People not teleporting in TM bug

Posts: 1,984 Arc User
edited May 2014 in Quality Corner
I have done about 50 total TM lunar runs. Most of them (the first 30 or so) we were with 2 people each dual clienting 2 toons for a squad of 4.

Then we started running with other people. Done so with a few different players and squad size either 4 or 5 total. The bug now started appearing where not everyone gets teleported to the next field.

At first i thought it was because we were now with 5 instead of 4 players, (because the bug first appeared the very first time we did with 5) but later it also happened with a squad of 4 so that was not it.

Out of a total of 50+ runs, with squads made out of a pool of 6 different players, i experienced the bug 3 times. These 3 times all had the same player in the squad who joined in on only 5 total runs. So it seems that something is different about this player.

I know this bug has been reported already years before. Maybe someone got any info on this ?

If that specific player is reading this: It is nothing personal against you of course, but i do suspect that there is something about you causing this. May it be your windows version, your client, your ISP i dont know what.....
Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
Post edited by WannaBM - Archosaur on


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  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited May 2014
    It'd be really helpful for that particular person to post here with some info about their end so I can put this in QC. Same for if others have any similar observations.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Here is what I found out a few months ago when we started doing TM Lunar, same problems:

    It happens the most when people move while you TP, no moving at all helped for us: 20+ runs further not a single non-TP'd squadmember
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I had read about the not moving long ago. We tried it, it didnt help :(

    In our case, noone was disconnected btw. They just remained where they stood. They could then take the manual teleport to the next map. However, those who dont get teleported for example from map 1 to map 2, would also not get teleported on the upcomming teleports. He also doesnt get any medals. This would seem to indicate that this person is kicked out of the system behind the screens somewhere. However, we are still a squad of 4+ and the squad leader is still alowed to activate the quests.

    Once the problem was there, it was not limited to that individual who seems to be the catalyst for the bug to appear. It also happened to other players when he was in squad.

    Ill video record every run i do from noone so if it happens i can analyse afterwards and see if there is more information i can come up with. Ill also ask that guy to come to this thread and add his bit if info.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    The last thing I can think of and what I've hammered on in my own runs was for people to always be as close to the NPC as possible. Could be just superstition but sometimes feels like if someone is beyond X meters away from npc that it could be the cause they don't get tp'd along. I always made sure they were closeby (arms-length) before tp'ing to next map.
    It's only a thought, haven't got proof for it since I didn't keep the failed run-recordings xD but since we don't know anything for now, every superstition helps :P.
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    It isnt closeness to The NPC either. When we dual client, we leave the secondary toons far away (out of AOE range boss 2 and out of hands area boss3)
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    solution in the link posted here:
    Here is what I found out a few months ago when we started doing TM Lunar, same problems:

    It happens the most when people move while you TP, no moving at all helped for us: 20+ runs further not a single non-TP'd squadmember
    solution in the linked thread:
    In sot and aba the entrance dc bug is easily avoided. We've done it as follows.

    - first, everyone except the squad leader should make his inventory full (just place some stackable random stuff in every free place). No free place shall remain;
    - then everyone, except the squad leader again, opens a catshop;
    - now the squad leader activates tm quest and is TPed inside the instance (since you can't TP while in a catshop, all other squad members remain outside);
    - the others close their catshops and enter the instance individually by using a usual entrance;
    - when and ONLY WHEN you entered the instance, make some free space in your inventory. You'll get the tm item and be once again TPed to the start position (if you just entered that makes no difference, but you better don't do that in the middle of the run). Note that if you free your inventory before you enter, the item will disappear and you won't get any reward.

    I don't know whether this scheme works for Lunar or whether it's worth the effort in this case. The main question is if you'll be TPed to the right map once you got the item or not. The distance from the tm NPC to the entrance is also larger here, but as the time count starts only with the first aggro that may not be a problem.
    confirmation and field report, also in the link given by Verenor.
    it worked like a charm!
    no one got disconnected. sadly only about 1/3 of the squad got rewards in the end. guess we can do tricks and workarounds until we are blue in the face, there always be bugs in this late beta. well, at least no nasty dc anymore! b:chuckle

    thank you for the workaround, Rye.
    gear and genies:

    pan gu loves cash shoppers as much as he loathes pure farmers. that's why he cursed me with the lowest luck-index possible. my weapon needed 21 recasts for those meh adds, and the r9 ring refine ate over 10k mirages before i capitulated and orbed it from 0 to +11. you won this time pan gu! b:sad
  • Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    solution in the link posted here:

    solution in the linked thread:

    confirmation and field report, also in the link given by Verenor.


    Can't open a catshop inside TM Lunar, ijs.
  • Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    haha with my quotes i was implying that people should read more carefully... turns out i was not reading carefully enough myself. b:chuckle so the problem is with teleporting inbetween the valleys inside lunar tm.
    i suspect that the person not being able to teleport has either not enough space in their inventory, not enough space in their questlog, or even didn't get the tm-quest upon entrance (only see that happening in sot and aba, but never in lunar). so making sure that you have enough room in inventory and questlog should solve that problem.
    since you need 4 people to continue to next valley there is always a second npc that makes it possible for the person that falls behind to keep up with the squad. that person will not get any rewards, of course, but still can help with the run. in the first valley the npc is way up on the hill to the right of the boss. 2nd valley is near the boss. 3rd npce is irrelevant, since there is no 4th valley to teleport to.
    gear and genies:

    pan gu loves cash shoppers as much as he loathes pure farmers. that's why he cursed me with the lowest luck-index possible. my weapon needed 21 recasts for those meh adds, and the r9 ring refine ate over 10k mirages before i capitulated and orbed it from 0 to +11. you won this time pan gu! b:sad
  • Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    2 factors make me think this is player error.

    Maybe they had full inventory, a full quest list, a laggy quest list or laggy in general. Also they might be retaining the quest item in their inventory. (preventing them from getting it again)

    It seems to happen to the same client a lot, have them relog, maybe renew their internet connection.

    One theory on how to NOT get the d/c bug, is after buffing move around a little bit, THEN stand still and do nothing. That is the "MissMario" tactic.


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