frontline support, not frontline DD. If you got noone to support you won't get far. Sounds like you wanted to go for top damage in melee - a strength barb or assassin would have been a better class for that job. That said, BMs do have a few tricks up their sleeve - primal farstrike is quite painful, especially if you chain it with primal spirit chaser.

    One thing that hasn't been mentioned: Did you take a Jones / Omalleys blessing along on the NW?
    I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.

    Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
    Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
    Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
    Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
    StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Cereliia lol you are the BM I talked to who I hit for 400 and hit me for 25k and when I talked with you, you were very surprised since your armor is +10 and axe +11 same as mine, really the only difference might be cards and spirit and passive which my attack is lvl 9 and def lvl 3. 10 spirit =1% so would take a very large amount of spirit to make up a 24k variance. I appreciate the information but some of it is like me going to a mechanic and him saying..your truck engine is fine cause my Porsche runs great. Everybody still ignores the fact that this started before primal existed, and that even as my primal, gear get better the result stays the same. And unless I am being shadowed by the same OP people as I cross the map randomly then that isnt even a consideration. There are a lot of g16 in there etc. If spirit and passive make up that much then I could run in there naked with a wooden spoon and lots of spirit, cards, passives need to waste money on rrr9 anymore. wish i would have known that sooner and saved a lot of cash lol

    this whole thing would be simple to test, have a GM grant me 6000 spirit for 1 NW and if the issue disappears then fine I will be happy with the gear explanation. And I would actually have fun for a change....isnt that worth it to shut me up?
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Before the primal changes you still had titles, levels, attack/defense levels and apothecary all coming into play. If you encountered someone that had more titles, higher level, better defense levels and is using defense charms, well you're gonna hit for next to nothing.

    A couple of notes from the information you provided. Your pwcalc is a little off (as compared to your screenshot) on the attack and defense levels and you don't list any of how you're gear is sharded. I also noticed that you have 26 points you can still use. Are you saving this to replace gear in the future? If not then putting those into str should be quite beneficial.

    I don't remember seeing what your skill levels were at? All level 11? All primal skills? All Morai skills?

    I think you're really underestimating what affect the spirit, neuma, cards, titles and passives bring to the table. Getting these leveled up will make a huge difference for you.

    Something to keep in mind, the endgame setup is a moving target. What was ultra endgame a year ago is near endgame now. You're time/effort/coin still puts you far ahead of a lot of people. Thinking of this like a bell curve, you're now in the curve. Not behind but not ahead.

    The positive thing in all this is that to get closer to the head of that curve, it just takes some time spent doing pretty easy tasks. It's not an overnight thing you can fix but will take time and further effort on your part.
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    To be honest with what i've read here i'm not surprised at the difference in damage. I have more than double your defense and attack plus i was wearing lunar charms so 67% damage was redux anyway and i zerk crit from smack which does hurt. Even prior to the nw update your damage to anyone of greater gear than you would have been minimal. prior to having r9 refined and sharded i was in full g16 +7/10 that did less than 2k damage on any r9 and usually the same to equally geared.
    You are not a damage dealer. You're under geared and running in a pvp instance that runs a lot of r9s and a lot of high refined g16s. My advice is to get out of any battle that you cant dominate in. focus on your easy stuff and get your defense up, you want to stop taking trucks of damage then you have to fix yourself to compete with the people that have already taken those steps.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I have talked to BMs with less spirit, less gearing, etc who do good damage, they say something seems odd..they are more credible since they are not OP. People keep assuming as if I get in one fight and then think somethings wrong. support recommended I post in forums and that techs read it..but so far just seems like guessing.


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