
Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2014 in General Discussion
I quit pwi about 4 years ago due to real life stuff, tried other "better games" like -snip- and **** ect, just didnt feel any of it. What i'm wondering is if its worth going back to at all, is the player base just full of alts instead of new players? are the classes any more balanced than they were during my time? Do new characters just fc straight from the start and not actually play the game? I'm aware its very cash shop oriented but i can get passed that again i guess. Idk why but i really miss this game lol
Post edited by freedomswon on


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  • Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Is the player base just full of alts instead of new players?
    Pretty much, yes. Lately a few people have been returning, at least for DW, if it's the original players I have no clue.

    Are the classes any more balanced than they were during my time?
    Debatable, but i'm leaning towards no, there's still a ton of unbalanced stuff.

    Do new characters just fc straight from the start and not actually play the game?

    Is it worth coming back, don't ask that question on the forums, this place is generally full of bitter people who keep claiming to quit but won't or with people who actually did quit and just troll around.

    Best thing to do is to go on and see if there's anything there for you and if you like it yes or no, don't go for the judgement of people here.

    That's all I can say and answer pretty much.
    Well, maybe later, semi-retired.
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    You put r9r3 on whatever class you want,

    but only venos and psys are able to kill sins by just afking.

    That's no balance. b:bye
    "What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!" - Dracula
  • Posts: 1,315 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I quit pwi about 4 years ago due to real life stuff, tried other "better games" like rift and **** ect, just didnt feel any of it. What i'm wondering is if its worth going back to at all, is the player base just full of alts instead of new players? are the classes any more balanced than they were during my time? Do new characters just fc straight from the start and not actually play the game? I'm aware its very cash shop oriented but i can get passed that again i guess. Idk why but i really miss this game lol

    Everything you said, all that you hope that is not - it is.
    Barbarian 103 - 101 - 101
    Started playing on March 2010
  • Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I quit pwi about 4 years ago due to real life stuff, tried other "better games" like rift and **** ect, just didnt feel any of it. What i'm wondering is if its worth going back to at all, is the player base just full of alts instead of new players? are the classes any more balanced than they were during my time? Do new characters just fc straight from the start and not actually play the game? I'm aware its very cash shop oriented but i can get passed that again i guess. Idk why but i really miss this game lol

    well for new gamers most of the old gamers don't realize that there are new gamers b/c
    1. they don't join random small facs like me and actually interact with new players.
    2. new gamers rely on older gamers to know how to lvl which most just say do fc and bhs and u're golden so old gamers tend to think these ppl are just alts.

    is it worth coming bck?
    its worth coming bck if u're willing to spend time to get what you want. Getting tt and nirvana gear now is a breeze. g16 is just the improved versions of nirvana which g16 is pretty simple to get if you find a squad willing to let u tag along. There are a lot more r9 people now simply because its easier to get it now and because of that there are a lot more that are r9rr. so pvp is kinda messed up if you're only a g16 toon.

    if u miss the game just come back..see if u like it or not...if u don't like it don't play..if u do..stick to it.
  • Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    well for new gamers most of the old gamers don't realize that there are new gamers b/c
    1. they don't join random small facs like me and actually interact with new players.
    2. new gamers rely on older gamers to know how to lvl which most just say do fc and bhs and u're golden so old gamers tend to think these ppl are just alts.

    is it worth coming bck?
    its worth coming bck if u're willing to spend time to get what you want. Getting tt and nirvana gear now is a breeze. g16 is just the improved versions of nirvana which g16 is pretty simple to get if you find a squad willing to let u tag along. There are a lot more r9 people now simply because its easier to get it now and because of that there are a lot more that are r9rr. so pvp is kinda messed up if you're only a g16 toon.

    if u miss the game just come back..see if u like it or not...if u don't like it don't play..if u do..stick to it.

    I agree mostly.

    There is new content and maps since you quit as well that may be fun to explore.

    New players do exist, they just need reasonable help (other than "Go run FC noob!") because it won't keep them around like that.
    Sometimes snarky, but will always bake you cupcakes.
  • Posts: 184 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I agree mostly.

    -jaw drops- JAE mostly agrees w/ me :O b:laugh
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Uh, the game has tremendously changed. For my taste for the worse, I have over the years kept a few friends, i play PWI through the weekend -in so far as the servers are working. PWI is now a cash shop game & very fast. If you have the money, you can reach lvl 100 + get very good equipment in a week or even earlier. Depends on your money. Means that the majority of players are terrible team players. Class balance? If you have enough money, any class can be ''immortal''.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Wow lol thank you all for your opinions, its sad that pwi has reached this point because it started out really great way back when. i do plan to try it again but im afraid that whatever hope i have left for the game will die lol. Im not a cser, nvr spent a cent on any f2p mmo, and dont plan to. Im not a hardcore player, i just want some lvl of progression. However would you suggest i start over to experience anything new? or should i just pick off where i left off? i got a bunch of 80's/90's on harshlands and lost.
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I quit pwi about 4 years ago due to real life stuff, tried other "better games" like rift and **** ect, just didnt feel any of it. What i'm wondering is if its worth going back to at all, is the player base just full of alts instead of new players? are the classes any more balanced than they were during my time? Do new characters just fc straight from the start and not actually play the game? I'm aware its very cash shop oriented but i can get passed that again i guess. Idk why but i really miss this game lol

    there are allot of alts out there, farming and JoJing, but yes, there is a new player base. you just don't see it much because of the fact that pwi added afew new features that helps players get to lvl 30 in afew hours if it's done right. but once you get past that first extreme biult in power leveling phase, there are a decent amount of players around to chill with.

    everyone thinks that a certain class is OP, but, if every class is OP to someone, to me that says the classes are balanced enough. i mean, the only really OP class is the 5.0aps people, who might aswell be considered a class of their own.

    yes, allot of people do that, but it's usually the alts that do that, not the actual new players.

    if you join the raging tide server, whisper Byakkko, or Nachvent if you woudl like an invite to our faction BannisheD, that way even if you find yourself surrounded by nobody in the low level areas, or wanna come join the dungeon running fun, you'll always have somebody to hang out with online.

    welcome back, and try to ignore all the QQers that posted here about how horrible the classes are balanced, and how nobody new plays, and how horrible things have gotten. lets get real, if it was really so bad, would people play pwi anymore?....
  • Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    the only really OP class is the 5.0aps people

    Noob detected... b:shutup
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I don't think the classes are necessarily unbalanced, moreover I think some things are a little unfair.
    (I'll refrain from elaborating on what I think of stealth...)

    In some ways the game has improved dramatically and the developers have done well to keep people interested in ways that don't involve vomiting money to make your numbers better than everyone else's numbers.

    I refer you to the term "perfect imbalance." Watch Extra Credits if you want to know more.

    I think more new players are turned away by poor treatment from old players more than anything else.
    "What man would go into the dark without a light?"
    "That's a silly question. What man would go into the dark?"
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Noob detected... b:shutup

    hey, i'm just sayin, i mean, there are afew ways to kill um if you get lucky, but who are the people soloing and selling fc to people most often? and who lvls fastest because they don't need help? can you really say that the statement of 5.0aps being OP is wrong? wasn't tryin to gripe and moan about it, but it is a genuine fact the 5.0aps is by far, the strongest class/biuld on the game. seriously, prove to me that a different, non-aps class can be stronger than a 5.0 player with bloodpaint on him...
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think more new players are turned away by poor treatment from old players more than anything else.

    definitely. if we could just get afew bans for the major *******s on each server, the player base would sky rocket...
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    5APS requires armor that leaves you just as weak as your weapon is strong. I'd call that reasonably balanced if you ask me.

    A 5APS Assassin jumps me on my Psychic. I hit an immunity potion or Psychic Will, then insta-kill it with Landslide.

    The only situation where 5APS is truly overpowered is PVE.

    Shall we keep the thread on topic now and not elaborate on an ancient argument?
    "What man would go into the dark without a light?"
    "That's a silly question. What man would go into the dark?"
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    5APS requires armor that leaves you just as weak as your weapon is strong. I'd call that reasonably balanced if you ask me.

    A 5APS Assassin jumps me on my Psychic. I hit an immunity potion or Psychic Will, then insta-kill it with Landslide.

    The only situation where 5APS is truly overpowered is PVE.

    Shall we keep the thread on topic now and not elaborate on an ancient argument?

    i still don't completely agree, but i shall digress and agree to stay on topic.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    if u won't spend any money on it...

    the road ahead is long and tedious.
    btw.. seeker op :P
  • Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    You put r9r3 on whatever class you want,

    but only venos and psys are able to kill sins by just afking.

    That's no balance. b:bye

    Aaahahaha I love this answer!
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    There are plenty of new players joining this game daily, so many in fact, if I worked really hard at it, I could fill an entire lvl 3 faction with nothing but brand new players in just a week. I have actually done so once. It was a lot of work getting these people to level up, so many FBs and so much farming it was overwhelming, I wouldn't suggest anyone do that unless they have an insane amount of patience and time on their hands and are a good leader who loves to spend his/her time on others while neglecting one's self. But the fact remains, the player base continues to grow... At least for now, we shall see what happens on April the second.

    Edit: Upon further reflection on this matter... Yes, I asked every single one of those people in seperate individual lengthy conversations about their history in game, if any history at all. I been playing this game a long time and know when I am getting played. One wrong word...
  • Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    either come in prepared to fight to change the game or stay out of this cesspool of ****.
  • Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This game still has alot to offer the new/ returning person. We got a really nice supply stash, op gear drops in the fb caves, joj and lots of other resources to help level and gear up your toon.

    Also have the wik, forums, database, and other tools to guide you through the game. When I do decide to tag along and help out in a lower bh or whatever I always get a couple of people claiming that they are new so I think there is still some kind of new playerbase.

    Everything is here, just depends if you want. just gotta go get it : D
  • Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This game still has alot to offer the new/ returning person. We got a really nice supply stash, op gear drops in the fb caves, joj and lots of other resources to help level and gear up your toon.

    Also have the wik, forums, database, and other tools to guide you through the game. When I do decide to tag along and help out in a lower bh or whatever I always get a couple of people claiming that they are new so I think there is still some kind of new playerbase.

    Everything is here, just depends if you want. just gotta go get it : D
    and messed up class balance, gltichy instances and server service disruptions complete with lousy lag. come back? hell's no avoid this pit-trap like it was A.I.D.S.


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