New Trials Rewards

Bhavyy - Raging Tide
Bhavyy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,083 Arc User
edited March 2014 in General Discussion
Just wanted some clarification on what the new trials rewards are. I've heard about cards and vitae but been hearing many conflicting things so just wanted to ask the community whether they knew any better about what's on offer.
Apparently it's only C cards that are available. Does this improve with the trial level?
Post edited by Bhavyy - Raging Tide on


  • XDeliciousx - Morai
    XDeliciousx - Morai Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Info from database:

    Copper pack

    Silver pack

    Gold pack

    Copper pack is from first round of trials, silver from second round and gold from third round.
    I know that Copper and Silver packs changed for sure coz you can get War Avatar Pack C and Vitae pills from it, but Im not 100% sure that Gold pack updated in database yet
    ~ Deliylah ~ director of Revision (
    sage R9 cleric, lvl 105-104-103

  • Dos - Raging Tide
    Dos - Raging Tide Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Answered you on guildlaunch bhavyy, but here it is for all!

    On the first time through trials its 10% chance for 1 C card pack, and 10% chance for 300 Vitae.

    On second time its 10% chance for 4 C card parks, and 10% chance for 500 Vitae.

    On round 3 there are no cards or Vitae, instead theres a 1.5% chance for 3 Ancient Emblems, and a 0.2% for a Medal of Glory lol
  • Bhavyy - Raging Tide
    Bhavyy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So it's almost not even worth doing the third round of trials really. Perhaps PWI should really have thought of that..
    And thanks Dos, I think i wrote this before I saw that :)
  • XDeliciousx - Morai
    XDeliciousx - Morai Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So it's almost not even worth doing the third round of trials really. Perhaps PWI should really have thought of that..

    Why not? Medals of Glory are awesome reward, and if you do it with many people from your faction, more of them have a chance to get MoGs
    ~ Deliylah ~ director of Revision (
    sage R9 cleric, lvl 105-104-103

  • Bhavyy - Raging Tide
    Bhavyy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Why not? Medals of Glory are awesome reward, and if you do it with many people from your faction, more of them have a chance to get MoGs

    Because by the time you've farmed one - you could probably have spent that time farming coin to be able to buy one and have some left over to do whatever else you want with it?..
  • Clergywoman - Raging Tide
    Clergywoman - Raging Tide Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    the chance to gain vitae is small and only a temporary incentive to do trials. once people hit mirage sky vi there is no real need to rush anymore.

    the reward/time of trials is just way to awful. people don't do trials on a regular basis for two reasons. fristly, many trials take over 1h, no matter how many people participate or how insanely op they are; tedious waiting for mobs, repetitive picking of several hundreds mats and then turning them in in small chunks. and secondly, after days of doing this you will be rewarded with an insignificantly small chance to get a Medal of Glory or some r8r mats for already dated gear.
    you get more profit by sending a tt90 sin botting somewhere.

    pricing in the faction base, gear, items, rewards, and trials are in need of some serious overhaul!
    at the current state, bases are insanely overpriced structures that are basically only useful for arrows and pan gu essences (and faction base helmets if your faction is hard-working and the individual rich enough).
    gear and genies:

    pan gu loves cash shoppers as much as he loathes pure farmers. that's why he cursed me with the lowest luck-index possible. my weapon needed 21 recasts for those meh adds, and the r9 ring refine ate over 10k mirages before i capitulated and orbed it from 0 to +11. you won this time pan gu! b:sad
  • ToyMaker_NOT - Raging Tide
    ToyMaker_NOT - Raging Tide Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Allow me to add CW, that tier 3 faction trials, even before the war avatar system, is a charm or apothecary hog and a half. The only reason we finished the 3rd tier was to say that our faction completed them.

    For the rewards, as Clergy posted, it just is not worth 3 hours a day, EVERYDAY, to complete all 27 trials.
  • KuruTu - Harshlands
    KuruTu - Harshlands Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    3rd round apparently no longer available, so there are just 18 trials.
    Only thing it gives are r8r mats, vitae pills and bound C avatar packs
  • MissCherie - Harshlands
    MissCherie - Harshlands Posts: 468 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    There's no more 3rd round.

    My faction did it and it stop at 18.
  • sinmatra
    sinmatra Posts: 4
    edited March 2014
    Give on rewards chance for A card 90% and 10% of S card for sure pplz ll do full nine trials xD
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited March 2014
    Delicious zombie thread.

    I shall feed it to the kraken.
    (Insert fancy image here)
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