OPEN LETTER TO DEV's AND sparkiesoft

Posts: 132 Arc User
edited April 2014 in Suggestion Box
Hello sparkiesoft,

In order for a MMO to stay alive, it needs players. More players. Fresh new players. Why more players make sense?

1. It helps the current player base enjoy the game more, get the game environment much more competitive and thus: BUY MORE ZEN.

2. It helps the new player base that arrives, enjoy the game and fight harder to get to their goals which means: BUY MORE ZEN.

In order for the game to live, be supported and get updates, it has to produce revenue. This means, people have to BUY MORE ZEN.

Now the challenge here is HOW TO MAKE PEOPLE BUY MORE ZEN?

Well the targeted market is split in 2:

A. The current player base. They will buy more ZEN only to get to their goals faster, get items that makes them special, feel special. PWI is failing at this right now, because the player base is getting smaller every day, I play there I feel it. The game became a mission impossible with all the REQUIRED time to do the necessary dailies to be able to access the new skills. Sadly it is boring and BOREDOM kills the game.

B. The potentially new players. They will buy ever MORE ZEN, to make up for the game they have missed ingame, to get to the same level as the veterans, but...They DO NOT want to be forced to put in 3000 hours in boring and repetitive game-play to get there. That is unacceptable. They want to buy their time spent ingame from the boutique. They want fast access to all skills, to high levels and to end game gear thorough the boutique. It can be done. You guys can do it. The game in its stage now kills any wish from new players to even start playing. It is stupid, as they will never be able to catch up at this rate, even if they charge ALOT OF ZEN. I see PWE shooting itself in the foot if they do not adapt.

Now as I said what is the strategy to bring more players to a game that's been running for 4 years? Here are my suggestions AGAIN:

1. Make it easy! Make the process easy for them to level up to 100 fast, through the boutique. Put some insane 10mil XP pills to help them. Do some brainstorming and come up with something in this regards. They can CHARGE ZEN. Make sure you are prepared to get their money and satisfy their needs. Your purpose is a happy customer, because he will become a recurring customer, creating even more REVENUE.

2. Make it fun! Over 120 million people are playing MOBA type of games(League of Legends, DOTA2, Smite etc). PWI has a very similar system with TW, are the downfalls of it: TW is too long(3h are a pain). TW is too laggy and crowded(160 players). TW is on a fix time(inaccessible to many). FIX THIS! Make PVP instances with the TW maps, NW maps, 10 vs 10 or 5 vs 5. The objectives can be: Destroy the enemy crystal, protect the flag etc...but make it so the players can create these instances or create them automatically every hour. Squads will register like NW and be randomly set against each other. Make prizes and statistics with rankings on this. WE, THE PLAYERS love to see our achievements ingame(Highest dmg hit, highest K/D ration/etc...). Give us unique and non-game breaking rewards like: Unique fashion, unique titles, forum titles, etc...

3. Make it attractive! What does that mean? Make a map/instance where new players or any player can go in and test different types of armors, shards, cards, builds, fashion, EVERYTHING that the game can offer. This "PLAYGROUND" will allow players to customize their unique and perfect build according to their game-play style, will allow them to test end game gear that they only dream about, will make them want that gear even more even faster(which they can get by CHARGING MORE ZEN). Let them fight against each other in duels on this magic land and test it against PVE(some mobs and bosses).

4. Make it challenging! How, you might ask yourself? Simple. Take Heaven and Hell maps, modify some mobs there, add new ones who are very challenging and that in order to be defeated, they require much teamwork and good gear(the mobs can be taken from the NEW SOT, or ABADON instances). This way, even people with amazing gear will need help defeating them, will need to team up as a server to defeat the MOBs invasion and free those maps. Make areas on those maps red, where the mobs are ruling, and green where mobs have been defeated. Make the mobs smart enough to take areas back from players if they leave them undefended. What do you get by this? You get to unite the community against a common enemy(the NPC invader), you make us players want to get stronger, better(and the fastest way of getting this is by ...CHARGING MORE ZEN). Make these wars non stop, so at any point in time, the players can gather and go and feel they accomplish something by defeating a very strong NPC army.

5. Make it rewarding! How? All players have pride! Pride makes us want things fast! Use the player's pride to make them feel special. Bring back the rankings, redo the rankings so they can show details about players, give them temporary titles. Also, reward the community for their efforts to make the game more known. It is fine to work with facebook and ARC but you need to use the players. Use them to advertise, to create content on youtube, twitch etc.

The community's involvement could be valuable to make this game better, to increase the revenue the game bring with very little financial costs from the company.

Please help us reach someone who has a power of decision in PWE in regards to this game.

Thank you,

(Spell_Caster - Raging Tides Server)
Post edited by drheal on


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  • Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    drheal wrote: »

    2. Make it fun! Over 120 million people are playing MOBA type of games(League of Legends, DOTA2, Smite etc). PWI has a very similar system with TW, are the downfalls of it: TW is too long(3h are a pain). TW is too laggy and crowded(160 players). TW is on a fix time(inaccessible to many). FIX THIS! Make PVP instances with the TW maps, NW maps, 10 vs 10 or 5 vs 5. The objectives can be: Destroy the enemy crystal, protect the flag etc...but make it so the players can create these instances or create them automatically every hour. Squads will register like NW and be randomly set against each other. Make prizes and statistics with rankings on this. WE, THE PLAYERS love to see our achievements ingame(Highest dmg hit, highest K/D ration/etc...). Give us unique and non-game breaking rewards like: Unique fashion, unique titles, forum titles, etc...

    I like this idea! This makes PVP much more available for people from all timezones even in PVE servers.
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited April 2014

    I really do not mean to be a negative paul... but really there are times where its ridiculously hard for 20 people to take down just 1, lower the numbers going against them would only increase their odds of surviving damage, though on the plus side it would decrease the chances of purify procing.... still with all the gear differences/gap's I really think pwi needs to try to focus on a way to keep the oped from overwhelming people making them feel like they have to pay to stand up/stop the oped... or just no longer show up. Getting own repeatedly, and feeling like your doing nothing to help your team... is NOT fun regardless of what class your on.

    What's with these ideas lately. D:

    Not everyone is in epic gear able to stand up to 1 oped person, there will always be people who struggle to gear up. Nw is, and was a bad thought out process where the strong thrive to no end, and the weak get squished repeatedly, some classes are already feeling the 'squeeze' and leaving the class behind. (This transcends just one class.)

    I am downright wary/worried that ideas like this would just do way more harm than good, we really don't need something that gives more power to the already overpowered/making it easier to solo a full instance.

    There is already so much wrong in other aspects of the game that need/should be fixed before revamping nw like that.

    Hmm after giving it some thought, I guess I wouldn't mind it if it was set up a bit like nw soulforce... like for example, if one person has 40k soulforce, their opponent must be around that to enter that fight... though am sure that would eventually run into certain problems. (Like within 5k of that) EDIT: Though something that should be noted is this: even though the soulforces are nearly equal it still wouldn't prevent the 1 from owning the many. I really don't think pwi needs more instances/places where we have people basically being like chuck norris, and being nigh impossible to take down.


    Did I mention... b:surrender ?

    On.. a far less... serious... (for the lack of a much better suited word) note:

    I REALLY like the idea of 3#, I am so guessing that the gear would expire upon leaving that instance/place, which is definitely understandable.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    hm.... i agree with u spell.
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    i like the idea of making multipul smaller (nw size) maps for tw.
    say 3 battle fields that all need to be defended against at the same time to win/hold the land
    splitting it up would help alot with lagg and say if u defend 1 out of the 3 instance u fail so a small faction that sends only enough for one land cant out do the larger ones..
    it would also add the effect of possible sending a stronger team to map 1 but the oposition sends their strong team to land 2 leaving the third as the real decider as to who wins..

    Orb_of_Death (Raging Tides Server)
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    one thing is my concern on NW...PWI should remove squads before entering the NW instance....seriously 10 op people with end game gears at 1 squad can take down 30 people even with g16/r9 gears.they should look into this
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The only think I dislike is the easy way to get to 100. From what I have seen - as someone who started this year - most people won't do normal quests. Maybe because most people don't want to read (some stories are very nice written, thanks PW!). I don't mind if someone is in a hurry to get to level 100, probably have to do something with their age.

    I think the only problem could be the usage of teleacoustics. Some people think they need to use WC just to talk to (only) one other player. By doing this they can scare 'new people' away. Only yellow unimportant text! PW can't do anything about this and don't have to do something about it. It's the people who need to change. Or is this age again? And how about the MMOOK advertising on WC? Wouldn't it be easier to just add filters for some text like "WWW." , " WWW dot", ".COM" or "dot COM"? Less advertising for websites. I personally hate this kind of worldchat-texting.

    Maybe some day I will get to where others are now: to bored to do anything and just want to PK on PVE server. People are different so they act different. I still have fun (on RT server) because I see PWI as a game.

  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I agree with most things Spell told. and yes MORE FASHION please! b:cute
  • Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    no one from the pwi management in china nor a dev will ever see this.
    even if by a strange sequence of unlikely coincidences someone over there gets wind of this post, they will ignore it. pwi is not their market. pw china is their market. the changes we might eventually get will be tailored for pw china, not for us. pwi is an irrelevant franchise.

    sorry that you fell for the honey pot #2 Suggestion Box (#1 being the Quality Corner). you might as well have written this on the wall of a public toilet for an equally significant impact on the game.
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    edited April 2014

    I do think the suggestion box is not taken into account, otherwise they would not have me collating all the suggestions. PWI and PWCN are slightly different in many ways as well as being the same in many more. Some good ideas have come from this suggestion box and have been put into game / website / arc. The main example I use is the name change stone.

    Ill catch up with this thread in a day or two sorry my time is rather limited at the moment.

  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I like your ideas, especially the mini version of NW.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I try to position all the changes also from Perfect World Entertainment's point of view. It is a business, they will make profit this way, even more than they make now.
  • Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I like #2.

    An organized ARENA system or PVP system where we can join a battle ANYtime (not just on friday nights) would be great.

    A #6 PWI should really consider is some COIN sink. Currently coins have almost zero value. There's nothing useful you can do with them aside from repair or make NW gear really. If coins had some PURPOSE, like an NPC that sold something USEFUL in exchange for coins, they would have value.
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I support the ideas presented in the OP!
    Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Great post lets hope someone's reading
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I personally like the suggestions. They are a good attempt at resolving issues which create player dissatisfaction. I believe the game is salvageable if PWI starts listening to what it's customer base wants...they have not been doing that for some time from what I see. I personally can't CS...I think something also needs to be done to equal the playing field for non-CSers who don't have 40 hours a week to put into the game. The game has significant imbalance which needs to be addressed. As I said, all very good suggestions and with input from the game's community, a balance can be attained making all gamers relatively happy, which should be the company's goal.
  • Posts: 661 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    No matter how well you write, how right you are, PWE is just ignorant and wont even notice your effort to warn them about their fail management.

    Now for **** sake, remove the "Buy guardian Scroll" pop up when you're about to die. b:angry
    Synthetic Electronic Variant Calibrated for Hazardous Exploration, Nullification and Kamikaze Observation[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]


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