
omgwtfbbq0 Posts: 25 Arc User
edited March 2014 in General Discussion
To put it as short as i can explaining everything and without talking too much
1.People that are reborn bot in nab areas 1shotting everything while they try to quest
2.Most games ban for that yet pwi gives it
3.What's the point in botting anyway? (Don't know how bout rest of you but i like to play the game myself,not the game play for me?)
4.The intelligence of botting is to the point where people set bot and just stare at screen while it's doing that (one would assume that's something you do when afk or can't be playing)
5.It's full of bug's (yes i tryed it because before posting something i believe need to know what the hell are you posting, so beginners world was perfect)
6.Just remove the thing, it's just bad idea to begin with and it's irritating, something a game could do without
That's my opinion hate it, like it ill b honest i don't care. b:bye
P.S. no i wasn't looking in forum's for similar thread cos i don't see search button and im not digging thru all thread's to find it. -.-
Post edited by omgwtfbbq0 on


  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Search button is at the top left, under your forum avatar.

    This place is for reporting bugs, glitches and text errors so it will probably be moved to the suggestion box or general discussion.

    If you want to fight against it, you could start a poll and initiate a discussion about it, although an attempt at this was done previously and the majority voted in favor of keeping the Auto Cultivation. The "issues" with it are mainly on PvE servers, as China's servers are all PvP they probably don't have as much of a problem.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • omgwtfbbq0
    omgwtfbbq0 Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I don't use forums all that much so might not know few thing's, i apologize for mistakes i did bit confusing with all the options here, i won't start a pole because to be honest i was proven that it's useless even if majority want something (for example a rollback pole some time ago most people were voting that they want it yet didn't happen)
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited February 2014
    Desdi's post pretty much sums it up.

    Moving this appropriately now.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • zeopodic
    zeopodic Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    omgwtfbbq0 wrote: »
    To put it as short as i can explaining everything and without talking too much
    1.People that are reborn bot in nab areas 1shotting everything while they try to quest
    2.Most games ban for that yet pwi gives it
    3.What's the point in botting anyway? (Don't know how bout rest of you but i like to play the game myself,not the game play for me?)
    4.The intelligence of botting is to the point where people set bot and just stare at screen while it's doing that (one would assume that's something you do when afk or can't be playing)
    5.It's full of bug's (yes i tryed it because before posting something i believe need to know what the hell are you posting, so beginners world was perfect)
    6.Just remove the thing, it's just bad idea to begin with and it's irritating, something a game could do without
    That's my opinion hate it, like it ill b honest i don't care. b:bye
    P.S. no i wasn't looking in forum's for similar thread cos i don't see search button and im not digging thru all thread's to find it. -.-

    I don't get why people are fighting this. PWI just handed you a way to make more coin while you're afk and you complain? If you want it to be harder to get along in the game, don't do it!
    zeopodic - SweetieBot, what are the chances of getting a Medal of Gold from a Glorious Mirth pack if you don't even get one by opening 10000 packs?

    SweetieBot - The chances are poor.

  • WannaBM - Archosaur
    WannaBM - Archosaur Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    omgwtfbbq0 wrote: »
    To put it as short as i can explaining everything and without talking too much
    1.People that are reborn bot in nab areas 1shotting everything while they try to quest
    2.Most games ban for that yet pwi gives it
    3.What's the point in botting anyway? (Don't know how bout rest of you but i like to play the game myself,not the game play for me?)
    4.The intelligence of botting is to the point where people set bot and just stare at screen while it's doing that (one would assume that's something you do when afk or can't be playing)
    5.It's full of bug's (yes i tryed it because before posting something i believe need to know what the hell are you posting, so beginners world was perfect)
    6.Just remove the thing, it's just bad idea to begin with and it's irritating, something a game could do without
    That's my opinion hate it, like it ill b honest i don't care. b:bye
    P.S. no i wasn't looking in forum's for similar thread cos i don't see search button and im not digging thru all thread's to find it. -.-

    on point 2 and 3: That is not so true anymore. Probably because fighting botters and banning them hasnt proved succesfull in any game, games are now starting to choose to incorporate botting into the game. I also think it is part of making games a 24/7 thing (more addicting and even when you are a little bored with the game, its easy to spend less time with it without totally out of it). Just like you have those real time web based games where you update your stuff a few times a day.

    Botting is usefull both to get some exp and coin while you are asleep.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Sparafucile - Harshlands
    Sparafucile - Harshlands Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    on point 2 and 3: That is not so true anymore. Probably because fighting botters and banning them hasnt proved succesfull in any game, games are now starting to choose to incorporate botting into the game. I also think it is part of making games a 24/7 thing (more addicting and even when you are a little bored with the game, its easy to spend less time with it without totally out of it). Just like you have those real time web based games where you update your stuff a few times a day.

    Botting is usefull both to get some exp and coin while you are asleep.

    ^ this
    I have Luke Skywalker on a wibble-wobble; your argument is invalid
    Some people cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go.
    Don't call me a care bear; I don't care whether you can bear me or not

    Sparafucile: SweetieBot, pple is NOT a word
    SweetieBot: Your face is not a word
  • Marengo - Lost City
    Marengo - Lost City Posts: 771 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    omgwtfbbq0 wrote: »
    3.What's the point in botting anyway? (Don't know how bout rest of you but i like to play the game myself,not the game play for me?)
    Play the game yourself, don't use this feature. Who is forcing you to bot?
    pw art ◊ ◊
  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    1. Reborn people be 1-shotting everything anywhere they go. Yeah it's annoying when they get in the way, but I make it fun by trying to kill mobs before the bot gets there, or sussing out their area pattern and play mob-ring-around-the-rosie XD

    2+3. Allowing botting means no 3rd party program involved, and also no more bot related tickets for PWi to "investigate" and "ban" people for. And like WannaBM said, it does have the 24/7 aspect to it, and could potentially deter bored people from leaving completely. The XP and coins from it are pretty good too. Though I am against the idea in general myself, since they implemented it I feel I might as well take advantage of it.

    4. I don't think a lot of people sit and watch their bots for hours >.> Though I admit, I often watch mine for a little while before bed XD I find the repetitive motions relaxing <.<

    5. Yeah it has some buggy issues, pathing (getting stuck on trees and in bushes etc), and some skills canceling macros are big ones, but it's a fairly new feature, and they haven't fundamentally touched it since it was introduced as far as I remember, so all in all not the absolute -worst- thing they've given us in a while as far as bugs are concerned. I'd rather they concentrate on fixing major errors (rb2 quest chain anyone?) than messing around with peripherals.

    6. I don't disagree with you, but it's unlikely that it will ever be -removed-. Tweaked somehow maybe, but it's a system we just need to tolerate or ignore as we see fit.
  • deathbytuna
    deathbytuna Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Botting yes is a better productive form to go afk on over night or something to get some exp/dq drops.Though I roam the map on my alt to notice this is another feature to get abused.People running 3-5 Alts +,and you can tell it's theirs because most names are similar and most seem to keep them in one's kinda saying "hey I'm botting with over the required accounts allowed".

    If you want a example of account abuse go to avalanche up north to the land of the spiders and do your investigation hell some are even sneaking in third party bots since some will only just pick up the dq.
  • Sparafucile - Harshlands
    Sparafucile - Harshlands Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited March 2014's kinda saying "hey I'm botting with over the required accounts allowed".

    If you want a example of account abuse go to avalanche up north to the land of the spiders and do your investigation hell some are even sneaking in third party bots since some will only just pick up the dq.

    They will not investigate or take any action on this; sadly I think they simply don't have the resources, this and other issues really would require 2 or 3 GM's online in each server more or less constantly. Volunteer GM's police the forums quite well, idk why they can't use this approach in game, I'm sure it would alleviate many of the current issues around how people abuse various aspects of pwi, heck, I'd even volunteer myself under certain circumstances. It can't be impossible to find enough people willing to donate enough of their time
    I have Luke Skywalker on a wibble-wobble; your argument is invalid
    Some people cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go.
    Don't call me a care bear; I don't care whether you can bear me or not

    Sparafucile: SweetieBot, pple is NOT a word
    SweetieBot: Your face is not a word
  • WannaBM - Archosaur
    WannaBM - Archosaur Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    They will not investigate or take any action on this; sadly I think they simply don't have the resources, this and other issues really would require 2 or 3 GM's online in each server more or less constantly. Volunteer GM's police the forums quite well, idk why they can't use this approach in game, I'm sure it would alleviate many of the current issues around how people abuse various aspects of pwi, heck, I'd even volunteer myself under certain circumstances. It can't be impossible to find enough people willing to donate enough of their time

    It is hard to find that select minority of gamers that you can trust with responsibilities. This is not the first game that had to deal with botting and failed. I doubt if any game has ever truly succeeded in battling bots.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • xardiounium
    xardiounium Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Try to farm [Aquametal] 9999 with no bot, to get free flayer 1.5 speed. Good luck b:laugh b:chuckle
  • WilliamTell - Raging Tide
    WilliamTell - Raging Tide Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Botting yes is a better productive form to go afk on over night or something to get some exp/dq drops.Though I roam the map on my alt to notice this is another feature to get abused.People running 3-5 Alts +,and you can tell it's theirs because most names are similar and most seem to keep them in one's kinda saying "hey I'm botting with over the required accounts allowed".

    If you want a example of account abuse go to avalanche up north to the land of the spiders and do your investigation hell some are even sneaking in third party bots since some will only just pick up the dq.

    Um... third party bots because they only pick up DQ? What happens if you fill your inventory with only DQ stacks of one each? You'll only pick up DQ. It's the smartest thing to do if you auto cultivate. It's better than picking up items only 9k each and they take up a full slot. Come on, I didn't come up with the idea, is no one else doing this? I'm not that clever. However, if they're not picking up coin, yeah, that's not auto cultivation. At least that's not a current auto cultivation option.

    I'm not going to tell you to lure bosses onto auto cultivators, even though I've been told it's not against the rules at non-event locations and non-event times. But if they don't attack the boss when they should have, they probably aren't using in game auto cultivation.
    ...A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the heavens come crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear in this world, I bid you stand, warriors of Pellucidar!

  • xardiounium
    xardiounium Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Agree, boting in game is good for your money. DQ are expensive, and (if you are not lvl100) can make great $ of them. I personalty prefer more BH100 and 5kk reward cards ;) if Im lucky b:laugh
  • Sparafucile - Harshlands
    Sparafucile - Harshlands Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    It is hard to find that select minority of gamers that you can trust with responsibilities. This is not the first game that had to deal with botting and failed. I doubt if any game has ever truly succeeded in battling bots.

    So just don't give them too many powers? Make them able to send a ''special ticket'' to a paid GM that would get immediate action.
    So for example, paid GM is doing daily chores in pwe office, volunteer GM send special ticket to say ''hey, such-and-such a person is violating tos in this way at this place, please hand out a temp ban or w/e''. Paid GM looks at evidence, says, ty for letting me know, bye-bye such-and-such, have week off to think about your naughtiness.
    That way, the paid GM can be doing all the w/e they need to do in their normal working day, and only have to investigate cases brought to them by the volunteers, instead of having to deal with what is probably a van load of tickets every day that are no doubt 99.9% unjustified qqing of one sort or another.
    The point really of having a visible GM presence in-game is that it would short circuit a lot of the current qq about no GM ever around to deal with griefing, really very bad world chat sometimes, and general issues like that.
    Surely it can't be beyond the wit of man and pwe to come up with a practical system that would not be easily subject to abuse? I think it would be easier than you think to find people suitable for the task, I don't spend that much time on the forums, and I don't play atm either b:sad but I bet I could come up with at least a dozen names, some of them I know in game, some I have seen their attitude in the forums. I first suggested this btw before I read the thread about some GM cape, tbh I think most people would really genuinely do it without any rewards, frankly even preferring not to be rewarded, given the controversy that seems to have caused lol.
    My personal belief is that helping make the game better for the whole community would be reward enough :P
    I have Luke Skywalker on a wibble-wobble; your argument is invalid
    Some people cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go.
    Don't call me a care bear; I don't care whether you can bear me or not

    Sparafucile: SweetieBot, pple is NOT a word
    SweetieBot: Your face is not a word
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So just don't give them too many powers? Make them able to send a ''special ticket'' to a paid GM that would get immediate action.
    So for example, paid GM is doing daily chores in pwe office, volunteer GM send special ticket to say ''hey, such-and-such a person is violating tos in this way at this place, please hand out a temp ban or w/e''. Paid GM looks at evidence, says, ty for letting me know, bye-bye such-and-such, have week off to think about your naughtiness.
    That way, the paid GM can be doing all the w/e they need to do in their normal working day, and only have to investigate cases brought to them by the volunteers, instead of having to deal with what is probably a van load of tickets every day that are no doubt 99.9% unjustified qqing of one sort or another.
    The point really of having a visible GM presence in-game is that it would short circuit a lot of the current qq about no GM ever around to deal with griefing, really very bad world chat sometimes, and general issues like that.
    Surely it can't be beyond the wit of man and pwe to come up with a practical system that would not be easily subject to abuse? I think it would be easier than you think to find people suitable for the task, I don't spend that much time on the forums, and I don't play atm either b:sad but I bet I could come up with at least a dozen names, some of them I know in game, some I have seen their attitude in the forums. I first suggested this btw before I read the thread about some GM cape, tbh I think most people would really genuinely do it without any rewards, frankly even preferring not to be rewarded, given the controversy that seems to have caused lol.
    My personal belief is that helping make the game better for the whole community would be reward enough :P

    Tbh banning players temporary doesn't work. Look at orb situation, people abused it got banned for a short time but still got to keep their 200000 orbs. Goonz glitchers got banned for few days but kept level. They need to either ban permanently, or take away the items/coins that they got since botting. Surely its not that hard to check what a player gained the past few days. Thats how GMs check if you for example npc'd a gold mat before, to get it back for you.
  • zeopodic
    zeopodic Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    'surely it's not that hard'

    And the GMs and support management are going to spend how many hours sifting through all the recent loot and buying and selling transactions to find out how many coins a player got through botting? And how are they going to know they got it not with in game auto cultivation but with something that would constitute a rule violation? There's just not enough support for that.
    zeopodic - SweetieBot, what are the chances of getting a Medal of Gold from a Glorious Mirth pack if you don't even get one by opening 10000 packs?

    SweetieBot - The chances are poor.

  • Sixxkiller - Lost City
    Sixxkiller - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Don't like bots? Easy solution just kill them like I do. b:surrender0
  • Sparafucile - Harshlands
    Sparafucile - Harshlands Posts: 456 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Sixx, you can't kill a blue named bot that easily...

    Mitachi, I agree, punishments must constitute a real deterrent or they are a waste of time

    zeopodic, all the more reason to have in-game real-time modding
    I have Luke Skywalker on a wibble-wobble; your argument is invalid
    Some people cause happiness wherever they go, others whenever they go.
    Don't call me a care bear; I don't care whether you can bear me or not

    Sparafucile: SweetieBot, pple is NOT a word
    SweetieBot: Your face is not a word
  • WannaBM - Archosaur
    WannaBM - Archosaur Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Don't like bots? Easy solution just kill them like I do. b:surrender0

    Really it is about equally stupid as:

    "Dont like mexican immigrants ? Easy solution, just kill them like I do."

    Bots are a legit part of the game. You choose to ignore that and to annoy the players who bot for no good reason other than that you dont like them. You are the bad guy.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Retalation - Raging Tide
    Retalation - Raging Tide Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Sixx, you can't kill a blue named bot that easily...

    Mitachi, I agree, punishments must constitute a real deterrent or they are a waste of time

    zeopodic, all the more reason to have in-game real-time modding

    Botting problem can be solved if every time you start to bot, your name turns whiteb:laugh

    If it happens, I will be able to AoE grind again.
  • DarkSkiesx - Dreamweaver
    DarkSkiesx - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I use a botting afk message to enable me to ks everyones mobs and get my dailies done faster.

    Coz I'm a selfish bunny killer. b:victory
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    zeopodic wrote: »
    'surely it's not that hard'

    And the GMs and support management are going to spend how many hours sifting through all the recent loot and buying and selling transactions to find out how many coins a player got through botting? And how are they going to know they got it not with in game auto cultivation but with something that would constitute a rule violation? There's just not enough support for that.

    Do you have something better in mind? You point out flaws in my suggestion yet don't provide a better solution.
  • Baalbak - Dreamweaver
    Baalbak - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,624 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well.. here is what I am wondering:

    A long time ago in a not-so-perfect world, DQ NPC prices were reduced by 20% as a response to the "coin farmers" and "botters" in China. After much uproar we were given DQ rewards to appease the masses, as a means of compensation. One of the best things obtainable IMO being the Demon/Sage event cards. Now, with the new site implementation it looks as though DQ rewards are finally "going away". Curious turn of events this is, I might say. Once botting has becoming legal - the rewards derived thereby are being removed by all appearances. Are we going to be seeing a reversion to the old DQ prices? Or will the DQ reward system remain in implementation, simply "re-vamped."

    I can logically understand the reasons behind a total removal of the DQ reward system though. If too many people are constantly botting for dq drops - this means a theoretical loss of charms sales in the boutique, as well as other items - which is bad for business. There are other concerns with the botting system as well though - including price inflations due to the larger amounts of coin on the server. Anyone who *isn't* using the bot system is potentially left behind in the game when there are others - myself included admittedly - who will bot for a few hours overnight to earn some extra dough and exp.

    I may perhaps be burned at the stake for saying this - but perhaps a middle ground could be met between the auto cultivation supporters and oppositions by limiting the total time on auto cultivation to a maximum of 1 hour. Otherwise, what is to keep someone from - lets say - clearing out all the tokens in west arch, making as many crabs and herbs as they can from them, and going to some spot to bot for 24 hours - rinse and repeat. Even at 18k a token, you're still making a profit on skill spam killing mobs while auto cultivating. With that many tokens being cleared off the market at any given time... well you guys know the principles of supply and demand by now. The new treasure map quests even make it to the point where you don't have to invest in zen to get your auto potter to assist your auto culti - you get a free one every week after doing it 20 times.
  • Aubree - Dreamweaver
    Aubree - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,868 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well.. here is what I am wondering:

    A long time ago in a not-so-perfect world, DQ NPC prices were reduced by 20% as a response to the "coin farmers" and "botters" in China. After much uproar we were given DQ rewards to appease the masses, as a means of compensation. One of the best things obtainable IMO being the Demon/Sage event cards. Now, with the new site implementation it looks as though DQ rewards are finally "going away". Curious turn of events this is, I might say. Once botting has becoming legal - the rewards derived thereby are being removed by all appearances. Are we going to be seeing a reversion to the old DQ prices? Or will the DQ reward system remain in implementation, simply "re-vamped."

    I can logically understand the reasons behind a total removal of the DQ reward system though. If too many people are constantly botting for dq drops - this means a theoretical loss of charms sales in the boutique, as well as other items - which is bad for business. There are other concerns with the botting system as well though - including price inflations due to the larger amounts of coin on the server. Anyone who *isn't* using the bot system is potentially left behind in the game when there are others - myself included admittedly - who will bot for a few hours overnight to earn some extra dough and exp.

    I may perhaps be burned at the stake for saying this - but perhaps a middle ground could be met between the auto cultivation supporters and oppositions by limiting the total time on auto cultivation to a maximum of 1 hour. Otherwise, what is to keep someone from - lets say - clearing out all the tokens in west arch, making as many crabs and herbs as they can from them, and going to some spot to bot for 24 hours - rinse and repeat. Even at 18k a token, you're still making a profit on skill spam killing mobs while auto cultivating. With that many tokens being cleared off the market at any given time... well you guys know the principles of supply and demand by now. The new treasure map quests even make it to the point where you don't have to invest in zen to get your auto potter to assist your auto culti - you get a free one every week after doing it 20 times.

    Are you aware that treasure quest for auto potter is removed now? Even if you saved all your insignia while it was there, you can no longer turn in for the auto potter because NPC is removed.
  • Testxvl - Sanctuary
    Testxvl - Sanctuary Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I can logically understand the reasons behind a total removal of the DQ reward system though. If too many people are constantly botting for dq drops - this means a theoretical loss of charms sales in the boutique, as well as other items - which is bad for business. There are other concerns with the botting system as well though - including price inflations due to the larger amounts of coin on the server. Anyone who *isn't* using the bot system is potentially left behind in the game when there are others - myself included admittedly - who will bot for a few hours overnight to earn some extra dough and exp.
    Actually I do not believe they removing DQ point system because of the bot system, but I believe it's because they wanted a new system that would require arc to use, a new system you cannot use through the website. Just like the blessing page went down, we now have to use arc to get any blessings. (Except if you use addblocker of course, but that again only a question about time)
    If they really didnt wanted DQ point system together with botting, they should have taken it down before they released the auto cultivation.
    I may perhaps be burned at the stake for saying this - but perhaps a middle ground could be met between the auto cultivation supporters and oppositions by limiting the total time on auto cultivation to a maximum of 1 hour.
    Here will occur a problem with people with multiple characters. Personally I would still be able to bot 10+ hours a day, which still would be an advantage for people with 1-3 hours only, or those that dont bot at all.
    The new treasure map quests even make it to the point where you don't have to invest in zen to get your auto potter to assist your auto culti - you get a free one every week after doing it 20 times.
    The NPC is removed, was a 7 day event (well, it was there quite longer) and there is also characters as well that dont even need a single pot to bot.
    This is a test
  • SHIMBERLY - Heavens Tear
    SHIMBERLY - Heavens Tear Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    happy botting x2 is back grats
  • PVM_only - Sanctuary
    PVM_only - Sanctuary Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    i was against the bot at start but i was fighting the tide and i got to a point that mehh let me try it.

    i know its anoying for the peeps trying to do quest (if quest mobs) and i know its unfair cause (its an example) archers just need arrows and repair and they can bot 50k mobs (assuming they 1 hit all) and if eatch mobs drops at least 100 coins its 5M just in coins + the dq's now that is double drops again. roughf estimate around 10M easy eatch 50k arrows (that some mobs also drops so no need to spend money there).

    this to say

    now all classes are kind of equal cause boting allows you to make money while you sleep or while you at work (my example).

    ok dq's are beeing farmed to the point where is getting so normal has havinf 1 coin in your bag ( and i know ppl that just dont pick coins anymore cause takes too long on the bots to pick the other stuff (strange right)), but they (gm's) will eventually wake up on the wrong ( or right who knows) side of the beg and cut the prices of dq's or make the dq items you get like too expensive to get cause 50k for a deamon/sage card now is like 2h boting.

    like other peeps said here also keeps players in game preventing more quittings from old donators and non donators, so possibility of new income in RL money its still open, and remember this game even if free needs money to continue free.

    bots used to be bannable but like everything learn and evolve. pwi saw that there is a profit there (still to see what) and they exploring it. who knows if the "new" dq system is on kill mobs (eatch mob killed 1 point) or something similar... maybe thats why they implemented the auto-culti (just wandering)...

    that said only 1 thing left for me to say to the hole Sanctuary comunity here
    sorry i bot on Hammer Bats but is the only place i can actually bot but ppl can still kill bats around me ( im not that fast killing).
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    how come pple are surprised ;s they already had a botting system in jade dynasty back in 2009 (albeit limited time) not to mention a lvling system (cashshop item) even when you logged off, which is a good thing we dont have that TOO lol D:
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Liveena - Heavens Tear
    Liveena - Heavens Tear Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Simple solution to botting : 1 gold for limited-time botting b:chuckle

    But then 3rd party bot program will take over the botting process again.

    Well, better adapt to changes. b:laugh
    Heaven Tear

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