Are Hypers in FC gone forever?

Posts: 2 Arc User
Okay, so I know that possibly everyone on every server has made a thread like this but I can't seem to find any of them or any definitive answer.. Are they gone forever or are they still coming back? Preferably someone with high authority reply so I can take the answer seriously.. Also this 8 hour earning time is so lame.. It basically prohibits you playing the game for long stretches of time. I lost an entire minute just teleporting into an instance..
I get that FC babies are now stopped and everything.. but wouldn't it have been easier to just prohibit the level at which you can enter FC? Makes more sense to me..
I get that FC babies are now stopped and everything.. but wouldn't it have been easier to just prohibit the level at which you can enter FC? Makes more sense to me..
Post edited by skweeky on
Short answer: Yes, gone forever.
Long answer: Yes, gone forever, it's been mentioned in a previous maintenance thread that the change was intended and will not be reverted.
Also, use the search function.Soon™
Well, maybe later, semi-retired.0 -
Also this 8 hour earning time is so lame.. It basically prohibits you playing the game for long stretches of time. I lost an entire minute just teleporting into an instance..
And yes, hypers in frost are gone forever.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
pw art ◊ ◊0 -
Marengo - Lost City wrote: »I was online about 4 hours, partly afk, partly questing, partly doing dailies, and it ate only 30 min of earning time. If you don't bot 24/7, it's bearable.
And yes, hypers in frost are gone forever.
I was online about 10 hours, did a stack of backed up BH's, all my dailies, and then some random other quests I had sitting around. Used less than 2 hours of earning time.
Earning time only counts when you're in battle mode.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
It's basically gone forever because they're finally going to revamp quests for 8x+ in next expansion. ofc, why they couldn't wait until we actually got it, I have no idea. b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
When in doubt, check the stickies that are here for a reason. b:chuckle
FC hypering is gone forever. Earning time is here to stay.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
all of which is very very stupid, I understand leveling the old way, been there, done that, DO NOT want to do it again. My sin still needs rebirthing, but that will not happen until either A: we get hypers in FC back, or B: They REALLY do some revamping to leveling options for ALL levels, not just 8X, I mean, suppose I could do Oracles, that is how I leveled the sin till 75 anyhow. But do I want to go through monotonous questing of kill this mob, turn in, kill that mob, turn in? HELL NO!!! Been there done that, qand NOT doing it again. I mean seriously, the dammage has been done, taking away the FC hypering is NOT going to revitalize questing or open map questing at all, it will just make new players quit because they can not catch up with the rest of us, and make old players NOT roll new toons, or spend more dollars leveling and gearing said toons. Ever heard the saying PWI, " If it is not broke, do not fix it"? Obviously not, because they refuse to fix the broken stuff that I could make a list a mile long about, but then take out the most streamlined way to level?and those QQing about, " Oh nooos, you got op sin so you can solo FC and do nto need a squad, therefore you have an advantage over those of us who do not!" My response " tough ****!" I rolled the sin for that purpose and for farming, I rolled it, I geared it, I worked hard getting up it defenses enough to solo most everything in game, why shoudl I not reap the rewards of it? Why should not leveling my next alt or reboirthing be easier? I earned it!! So in a nutshell, no new monies from me PWI until you give us a way to level that is either on par with or better than FC, and just as fast, and just as spammable. Ty, rant over, have a great day!0
Theoclese - Harshlands wrote: »all of which is very very stupid, I understand leveling the old way, been there, done that, DO NOT want to do it again. My sin still needs rebirthing, but that will not happen until either A: we get hypers in FC back, or B: They REALLY do some revamping to leveling options for ALL levels, not just 8X, I mean, suppose I could do Oracles, that is how I leveled the sin till 75 anyhow. But do I want to go through monotonous questing of kill this mob, turn in, kill that mob, turn in? HELL NO!!! Been there done that, qand NOT doing it again. I mean seriously, the dammage has been done, taking away the FC hypering is NOT going to revitalize questing or open map questing at all, it will just make new players quit because they can not catch up with the rest of us, and make old players NOT roll new toons, or spend more dollars leveling and gearing said toons. Ever heard the saying PWI, " If it is not broke, do not fix it"? Obviously not, because they refuse to fix the broken stuff that I could make a list a mile long about, but then take out the most streamlined way to level?and those QQing about, " Oh nooos, you got op sin so you can solo FC and do nto need a squad, therefore you have an advantage over those of us who do not!" My response " tough ****!" I rolled the sin for that purpose and for farming, I rolled it, I geared it, I worked hard getting up it defenses enough to solo most everything in game, why shoudl I not reap the rewards of it? Why should not leveling my next alt or reboirthing be easier? I earned it!! So in a nutshell, no new monies from me PWI until you give us a way to level that is either on par with or better than FC, and just as fast, and just as spammable. Ty, rant over, have a great day!
... God forbid that you play the game. If you don't like something as basic as questing, 'which was intended for leveling since the game was made,' then find another game to play.
And if you had read the latest news on Asterelle's thread, there is a large expansion coming to the game with a new race. Do you honestly think nobody is going to try the new classes because there is no FCC to powerlevel to 100? LOL!0 -
Seriously, for all of you whining and moaning and groaning and complaining and bishing and carrying on about hypers....
FROSTCOVERED CITY STILL WORKS. You just get less from it. It's not like they barred the instance entirely. Frankly, some of you NEED to stay away from it, especially in Harshlands where the FC baby to legitimate player ratio is just stupidly high. (Especially on the fish.)
"QQ but Born it's not the saaaaaaaaame and it would take foreeeeeeeever..."
Get over it. CN made a choice. You throwing a tantrum like a twelve year old girl isn't going to change a thing. Either adapt to the change, or gtfo.
I for one, am GLAD that FC is gone. You know when those new classes come out? People will HAVE to play with one another. They will HAVE to form up squads for instances. They will HAVE to actually do the quests. There might actually be ACTUAL PLAYERS out of the SZ in the overworld main map! People might actually be enticed to play this game again. We might actually get a new influx of players if PWI doesn't fuq up and advertises instead of twiddling their thumbs and wondering why nobody is forking over more money.
Also, really Theo? Have you not heard TIKA talking about how he's been able to second RB his toon with Frost, or are you just not paying attention in GC? Frost still works. Stop complaining.
Heaven forbid you learn your class. It must be so horrible to have to play a game the way it was intended. Shut up and play the game or just get out.PWI: Constantly **** you in the **** so much you can't sit to play anymore. No wonder people are so butthurt.0 -
i don't understand why people love fc so much i gotten my altts to lvl 90+ without fc and this one to 97 without fc then i fc a few times to finish off the last 3 remaining lvls then i rb and never had to fc again no point in that when you lvl faster after you are rb but now getting exp from lvl 95+ is taking me longer since i only can do realm, bh and crazy stone oh and moria dailie
so yeah you don't need fc to lvl0 -
When in doubt, check the stickies that are here for a reason. b:chuckle
FC hypering is gone forever. Earning time is here to stay.
I don't mind the FC hypering being gone for ever. But the earning time being here to stay GMs/Devs have basically gone to the non-CSers and said "oh hello here is my *****, suck on it".
This will again be exacerbated considering that in the PW-CN update dq items will be at the value of 1 coin so those earning hours which people use to bot while sleeping will be pointless.b:angry let destruction reign supreame b:angry0 -
Raigata - Harshlands wrote: »I don't mind the FC hypering being gone for ever. But the earning time being here to stay GMs/Devs have basically gone to the non-CSers and said "oh hello here is my *****, suck on it".
This will again be exacerbated considering that in the PW-CN update dq items will be at the value of 1 coin so those earning hours which people use to bot while sleeping will be pointless.
Eh. I dunno about that. Even fully F2P you're not gonna be spending a full 8 hours a day ingame constantly in combat mode killing mobs... unless you're botting. Which is the biggest thing earning time combats.
For those who only play a few hours or so a day, there's literally no difference with or without earning time. For those who are able to do 13 hour gaming sessions on the weekends, it might affect them some if they're spending literally all that time in combat mode killing mobs but that's not a very likely scenario, truth be told. And with all DQs being nerfed to 1 coin, we'll have even less reason to bot because if you're trying to use it for coin there are going to be much better options with DQ getting such a large blanket nerf.
The only thing I really think needs to happen as far as earning time is concerned is for us to learn the full specifics on just where earning time does and doesn't apply as well as how much gets used. And having a visible earning time now will let us do exactly that.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
kinda sucks but kinda glad at the same time, its like they took away half the silver platter b:chuckle
altho there are always silk worms and exp scrolls and exp gears[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
Okay, so I know that possibly everyone on every server has made a thread like this but I can't seem to find any of them or any definitive answer.. Are they gone forever or are they still coming back? Preferably someone with high authority reply so I can take the answer seriously.. Also this 8 hour earning time is so lame.. It basically prohibits you playing the game for long stretches of time. I lost an entire minute just teleporting into an instance..
I get that FC babies are now stopped and everything.. but wouldn't it have been easier to just prohibit the level at which you can enter FC? Makes more sense to me..
Ok I'm not an official source but I will try to give an honest answer on this issue.
Are hypers on fc gone forever?
The official answer is yes, However remember that this is pwe (arc now) and wanmei so I would not be surprised if they change their mind.
Earning time:
in most cases earning time is just battle dependent however this doesnt means that your counter only runs while you attack something, the time keep running a few seconds after you killed the mob or if you have agro.
I get that FC babies are now stopped and everything.. but wouldn't it have been easier to just prohibit the level at which you can enter FC? Makes more sense to me..
Yes, it would have been better but not easier.
cough, cough .... cube room 1 cough, cough .... pk on warsong cough, cough, mobless warsong, cough, cough .... primal pk only quest b:laugh
The opinion on the Fc hypers always tends to split into two extreme views:
1) Fc haters: Fc babies, blablablabla, learn to play the game blablablabla, I leveled my toon to 100 with no fc, blablabla. b:angry
2) Power level lovers: I cannot level without fc blablabla, quest sucks blabla, i want to be end game blabla b:angry
To be honest I think both opinions are extremely stupid, and the people who think like that should understand a few basic things like:
- Fc was not the only way to Power level, maybe the more efficient but not the only one.
- Hypers on fc were not a glitch, but something done intentionally so players level faster and could buy r9 ($$$$$$$)
- Fc was broken with hypers and is still broken (no farming mode and no trophy mode)
- A new player does not get a system message telling him: -- hey dude, go power level --
- A person who does not want to do quest will find another way.
- A person who does not want to learn his/ her class will not learn it.
- A player that bot and/or reflects on ROR or put his / her alt on follow on his or someone else main while killing mobs will not learn.
- A person who use his/ her g16/r9 main to facerroll a lower level instance or follow an end game friend to do that will not learn his/her class
- A lot of the fc babies hater (not all but a lot) are actualy fc babies, this I know cose I sold fc rooms to some of those haters on my server more than a year ago.
- People who ask for help for culti bosses like : gouf, rattus lord, Pyro, etc have no relation with the fact that fc does not have hypers now, those are culti bosses. and power leveled or not people will want their skills.
- A reborn person is on power level mode from 1 to 99
- A reborn Person can use lower level instances almost the same way as they used fc and power level very fast as long as the player level is a bit lower than the the instance and of course as the player is not 100.
- the reborn multiplier exp also applies to the quest exp, so for people who did not finish all the lower level quest, that is a lot of exp.
- For level 102+ it rellay suck that fc is not hyper enabled anymore especially if you dont have an army of high level or you dont want to spend millions on PV openers or if you dont like PV.0 -
Eh. I dunno about that. Even fully F2P you're not gonna be spending a full 8 hours a day ingame constantly in combat mode killing mobs... unless you're botting. Which is the biggest thing earning time combats.
For those who only play a few hours or so a day, there's literally no difference with or without earning time. For those who are able to do 13 hour gaming sessions on the weekends, it might affect them some if they're spending literally all that time in combat mode killing mobs but that's not a very likely scenario, truth be told. And with all DQs being nerfed to 1 coin, we'll have even less reason to bot because if you're trying to use it for coin there are going to be much better options with DQ getting such a large blanket nerf.
The only thing I really think needs to happen as far as earning time is concerned is for us to learn the full specifics on just where earning time does and doesn't apply as well as how much gets used. And having a visible earning time now will let us do exactly that.
even with dq at 1 coin I'll still be botting for the exp. Every little bit to my book demon helps and the realm lasts only 12 hours.
OP: My 2nd rebirth I went from 1 to 101 in 10 days without frost and with an 8 hour earning time. Get over it already.I **** bigger than you...
Shut up and play the game.....Damn0 -
Jadsia - Lost City wrote: »even with dq at 1 coin I'll still be botting for the exp. Every little bit to my book demon helps and the realm lasts only 12 hours.
Eh that's true. Though at least you'll be sensible enough to start botting after you're done with dailies or whatever for the day and don't have to worry about earning time anymore. Most of the people who'd complain either want to be able to abuse botting or don't have enough common sense to realize they should auto-culti after they're done playing.
Granted there are the occasional few who are legitimately concerned for their own reasons, but most fall into one of those two stereotypes.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
Hypering in fc/ff makes some people lazy and became a permanent ff dwellers.
I know some players thats do nothing in the game except clearing/plvl in ff, even when I asked him/her to join ws/eu/aeu/lunar or other instances, he would refuse it since according to him its a waste of time.
Quess what happen when eu/aeu was introduced into bh and hyper removed from ff. He quit the game. This is just one extreme example of ff addiction.b:surrender
Doing ff without hyper is still fun, especially when doing full run.
Like some other people said, removing hyper from ff reduced the number of high-lvl alts people can make.Heaven Tear
Liveena 102/102/102 Demon Cleric
Milfeena 103/102 Demon BM
Silpheena 104/103/102 Sage R9S3 Seeker
Cieleena 101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer0 -
Liveena - Heavens Tear wrote: »I know some players thats do nothing in the game except clearing/plvl in ff, even when I asked him/her to join ws/eu/aeu/lunar or other instances, he would refuse it since according to him its a waste of time.
Quess what happen when eu/aeu was introduced into bh and hyper removed from ff. He quit the game. This is just one extreme example of ff addiction.b:surrender
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
why have polls on stuff like hypering in frost covered city if u not going by the highest poll ppl voted on if u wanna stop all the fcc/fc baby's they gm's should fix it where the every frist toon for new player's can't go in fcc/fc untill they hit 75+ but can only power lvl there toon's if 1 toon is lvl 100+ atleast tho the game doesn't matter what server they have a lvl 100+ toon's but for those player's that know there toon's and know how to play them they should still beable to power lvl with fcc/fc or fix pv here it gives as much as fcc/fc did while its once a day event or if lucky u can get it done safe within 15 mins u can go back in again but u get the item once a day and not getting good xp from it even with hyper's isn't good I'm not saying it should lvl them up in one day but atleast good enough why fix one thing that is good for the game seince it is a free game and allow donate's to the game but I've been playing from 2008 good game but fix hyper in fcc/fc and haven't fix other issuse's game have isn't good. yeah I don't like fcc/fc baby's but they should put a place in game where the old ppl can power lvl there toon's after the alt hits a lvl I say u should beable to power lvl from 60+ under that u should lvl up old way then power lvl seince u can nw from lvl 60+ none rb or rb toon's and those player's are rbed nwing with the none rb once its fair or even ppl with rbed toon's but don't have good gears bc player's are greedy is making it harder to get gears if u don't have the help for it. so I'm saying they should bring back the hyper's in fcc/fc for the player's that know there toon for they can catch up to other player's even with new race comming out ppl can still solo there rb's and bh's while u can have 2 account online at once per person so power lvling toon's is good for those wanna catch up to other player's on that server. that is all thx for reading this if u read it. for me I don't like to ask ppl for my gears for I can handle the OP player's so I'm one of those player's that like to work for the gears but ingame coins isn't just gm's issues it's 60% of the player's being greedy yeah its good to be op in squads but pvping ppl that isn't OP and those that are OP isn't fair0
Daystarker - Sanctuary wrote: »why have polls on stuff like hypering in frost covered city if u not going by the highest poll ppl voted on if u wanna stop all the fcc/fc baby's they gm's should fix it where the every frist toon for new player's can't go in fcc/fc untill they hit 75+ but can only power lvl there toon's if 1 toon is lvl 100+ atleast tho the game doesn't matter what server they have a lvl 100+ toon's but for those player's that know there toon's and know how to play them they should still beable to power lvl with fcc/fc or fix pv here it gives as much as fcc/fc did while its once a day event or if lucky u can get it done safe within 15 mins u can go back in again but u get the item once a day and not getting good xp from it even with hyper's isn't good I'm not saying it should lvl them up in one day but atleast good enough why fix one thing that is good for the game seince it is a free game and allow donate's to the game but I've been playing from 2008 good game but fix hyper in fcc/fc and haven't fix other issuse's game have isn't good. yeah I don't like fcc/fc baby's but they should put a place in game where the old ppl can power lvl there toon's after the alt hits a lvl I say u should beable to power lvl from 60+ under that u should lvl up old way then power lvl seince u can nw from lvl 60+ none rb or rb toon's and those player's are rbed nwing with the none rb once its fair or even ppl with rbed toon's but don't have good gears bc player's are greedy is making it harder to get gears if u don't have the help for it. so I'm saying they should bring back the hyper's in fcc/fc for the player's that know there toon for they can catch up to other player's even with new race comming out ppl can still solo there rb's and bh's while u can have 2 account online at once per person so power lvling toon's is good for those wanna catch up to other player's on that server. that is all thx for reading this if u read it. for me I don't like to ask ppl for my gears for I can handle the OP player's so I'm one of those player's that like to work for the gears but ingame coins isn't just gm's issues it's 60% of the player's being greedy yeah its good to be op in squads but pvping ppl that isn't OP and those that are OP isn't fair
First of all, those polls were created by the fellow players and thus the GMs don't really have to give a damn about the results and even if they would, Wanmei wouldn't. You must realise most of the decisions come directly from China.
Secondly, the amount of people voting on those polls on the forums is a minority thus the results aren't very valid.
Thirdly, please use paragraphs.Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101
Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 470 -
Eh that's true. Though at least you'll be sensible enough to start botting after you're done with dailies or whatever for the day and don't have to worry about earning time anymore. Most of the people who'd complain either want to be able to abuse botting or don't have enough common sense to realize they should auto-culti after they're done playing.
This is exactly the way to do it. Like Jadsia, I bot my characters for exp... specifically the reawakened ones since I did all of my quests the first time around, so after they are done the few dailies they have I have nothing left to do. So I get all of their dailies done first, and then bot them for a few hours while I play another character.
The only people really affected by earning time are the ones that want to bot all night long, and it really wasn't meant for that. It's called Auto-Cultivation, not Auto-MoneyMaker. Earning time was always meant to go with it to keep it from getting out of hand, but it just came a little late for us (which is unfortunate, really).
As to FF... I guess I'm still baffled as to why people can't live without it. I never found it that hard. I admit that 80+ gets tedious but at least they are addressing that in the expansion. And you still have hypers you can use in PV or just grinding for those times.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)
Looking for a mature faction on HT? -
Just tell those pple its a good time to start emptying all those sidequests they had piling up since lv1 b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan0 -
Born_Free - Lost City wrote: »Seriously, for all of you whining and moaning and groaning and complaining and bishing and carrying on about hypers....
FROSTCOVERED CITY STILL WORKS. You just get less from it. It's not like they barred the instance entirely. Frankly, some of you NEED to stay away from it, especially in Harshlands where the FC baby to legitimate player ratio is just stupidly high. (Especially on the fish.)
"QQ but Born it's not the saaaaaaaaame and it would take foreeeeeeeever..."
Get over it. CN made a choice. You throwing a tantrum like a twelve year old girl isn't going to change a thing. Either adapt to the change, or gtfo.
I for one, am GLAD that FC is gone. You know when those new classes come out? People will HAVE to play with one another. They will HAVE to form up squads for instances. They will HAVE to actually do the quests. There might actually be ACTUAL PLAYERS out of the SZ in the overworld main map! People might actually be enticed to play this game again. We might actually get a new influx of players if PWI doesn't fuq up and advertises instead of twiddling their thumbs and wondering why nobody is forking over more money.
Also, really Theo? Have you not heard TIKA talking about how he's been able to second RB his toon with Frost, or are you just not paying attention in GC? Frost still works. Stop complaining.
Heaven forbid you learn your class. It must be so horrible to have to play a game the way it was intended. Shut up and play the game or just get out.
Thing is this, all of what you said will be set on the edge of extinction when i ask you this. What will prevent that i will just make a female toon, carry it to some random place that only I KNOW is really cool for exp, sit there for about 3 days and have a lvl 90 toon that is new class then add another week and bam it`ll be 100, yuuupiii!!!!
I`m just saying, i agree, complaining about fc is stupid. That is a FACT. But then again, what has this change really done?
Made the game less atractive for new players? - Check
Made the new players that actually make a new
char on HL server completely uninteresting? - Check
Made the people that actually HAVE the will to lvl the old way by questing lose interest in it cus it actually will take them about a month or 2 to just reach 100, then yet they will be 8 months late on tittle quests, 10 months late on rebirths, 10 months late on fsp and vitae (arcane sky, mirage sky, astral sky) and about half a year late on nuemas IF THEY DO THEM every WEEK 20/20 for half a year... - Check
The fact they took out fc is dumb, period, nothing more needs to be said. They did a dumb ** decision and they dumb ***** the game even more.
Who will take a NEW PERSON, that will at lvl 100 sit at 6-8k hp with gears of g16 at +7 all, unless they are vit built, to ANY ****ING instance, noone? - Check
Who will actually do the new quests and squads with ACTUAL NEW PLAYERS, noone? - Check
When the new class comes, everyone that has an OP **** char on HL will do the same. Make char, prolly female, go down there, pick it up, carry it to mobs area, spamm kill and hyper, get to lvl 40-50, relocate, repeat, relocate repeat, do bh, crazy stone, world quest and bom bom bom lvl 100. Everyone that DOES NOT HAVE A MAIN, will just be stuck looking in the sky, yelling where is HDD, lmfao, no that was a joke, but for real, the new players will be ****ed.
This is not a *gain players* move, this is *make HL only for csers* move, nuff said.b:byeb:bye0 -
Thing is this, all of what you said will be set on the edge of extinction when i ask you this. What will prevent that i will just make a female toon, carry it to some random place that only I KNOW is really cool for exp, sit there for about 3 days and have a lvl 90 toon that is new class then add another week and bam it`ll be 100, yuuupiii!!!!
I`m just saying, i agree, complaining about fc is stupid. That is a FACT. But then again, what has this change really done?
Made the game less atractive for new players? - Check
Made the new players that actually make a new
char on HL server completely uninteresting? - Check
Made the people that actually HAVE the will to lvl the old way by questing lose interest in it cus it actually will take them about a month or 2 to just reach 100, then yet they will be 8 months late on tittle quests, 10 months late on rebirths, 10 months late on fsp and vitae (arcane sky, mirage sky, astral sky) and about half a year late on nuemas IF THEY DO THEM every WEEK 20/20 for half a year... - Check
The fact they took out fc is dumb, period, nothing more needs to be said. They did a dumb ** decision and they dumb ***** the game even more.
Who will take a NEW PERSON, that will at lvl 100 sit at 6-8k hp with gears of g16 at +7 all, unless they are vit built, to ANY ****ING instance, noone? - Check
Who will actually do the new quests and squads with ACTUAL NEW PLAYERS, noone? - Check
When the new class comes, everyone that has an OP **** char on HL will do the same. Make char, prolly female, go down there, pick it up, carry it to mobs area, spamm kill and hyper, get to lvl 40-50, relocate, repeat, relocate repeat, do bh, crazy stone, world quest and bom bom bom lvl 100. Everyone that DOES NOT HAVE A MAIN, will just be stuck looking in the sky, yelling where is HDD, lmfao, no that was a joke, but for real, the new players will be ****ed.
This is not a *gain players* move, this is *make HL only for csers* move, nuff said.b:byeb:bye
Do not compare the experiences and gameplay of someone who has been playing for several years and has multiple characters to someone who is creating and logging into the game for the 1st time. It is apples and oranges. The mindset and perspective is completely different.I **** bigger than you...
Shut up and play the game.....Damn0 -
Thing is this, all of what you said will be set on the edge of extinction when i ask you this. What will prevent that i will just make a female toon, carry it to some random place that only I KNOW is really cool for exp, sit there for about 3 days and have a lvl 90 toon that is new class then add another week and bam it`ll be 100, yuuupiii!!!!
I`m just saying, i agree, complaining about fc is stupid. That is a FACT. But then again, what has this change really done?
Made the game less atractive for new players? - Check
Made the new players that actually make a new
char on HL server completely uninteresting? - Check
Made the people that actually HAVE the will to lvl the old way by questing lose interest in it cus it actually will take them about a month or 2 to just reach 100, then yet they will be 8 months late on tittle quests, 10 months late on rebirths, 10 months late on fsp and vitae (arcane sky, mirage sky, astral sky) and about half a year late on nuemas IF THEY DO THEM every WEEK 20/20 for half a year... - Check
The fact they took out fc is dumb, period, nothing more needs to be said. They did a dumb ** decision and they dumb ***** the game even more.
Who will take a NEW PERSON, that will at lvl 100 sit at 6-8k hp with gears of g16 at +7 all, unless they are vit built, to ANY ****ING instance, noone? - Check
Who will actually do the new quests and squads with ACTUAL NEW PLAYERS, noone? - Check
When the new class comes, everyone that has an OP **** char on HL will do the same. Make char, prolly female, go down there, pick it up, carry it to mobs area, spamm kill and hyper, get to lvl 40-50, relocate, repeat, relocate repeat, do bh, crazy stone, world quest and bom bom bom lvl 100. Everyone that DOES NOT HAVE A MAIN, will just be stuck looking in the sky, yelling where is HDD, lmfao, no that was a joke, but for real, the new players will be ****ed.
This is not a *gain players* move, this is *make HL only for csers* move, nuff said.b:byeb:bye
FYI, my seeker is 101, Non-RB with G13 +4 and has 7.5k hp as a hybrid. He got there without using FCC as a crutch. Not saying he didn't do it, but when he did, it was leading like-leveled squads through the instance in a classic style, not buying head rooms.
The fact that a new person can't get help on your server, just goes to show how bad your community sucks. Killing FCC didn't **** up your community, having it enabled as it was for far too long did.b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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