Choosing a server.

theajbs010 Posts: 20 Arc User
edited July 2014 in General Discussion
Sorry if my post is in the wrong section.
I played pwi before but I quit because of some of the event doesn't match the time in my country and many other reason.
So now that I want to play again maybe you can help me choose the right server for my time.
This is what I think is better for me:
1. I live in Philippines and I want to play at morning(let's just say around 8:00-11:00 am) and at night(let's just say around 8:00-11:00 pm) but soon enough we will live in Canada.
2. I'm more at PvE type.
3. Server that has the lowest currency on AH and items in the catshops.
4. More on active server than drama server.
5. Servers that has helpful and friendly peoples and factions because I want to find some friends.
Hope for your answers out there to help me choosing the best server.b:thanks
Post edited by theajbs010 on


  • WannaBM - Archosaur
    WannaBM - Archosaur Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    philipines is -9 hours from US west and i guess -12 from US east.

    So events that are in the evening on the server 20-22h will in the philipines be 11:00-13:00 hours if youre on west or 08:00-10:00 hours if you are on US east.

    For the future when you will be living in canada it depends a bit on where you live in canada. I assume they also have east and west time zones like the US. Its probably best to choose the side of the continent where you are actually planning to go live. If you plan to live in the middle, choose east if you want to play early in the night and west if you want to play late in the night.

    I think most of the servers are reasonably similar in gold price (near 3m) only morai is really exceptionally high. But you dont want to be on morai anyway with the timezones.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • theajbs010
    theajbs010 Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I guess we are going to live in Ontario I think since my mom status in facebook is Ontario Etobicoke lol.b:laugh
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited July 2014
    Moved this to general for you to get a bit more traffic in this topic. b:cute
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • SHIMBERLY - Heavens Tear
    SHIMBERLY - Heavens Tear Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Why do i laugh inside when i hear the word canada?Anyways if you want good early event time then the west is good for you but if your going to be far east then your going to be sol on good early event times.I started with west server heavens tear its a west server and i live on the eastcoast but at the time of sept 2008 i think there were only 3 servers so i choose that.And i didnt think i would be playing this game that long so choosing a server was a toss up anyways.

    If other games didnt go to crappy micro management in the fps world then i would surely have been long gone by now.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Economically, one of the best servers to join is LC. Our gold price is the cheapest of all the servers, and spikes the less during big sales.

    The problem of bots devaluating the coin is more controlled because they get pked, and they can't bot in the best areas.
  • theajbs010
    theajbs010 Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Since I'm going to college maybe I prefer playing at night.b:chuckle
    Reply for Azuna, is LC a PvE or PvP because as I said before I prefer PvE and also I also want some friendly and helpful server.b:cute
  • WannaBM - Archosaur
    WannaBM - Archosaur Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Why do i laugh inside when i hear the word canada?

    Please tell me, im very curious.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    theajbs010 wrote: »
    Since I'm going to college maybe I prefer playing at night.b:chuckle
    Reply for Azuna, is LC a PvE or PvP because as I said before I prefer PvE and also I also want some friendly and helpful server.b:cute

    LC is a pvp server. The economies of the pve servers are going down the tubes due to botting whereas this gets curbed on PVP servers somewhat.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Unknown
    edited July 2014
    This content has been removed.
  • theajbs010
    theajbs010 Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    If so,then I think I'll just go in PvE servers and deal with the prices.b:sad
  • SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver
    SerenityCNB - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,225 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The most that I can tell you is that I play on Dreamweaver. It is a pve server, and it is on the U.S east coast. Not sure how that plays along with your timeline.

    I have found many good people here, so there are some helpful people. This is likely true for all servers however. I can only speak for Dreamweaver, for it is the only server that Ihave experience with.

    Regarding AH prices, I'm unsure which is best.. and for the drama, that's prevalant on every server. I'll let someone with more experience on various servers dettail those, instead of me.

    Hope this helps you.
    "Male Player using female toon. Please don't flirt with me."

    Need to see the cleric guide for questions, comments, or concerns? Just copy and paste the link.

    (Ignore the quotation marks. URL isn't allowed, so I had to do it that way.)
  • theajbs010
    theajbs010 Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Thanks for that reply SerenityCNB, now I have 2 server in my list,the other one is raging tide because some of my friends is recommended me that server.b:victory
  • mochabear#4763
    mochabear#4763 Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited July 2014

    I'm a new player of some months and I can tell you about the server I chose. Perhaps this might help you. I chose Harshlands (PVP) east coast USA.

    The reason for this even though I'm pve oriented is I prefer the option of both pvp and pve. There have been times I've been pked but rarely. PK really is not an issue on Harshlands. I think bots are pked more than real players. Or maybe ppl just like me more and dont pk me <3. And yes I have R9rr and stand around in sp outside sz sometimes but most times nothing happens. Somehow people in sp just stand around looking at each other most times and chatting. Strange for a pvp server. I was red once and I think that was due to setting the safeties incorrectly that one time I didnt want to press control to hit. Anyway, an example of the few times there would be pvp is during the celestial tigers event my faction leader was being attacked so I helped out. And thats when I'm glad I have my gear cause then I can be useful. I also like to accomplish tasks as a team. Thats why I love the occasional tw because that requires teamwork for success.

    Harshlands is somewhat friendly to new players. It seems to me if you were to world chat for help, you would get help. I do help lowbies with bh sometimes like 59 etc.

    As for friends, its really up to you. Like any mmo there will be ppl that aggravate you and others you get along with well, much like real life. My in-game hubbie can chat and get along with many people, of which I admire greatly. Thats why I accepted his marriage proposal :D.

    Harshlands doesnt have the greatest variety and supply of certain items that are considered end-game. For example, you wouldnt see many sky covers for sale for a long time. I think one was being sold recently but its not common. Matchless wings are also rare but there is one being sold atm at around 1.5bil coins? Also, you dont find fashion boxes often. It seems like there are not many pack openers on Harshlands.

    Hope this helps!
  • theajbs010
    theajbs010 Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hey creamyinside that was a wonderful help for me but I've decided to go in PvE server since PvP server is not 100% safe while you are farming and if ever I will go pk I can't afford a lot of guardian scrolls.b:thanks
  • Kittysama - Raging Tide_1432680721
    edited July 2014
    If you choose to come to Raging Tides, the Empire of Kitty, beware of trolls. Especially of the one sitting in the corner. It might attempt to troll you very badly if you go too close. You don't want a trollface, right?
    Final ragequit on 21/02/2014 'cause ARC. Back on 15/04/2014, RL was bored.
    Ten Paths of Kittyness(old mains when deleted): Kittysama 100(100) Sage HA-Venomancer |Aivina 100(101) Sage (ex-Zerk) Str. Seeker | Kittytart 90(101) Demon All path Zerk BM | KittyFishie 92(101) Demon APS/DPH Zerk Assassin | Haroin 100(100) Demon Vit. Zerk Barbarian | Elfborn 82(100) Demon Cleric | Pessimiste 85(100) Sage Wizard | PalavaEnkeli 87(100) Demon Fist/APS-Archer | VerenVanki 85(100) Demon Mystic | MerenPeto 85(100) Sage Psychic
    Current mains: Old psy and 19 new/recreated mains(avg. level 82)
  • theajbs010
    theajbs010 Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Lol kittyb:laugh
    Well since that you're from raging tide,maybe you can answer some of my questions in the beginning of the post?b:chuckle
  • Kittysama - Raging Tide_1432680721
    edited July 2014
    Oki then...
    theajbs010 wrote: »
    So now that I want to play again maybe you can help me choose the right server for my time.
    This is what I think is better for me:
    1. I live in Philippines and I want to play at morning(let's just say around 8:00-11:00 am) and at night(let's just say around 8:00-11:00 pm) but soon enough we will live in Canada.

    East Coast servers have events beginning at 8am Philippines-time, which seems to be right suitable for you. So it's DW or RT.

    2. I'm more at PvE type.

    RT ish almost totally PVE-server, except there's some of the "Me CS'd Most FTW!"-PKers killing each other at times and of course making vids of it. To show how badly they fail.

    3. Server that has the lowest currency on AH and items in the catshops.

    ~3,6mil/Gold atm on RT AH. And catshops are taking about 40-60% profit over the value.

    4. More on active server than drama server.

    Raging Trolls provides you with drama for every possible reason!

    5. Servers that has helpful and friendly peoples and factions because I want to find some friends.

    Kitty can't speak much about how good or bad factions are inside since Kitty's hasn't been in one for a long time. Looking at how many play though, most factions just powerlevel you to FC-levels, not teaching the basic thingies about classes nor helping with gearing up a bit. Kitty knows couple good factions though.

    Hope for your answers out there to help me choosing the best server.b:thanks
    Final ragequit on 21/02/2014 'cause ARC. Back on 15/04/2014, RL was bored.
    Ten Paths of Kittyness(old mains when deleted): Kittysama 100(100) Sage HA-Venomancer |Aivina 100(101) Sage (ex-Zerk) Str. Seeker | Kittytart 90(101) Demon All path Zerk BM | KittyFishie 92(101) Demon APS/DPH Zerk Assassin | Haroin 100(100) Demon Vit. Zerk Barbarian | Elfborn 82(100) Demon Cleric | Pessimiste 85(100) Sage Wizard | PalavaEnkeli 87(100) Demon Fist/APS-Archer | VerenVanki 85(100) Demon Mystic | MerenPeto 85(100) Sage Psychic
    Current mains: Old psy and 19 new/recreated mains(avg. level 82)
  • theajbs010
    theajbs010 Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Since this thread has a little response about my topic.
    I'll try to think about it and Kitty maybe you can introduce me some of the factions you know there if ever I choose RT.b:thanks
  • Colum - Raging Tide
    Colum - Raging Tide Posts: 1,696 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I can do that for her.

    Click to the faction recruit thread!
    Leader of Cyanure on Valonsurma and a proud member of Vertu
    Demon Strength Barbarian 103/103/101

    Demon Pure Mag Cleric 102/102/101 | Demon 4 APS Assassin 102/102/101 | Demon Pure Mag Mystic 102/101/101 | Demon Pure Mag Psychic 100/100/93 | Demon 4 APS-Barbarian 100/100 | HA-venomancer 100 | DPH Assassin 100 | Pure Mag Wizard 100 | Demon Pure Mag Stormbringer 96 | Demon DPS Archer 94 | Sage Vit Barbarian 93 | Demon All-Path Blademaster 93 | Str Seeker 86 | Pure Mag Venomancer 81 | Pure Mag Wizard 81 | Pure Dex Duskblade 47
  • theajbs010
    theajbs010 Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I think I'll go in raging tide then since my friends recommend it.
    Since Colum post already that his/her faction is recruiting then I'll go join.b:victory
    So all I have to do now is to download the game and wait until we travel to other country.b:pleased