HA Psy

DionDagger - Dreamweaver
DionDagger - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,140 Arc User
edited March 2014 in Psychic
SO I've seen threads around about HA psy's however there has been no discussion.

A few questions:

-Should I focus on damage, or gaining more tanking ability?

-Sage or demon for overall damage increase (not spike, but consistent).

-How useful can this build possibly be? A psy's main contribution in TW is damage, but can this build be played as a support? More specifically a cata support.

-I don't feel like r9rring another toon. So would G16 sphere and r8r sphere be a good combo? R8r for purify, and G16 for damage.

I didn't come here to hear about the magic attack, and low damage. I already know that. This build isn't just for pvping it's for breaking the status quo a bit.b:cute
Post edited by DionDagger - Dreamweaver on


  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    My Psychic was retired and gear was taken away (besides some noob soulsphere so I could use summon). I decided to rebirth it though so I can farm more FSP coins per day but due to lack of gear and my other AA Nirvana set being bound and on another account... game husband suggested I borrow his Nirvana gear which is HA.

    So my Psychic is HA now. I was gonna make a troll thread about HA Psychic just to see people rage but I didn't have any good ideas for it.

    Anyway, yeah..I play a HA Psychic, the gear's pretty good +9 full Incomparable Citrines so I have a lot of HP and physical defence. The magic defence is lacking unless I use good ornaments and the damage is definitely low but..still works for what I do. I don't know about PvP though.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • trands
    trands Posts: 2
    edited February 2014
    SO I've seen threads around about HA psy's however there has been no discussion.

    The reason is simple : R9 last recast has no equivalent quality. This means the build dictated by rank gear is the way to go, unless you consider either :
    - alt gear or being a casual player never going to r9. How sure can you be that you will never go the r9 route in the end ? It keeps getting cheaper. Many won't restrain themselves that easily.
    - stashable gear because you want to play several classes. With current way the game is going, not sure if that's so viable anymore.

    On top of that, pve isn't really a factor anymore. Even the cheaper choices in gear are more then sufficient. Pve isn't a gear choice factor like it used to be imo.

    Ofc, here everyone is trying for "best builds", etc. If you want to do it, then go for it. But it's a way to have fun differently. Not really a way to be "better" or "pro".
    -Should I focus on damage, or gaining more tanking ability?

    Tanking ability. Damage compared to equivalent gear won't be cut by all that much. Especially with rebirth. On magic classes, the magic damage is a smaller part of the skill damage then with physical classes. It will be very noticeable on the small starter skills, but a lot less on the big cast skills like stone smasher. However, if you compare "best gear available", it will reduce your damage by a lot.

    However, psychics are already not wizards. Killing tanky targets already takes preparation. In your case, many will be plain impossible. With this kind of build, you will be more a support class. In which case staying alive > personal damage.
    -Sage or demon for overall damage increase (not spike, but consistent).

    I would say sage, but not for damage reasons. Imo, psychic is already partly a support class. Demon gets them more to DD, sage gets them more to support. Your damage will be bad compared to an AA psychic of equal gear. Rather focus on support.
    -How useful can this build possibly be? A psy's main contribution in TW is damage, but can this build be played as a support? More specifically a cata support.

    You will be as useful as a lower geared psychic. I always disagreed with psychics being a pure DD class like a wizard. We have lower hitting skills and we don't have a powerful+spammable debuff. Ppl that qualify a psychic as just a DD, mainly see it as a weak version of a wizard. A psychic is partly a supporter. A bit like a mystic, just not as pushed to the extreme.

    Just like a lower geared psychic that goes white voodoo and aim to stun and immobilize, bubble and maybe use morai skills, you will have that same role just tankier. Maybe you can play a bit front-line and be really annoying. But your role is limited at that.
    -I don't feel like r9rring another toon. So would G16 sphere and r8r sphere be a good combo? R8r for purify, and G16 for damage.

    Soulforce is important and coming from weapon most easily. Psychic isn't a class to carry around several weapons. Your refine is a huge part of your defense. More weapons make it overly expensive, in which case you can just as well go for r9. If you choose on the above, rather go r8r with def lvl. I'm sure your main fun will be the giggle when seekers do their combo and then zc for a **** number, sins that pop on you and do nothing, ... Don't go looking for something you will never have anyway.
    I didn't come here to hear about the magic attack, and low damage. I already know that. This build isn't just for pvping it's for breaking the status quo a bit.b:cute

    If you have fun with it, why not. But keep in mind that going the conventional route will gradually unlock your abilities when it comes to group pvp. You are aiming to become as perfect as possible in 1 possible role for a psychic, which actually is a very versatile class for group pvp. For me this makes just as much sense as those psychics that do nothing else then over-excessively hide behind the lines playing sniper. Why choose a versatile class, just to focus on 1 aspect where another class is going to beat you in usefulness anyway ?
  • Devilskarma - Raging Tide
    Devilskarma - Raging Tide Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    SO I've seen threads around about HA psy's however there has been no discussion.

    A few questions:

    -Should I focus on damage, or gaining more tanking ability?

    -Sage or demon for overall damage increase (not spike, but consistent).

    -How useful can this build possibly be? A psy's main contribution in TW is damage, but can this build be played as a support? More specifically a cata support.

    -I don't feel like r9rring another toon. So would G16 sphere and r8r sphere be a good combo? R8r for purify, and G16 for damage.

    I didn't come here to hear about the magic attack, and low damage. I already know that. This build isn't just for pvping it's for breaking the status quo a bit.b:cute
    If you are looking specifically as support... The answer to your first question is tanking.

    The answer to your second question is definitely Sage then.

    As going for specifically support and HA, here is a

    basis at level 101 <= PWCalc link

    (It does have a rank 9 ring) to try to play around from. I was thinking r8r weapon with ~+20 def lvls... but the amount of magic you will need, although possible, might take a lot of time and/or $ to build after taking t3 nirvy gear (and the matchless wings cloak) into consideration (which will likely include reawakening).

    As far as psys go in general... given all the morai skills and just a majority of sage or demon skills built, a psy can be a powerful support class done right. A sage even more so as support. It is just a matter of really looking over skills and seeing what has the most direct benefits to your squad... then looking over skills you can cast on opposition not for damage, but for hindering your opponent to give your allies an edge. I used to have no choice but to do exactly this as an "undergeared for top end tw battles" even though I was built as a psy should build approximately. Chances are you would also be in defense stance (white voodoo) when acting as strictly support, so your damage would be next to nothing most likely and forcing you into an almost strict support mindset.

    Add: also, specifically rethink a genie of 71-81+ lp to assist in this support mindset build.

    Although I see you do not want to go r9rr, I do think the ring itself (and eventually the nw upgrade) to be critical for all characters if looking to PvP seriously for obvious reasons. Given the strain you will have on magic built up high enough to obtain any level 100 sphere with t3 nirvy HA armor, damage is not really a concern of yours. Personally I would attempt, like I said, to obtain the R8r with +def levels on it's unique stat slot. The "Infinite" effect also is something you might want to consider, as it gives 2100 hps almost same as using a pot and +50 chi (although it says mana) when you get hit (just something to consider).
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Rebirth points, cards, a good tome and whatnot make it a lot easier. Right now my Psychic has a +14 Str ring. I put enough Str and some 30ish Dex to wear the HA cape/hat which in turn gives me lots of Str/Dex to wear the rest of the armor. This allows me to wear the full G16 Nirvana armor along with the equivalent lvl100 weapon.

    If I was really serious about this, however, I'd try to get a lot of Str+ Dex+ engravings on ornaments so that I can wear better rings and, of course, get a really good tome that offers a lot of Str+ or Dex+ or Mag+ or all three so that I get to stat the minimum required Str/Dex and put everything else to Magic.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • DionDagger - Dreamweaver
    DionDagger - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    TY for the replies. On my sin I do eventually plan on getting a L:U&D, and recast that to Dominance or Emperor. But that's in the future, I can always restat. The thing is all the toons on my main account except for sin and archer are HA. I have aps gear for my archer and some g16 helm/cape from my sin. I also have a seeker on another account. Some am making 4 peices lunar HA g16 and using the LA helm and cape until i get some spare coin for the HA versions since the LA is +10 already.
  • Temptatio/V - Dreamweaver
    Temptatio/V - Dreamweaver Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Should I focus on damage, or gaining more tanking ability?

    In PWE as HA psy you wont be able to get agro - so you wont tank.
    in PVP - tank, you will never get damage close to AA psy
    Sage or demon for overall damage increase (not spike, but consistent).
    Siege just cause you will only ever be a support
    -How useful can this build possibly be? A psy's main contribution in TW is damage, but can this build be played as a support? More specifically a cata support.
    I don't see much use of it in tw, unless your soulforce which means shards and refines are not sky high. Catas need high soulforce sow/sos buffs. So only way to contribute in tw would be to slow people a little, stun them, and to heal your squad sometimes. You wont be able to kill HA or AA targets. So you will be annoying to kill and support to your squad (ha cleric would be better choice for that).
    -I don't feel like r9rring another toon. So would G16 sphere and r8r sphere be a good combo? R8r for purify, and G16 for damage.
    only if both of them are equally high refined/sharded

    Good psy is very expensive toon, because hes soulforce depends on refines/shards = money. I personally would never suggest psy as alt because there are so much more better and cheaper options. While i saw some classes that can do very good in HA like cleric and veno. Psy is not one of them.
  • Valor - Morai
    Valor - Morai Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    With +12 NW orns I hit 28k p-def in r9 armor, its a bit more expensive but you have the damage of full AA and more p-def than a HA build can hit. The disadvantages of a HA psy far outweigh the advantages of one, you lose far too much damage and become a one shot for any decent geared AA class.
  • Devilskarma - Raging Tide
    Devilskarma - Raging Tide Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    With +12 NW orns I hit 28k p-def in r9 armor, its a bit more expensive but you have the damage of full AA and more p-def than a HA build can hit. The disadvantages of a HA psy far outweigh the advantages of one, you lose far too much damage and become a one shot for any decent geared AA class.

    what the OP stated he knows and doesnt give a **** about hearing. Read before replying b:bye The advantages of reading before replying far outweigh the advantages of trying to bash before reading b:cute
  • Alphaben - Raging Tide
    Alphaben - Raging Tide Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If you can't afford r9/r9r/r9rr...Try T2 Lunar HA or T2 TT or T3 lunar/TT

    If you can't afford either of those, make OHT gear (which is about 40-50k per piece to make, only needs lv1 tailor and looks sexy) I've obtained a pair of HA gloves from it with -4% channel

    HA+Sage/Demon Black Voodoo=still hits high enough to kill most people in one hit, or atleast stun them and put serious damage on them (mages would obviously be tougher to take down)

    That's just my experience though...HA psychic is fun :D
  • Walpurga - Dreamweaver
    Walpurga - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Make full vit sage HA psy for trolling purposes, obviously

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  • The__Sun - Dreamweaver
    The__Sun - Dreamweaver Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    -Should I focus on damage, or gaining more tanking ability?

    If you want to play it as a support class then focus on tanking ability

    -Sage or demon for overall damage increase (not spike, but consistent).

    I would suggest Sage, because Demon is more for offensive burst damage and would not do well for an HA psychic

    -How useful can this build possibly be? A psy's main contribution in TW is damage, but can this build be played as a support? More specifically a cata support.

    Possibly could be used as a distraction if the gear is decked out. Possibly some of the CC skills could help, but it won't be too useful clearing people out.

    -I don't feel like r9rring another toon. So would G16 sphere and r8r sphere be a good combo? R8r for purify, and G16 for damage.

    If you have high enough refines to survive hits r8r purify would be ok, otherwise maybe think about getting one with def levels (however if you plan to stay in white voodoo to be a distraction then the def level wep isn't needed). G16 would be ok for damage, but I suppose r9rr wep would be preferred for the best of of both worlds for the weps you have in mind.

    Side comment: It would be interesting to have an HA psy however I don't think you will get the full benefit from being HA and it severely hinders the class cause we don't have many super hard hitting skills or epic debuff combos. The main perk to a psy is stunning and quickly getting enough mid size hits in on your opponent to break through their charm.
    **** Laws of Physics I'm going to shoot crystals from my hands and summon meteors from the air.... Laws of Psychics
  • DionDagger - Dreamweaver
    DionDagger - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Side comment: It would be interesting to have an HA psy however I don't think you will get the full benefit from being HA and it severely hinders the class cause we don't have many super hard hitting skills or epic debuff combos. The main perk to a psy is stunning and quickly getting enough mid size hits in on your opponent to break through their charm.

    This is very true. I can and will switch it back to AA or LA if i find i want to use it constantly. But for now i have no AA toons, and the only LA gear i have is aps gear. Would prefer HA to LA, so i went with HA.

    Hopefully i can help break the status quo on psy builds a bit. Especially on DW where the only well known HA psy was Mezk, and he switched to AA when r9rr came out.
    If you can't afford r9/r9r/r9rr...Try T2 Lunar HA or T2 TT or T3 lunar/TT

    If you can't afford either of those, make OHT gear (which is about 40-50k per piece to make, only needs lv1 tailor and looks sexy) I've obtained a pair of HA gloves from it with -4% channel

    HA+Sage/Demon Black Voodoo=still hits high enough to kill most people in one hit, or atleast stun them and put serious damage on them (mages would obviously be tougher to take down)

    That's just my experience though...HA psychic is fun :D

    Im working on a t3 lunar set, since i have a barb/bm/HA cleric/seeker and my wifes HA wiz, that can use that gear.