Defiance Arch server



  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    dude, not sure of what your talking about, but your spellings and grammar, as well as your IQ level don't seem to be good enough for forums... but as you tried to be sarcastic i would give you a LOL for it as no1 else seems to be understanding or knowing of what you speak, am sure we will have fun, LOTS of fun with you around in season 3....

    Kudos to all upcoming factions for the new season, hopefully we will have an awesome season ahead XD

    with this signing off!!

    I know my grammar and spelling arent perfect, never said they were, and they never will be. As far as my IQ goes, its as low as can be, thats Gods fault tough. The real one that is, not the person who started this thread claiming to be one.
    And i wasnt being sarcastic, i rly wanna know if you made another post like that yet :3.

    PS. U forgot a Capital in ur very first word, u miss spelled your first you're*, then u forgot another capital in your second sentence, tsktsk.
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't even get hit that hard with nirvy 3rd cast gear

    Meh, all it takes is nice debuffs and well timed purge with a crit from caster. Dunno bout flumeboy but I know mexy loves to triple spark for disturbing numbers and might of been the case there. Most barbs dont know SS can be purged and thus can be surprised with it.

    Dropping barb isnt that hard if you are smart bout it, stacked debuffs are a pain and w/o support not much outside invoke & AD + IG chain one can do. Though likely one would go around by AD(As you will be stunned) to outlast stun to launch IG and gain immunity. While thats bout to end, pop invoke. By the time its done, one may have enough energy for SS but like I said, SS can be purged.

    As for oldschool catabarbs? There is none left. Gunny is gone, fluffers, Zai... even Wnb hasnt been remotely geared for years now. I urge anybody to point out a catabarb that still plays and was in Impulse/Narla. Even Elusive/Ascend might be difficult to find. Nemesis lasted for so long there is certainly barbs from there in some faction or the other but I doubt any of the old barbs are still around. Some re-rolled like Van but those arent a large group either.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I know my grammar and spelling arent perfect, never said they were, and they never will be. As far as my IQ goes, its as low as can be, thats Gods fault tough. The real one that is, not the person who started this thread claiming to be one.
    And i wasnt being sarcastic, i rly wanna know if you made another post like that yet :3.

    PS. U forgot a Capital in ur very first word, u miss spelled your first you're*, then u forgot another capital in your second sentence, tsktsk.

    LMAO nice one
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Meh, all it takes is nice debuffs and well timed purge with a crit from caster. Dunno bout flumeboy but I know mexy loves to triple spark for disturbing numbers and might of been the case there. Most barbs dont know SS can be purged and thus can be surprised with it.

    Dropping barb isnt that hard if you are smart bout it, stacked debuffs are a pain and w/o support not much outside invoke & AD + IG chain one can do. Though likely one would go around by AD(As you will be stunned) to outlast stun to launch IG and gain immunity. While thats bout to end, pop invoke. By the time its done, one may have enough energy for SS but like I said, SS can be purged.

    As for oldschool catabarbs? There is none left. Gunny is gone, fluffers, Zai... even Wnb hasnt been remotely geared for years now. I urge anybody to point out a catabarb that still plays and was in Impulse/Narla. Even Elusive/Ascend might be difficult to find. Nemesis lasted for so long there is certainly barbs from there in some faction or the other but I doubt any of the old barbs are still around. Some re-rolled like Van but those arent a large group either.

    Gunny is back b:victory

    Demonash is oldschool, active and a great cata barb considering hes only using n3 +10 ;O
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    wow... really? LOL b:surrender

    btw, WTS> punctuation 2m per . and 1m per ,
  • Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    how did this reach 10 pages. anyway, not that it matters, but the oldest barb is DatMo w/ no exceptions. he was the first level 80 on our server after all. as for the best, zaibeast has had more clutch plays in genuinely competitive TW's than anyone else that I can think of.

    we're reaching that point now where almost all the people talking chit today only started pking after r9 came out/they finished their gear. this shouldn't surprise you guys.
    connoisseur of archosonian culture, acclaimed jurist for his controversial stance against narlan hegemony, prolific author, whose contributions to the west gate editorial challenged the co-optation of assassins into a fun-sucking alliance, leader of the FPOA (free peoples of archosaur) movement, and alleged second coming of Bruce Lee, Alexander the Great, Jackie Robinson, et al.
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    1 thing is clear :P

    Defiance is the top faction PVP/ TW wise in archosaur during its time :D. from the moment it was made til now. no idea on future but we are doing really well :D

    soon to be 2 time server champion :D ? owning all the cities too :D

    GF all :D
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Best barb is _BabyFace

    what u guys talking about :D
  • Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    hai _CurseD :D
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    destructooo all the factions u went into failed to beat defiance lol b:chuckle
  • Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I vote for group hug in silver pool and be done with this.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    destructooo all the factions u went into failed to beat defiance lol b:chuckle

    Only faction i went in to that tw'ed with Defiance after Nemesis was Rogue, and that was because i didnt feel good in Defiance when i joined it after Nemesis disbanded, even told a few of your officers that ^^. After Rogue i went to Supermen wich didnt tw vs defiance until recently after i left. b:bye

    And fyi, i dont have a problem with Defiance, just with a few people in it :).
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I just want to say that Supermen had nothing to do with an organized Gank. We had one land and were land locked and no where to go and got bored. That is all, no conspiracy there. So that makes it a 4 way organized gank at the most. That's of course if you want to include Proskii as an actual faction.

    Plus Defiance can handle it, they have the majority of DD's and TW players. Why are you complaining?

  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    @ destructoo u wernt in darkness?my bad then and i guess u werent going to get accepted anyway if it wasnt for the package deal lol.

    we actually enjoy the fun ganks cuz we wnt mind losing a tw if its fun :D. winning is the bonus of fun TW b:laugh

    w/ nem coming back, reminds me of tubies vs nemesis days, was so fun b:laugh

    hope u guys make it big this time for fun TW b:thanks
  • Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    @ destructoo u wernt in darkness?my bad then and i guess u werent going to get accepted anyway if it wasnt for the package deal lol.

    we actually enjoy the fun ganks cuz we wnt mind losing a tw if its fun :D. winning is the bonus of fun TW b:laugh

    w/ nem coming back, reminds me of tubies vs nemesis days, was so fun b:laugh

    hope u guys make it big this time for fun TW b:thanks

    Me toooo. That's all we are wanting is some FUN!! Are we going to have to listen to Payne every week after TW tho? b:surrender
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    @ destructoo u wernt in darkness?my bad then and i guess u werent going to get accepted anyway if it wasnt for the package deal lol.

    we actually enjoy the fun ganks cuz we wnt mind losing a tw if its fun :D. winning is the bonus of fun TW b:laugh

    w/ nem coming back, reminds me of tubies vs nemesis days, was so fun b:laugh

    hope u guys make it big this time for fun TW b:thanks

    mk, i forgot about darkness, only did 1 tw with em tough, but ur right.
    As far as ur package deal comment goes, i applied 1-2 weeks after the others joined so me getting rejected wouldnt have made a difference. Shows how afraid u were of losing all those ppl/tw's vs rogue tough b:chuckle

    Edit: I know ganks are fun, Tubbies organised enough of em against us. Best 2 months of tw ive had eversince.
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Me toooo. That's all we are wanting is some FUN!! Are we going to have to listen to Payne every week after TW tho? b:surrender

    maybe b:laugh

    forgot to tie him in his cage, D: my bad lol jk

    diz didnt make sure to lock him D: b:shutup
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    mk, i forgot about darkness, only did 1 tw with em tough, but ur right.
    As far as ur package deal comment goes, i applied 1-2 weeks after the others joined so me getting rejected wouldnt have made a difference. Shows how afraid u were of losing all those ppl/tw's vs rogue tough b:chuckle

    Edit: I know ganks are fun, Tubbies organised enough of em against us. Best 2 months of tw ive had eversince.

    no one forced u guys to apply :D is ur choice. maybe get the quiality ones w/ a few baggage lol
  • Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Ohhh, am just thinking Payne might have done Nem the best favor ever. I can see new recruitment message:

    Nemesis looking for new members to KILL PAYNE IN TW!! 100+/Reborn b:chuckle Maybe we can start a jackpot for damage dealt XD..hahaha, j/k

    I actually agree with BDoomed, he is correct in saying that the only way to take on the top faction is to bring together those who want to do just that.

    Looking forward to re-set Defiance!!! Let's have some FUN! b:victory
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    idk if tubies needed to gank nemesis ;/

    tubies won it 1v1 a whole lot of times. i think ur hallucinating
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    no one forced u guys to apply :D is ur choice. maybe get the quiality ones w/ a few baggage lol

    Indeed, it was my choice to apply. And i know im baggage, me for failest archo wiz 2k14 and more years to come b:victory
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    idk if tubies needed to gank nemesis ;/

    tubies won it 1v1 a whole lot of times. i think ur hallucinating

    They did, but in the end they had to gank to win. Wich they couldnt do 9/10 times.
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    They did, but in the end they had to gank to win. Wich they couldnt do 9/10 times.

    maybe thats time when i left tubies cuz of arsons boobies lol jk

    bigger than whole tubes :D joking again :D
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    maybe thats time when i left tubies cuz of arsons boobies lol jk

    lol b:laugh

    And yea, that was when ppl started leaving tubies. I cant/wont deny that tubies was stronger then us at one point. ^^

    Anyways my point was that ganks are fun, even if u lose em like it was said b4. Especially if u been rolling every tw for 3 months like Defiance has this season.
  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ok you all are getting away from what makes this thread so funny we are here for the GodofallEgos lets not forget that b:laugh
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    lol b:laugh

    And yea, that was when ppl started leaving tubies. I cant/wont deny that tubies was stronger then us at one point. ^^

    but i dont recall tubies losing to nemesis once when i was in tubies
  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    but i dont recall tubies losing to nemesis once when i was in tubies

    umm yeah we did cause for some dumb reason we no showed them during a 7 way gank tw
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ok you all are getting away from what makes this thread so funny we are here for the GodofallEgos lets not forget that b:laugh

    this is all diz's idea!! changing name and all D:

    i should change name too.

    GodKiller :D since i killed payne once in 1v1. 20 mins fight...
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    but i dont recall tubies losing to nemesis once when i was in tubies

    thats why i said when ppl started leaving tubies ^^
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    this is all diz's idea!! changing name and all D:

    i should change name too.

    GodKiller :D since i killed payne once in 1v1. 20 mins fight...

    u killed my charm didnt have time to put a new one on QQ
This discussion has been closed.