Gold trading ruining already bad economy



  • Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    does the high gold price hurt the cash-shoppers or does it benefit them?
    oh it benefits them?
    well, now you know that there won't be any regulation to stop the inflation.

    Yes and no. You see only one aspect of cashing and that is - sell expensive gold and get lot of coins, which in reality is not the case. Cash-shopper sells gold only when there is no desirable item on sale. Like now you have high lvl orbs and cash shoppers wont sell gold. Instead they will just buy orbs = less gold = higher gold price.

    Other thing is that cash-shopper will sell only if he has some use of coins in game which at the moment is not the case because like we already mention here, there is lot of money you can earn in the game = they have lot of coins = they don't sell gold = not enough gold on market = high gold prices.

    So yes it benefits them but not in the way that would made them be the factor that would stop measures that has to be taken. We need coin sink to stop inflation. ThenCS will sell more gold cause they will need coins...will be more gold on the market...prices of gold will drop + people in game would have less money = less willingness to pay lot of money for gold = less demand for gold = price of gold drops.
  • Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yes and no. You see only one aspect of cashing and that is - sell expensive gold and get lot of coins, which in reality is not the case. Cash-shopper sells gold only when there is no desirable item on sale. Like now you have high lvl orbs and cash shoppers wont sell gold. Instead they will just buy orbs = less gold = higher gold price.

    Other thing is that cash-shopper will sell only if he has some use of coins in game which at the moment is not the case because like we already mention here, there is lot of money you can earn in the game = they have lot of coins = they don't sell gold = not enough gold on market = high gold prices.

    So yes it benefits them but not in the way that would made them be the factor that would stop measures that has to be taken. We need coin sink to stop inflation. ThenCS will sell more gold cause they will need coins...will be more gold on the market...prices of gold will drop + people in game would have less money = less willingness to pay lot of money for gold = less demand for gold = price of gold drops.

    Was writing a response but this is better. Well said.
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think what clergywomen tries to say is: that PWI is probably happy with high inflation because it benefits those who pay their income. On first sight. it cant be a bad thing to help the paying customer at the cost of the "leeching" non-CS player for PWI.

    However, if that was all of the truth, there would be no open economy as there is, allowing the non-CSers to merchant and get the boutique stuff. The CSers would have everything and the rest would walk around in morai gears.

    The truth is of course that the game needs a large enough player base to keep the game as a whole interesting for everyone. So they need to balance the CS benefits to encourage CSing while just not making it too bad for the casual player that they will leave. Im pretty sure PWI is very well aware of this and constantly striving to optimize this balance for their own best income and longevity of the game.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think what clergywomen tries to say is: that PWI is probably happy with high inflation because it benefits those who pay their income. On first sight. it cant be a bad thing to help the paying customer at the cost of the "leeching" non-CS player for PWI.

    However, if that was all of the truth, there would be no open economy as there is, allowing the non-CSers to merchant and get the boutique stuff. The CSers would have everything and the rest would walk around in morai gears.

    The truth is of course that the game needs a large enough player base to keep the game as a whole interesting for everyone. So they need to balance the CS benefits to encourage CSing while just not making it too bad for the casual player that they will leave. I'm pretty sure PWI is very well aware of this and constantly striving to optimize this balance for their own best income and longevity of the game.

    I don't think that current situation encourage CSers to charge more gold, cause again they don't have anything to buy with that gold, and don't have reason to sell it even price is high. They will charge and buy boutique items when they are on sale but wont sell that gold. While in game coin sink will made them charge more and sell more cause they will need more coins.

    So taking some measures would in fact benefit pwi in terms that CSers will charge more (in theory, there are lot more stuff involved in this ofc).
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Tbh, i dont really worry about gold costing 2m or 4m. As long as i can buy it with coins, ill be fine. Well as it is now, coins have a value and they can buy gold. It might be strange when you think about it because indeed, coins buy little or nothing usefull, but they do. Kinda similar to real world money many people are also starting to wonder why we actually believe in the paper dollar. So the CSer may still trade his gold for coins because he can buy stuff from WC and catshops that is not in the catshop (like emperor tomes) or that is not at that moment on sale and cheaper from players.

    If of course the flooding of coins goes totally trough the roof, the amount of merchants with billions to spare will grow, the price difference in catshops between sale and off-sale will shrink because of the big competition. People could stop accepting coins as payment because their value is gonna go down soon and hyper inflation could turn coins totally worthless like for example was the case in Diablo 2 where coins had no value whatsoever and certain items were used as currency. If that would happen to PWI, the non-CSer would lose all hope to ever get to end game and many would quit. The game would die.
    So i think they will not let that happen :)
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If that would happen to PWI, the non-CSer would lose all hope to ever get to end game and many would quit. The game would die.
    So i think they will not let that happen :)

    10 cash shoppers can form squad and play.

    Since they pay - they can play.
  • Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    For me as a money making hog in this game by sure patience,this woukd be a great time for me to actually buy gold to stock up my ever growing riches.

    I would t care about about fee so when i do sell some gold i usually just sell to the highest buyer in the ah because im not hurting for money.
  • Posts: 559 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    seitori wrote: »
    In Real life there are such things as laws to prevent Racketeering ~ whether it be by stopping price-gouging & profiteering or by nipping insider trading for cornering of the markets, it is to bad that PWi doesn't bother to have any of that sort of stuff at all...

    But to be honest though, I don't agree with the OPs version here of cornering of the gold market here?? reasons > how do they corner the market when they're practically the only 1s using their own credit cards to sell gold for Coin on the servers????? it would of made sense if they were buying gold from others and then selling it at higher prices /but/ they're actually the 1s bringing the mass quantities of gold into the market, so until more people decide to purchase gold & zhen and try and sell it on the server markets then ofcourse its gonna remain high.....b:bye

    PS. OP: If you limited those who actually are selling gold on the market to only certain amounts, then that would only make the gold prices go ^^ stratospherically in price, it wouldn't lower the prices being asked....

    @ First Paragraph: "In Real Life..." Well, its is PWI. We sometimes fail to grasp that Games have a market system in place that is actually Player Ran. This isn't the only game with a Player Based Market system. You, as a Player, have the right to Buy gold at 10k and Sell at 20mil a piece. But when you start coming down to the actuality of things. Realistically, gold is at what it is at because of Supply and Demand.

    You want a Real Life Scenario? The Price of Jordan Shoes. Newer ones go for 200-300$ (USD) really really old ones go for some 100-200$ USD. Reality, they are just shoes, a type of clothing that covers your feet. BUT, for many reason, 1 being Supply and Demand. They only make a few 1000s and sell them at select stores at a few 100s each. So the cost can and will go up.

    Back to PWI: You want R9. R9 isn't R3. R9 is Desirable. Its the best armor in the game (Don't Quote me Private Server Endgame Gear please.) So gold has a steady price (at least on Arch) for about 2-2.2mil. When the Best armor in the game goes on Sale, do you expect gold prices to go down? Us logic here. Greed is when gold goes to 3+mil but good merchandising when a PWI put a sale up that EVERYONE WANTS for gold to go from 2.2-2.8mil.

    b:surrender Sorry, but Gold is Player Ran based on what PWI puts up for Sale. Try buying gold when they have a **** sale (I.E. Fashion and Ink Sale). And sell it during Charm, R9 good Pack sale or Orb Sale.
    Logic = Against ToS. It's the answer to all "Wtf..." Moments during normal gameplay with other players.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Dude, if 1. your mother gave you hundred of $ to buy coins in this game or 2. u boted this game like a maniac with 4 hands, that doesn't give the right to call us conspirators.
    Assuming we are normal non Richie Rich/ boting robots, we cant stay 24/24 to farm coins to get 4billions coins in 1 year. We have a real life, dude, some have families , some have a gf to kiss her on the mouth. You may try sometimes , real life is awsome.

    This might be an already talked about post but you sir... Are my herob:thanks
    "Me? I'm Dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never perdict when they're going to do something incredibly... Stupid" b:thanks
  • Posts: 2,102 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think a lot of people are ignorant to the fact on what it takes to do the amount of coins WannaBM has done merchanting. It is not something that happens very quickly or overnight unless you have the capital to start with. A good example of this is for 2 weeks I bought/sold FS coins and started with 10m coins. By the end of the second week I had 200m Coins and about 30m in FS coins. But that was with a starting captial and a toon that was reborn.

    People thinking making 3b in 4 months is impossible really have no idea about anything. You are only talking what 25m a day? which is easy to farm for a farming toon. Heck when I farmed my r9 armors I did it in less than 4 weeks just farming 3-3 and that was not with all the bosses. I missed out on the top price golds. That was right around 1b in coins I farmed in less than 4 weeks which was right around 35m a day.

    Now you will have people that say oh but look at the gear you have ect ect. Yes my toon is geared for pve very well, but no where near the best. She can one spark silver in fb29 and can handle any boss in 3-3 (now that is) with my g16 niv daggers but it took me 2 years to do it.

    Unless you drop alot of money in the game it will take a lot of hard work and time to get to that point. So either stop crying to find some other game to play
    Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz
  • Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    95% of the ppl who post on here have no idea what they're talking about. Knowing nothing about economics yet acting like you do is kinda like letting an overconfident mcdonalds employee perform brain surgery.

    Was a funny read though, thanks for the laughs. b:laugh
  • Posts: 661 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Gold price's are getting to be ridiculous. Mainly because u got group of toons that control the prices . sollution
    of sorts make each acct only able to trade so much gold per week maybe.

    That's an useless rant with a weak argument.
    Synthetic Electronic Variant Calibrated for Hazardous Exploration, Nullification and Kamikaze Observation[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think a lot of people are ignorant to the fact on what it takes to do the amount of coins WannaBM has done merchanting. It is not something that happens very quickly or overnight unless you have the capital to start with. A good example of this is for 2 weeks I bought/sold FS coins and started with 10m coins. By the end of the second week I had 200m Coins and about 30m in FS coins. But that was with a starting captial and a toon that was reborn.

    People thinking making 3b in 4 months is impossible really have no idea about anything. You are only talking what 25m a day? which is easy to farm for a farming toon. Heck when I farmed my r9 armors I did it in less than 4 weeks just farming 3-3 and that was not with all the bosses. I missed out on the top price golds. That was right around 1b in coins I farmed in less than 4 weeks which was right around 35m a day.

    Now you will have people that say oh but look at the gear you have ect ect. Yes my toon is geared for pve very well, but no where near the best. She can one spark silver in fb29 and can handle any boss in 3-3 (now that is) with my g16 niv daggers but it took me 2 years to do it.

    Unless you drop alot of money in the game it will take a lot of hard work and time to get to that point. So either stop crying to find some other game to play

    1. If you have 1 gold apple you can't give this apple to every player
    Same if there is in AH less than 200 gold total, which you can buy, this mean, that THERE IS NOT ENOUGH gold for R9 even for 1 player.
    2. You could buy R9 using billions of coins just because other players could not do same.
    3. It is not game, it is work, when measure of your achievements are money.

    Your account could be named Salary (this just joke).
  • Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Pwi made possible to get trough game everything that you possibly need to play game. About gear you don't have clue what you talking about so read Lolgasmic post. High lvl gems are biggest troll in this game because benefits you get from them are not worth of money you pay for them, specially now when you have cards and spirits. But there will be always nubs to pay for them:)

    Yes because having an extra 48 Attack/Defense levels makes no difference in PvP at all.
    Archer Build:
    Sin Build:
  • Posts: 2,102 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Your account could be named Salary (this just joke).

    There was a few that called me celery because my name made them hungry b:chuckle
    Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz
  • Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Yes because having an extra 48 Attack/Defense levels makes no difference in PvP at all.

    Yep they dont, price is 80 mil for one DoD atm and those att/deff lvls are not worth that money. +12 your gear and lvl your cards. Jades and deitys should be last thing you invest your money on (unless you cash player who duno what to do with money). Smart people do that.
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Yep they dont, price is 80 mil for one DoD atm and those att/deff lvls are not worth that money. +12 your gear and lvl your cards. Jades and deitys should be last thing you invest your money on (unless you cash player who duno what to do with money). Smart people do that.

    First of all, the fact that an investment is expensive and should be done after other investments are done does not make it stupid or useless.

    Second, JOSD is not the very last thing you should do.

    -G16 cube neck
    -12 refine on it

    These are in roughly the same league as JOSD in cost efficiency.
    The following list is clearly worse than JOSD in cost efficiency:

    -Heaven ravanger cape/helm
    -Crown of madness
    -Darkflame stones

    Emperor and +12 armor refines are comparable with Vit stones in cost efficiency.

    And then i am not counting the total value of JOSD, no then i am only counting the improved survivability compared to VIT stones. But i do the same for all the other things i mentioned, compare it to the usuall next lower step.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    First of all, the fact that an investment is expensive and should be done after other investments are done does not make it stupid or useless.

    Second, JOSD is not the very last thing you should do.

    -G16 cube neck G16 cube neck can be farmed and its not even close to cost of full JOSD gear
    -12 refine on it
    -Scards I wasnt talking about S cards I was talking about spirits

    These are in roughly the same league as JOSD in cost efficiency. I dont agree with this statement

    The following list is clearly worse than JOSD in cost efficiency:

    -Heaven ravanger cape/helm
    -Crown of madness
    -Darkflame stones

    seriously you comparing items that has 1 person per server?

    Emperor and +12 armor refines are comparable with Vit stones in cost efficiency.

    And then i am not counting the total value of JOSD, no then i am only counting the improved survivability compared to VIT stones. But i do the same for all the other things i mentioned, compare it to the usuall next lower step.

    You mixing apples and oranges.
  • Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Originally Posted by WannaBM - Archosaur View Post
    First of all, the fact that an investment is expensive and should be done after other investments are done does not make it stupid or useless.

    Second, JOSD is not the very last thing you should do.

    -G16 cube neck G16 cube neck can be farmed and its not even close to cost of full JOSD gear
    -12 refine on it
    -Scards I wasnt talking about S cards I was talking about spirits

    These are in roughly the same league as JOSD in cost efficiency. I dont agree with this statement

    The following list is clearly worse than JOSD in cost efficiency:

    -Heaven ravanger cape/helm
    -Crown of madness
    -Darkflame stones

    seriously you comparing items that has 1 person per server?

    Emperor and +12 armor refines are comparable with Vit stones in cost efficiency.

    And then i am not counting the total value of JOSD, no then i am only counting the improved survivability compared to VIT stones. But i do the same for all the other things i mentioned, compare it to the usuall next lower step.
    You mixing apples and oranges.

    G16 can be farmed the same way you can farm all gear, or you can sell what you farm in order to buy better or more needed items... Which can be applied to any item.

    I'd say first to full r9rr +8 with basic G14 + SkyCover and Citrines and +12 r9rr wep (unless, perhaps, barbs).

    Then start farming (or whatever you call it) for R9 NW ring and SkyCover NW ring, making both +8 as well.

    In the meantime you could get some A cards, but if you're not full already, spend some money buying coins and get at least full A + 1S card.

    After all this, comes full +10 orns, full +10 armor (even +11 nowadays they're throwing sales here and there)

    Then comes G16 neck and refining it, S-cards, and after, JOSD...

    Just my 2 cents on this subject though, and actually my roadmap to go (currently +12 r9rr wep on full +8 gear with no NW orns and Dominance tome (got a good deal xD)) so any apreciation or coment is welcome
  • edited April 2014
    There was a few that called me celery because my name made them hungry b:chuckle
    You should have sued them for millions of coins for the defamation of your name.b:chuckle
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    You mixing apples and oranges.

    I am not comparing aples and oranges. If something costs 100m or 1000m does notmatter. You can agree or disagree. Farmable or not doesnt matter. Everything has a value, everything can be bought or sold. Time is money.

    I made an excell sheet where i calculate how many % improvement in attack or defence all the end game stuff give per million coins invested. Allways in comparison to the next lower logical choise. It shows a factor 20 difference from R9.3 itself to Heaven ravanger cape/helm. (crown of maddness and darkflame stone are not in my list and probably far out of that range even)

    What i wanted to make clear is that you cant say what is stupid to buy or too expensive. It is a sliding scale and everyone can only decide for himself how far he will go improving his toon before quiting the game or investing his income in other toons.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I am not comparing aples and oranges. If something costs 100m or 1000m does notmatter. You can agree or disagree. Farmable or not doesnt matter. Everything has a value, everything can be bought or sold. Time is money.

    I made an excell sheet where i calculate how many % improvement in attack or defence all the end game stuff give per million coins invested. Allways in comparison to the next lower logical choise. It shows a factor 20 difference from R9.3 itself to Heaven ravanger cape/helm. (crown of maddness and darkflame stone are not in my list and probably far out of that range even)

    What i wanted to make clear is that you cant say what is stupid to buy or too expensive. It is a sliding scale and everyone can only decide for himself how far he will go improving his toon before quiting the game or investing his income in other toons.

    I've done the same, hence my road-map in my previous post comes from it... So feel free to correct, upload or debate via private message with me if you feel like. Always happy to learn form numbers :D
  • Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    G16 can be farmed the same way you can farm all gear, or you can sell what you farm in order to buy better or more needed items... Which can be applied to any item.

    I'd say first to full r9rr +8 with basic G14 + SkyCover and Citrines and +12 r9rr wep (unless, perhaps, barbs).

    Then start farming (or whatever you call it) for R9 NW ring and SkyCover NW ring, making both +8 as well.

    In the meantime you could get some A cards, but if you're not full already, spend some money buying coins and get at least full A + 1S card.

    After all this, comes full +10 orns, full +10 armor (even +11 nowadays they're throwing sales here and there)

    Then comes G16 neck and refining it, S-cards, and after, JOSD...

    Just my 2 cents on this subject though, and actually my roadmap to go (currently +12 r9rr wep on full +8 gear with no NW orns and Dominance tome (got a good deal xD)) so any apreciation or coment is welcome

    Of course we all farm 10 A cards to get 1 free S card. This is the baseline i calculated from. Also if you count time = money and look at the reward of those FSP runs, it is an extremely good invest, 1 of the best in the game. I also plan to make a simulation script to see on average how many more FSP A cards are needed to start making sets and what is the value of that. So i can judge how much time i want to invest either in trying to get sets or Cpacks for upgrading my existing cards or maybe better spend my time farming TT and buying S cards. When i done that, ill probably post the results somewhere on the forums :)

    The weapon refine is indeed much more rewarding than armor refines. I agree on your whole list except that +10 armors is a much better investment than the upgrading of those rings. For a barb this is quite a significant difference, for non HA toons it might be less significant.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Posts: 511 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Of course we all farm 10 A cards to get 1 free S card. This is the baseline i calculated from. Also if you count time = money and look at the reward of those FSP runs, it is an extremely good invest, 1 of the best in the game. I also plan to make a simulation script to see on average how many more FSP A cards are needed to start making sets and what is the value of that. So i can judge how much time i want to invest either in trying to get sets or Cpacks for upgrading my existing cards or maybe better spend my time farming TT and buying S cards. When i done that, ill probably post the results somewhere on the forums :)

    The weapon refine is indeed much more rewarding than armor refines. I agree on your whole list except that +10 armors is a much better investment than the upgrading of those rings. For a barb this is quite a significant difference, for non HA toons it might be less significant.

    Ty for answering ^^
    This post helped me figuring it out a bit:

    Even if its' not considering the exact scenario where you get those different A cards forming a complete set, but might be helpful and is quite buried down in forums

    As an EA I think i could swit more the upgrading because our defence base is a bit crappy compared to HA classes, meaning the pay-back from upgrading defence might be worth the difference from HP.

    Might give it a run or two in the Excel to make sure of that before rushing to upgrade my rings to NW instead of buying those *cheap* 10* orbs out there nowadays

    I think I'll buy those A packs until I reach 10A + 1S (having 6 independent slots at least) even if it might be ... "full A+full position=13.7A+1free=102.8 packs(days)=513.8m" not that bad I guess, 500M for being full A + S looks like a good investment, to then turn all those FS money into next item in the queue of gear evolution

    OH gosh, non-CS life's hard xD
  • Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    "It is so tiring all those conspiracy statements that it is because people controll the price."

    "And you know real life is pretty much the same. You probably believe the illuminati control everything :( The mind plays weird tricks on you when you are being disadvantaged and it is incapable of understandng the real cause.

    A little diversion to prove my point.

    For your information, it is the "conspiracy nuts" that have forewarned about:

    An oil/gasoline price manipulation with specific price targets. Mainstream media and people "too smart to be fooled" ridiculed them. In the end, the NUTS were vindicated!

    A real estate bubble that would have dire and long suffering consequences on our national economy. Mainstream media and people "too smart to be fooled" ridiculed them. In the end, the NUTS were vindicated! Guess what genius, the best, regarding these two issues is still to come!

    Your country (assuming you are American) is slowly surrendering itself, into a socialist-fascist state, by the very factors that have been well documented by conspiracy nuts, which involves a long-term planned strategy, to whittle away at seemingly harmless issues. You chop down a big oak tree with small bites of an axe, eventually that strong tree yields to that small axe; and comes crashing down.

    Now, about price manipulation, anyone that pays attention to prices in PWI
    (Heavens tear server) has to have noticed the trend in west arch. At times when token and charm prices would have logically fallen in the past, now when we see a hint that process is beginning, a cat shopper
    (or a few) buys up the entire inventory(s) of those selling lower. This strategy has allowed those dedicated cat shoppers to keep the prices artificially high! Since you so eloquently brag about your billions of coin reserves as a catshopper, I can't help but question your motivations for deploying real world smear tactics on people that are just expressing their opinion/concern.

    Real world tactics of smear campaign:
    Declare an individual or group an enemy to the "common good".
    Label the enemy (deadbeat dad, homophobe, conspiracy nut, racist etc etc)
    Mock and ridicule individuals that appears to support the enemy. (attempt to align the person with the enemy target, so the derogatory details fabricated about the enemy are applied to the individual by implication).

    Hey, are you aware that this smear tactic, currently employed by the Obama administration and his liberal/progressive supporters (mainstream media) was just one of the tactics used by Hitler. There are many other processes being used in America over the past 25-30 which are also strategies utilized by Hitler. The difference between Hitler and his supporters and those doing the same here? Time, only the length of time. Today socialist-fascists know you can't throw a frog into boiling water or it will jump out. Today's frogs (Americans) started in tepid water and the temperature is increased ever so slowly, so the frogs do not realize they are being cooked.

    It's a classic historic process, that students of history can easily recognize and see as it is unfolding. Those ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it!

    But I digress, real world tactics ARE being employed in catshops, specifically price manipulation! Now the real world demonizing tactics are being used against those that dare to call attention to the corruption aspect of it.

    Now, I've done MY part to shed light on the realities of the game reflecting real life. Free market principles do work, until you get a few monopolizing a product or service, then you have price manipulation!

    I'm one of those conspiracy NUTS you allude to. I'm damn proud to know my eyes are wide open! I am especially proud to know that I am not a frog that is easily manipulated by tactics.
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Man... you play a game to get away from the real world and you people start to drag real life in it. I don't care if you are a "conspiracy nut" or not. Please, leave politic affairs and things like that out. We're talking about PWI's current issues with prices (be it a reflection of real life or not. After all, we're all real-life humans behind the screen), not how America's president is doing something similar to what Hitler did and how mainstream geniuses thinks they are better.

    I think there is an offtopic section for that kind of stuff...
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    wts tinfoil hats near west banker right after mainteance \o/
  • Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I spend approx 2 hours per day doing an activity in game that yields me approximately 16 mil profit with a 4 mil investment on average. I then need extra, unspecified time to sell the items I get from said activity in a cat shop. This cat shop also functions as a merchanting hub. I buy gold, buy cash shop items, and sell for a small profit which adds up over time and with volume. After 6 months of merchanting and farming, I was able to buy a scroll of tome for 1 billion coin.

    By contrast, I have a friend who easily bots about 100 mil (possibly more) per day on non-2x. In 10 days, that is 1 billion coin, enough to buy a scroll of tome on my server. This same person had once said to me, after spending a bunch on some fashion, "what is XXmil when I bot 100m per day?"

    And that's the issue currently with gold prices. 2.5, 3m is nothing to folks who can bot the coin. It's essentially free money, and much easier to spend. With high demand for gold, pack items, high end gems, etc, the prices will go as high as someone is willing and able to pay.

    So while yes, the botters with the excess of coins are to blame, they are not driving prices up deliberately to **** with the rest of us -- it's just the inevitable result.
  • Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I spend approx 2 hours per day doing an activity in game that yields me approximately 16 mil profit with a 4 mil investment on average. I then need extra, unspecified time to sell the items I get from said activity in a cat shop. This cat shop also functions as a merchanting hub. I buy gold, buy cash shop items, and sell for a small profit which adds up over time and with volume. After 6 months of merchanting and farming, I was able to buy a scroll of tome for 1 billion coin.

    By contrast, I have a friend who easily bots about 100 mil (possibly more) per day on non-2x. In 10 days, that is 1 billion coin, enough to buy a scroll of tome on my server. This same person had once said to me, after spending a bunch on some fashion, "what is XXmil when I bot 100m per day?"

    And that's the issue currently with gold prices. 2.5, 3m is nothing to folks who can bot the coin. It's essentially free money, and much easier to spend. With high demand for gold, pack items, high end gems, etc, the prices will go as high as someone is willing and able to pay.

    So while yes, the botters with the excess of coins are to blame, they are not driving prices up deliberately to **** with the rest of us -- it's just the inevitable result.

    You have alts to run advanced cube with, there`s your profit if i`m correct, since I see all your 3 chars doing cube, and again bottign with many alts as many people do, it`s against the TOS, I could also log 5 botters and make some 30m per day on average, botting 100m per day is unreal unless IT can log like 20 characters, can`t wait when they make all DQ items cost 1 coin, so the greedy big nose mofos can suck it with all their bot armies!
  • Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    So in essence after reading the last 13+ pages of posts - the number 1 thing any decent non-greedy intelligent player should be wanting in game is a maximum of 2 million coins per gold cap to "stabilize the economy"

    problem solved yay!!!

    so until pwi installs a realistic and non greedy gold price cap....


    play something else, go for a walk, read a book, play with your kids, get a job, get a life, etc.


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