Defiance Arch server



  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It wasn't Sonata_ that organized the gank. It was I, Zanryu. Yes, I organized the gank against your faction. I have been operating in secret for well over a year now, carefully orchestrating certain events on Archosaur. It is now time for all of my planning to achieve the results I've been so patiently waiting for. I have joined forces with a certain person who shall remain nameless, and rest assured that together we shall dominate your TW map.

    Now is OUR time.

    Now is YOUR downfall.

    Now get dunkd.

    I'm comin' for errbody son, you best hide yo children and hide yo wives 'cause I'm takin' errbody's land out here.

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty

    I read the forums naked.
  • Toraah - Archosaur
    Toraah - Archosaur Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    TW land isn't the only land you've been taking, is it, Zan?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] - Assassin PK/TW/NW videos
  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    TW land isn't the only land you've been taking, is it, Zan?

    I'm taking it all dude. Every land, every child, every woman, every building, every micro organizsm, every CS stone, every event, I'm even taking those big giant orb things in Archo. Nothing is safe.

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty

    I read the forums naked.
  • WistaKitty - Archosaur
    WistaKitty - Archosaur Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Lol wow payne, your an idiot. But thank you for the entertaining forum post.
  • Toraah - Archosaur
    Toraah - Archosaur Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm taking it all dude. Every land, every child, every woman, every building, every micro organizsm, every CS stone, every event, I'm even taking those big giant orb things in Archo. Nothing is safe.

    You forgot to mention a certain afk spot
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] - Assassin PK/TW/NW videos
  • BDoomed - Archosaur
    BDoomed - Archosaur Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    First off good season so far, cant complain about anything... now for this post hmmm..

    Well Ganks are normally formed and provoked with prior discussion between different faction leaders, and thats how it always has been, you cant deny the fact though who organized the gank is of question and Met, probably fits best.....

    As for Defiance, we are the best yup i agree, we got a lot of good and experienced people and a LOT of well geared as well as moderate geared members as well, we are organized thats for sure, and we know what we are doing when it comes to bidding/TW and of that sort....But you all fail to realize this that why we actually succeed, many of the factions like Nemesis, Sonata, Roguexxx do have the same benefits, maybe in less magnitude but they do have those resources as well, then why is Defiance on top ?

    As to how i look at it, rather than being spread out in 3 different faction, merge into one particular faction and then it would really become a tough fight... spreading your own resources, into different factions, will make you more weak....

    And Yeah, i wanna have 2 TW's one at 2pm, the other at 8 pm, and each of them should have 7 atk's on us... that be fun....
  • Snowy_Rai - Archosaur
    Snowy_Rai - Archosaur Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    lol this post is lol just lololololoolololoolollooololololololololololloooollloololololollololloooollolololololololololol
  • Kattanyia - Archosaur
    Kattanyia - Archosaur Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    b:laugh Thank you Payne, you just gave me a great laugh this morning. Clearly, you do Defiance proud!! What would they ever do without you?b:shutup
  • Aritorsha - Archosaur
    Aritorsha - Archosaur Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Ewwwwwwwwww Mark. Stay away from me you parasite. Don't eat my insides I need them. :c
  • autumnfaerie1989
    autumnfaerie1989 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    LOOOOOL Woooow waaay to show your EPICALLY HUGE ego there payne... and good for you... no one cares what u seem to think there "Mr. God Almighty" go crawl back into your little hole now, and let the grown ups talk...

    P.S. Thanks for the laugh!
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Defiance and me GodOfCatas use to be known as paynemaxxam says any 7way gank against defiance defiance will not lose a piece of land the last gank set up by Metalogue also known as parasite that was sonata_ leader at the time set up a 5way gank and Defiance won all and called me a no life and such but took his own personal time to set up a gank and with sonata_ saying they are #1 on server also they have jarkhen who calls me noob barb when he is a worse archer saying he is the best but the faction he is leading know couldnt kill me in tw or with Zheii that can talk **** but QQ and runs from people in pk that she talks smack on and get held by 2 squads of Defiance in tw in are 5way gank i havent died against sonata_ i cant remember the last tw i died in other then when u all used to be in rogue cough so im calling out sonata and any other faction on server that want to gank defiance we want a 7way gank to prove we are #1 we havent had a good tw since sonata that use to be in rogue left for sonata SO BRING ON THE 7 WAY GANK THISS WEEKEND please and ty

    Paynemaxxam, true story.

    Its a shame small minority like yourself in Defiance brings bad reputation to everybody in the faction. I was in Defiance for months and I did enjoy it far more than I expected going in. But all it takes is one bad apple :).

    Ps. In case you ever want to be understood, throw me a pm, my fee is fairly reasonable considering the lack of people who can follow that train of thought of yours.

    Edit: I swear to god I hate new forums, wont highlight url in text, gots to play with colors, QQ.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Sxelf - Archosaur
    Sxelf - Archosaur Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Met is a BDSM parasite b:shutup
  • Kylita - Archosaur
    Kylita - Archosaur Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Lol o_o The ego is real.

    b:cute Love you guys
    Will you sail with me through endless dreams?
    Or will you drown me with my nightmares?
  • Proskiii - Archosaur
    Proskiii - Archosaur Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Defiance and me GodOfCatas use to be known as paynemaxxam says any 7way gank against defiance defiance will not lose a piece of land the last gank set up by Metalogue also known as parasite that was sonata_ leader at the time set up a 5way gank and Defiance won all and called me a no life and such but took his own personal time to set up a gank and with sonata_ saying they are #1 on server also they have jarkhen who calls me noob barb when he is a worse archer saying he is the best but the faction he is leading know couldnt kill me in tw or with Zheii that can talk **** but QQ and runs from people in pk that she talks smack on and get held by 2 squads of Defiance in tw in are 5way gank i havent died against sonata_ i cant remember the last tw i died in other then when u all used to be in rogue cough so im calling out sonata and any other faction on server that want to gank defiance we want a 7way gank to prove we are #1 we havent had a good tw since sonata that use to be in rogue left for sonata SO BRING ON THE 7 WAY GANK THISS WEEKEND please and ty
    First off good season so far, cant complain about anything... now for this post hmmm..

    Well Ganks are normally formed and provoked with prior discussion between different faction leaders, and thats how it always has been, you cant deny the fact though who organized the gank is of question and Met, probably fits best.....

    As for Defiance, we are the best yup i agree, we got a lot of good and experienced people and a LOT of well geared as well as moderate geared members as well, we are organized thats for sure, and we know what we are doing when it comes to bidding/TW and of that sort....But you all fail to realize this that why we actually succeed, many of the factions like Nemesis, Sonata, Roguexxx do have the same benefits, maybe in less magnitude but they do have those resources as well, then why is Defiance on top ?

    As to how i look at it, rather than being spread out in 3 different faction, merge into one particular faction and then it would really become a tough fight... spreading your own resources, into different factions, will make you more weak....

    And Yeah, i wanna have 2 TW's one at 2pm, the other at 8 pm, and each of them should have 7 atk's on us... that be fun....
    connoisseur of archosonian culture, acclaimed jurist for his controversial stance against narlan hegemony, prolific author, whose contributions to the west gate editorial challenged the co-optation of assassins into a fun-sucking alliance, leader of the FPOA (free peoples of archosaur) movement, and alleged second coming of Bruce Lee, Alexander the Great, Jackie Robinson, et al.
  • Mesimarja - Archosaur
    Mesimarja - Archosaur Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    At first I was trying to actually get what this person was saying, but I lost the point after the 3rd row of not using punctation what so ever.

    I think the summary is that he think he is a god.

    he thinks hes god, IS THIS KANEY WEST PLAYING WITH US ON PWI, he seems so same O__O

    and lol dude, just coz some1 is botting in game alot, doesnt mean hes sitting at his pc all the time, theres way worse ppl botting on server, like ace, u go in morai and every other botter there is ace, so yeah >.<

    maybe u should go back to hospital to go check ur head, ur thinking way too high of urself :(
  • Toraah - Archosaur
    Toraah - Archosaur Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] - Assassin PK/TW/NW videos
  • VaR$hAa// - Archosaur20
    VaR$hAa// - Archosaur20 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    That's one hell of a verbose run on sentence and from the initial look of it, not worth reading.

    its his part n hes free to tell wat he feels.:D depends on how u take it
  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You forgot to mention a certain afk spot

    I thought it was implied.

    Your AFK spots are especially not safe.

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty

    I read the forums naked.
  • VaR$hAa// - Archosaur20
    VaR$hAa// - Archosaur20 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    * toodles* we hardly afk :P
  • Venielle - Archosaur
    Venielle - Archosaur Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    God created a perfect world.....and saw it was good.
    God created catas.....and saw it was good.
    God created GodOfCatas.....and laughed his off

    How can an ego be so big? It's entertaining b:laugh
  • tsyfall
    tsyfall Posts: 9
    edited March 2014
    Defiance and me GodOfCatas use to be known as paynemaxxam says any 7way gank against defiance defiance will not lose a piece of land the last gank set up by Metalogue also known as parasite that was sonata_ leader at the time set up a 5way gank and Defiance won all and called me a no life and such but took his own personal time to set up a gank and with sonata_ saying they are #1 on server also they have jarkhen who calls me noob barb when he is a worse archer saying he is the best but the faction he is leading know couldnt kill me in tw or with Zheii that can talk **** but QQ and runs from people in pk that she talks smack on and get held by 2 squads of Defiance in tw in are 5way gank i havent died against sonata_ i cant remember the last tw i died in other then when u all used to be in rogue cough so im calling out sonata and any other faction on server that want to gank defiance we want a 7way gank to prove we are #1 we havent had a good tw since sonata that use to be in rogue left for sonata SO BRING ON THE 7 WAY GANK THISS WEEKEND please and ty

    Translation of OP helpfully provided by Tsy.
    I speak for myself, Paynemaxxam, the GodofCatas, and Defiance. I say that the 7-way TW gank against Defiance, masterminded by the parasite Meatlog, Sonata_ Leader, shall not steal away our land!

    You may call us no-lifes but you are the one who personally set up a gank, and declared yourselves, Sonata_, to be the best faction on the server. This is ridiculous.

    Look at Jarkhen, who calls me a noob barb - when he is an even worse archer himself! His faction can't even kill me in TW.
    Look at Zheii, who talks **** in PK but then runs away!

    We split up during the 5-way, and even then, I have yet to die. I can't even remember the last TW I died in after the Rogue-TWs.

    So, you parasites, you no-lifes, you fails: I challenge you to a 7-way gank on Defiance! We haven't had a good TW since Rogue. Bring on the 7-way gank! Bring on the challenge! Bring us a fight and we shall give you defeat!

    Oh, by the way, thanks.

    If you think about it it's actually quite an impressive speech
  • SerenityMare - Dreamweaver
    SerenityMare - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,211 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This is a very GG thread.
  • lucao2301
    lucao2301 Posts: 1
    edited March 2014
    #RESPECT b:victory
  • sheblewme
    sheblewme Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    so this god of cata's who doesn't know how to play his toon thinks he's the best barb on the server didn't even know how to rotate solid shield and invoke to not die on his own. isn't worth **** without the gear that he didn't pay for alone and damn sure wasn't the one who put most of his shards and refines on it. He's nothing without clerics on his in ganks yet he thinks he does it all alone. All defiance is to him and all they do for him is boost up his ego to make him think he is a great one when hell most of them hate him in the faction.

    So this is to this so called godofcatas go to one of these factions and solo them alone since your so great don't put all of your faction into your ego xD go solo sonata then call yourself a god. Thank you have a nice day
  • Snowy_Rai - Archosaur
    Snowy_Rai - Archosaur Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    WOW GG rofl
  • Paynemaxxam - Archosaur
    Paynemaxxam - Archosaur Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    sheblewme wrote: »
    so this god of cata's who doesn't know how to play his toon thinks he's the best barb on the server didn't even know how to rotate solid shield and invoke to not die on his own. isn't worth **** without the gear that he didn't pay for alone and damn sure wasn't the one who put most of his shards and refines on it. He's nothing without clerics on his in ganks yet he thinks he does it all alone. All defiance is to him and all they do for him is boost up his ego to make him think he is a great one when hell most of them hate him in the faction.

    So this is to this so called godofcatas go to one of these factions and solo them alone since your so great don't put all of your faction into your ego xD go solo sonata then call yourself a god. Thank you have a nice day

    i payed for most of my refines and shards tyvm and i done a rogue tw without a cleric had no cleric buffs
  • sheblewme
    sheblewme Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    lol everyone knows your a joke
  • Paynemaxxam - Archosaur
    Paynemaxxam - Archosaur Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    sheblewme wrote: »
    lol everyone knows your a joke

    why u not comment with your account with main toon are u hiding something
  • Jarkhen - Archosaur
    Jarkhen - Archosaur Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    i dont see that in nw or tw.

    Then maybe you need glasses...?

    Screenshot courtesy of Flumeboy.

    TW/NW Videos:

    Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
  • sheblewme
    sheblewme Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    i payed for most of my refines and shards tyvm and i done a rogue tw without a cleric had no cleric buffs

    so godofcatas no no failofcatas you paid for most of it? and you've done rogue tw without a cleric and buffs? you sure about that? I mean damn your fail you don't know how to play your class you didn't even know how to work the class I mean you get beat by g16 classes who actually know how to play their toons you don't get more fail then that but your a god? come on kid you need to get off that high horse of yours and come back to common sense with all the rest of us and the alt is just because its funny to see that someone knows so much about you but you cant go message me and tell me o why did you say that or o why you doing this its to funny to do this to you and know that everything is a fact
This discussion has been closed.