Advanced Cube of fate question

Posts: 346 Arc User
edited August 2014 in General Discussion
Hai, Okay so in a unrelated post, the topic came up that Advanced cube of fate is a way to earn 6m or close to that per day. I was wondering is that with today's prices? I was reading a few old topics and guides on the cube of fate, also. I've done the normal cube of fate before and gotten though it alot of times, i sort of liked it, aside from the stress. But what i was reading in pretty much every thread about A-CoF, that it takes a nearly 1.5-2m investment, Which is okay. But the question i wanted to ask, Is The 6m+ prize a Guaranteed thing? the prize is a COG? Is that automatically awarded after i finish all of the rooms in the advanced part of the cube of fate or is it a randomly sometimes awarded and sometimes not, or Drop rate type of thing? In short, If i spent 2m in rooms, As long as i complete the advanced cube, is the COG guaranteed?
Post edited by mechabeastmc666 on


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  • edited August 2014
    Yes it's farming Cogs. I'm pretty sure there's a guide around here somewhere.
  • Posts: 346 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Yes it's farming Cogs. I'm pretty sure there's a guide around here somewhere.
    Yeah i found like ten more of them sense this. lol
  • Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    Yes, its guaranteed if you finish in time. With some experience advanced cube wont take longer than 10mins tops, doing normal cube doesnt take too long either so the 1h time limit really isnt issue unless you hit those unreal strings of bad luck. One cube run I wasted 30mins on bored rooms cause I kept getting sent back there, both of the damn things. But such is rare occurance and I did finish my runs in time.

    So basically you do cube run to room 50, take disabled cog, go back to room 1 with cube of fate letter(lumi gives those at 5k prestige for 20 influence), get to room 50 again and take disabled cog again. After 2nd run take the advanced cube option instead of going back to room 1 and finish advanced cube. Make sure the CoG with less time left is first on your inventory so it gets traded first as you have to wait 30mins between trading CoGs. So you will be sitting in the last room for 30mins, good time to do your HW, clean around the house a bit, watch some show, troll forums, etc. And if you dont want cube neck yourself, sell your CoGs for fairly easy profit. Sure its not that much but then again its not really that difficult either.
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  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    The npc in lumi. Can you get multiple cof letters or just one a day. And if multiple do they expire and are they sellable? Ty in advance.
  • Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    If you run the Celestial Tiger Event on Monday nights & get celestial insignias (the orange ones); U can also trade 8 of those plus 120,000 coins for a COF at the mailbox under celestial exchange (misc tab). I believe U can get as many of those as U have insigs & coins for:)


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