Hello Community

N_e_o - Morai
Posts: 3 Arc User
Ich werde in diesem Thread mal einige Punkte ansprechen die mich stören und bin mal gespannt was ihr dazu sagt und ob sich die Verantwortlichen dazu äußern. Ich hab einige Dinge schon via Ticket an den Support geschrieben mit eher mangelhafter Aussage und dem Verweis das ich mein Feedback doch gerne im Forum schreiben soll.
1.) Die Inflation auf dem Server Morai . Es gibt so dermaßen viel Geld auf dem Server das der Goldpreis in der AH durch die Decke geht. Siehe Screenshoot
dieser Screenshoot ist vom 30.05.2014 – 13:00 Uhr.
Viele Sachen sind überhaupt nicht mehr bezahlbar und fördern nicht gerade das Spielvergnügen. Arbeitende Leute die nur am WE spielen haben einfach nur noch Nachteile durch die Leute die 24/7 ihren Bot stehen haben.
2.) Mittlerweile ist es wieder billiger oder sinnvoller Materialien zu sammeln. Die Mats die man durch Perfekt-Marke des Glücks sich beim NPC holen könnte einfach Preistechnisch um das Dreifache oder mehr gestiegen ist. Aber wenn man auf dem Reitpet sitzt und Sammeln will gibt es übelste Verzögerungen bis er überhaupt anfängt das Material einzusammeln. Verzögerungen um bis zu 20-25 sec sind keine Seltenheit.
3.) Da ich ja freundlicherweise vom PWI Support Team darauf hingewiesen wurde mich an die Community zu wenden, bin ich ja mal gespannt ob das PWI Support Team diesen Eintrag überhaupt sieht / liest / kommentiert. Ich frage mich manchmal wozu PWI denn noch ein Forum hat, wenn es den Leuten die mögliche Änderung / Verbesserungsvorschlage weiterleiten können, offensichtlich egal ist und sehr viele Sachen die angesprochen werden unbeantwortet lassen. Somit der Ersteller des jeweiligen Threads ignoriert wird und er auf seiner Frage sitzenbleibt.
4.) Eventboutique ist auch eines der Themen die ich ansprechen wollte. Viele Spieler haben sich in harter Arbeit Eventcash erarbeitet weil es doch einige Sachen gibt die man aus der Eventboutique gebrauchen kann. Und nun sollen sie entfernt werden. Wird dann im Umkehrschluss die Arbeit die man damit hatte noch irgendwie nachträglich honoriert oder ist es den Leuten die das entscheiden einfach egal was die Leute dazu sagen? Das ist ein Punkt der nun wirklich nicht korrekt ist.
5.) Es gibt noch viel zu viele Fehler in der Übersetzung beim Deutschen Client.
6.) Titelereignis: Diese ständige Blinken und Aufleuchten dieses Buches nervt mich persönlich sehr. Gibt es denn keine Möglichkeit dieses Buch auszuschalten? Für Leute die diese Titel Ereignisquest`s eh nicht machen oder selbst entscheiden wann sie eine Benachrichtigung wollen oder nicht.
Dasselbe gilt auch für die komische Box. Wo man sich täglich diesen teilweise Unsinn
x – Segnungsbox
x – Mystische Pille
x – Scherbe der Reflektion
holen kann. Ich persönlich brauche dieses alles nicht und ich denke ich stehe mit dieser Aussage nicht allein da. Und ihr könnt auch in der Belohnung für LvL 105 mal reinschreiben wie die Definition für „ Großes Geldgeschenk“ ist. Und die Tatsache dass es bei Einführung noch 300 Eventcash für LvL 105 geben sollte ignoriere ich jetzt einfach.
7.) Ich wollte im Forum mein Avatar Bild ändern und kann es aber nicht weil die Seite offensichtlich nicht zur Verfügung steht
Und sucht bei solchen Sachen nicht immer die Fehler bei den Usern sondern schaut euch ruhig auch mal Eurer Forum an. Wenn Seiten im/vom Forum nicht Erreichbar sind liegt es ja wohl nicht an uns. Das Wasser ist ja auch nicht Schuld wenn die Ente nicht schwimmen kann.
In English with Google Translator - Have Fun
Hello community
I'll be in this thread once a few points to address that bother me and I'm curious what you say and whether express those responsible to do so. I have some things already via ticket to the support written with rather poor statement and the reference that I should have liked to write my feedback on the forum.
1 ) Inflation on the server morai . There is so so much money on the server , the price of gold goes through the roof in the AH . See Screenshoot
this Screenshoot is from 30.05.2014 - 13:00 clock .
Many things are no longer affordable and not just promote the game fun. End of work people who only play on the weekends just yet disadvantages by the people who have 24/7 are their bot .
2 ) In the meantime it's back to collect cheaper or more useful materials. The Mats that could be by Perfect brand of happiness get the NPC simply Technically price has increased by three times or more . But if you sit on the Reitpet and collecting wants there are worst delays until it actually starts to collect the material. Delays by up to 20-25 sec are not uncommon.
3 ) Since I was so kindly pointed out by PWI support team on me to speak to the community, I am wondering whether the time PWI Support Team reblogged this ever sees / reads / comments . I sometimes wonder why PWI because even has a forum if it can the people pass on the possible change / improvement suggestions , obviously does not care and a lot of things that can be addressed unanswered. Is ignored Thus, the creator of the thread , and he remains seated on his question.
4 ) Event Boutique is also one of the issues I wanted to address . Many players have earned through hard work event cash because there are a few things but you can use from the Event Boutique . And now they want to remove. If then by implication the work which had been so still somehow honored retroactively or is it the people who decide the just do not care what people say? This is a point which is really incorrect.
5 ) There are still far too many errors in translation in the German client.
6 ) Title Event: This constant flashing and lighting up this book annoys me personally . Is there no way to turn off this book ? Not make eh For people who this Title Event Quest `s or decide when they want to or not a notification.
The same is true for comic box . Where every day this partly nonsense
x - Segnungsbox
x - Mystic pill
x - Shard of reflection
can bring . I personally do not need all this and I think I am not alone with this statement there. And you can write in 105 times in the reward for lvl as the definition of " Big Money gift" is . And the fact that there still should be 300 event cash for LvL 105 at launch I ignore now easy.
7 ) I wanted to change my forum avatar picture and however it can not because the page is not obviously available
And looking at things like not getting the error with the users but looks quiet you sometimes your forum at . If pages / from the Forum are not reachable it is not so well to us. The water is indeed not guilty if the duck can not swim.
1.) Die Inflation auf dem Server Morai . Es gibt so dermaßen viel Geld auf dem Server das der Goldpreis in der AH durch die Decke geht. Siehe Screenshoot
dieser Screenshoot ist vom 30.05.2014 – 13:00 Uhr.

Viele Sachen sind überhaupt nicht mehr bezahlbar und fördern nicht gerade das Spielvergnügen. Arbeitende Leute die nur am WE spielen haben einfach nur noch Nachteile durch die Leute die 24/7 ihren Bot stehen haben.
2.) Mittlerweile ist es wieder billiger oder sinnvoller Materialien zu sammeln. Die Mats die man durch Perfekt-Marke des Glücks sich beim NPC holen könnte einfach Preistechnisch um das Dreifache oder mehr gestiegen ist. Aber wenn man auf dem Reitpet sitzt und Sammeln will gibt es übelste Verzögerungen bis er überhaupt anfängt das Material einzusammeln. Verzögerungen um bis zu 20-25 sec sind keine Seltenheit.
3.) Da ich ja freundlicherweise vom PWI Support Team darauf hingewiesen wurde mich an die Community zu wenden, bin ich ja mal gespannt ob das PWI Support Team diesen Eintrag überhaupt sieht / liest / kommentiert. Ich frage mich manchmal wozu PWI denn noch ein Forum hat, wenn es den Leuten die mögliche Änderung / Verbesserungsvorschlage weiterleiten können, offensichtlich egal ist und sehr viele Sachen die angesprochen werden unbeantwortet lassen. Somit der Ersteller des jeweiligen Threads ignoriert wird und er auf seiner Frage sitzenbleibt.
4.) Eventboutique ist auch eines der Themen die ich ansprechen wollte. Viele Spieler haben sich in harter Arbeit Eventcash erarbeitet weil es doch einige Sachen gibt die man aus der Eventboutique gebrauchen kann. Und nun sollen sie entfernt werden. Wird dann im Umkehrschluss die Arbeit die man damit hatte noch irgendwie nachträglich honoriert oder ist es den Leuten die das entscheiden einfach egal was die Leute dazu sagen? Das ist ein Punkt der nun wirklich nicht korrekt ist.
5.) Es gibt noch viel zu viele Fehler in der Übersetzung beim Deutschen Client.
6.) Titelereignis: Diese ständige Blinken und Aufleuchten dieses Buches nervt mich persönlich sehr. Gibt es denn keine Möglichkeit dieses Buch auszuschalten? Für Leute die diese Titel Ereignisquest`s eh nicht machen oder selbst entscheiden wann sie eine Benachrichtigung wollen oder nicht.
Dasselbe gilt auch für die komische Box. Wo man sich täglich diesen teilweise Unsinn
x – Segnungsbox
x – Mystische Pille
x – Scherbe der Reflektion
holen kann. Ich persönlich brauche dieses alles nicht und ich denke ich stehe mit dieser Aussage nicht allein da. Und ihr könnt auch in der Belohnung für LvL 105 mal reinschreiben wie die Definition für „ Großes Geldgeschenk“ ist. Und die Tatsache dass es bei Einführung noch 300 Eventcash für LvL 105 geben sollte ignoriere ich jetzt einfach.
7.) Ich wollte im Forum mein Avatar Bild ändern und kann es aber nicht weil die Seite offensichtlich nicht zur Verfügung steht

Und sucht bei solchen Sachen nicht immer die Fehler bei den Usern sondern schaut euch ruhig auch mal Eurer Forum an. Wenn Seiten im/vom Forum nicht Erreichbar sind liegt es ja wohl nicht an uns. Das Wasser ist ja auch nicht Schuld wenn die Ente nicht schwimmen kann.
In English with Google Translator - Have Fun
Hello community
I'll be in this thread once a few points to address that bother me and I'm curious what you say and whether express those responsible to do so. I have some things already via ticket to the support written with rather poor statement and the reference that I should have liked to write my feedback on the forum.
1 ) Inflation on the server morai . There is so so much money on the server , the price of gold goes through the roof in the AH . See Screenshoot
this Screenshoot is from 30.05.2014 - 13:00 clock .

Many things are no longer affordable and not just promote the game fun. End of work people who only play on the weekends just yet disadvantages by the people who have 24/7 are their bot .
2 ) In the meantime it's back to collect cheaper or more useful materials. The Mats that could be by Perfect brand of happiness get the NPC simply Technically price has increased by three times or more . But if you sit on the Reitpet and collecting wants there are worst delays until it actually starts to collect the material. Delays by up to 20-25 sec are not uncommon.
3 ) Since I was so kindly pointed out by PWI support team on me to speak to the community, I am wondering whether the time PWI Support Team reblogged this ever sees / reads / comments . I sometimes wonder why PWI because even has a forum if it can the people pass on the possible change / improvement suggestions , obviously does not care and a lot of things that can be addressed unanswered. Is ignored Thus, the creator of the thread , and he remains seated on his question.
4 ) Event Boutique is also one of the issues I wanted to address . Many players have earned through hard work event cash because there are a few things but you can use from the Event Boutique . And now they want to remove. If then by implication the work which had been so still somehow honored retroactively or is it the people who decide the just do not care what people say? This is a point which is really incorrect.
5 ) There are still far too many errors in translation in the German client.
6 ) Title Event: This constant flashing and lighting up this book annoys me personally . Is there no way to turn off this book ? Not make eh For people who this Title Event Quest `s or decide when they want to or not a notification.
The same is true for comic box . Where every day this partly nonsense
x - Segnungsbox
x - Mystic pill
x - Shard of reflection
can bring . I personally do not need all this and I think I am not alone with this statement there. And you can write in 105 times in the reward for lvl as the definition of " Big Money gift" is . And the fact that there still should be 300 event cash for LvL 105 at launch I ignore now easy.
7 ) I wanted to change my forum avatar picture and however it can not because the page is not obviously available

And looking at things like not getting the error with the users but looks quiet you sometimes your forum at . If pages / from the Forum are not reachable it is not so well to us. The water is indeed not guilty if the duck can not swim.
Post edited by N_e_o - Morai on
Google translator is not that good for long message like this one.
you should probably try the german forum~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
Zoldi - Morai wrote: »Google translator is not that good for long message like this one.
you should probably try the german forum
The German Forum visit just not as many as the English. thus the resonance is not so great I think.0 -
hehe thx for the screen^^ I got my gold =P
But you gotta see, the inflation has some good sides too, you know? Anything that is not Zen related is cheap as heck due to the limitation of gold mat prices. Getting g16 gears (nirv) is sooo friggin easy...I dont even...
If you want more you gotta farm alot or cash alot. Thats fair I guess cuz G16 is alrdy great gear.
To 4) It's already in work to be restored to its former glory, so DW, The refining aids are back to normal and the charms will be addad back soon.
To 2) Thats only you and your lame Internet Connection. I got no such problems at all (Kabel Deutschland 100.000) =P
To 1) Where is the prob? Leave your PC on or get a low power PC where you can run your bots 24/7. You can even control and check on them via Teamviewer from anywhere. I regularely check them during my breaks at work.
The Support doesnt care. I blame the community on our server for its current state. Many ppl complain that there are no cashers left. That is just not true. Other the past 4 weeks, myself and some friedns bought thousands of gold (all together) from the AH. How could that be possible if no one is Cashing?
Although you can see that the Gold selling for coins is still at the lowest compared to all other servers. Thats mainly because ppl and merchants try a different approach on our server. Isntead of just selling gold they invest their gold in items and try to resell it for a profit or simply just buy packs because our whole server consists of major pack addicts.
But dont worry, the gold cap of 4m is soon to be reached (: then all our worries are gone. No seriously. Its just like that.My Barb:
My SB:
mypers.pw/1.8/#1414760 -
Joe - Morai wrote: »hehe thx for the screen^^ I got my gold =P
But you gotta see, the inflation has some good sides too, you know? Anything that is not Zen related is cheap as heck due to the limitation of gold mat prices. Getting g16 gears (nirv) is sooo friggin easy...I dont even...
If you want more you gotta farm alot or cash alot. Thats fair I guess cuz G16 is alrdy great gear.
To 4) It's already in work to be restored to its former glory, so DW, The refining aids are back to normal and the charms will be addad back soon.
To 2) Thats only you and your lame Internet Connection. I got no such problems at all (Kabel Deutschland 100.000) =P
To 1) Where is the prob? Leave your PC on or get a low power PC where you can run your bots 24/7. You can even control and check on them via Teamviewer from anywhere. I regularely check them during my breaks at work.
The Support doesnt care. I blame the community on our server for its current state. Many ppl complain that there are no cashers left. That is just not true. Other the past 4 weeks, myself and some friedns bought thousands of gold (all together) from the AH. How could that be possible if no one is Cashing?
Although you can see that the Gold selling for coins is still at the lowest compared to all other servers. Thats mainly because ppl and merchants try a different approach on our server. Isntead of just selling gold they invest their gold in items and try to resell it for a profit or simply just buy packs because our whole server consists of major pack addicts.
But dont worry, the gold cap of 4m is soon to be reached (: then all our worries are gone. No seriously. Its just like that.
G16 gear is cheap, because it has absolutely no place in PvP any more unless you're +10'd in it: everyone seems to have either r9r3 or has g16+10 thanks to the 10* orb abuse in November. Everyone left out of that abuse, and not using a wallet to play a game is seeing the inflation as anything but positive. They got no way to compete anymore without farming almost 3.5 billion coins for R9.
Not everyone can leave their pc on 24/7 ._. Nor does everyone have a 2nd computer to run them incase the main computer has diff tasks to complete (ohmygosh, a computer being used for other stuff than pwib:thanks).
I don't get what you meant withJoe - Morai wrote: »Although you can see that the Gold selling for coins is still at the lowest compared to all other servers.
This thread comes down mostly to the "Let's get constructive"-thread, only this is narrowed down to Morai: the economic ****storm-server that enjoys 0% support from PWI.0 -
I meant that we have the least amount of ppl that are actually selling their gold in AH, they rather invest it in items from the boutique and try to sell em for a profit. Thats a main reason why the gold is that pricey here^^
But well G16 is more then sufficient for PvE and for some PvP as well. My seeker twink is full g16 +7 with a g16 + 10 weap. I can surely kill some lower refined full r9 Caster and BMS/Barbs if I hit them the right way^^ OFC with my barb I could nearly 1-hit my own seeker. But those are 2 different levels of gear you know. But the hell? it always sounds like you guys wanna have all the great stuff for free.
I farmed all my gears (full r9, max gear, full +11 by now, cept for the emperor tome). It was a long way and pretty tough like I said in another post already. I wished alot of times that I could have just cashed the stuff I have cause then I would have been able to focus on some things that are more valuable for me. But oh well, I'm not complaining about that. I worked my **** off and achieved something ingame...ya I know that doesnt really amtter anyways =P so.
Its a game, play it as long as you gain fun from it, if that ends, quit.My Barb:
My SB:
mypers.pw/1.8/#1414760 -
finally someone that gets bothered by the blinking title window as much as i do...every freaking time i join a new map, i have to click on it to make it stop causing epilepsy >.<
fix please.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
noob, can only run, spawnkiller, only white vodoo, only plays for kd,
never kills anyone, only gear, no skill, no life, cash only, eats dogfood to cash more, lives at moms,
only survives cause of cleric heals, if we had your gear you would lose. b:cryb:cryb:cry0 -
Joe - Morai wrote: »
Its a game, play it as long as you gain fun from it, if that ends, quit.
Don't you worry, its definitely getting there. I'm not even blaming any of this on the company.
That's why I am trying out new ideas for fun o3o0 -
once upon a time GMs were putting stacks of gold or coins in AH to control gold price...mypers.pw/1.7/#123510
i58.tinypic.com/231jj8.jpg0 -
XXHotXx - Morai wrote: »once upon a time GMs were putting stacks of gold or coins in AH to control gold price...[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
PREIIST - Morai wrote: »once upon a time ... i was buying josds 50-60kk each!!
its still reality on some servers LOL0 -
PREIIST - Morai wrote: »once upon a time we didnt merge with french server and i was buying josds 50-60kk each!!
once upon a time on french server i went full jades 9million each dodmypers.pw/1.7/#123510
i58.tinypic.com/231jj8.jpg0 -
Hey Neo,
unfortunately, I need to agree with most of your opinions.
1. Inflation
Inflation on Server Morai is stopping full economic at the moment.
Token prices by 50k, DOD/Vit Stones 120kk, Emporer - more than 1kkk,
... and its going faster and faster
Its also decrease my fun of gaming in general here.
2. Lags
Lags are in general a big problem in online games but its not always only the game.
It could be your own PC, your internet connection, the routing through internet.
So this example is may be not best one you choosed but there are still good examples,
where I always find high delays at firewall from PWI servers.
3. Support
Already discussed a lot of times and always found out that there is a defined EU support
but they dont care about community and will never respond.
So only chance accept or leave.
4. Event Boutique
Not relevant because error is evaluated by Sparky.
But - as I always request - please improve testing proceeding to avoid such situations.
5. Translation errors for local Versions
I am more annoyed about renaming boss-names, cities and more.
This is very annoying to communicate with other people.
This makes communication impossible.
e. g. Plume in German: Rovalia
6. Inventory
I totally agree, we have many useless items.
PWI fair enough you are using a lot of items to force people to increase their inventory.
But even max inventory is not enough to keep all these (partly useless) items in the inventory.
7. ....
Hallo Neo,
unglücklicherweise muss ich dir in den meisten Fällen zustimmen.
1. Inflation
Inflation auf dem Server Morai hemmt vollständig die aktuelle Wirtschaft.
Token Preise von 50k, DOD/Vit Stones 120kk, Emporer - mehr als 1kkk,
... und es entwickelt sich schneller und schneller.
Es schmälert auch meinen Spielspaß generell.
2. Lags
Lags sind ein generelles Problem bei Online Spielen, aber es liegt nicht nur am Spiel.
Es könnte Dein eigener PC sein, Deine Internetverbindung, das routing über das Internet.
Somit ist das gewählte Beispiel vielleicht nicht das beste Beispiel, aber es gibt andere Fälle,
bei denen ich hohe Delays von den Firewall Servern von PWI erhalte.
3. Support
Mehrfach bereits andiskutiert und immer zum Schluss gekommen, dass es einen definierten EU Support gibt, aber
dieser sich nicht um die Community kümmert und auch Antworten schuldig bleibt.
Die einzige Chance ist, dieses zu akzeptieren oder aufzuhören.
4. Event Boutique
Nicht relevant, da Fehler aktuell durch Sparkys analysiert wird.
Aber - wie ich immer angefordert habe - bitte erhöht Eure Testprozeduren für solche Situationen.
5. Fehler in der Übersetzung von den lokalen Versionen
Es ärgert mich mehr, dass auch Boss Namen, Städte, etc. umbenannt werden.
Das ärgert insbesondere bei der Kommunikation mit anderen Leuten.
Das macht die Kommunikation unmöglich, z. B. Plume ist in Deutsch: Rovalia
6. Inventar
Ich stimme 100% zu, wir haben eine Menge nutzloser Gegenstände.
PWI nutzt fairerweise die Option von vielen Items, um die Spieler zur Inventarvergrößerzung zu zwingen.
Aber selbst das maximale Inventar ist nicht ausreichend, um all die Gegenstände (teilweise unnützliche) zu tragen.
7. ....
Excusez-moi pour none francaise version mais je ne parle pas tres bien francaise0 -
The issue on Morai isn't the lack of cashers - it's the surplus of people who:
A) Run bots that ain't autoculti, who will self-reset and self-repair, so they can be ran unattended pretty much until a maintenance resetRun botfarms of far more then the 2-account-per-person limit.
C) Combination of the above.
These generate so many coins daily, that it gobbles up the available casher gold, and thus drives the price to record highs. It leaves fewer coins for the average player, so fewer packs get bought, which results in fewer tokens on the open market, driving up token prices. If there wasn't a 4 million hard limit for gold price in the auction house, it'd be well over 5 by now, if not higher, with an R9 sale going on.
Coin supply needs curbing if the economy is to cool down. Which means slapping the banhammer down on people who use illegal means to obtain coins. But good luck getting that to happen - I've stopped trying.
A dev solution would be to remove DQ items, or reduce the price of -all- of them to just 1 coin. That'd put the Jolly Jones quests back as the primary coinmakers - and make day-and-night botting unprofitable.I'm so P.R.O... I Press Respawn Often.
Ulsyr 103/103/104 BM. Working on the last R9 part (Axe).
Khelvan 103/103/103 LA Cler. LA? LA. Deal with it.
Evryn 103/102/101 Sagely Mystical Myst of Mystiness.
Gromth 102/102/102 Sage Panda.
StoneSnake - Snakeshop for everyone's common stones.0 -
To end this thread since I saw key words Coin/money and inflation...blame it on the bot system that PW put into the game in wich YES they knew this would happen..SOoooOOOOOoooooo welcome to PW.0
Evryn - Morai wrote: »A dev solution would be to remove DQ items, or reduce the price of -all- of them to just 1 coin. That'd put the Jolly Jones quests back as the primary coinmakers - and make day-and-night botting unprofitable.
I remember when they did that for low level DQ. It was a pretty bad move for all the beginners / low levels that couldn't CS. Some didn't event get enough money for repairing their stuff. Now for low levels, quests give more money, you have daily jones and you don't stay below 100 for long, so this is less a problem than before but well... I do remember that time...
One other thing, now that there is no DQ points anymore and no *2 (except xp), I have the feeling that there is less people botting than some weeks ago. However inflation is still ongoing.
I do really think that the main problem is that there are less C$ers than before. I know so much people that don't want to spend real money anymore or that CS way less that they used to. And this is mostly due to the bad management...~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
Zoldi - Morai wrote: »I remember when they did that for low level DQ. It was a pretty bad move for all the beginners / low levels that couldn't CS. Some didn't event get enough money for repairing their stuff. Now for low levels, quests give more money, you have daily jones and you don't stay below 100 for long, so this is less a problem than before but well... I do remember that time...
One other thing, now that there is no DQ points anymore and no *2 (except xp), I have the feeling that there is less people botting than some weeks ago. However inflation is still ongoing.
I do really think that the main problem is that there are less C$ers than before. I know so much people that don't want to spend real money anymore or that CS way less that they used to. And this is mostly due to the bad management...
Nah. Alot of non-CSers like myself have bought and spent thousands of gold over the past 3 months (alltogether). I have never experienced that there was enterily no gold on sale cept for just once to unknown reasons.
We have enough gold. But our gold sellers wanna have the absolute maximum out of it. thats just the european way. Greed, guys. I tell ya. It's always just greed. Look around you...the amount of full r9 ppl that are just popping outta nowhere is redicolous these days.
I never wanna hear that we dont have enough CSers here because that is not true. Look around you. Unlike most others I check out the gear from anyone whos name I havn't seen before and regularly check on gear updates for about 70% of the server population when I run into them.
On a side note: I can completely understand why ppl would refuse to cash anymore money into this game. The question is...why should they? OK I never spend a dime on my char here but still...I'M full +11 now. There are only a handful (6 players to be correct) on our server that have at least a chance against me in PvP. Cashing for what? Being unbeatable eventually? Having no enemies left would make PvP even more fun...ya ._. (from my perspective). Cashing for PvE? WTF. Everyone with Full r9 gears that doesnt do PvP regularly has just wasted alot of time and/or money. Anyone Free2Play with G16 gears is by far sufficient for PvE, no need to cash for that.
PPL always cashed as a shortcut to get things faster if they dont wanna invest that much time. Pushing up the economy and getting new and more Csing ppl is ultimately related to end-game content which is non-existent here. I'm talking about real end-game content for r9r3 (min full +10 ppl). That is the point where things get expensive as heck and where we have absolutely no reason to go to atm.
Another problem is that, compared to other US PvE servers we have so many highly geared wussies all over the place that refuse to move their assas outta SZ (ya that includes you guys too). TW and NW is by far not sufficient enough to lure ppl to spend thousands of dollars/Euros to be competitive, especially since you can gain more supply tokens via jumping and not actual fighting.
Inflation and all the other coin related problems are casue by the community and the community alone. Play on compareable servers and you will see what I mean. It's working there. Why isnt it working on Morai?
No offense...but sometimes I wish the whole morai community would be like preist. Sure everyone would be an ***, but we would at least have some fun PvP actions all the friggin time and things worth our money.My Barb:
My SB:
mypers.pw/1.8/#1414760 -
Joe - Morai wrote: »I never wanna hear that we dont have enough CSers here because that is not true. Look around you. Unlike most others I check out the gear from anyone whos name I havn't seen before and regularly check on gear updates for about 70% of the server population when I run into them.
You didn't spend any euro in this game, right ? Yet you consider that those new R9 people did CS. I don't really understand. I think most of the new R9 toons have farmed their stuff.
And comparing Morai to US servers when talking about CS is not fair. How many euro do you need to buy a gold ? And how many dollar ? I'm not sure this is a big factor but this is still a factor.
P.S. : I'm sure there are more than 6 people, as I already said you don't know everyone. A barb (even str one) is hard to kill in 1v1, but there are really more than 6 people you would merely never kill as well in 1v1. This would just be endless fights in my opinion.~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
Joe - Morai wrote: »Inflation and all the other coin related problems are casue by the community and the community alone. Play on compareable servers and you will see what I mean. It's working there. Why isnt it working on Morai?
Because Morai has 1 thing different from all other servers, and that's not "Europeans" who have been on all servers for ages, not is it the lack of "US players" that are also on Morai. No, it's a seperate staff that is, from personal experience, way worse then the US staff. I agree with Zoldi :Zoldi - Morai wrote: »I do really think that the main problem is that there are less C$ers than before. I know so much people that don't want to spend real money anymore or that CS way less that they used to. And this is mostly due to the bad management...
And thus disagree with most what you said. Gold became the currency of the game, that is a choice of PWE and not of the community. Most gear, shards and consumables are (almost) exclusively boutique, even some skills are boutique only, which means there is a minimum need for charging players. At the same time, there is not much reason for charging players to actually sell their gold for coins.
It's a deliberate choice of PWE to go this road. I know some are proud of the 100% f2p managing great gear, but the more of those, the more tension on gold. "Greed" is a silly word, as it can be applied to both sides. Seriously, playing a game for years and not ever contributing to it's maintaining out of pure vanity/pride is not so glorious either.0 -
Zoldi - Morai wrote: »You didn't spend any euro in this game, right ? Yet you consider that those new R9 people did CS. I don't really understand. I think most of the new R9 toons have farmed their stuff.
And comparing Morai to US servers when talking about CS is not fair. How many euro do you need to buy a gold ? And how many dollar ? I'm not sure this is a big factor but this is still a factor.
P.S. : I'm sure there are more than 6 people, as I already said you don't know everyone. A barb (even str one) is hard to kill in 1v1, but there are really more than 6 people you would merely never kill as well in 1v1. This would just be endless fights in my opinion.
xD even tho they farmed their stuff then they are still items bound to the boutique and you need gold. it doesnt really matter where that gold comes from. If you buy it directly from PWE or another one buys it and then sells it to you via AH doesnt make any difference. Someone charged for it and it doesnt have to be yourself in the end.
And those 6 ppl was in assumption of being buffed. Seeker are hard to kill at max gear + full josd. But once they are purged it only takes a few lucky zerk crits and they are gone.
As far as endless fights go. I fought and killed other even higher geared barbs in 1on1. How much harder does it get to kill another player? xDD And yes that is not only a matter of gear. It highly and mostly depends on skill and as much as I have seen...the skill level of our end-game ppl here is...underwhelming.
PS: I'd really love to have some guys to show me that I'm wrong. That would enhance the PvPing and the all over happieness of PvP-loving ppl.
I mean, whats the point in saying stuff like "I'm the best". It's to lure ppl into PvP. It could be a crude lie and still...as long as it serves its purpose its legit. Make ppl hate you then they wanna fight you even more which results in fun ultimately.
EDIT:It's a deliberate choice of PWE to go this road. I know some are proud of the 100% f2p managing great gear, but the more of those, the more tension on gold. "Greed" is a silly word, as it can be applied to both sides. Seriously, playing a game for years and not ever contributing to it's maintaining out of pure vanity/pride is not so glorious either.
And hell xD Giving CSers a reason to charge to gain cheap and fast coins is already a big enough contribution and you are well aware of that. Like I said in another post. We, the farmers, are responsible to create a different market for charging ppl. Without alot of fuzz they can get their mats and stuff from us. And we get their golds in exchange. Ultimately we keep the game running. You cant buy it all from boutique. You need coins. And we farm them =P Although due to massive bot abuse that picture shiftid in a different direction lately...but we farmers are not to blame for all this.
And on a personal view. I fully farmed my gear. I never merched anything. I only sell what I farm. I know the most F2P End-game ppl on our server are merchants (very succesful ones tbh). I'm just 100% farmed and hell I helped so many Csers to get their full TT90/99 sets...and thus earning so much money for PWE. I deserve a medal!My Barb:
My SB:
mypers.pw/1.8/#1414760 -
Joe - Morai wrote: »And hell xD Giving CSers a reason to charge to gain cheap and fast coins is already a big enough contribution and you are well aware of that. Like I said in another post. We, the farmers, are responsible to create a different market for charging ppl. Without alot of fuzz they can get their mats and stuff from us. And we get their golds in exchange. Ultimately we keep the game running. You cant buy it all from boutique. You need coins. And we farm them =P Although due to massive bot abuse that picture shiftid in a different direction lately...but we farmers are not to blame for all this.
That was in 2010 or so, when both sides contributed. Right now, that is less and less the case. The amount of coins needed is laughable. Anyone who does play will make coins. More then enough for the small fees of forges, which is the only thing you can't directly get from boutique (at least not anymore, since selling tokens to npc isn't worth it anymore).Joe - Morai wrote: »And on a personal view. I fully farmed my gear. I never merched anything. I only sell what I farm. I know the most F2P End-game ppl on our server are merchants (very succesful ones tbh). I'm just 100% farmed and hell I helped so many Csers to get their full TT90/99 sets...and thus earning so much money for PWE. I deserve a medal!
Well, whatever you're happy with. This is why I never get along with the zealous f2p guys, I prefer the casual players or those who got no issues to say they charge. I'm 1 of those who's mainly active TW/NW, because I have a well filled rl that gets me more satisfaction then fighting some excessively ranting guys in a game. Seeing your little rants just makes that I avoid you in game. I do not need you in any way.0 -
That was in 2010 or so, when both sides contributed. Right now, that is less and less the case. The amount of coins needed is laughable. Anyone who does play will make coins. More then enough for the small fees of forges, which is the only thing you can't directly get from boutique (at least not anymore, since selling tokens to npc isn't worth it anymore).
Well nowadays ppl need coins to buy C-Packs from player to lvl their war avatars...and quite a hell load of it...way cheaper then just buying S-Packs from boutique xDDDDWell, whatever you're happy with. This is why I never get along with the zealous f2p guys, I prefer the casual players or those who got no issues to say they charge. I'm 1 of those who's mainly active TW/NW, because I have a well filled rl that gets me more satisfaction then fighting some excessively ranting guys in a game. Seeing your little rants just makes that I avoid you in game. I do not need you in any way.
I'm not happy. Why should I? The number of real challenges is going against zero in this game. I wished so many times that I could have just cashed all my gears and have fun instead of farming da **** outta this game. That wasnt fun. Not at all. And now that I achieved quite some goals...I dont really have anything to do left in this game xD If I just think about what I could have done with all this time instead...well I'm getting really sick.
All this trouble for being unable to do anything now is really...kinda heartbreaking thus eventually leading to my passing out of this game.
I'M not the only one of this kind. And trust me. If some of the major farmers leave then everyone will suffer from it although you might believe that it wont make any difference.
So, what we trully need is new End-Game content and especially worth-while PvP-Actions/Tournaments or w/e. Maybe something where gear isnt that important, where skill does matter a bit.My Barb:
My SB:
mypers.pw/1.8/#1414760 -
Joe - Morai wrote: »Well nowadays ppl need coins to buy C-Packs from player to lvl their war avatars...and quite a hell load of it...way cheaper then just buying S-Packs from boutique xDDDD
my recent major expenses required just a sh.tton of coins... no use for gold cept that smexy bat weapon fashion b:dirtymypers.pw/1.7/#123510
i58.tinypic.com/231jj8.jpg0 -
Joe - Morai wrote: »xD even tho they farmed their stuff then they are still items bound to the boutique and you need gold. it doesnt really matter where that gold comes from. If you buy it directly from PWE or another one buys it and then sells it to you via AH doesnt make any difference. Someone charged for it and it doesnt have to be yourself in the end.
I totally don't get it... Buying and selling are two different things...
If you have more buyers gold rate will increase. If you have more sellers gold rate will go down.
On morai it seems you have lots of people currently buying gold to get R9 or catalyzers. And it seems you have not a lot of people selling gold because :
- C$ers want to buy catalyzer to get S card
- C$ers decided to stop spend real money
- C$ers just don't need money
I do totally agree about the amount of coins needed to max the avatar cards. But if you look on our server, there are not a lot of people who have even just one card with full xp. And amongst those people you can remove farmers and merchants (and people that run fsp daily with several accounts). In the end I really wonder how many different people have recently sold gold in the AH. Really less than some weeks/months ago I guess and I suppose some of them even waited for the gold to be at 3.9 before selling because they knew it would be that high during R9 sales.~ Sage Mystic 105-105-105 ~
~ Sage Sin 103-103-102 ~
~ Sage vita Barb 103-102-101 ~
~ Sage BM 102-101 ~ Demon Archer 102 ~
~ Sage Cleric 102 ~ Demon Wizard 101 ~
~ Sage Seeker 101 ~ Sage Psy 101 ~
~ Sage Heavy Veno 101 ~ Demon Storm 9X ~ Dusk 6x ~
Started playing this game in 2007 on Oracle (PW-MY) : Demon MG 101 - Sage EP 99 - WF 890 -
Here's the thing: things like having to buy lots of C packs to max your cards doesn't remove coin from the system. Where does that coin go after you buy those C packs? It goes to some other player, who then trades it to someone else or maybe buys gold with it.
The problem is that there is an increasing amount of coin being generated and added to the system -- autoculti is a large source of this -- but it is not being even remotely balanced by the amount of coin being taken completely out of the system. For that, you need real coin sinks. Faction bases, things like that. Things that require you to give significant amounts of coin to npcs, not to other players. Without that, you have exactly what we've been seeing for years now (and which is speeding up significantly with the introduction of autoculti): rampant inflation.Current: http://mypers.pw/1.8/#133167
TW/NW Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/Axel3200
Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
Botting as well as Jollys are a big issues here both. Botting doesnt hurt the economy that bad if done on ine char for, like 5 hours maybe. Having 6 alt accounts lvl 100 botting 16 hours a day DOES hurt.
Same with jollys. I manage to make 24 Mil a week by doing nearly nothing. If i wouldnt be too lazy, i could double it by just flying around, Having two people doing lvl 61-80 jollys a day doesnt hurt much. Having like 16 Accounts doing it per day does hurt.
I cannot count how many times i see people using more than two accounts at the same time, and i now people here are doing it themselves. It doesnt bother as long as they are just doing nothing, running instances or anything. Its not like theyre gaining more money by doing it. It doesnt matter if they are running in one squad of 5 alts for bh100, or running 6 bh100 with 6 different squads- i dont care. But i DO care if they clearly gain advantages in a way PWI cleary forbid ( For example, using 10 Mystic alts without gear at jollys and put their devil out just to make lag and putting it into the grinding machine so newbies cant dig). I reported and will keep reporting them and i know im not the only one annoyed by it. The same with bots - ill keep killing (or freezing them if they are botting with some r9rrs) on important quest mobs and others cant kill them anymore. Sure, one r9rr or g16+12 doesnt hurt, but 5 at the same time do.
Or making several accounts to sell illegal charms.
PWI really needs to take control over the gold selling again and fix those problems so people cant abuse. Reporting wont solve anything if people can just use glitches and abuse on new accounts a week later.
As for Morai itself, i really want the server to turn into PK at least for certain cases such as botting. Would solve a lot of problems and maybe some people would stop raging behind others cuz their shop is underpricing the guilds shop.I like potatoes <(O~O)>0 -
Ich wusste das sich niemand von den verantwortlichen dazu meldet oder stellung nimmt . Hiermal die Antwort von dem "Support" von damals 22/05/2014 02:10
Hallo ...
Danke für dein Feedback! Dieses MMORPG ist eine lebendige und sich entwickelnde Umgebung. Als solche wird sich das Spiel stetig verändern, so wie wir neue Features implementieren und aufpolieren.
Wenn du dein Feedback mit anderen Spielern diskutieren möchtest, möchten wir dir vorschlagen, dies in unserem offiziellen Forum zu tun.
Wir bedanken uns für dein Feedback.
Ich lach mich kaputt ja .
Ach ja Sneaky ... Bezüglich der Probleme beim Materialien sammeln kann ich nur sagen , ohne Reitpet geht es einwandfrei nur mit Reitpet nicht . Und das kann ja dann nicht an meiner Verbindung liegen. ^^
Das nehme ich zumindest an . wenn jemand eine idee hat woran das liegen koennte bin ich für jede info dankbar.
mfg n_e_o
Google Translator
I knew that no one of the responsible position to answer or take. Hiermal the response from the "Support" at the time of 22/5/2014 02:10
Hi ...
Thank you for your feedback! This MMORPG is a living and evolving environment. As such, the game will constantly change as we implement new features and polish.
If you wish to discuss your feedback with other players, we would suggest you to do this in our official forum.
Thank you for your feedback.
Me laugh out loud yes.
Oh yes I can say Sneaky collect ... Regarding the problems with materials without Reitpet it goes perfectly with not only Reitpet. And then you can not be my connection yes. ^ ^
I suppose at least. if someone has an idea what could be that I'm grateful for any info.
mfg n_e_o0
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