G16 Arcane for NW/TW ? - Which class?

Posts: 242 Arc User
edited February 2014 in General Discussion
Hi there ,

I am returning to the game, after quite some time. Made some coins with some old stuff i still had ( DoD going for 50m+ xD) and got the money to full equip a char for NW .

Now i was wondering , if psy is really the class to go for (as the requirement of high refines for good soulforce got so much mroe ridiculous in the time i was absent) .

I've been courtseying with the wizard class for quite a while now , and i figured with undine and genie, i would be able to have some fun in the instanced pvp parts of the game.

So i am here now , seeking for some adice (besides the pbvious - play what u like most) - i rather seek for iput from arcane classes across the board in g16 armors.

thyvm in advanceb:thanksb:thanks
Post edited by Szol - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Every class has it's strength and weaknesses. It's whatever you enjoy the most. Most of the responses you get will probably be backed up by none other then favoritism.

    But no matter what class you play...archers will be your biggest, BIGGEST, enemies to kill due to their range and easy access to kill you like nothing due to low Pdef.

    Oh and NW as of now is ruled by $$, so you better have a bit of it to refine your gear with, otherwise you'll be getting 1 shot every other second.
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If you're not gonna progress past g16 Nirvana, go either cleric, veno, or possibly mystic. Wizard/psy, you 100% will need to r9 down the line.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Wizard is probably the best overall caster for NW because they have Distance Shrink and that other tele skill to aid in flag running. But a G16 will be too squishy to run flags.

    Clerics are most valuable in TW for their buffs, G16 would be fine there.

    Mystics are great barb healers in TW, they heal faster than clerics do (but lack cleric buffs). They generally don't die to same-geared opponents unless purged due to their high defenses and superfast heals. But again many people will outgear you in G16.

    Venos are a good choice for G16. Their debuffs are great equalizers and useful in NW and TW.

    I'm not an expert on psys but I can't imagine a G16 one doing much in the current state of the game. In order to get enough soulforce to be obnoxious you might as well just get rank 9 with the amount of money spent.
  • Posts: 1,275 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    i vote mystic first ^^ best of both worlds in cleric and veno. insta heals and pets ^^ (including pet stun and seal) it can also be more of a solo player if you are into that. cleric and veno are probably best suited in teams. although i am a mystic myself, i have my good times and bad times in nw - but thats probably the story of most g16 users.
    vixter (101 Heavy Veno) ~ TT farmer
    Peachie (102 Mystic) ~ Main character
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Like the others I would say try cleric, veno or mystic.

    I have all 3 classes and I personally prefer mystic and play mystic as main since now 2 years.

    I played cleric for 3-4 years as main. I got tired of playing healer all the time while I was seeing other having fun DDing.

    I love playing veno too, but since I was use to cleric/mystic I feel like I can't survive as much since I have no ''healing skills'' on veno.

    I have a wizz too, I did liked it, but then again not enough survivability for me. (I guess to use to classes that can heal themself)

    Psy have bad defenses and I think with only G16 it will be hard to enjoy it since you gonna be squishy.

    But the good thing is G16 can be stash so you can maybe try a class and if you don't like it lvl an other one.

    As I said I prefer mystic, but it can be hard to learn to play since there's a lot to learn, mystic can DD, heal, have a lot of plants for different debuffs and have summons, summons are nothing like venomancer's pets, if someone tell you that ignore it.

    If you look for class that is fun to play and can be challenging then try mystic, if you look for something more easy then check for wizz/psy and veno, but then again I personally think they have less survivability than mystics and clerics.

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 2
    edited February 2014
    All of the AA classes will be playable at G16. G16 is actually good, but it often have way lower refines then players with R9. I'm not sure what kind of ornaments/refines/shards you're considering. But well, all classes are nice to play as long as you keep in mind your gear lvl will force you to play them differently.

    For TW, the easiest class to be usefull as is a veno imo. Any gear can go in for an immunity-purge. If you assist attack correctly and go for big targets, ppl will love you. If you get to better refines, you can do more. But it's an easy starter. Cleric/mystic are also classes that are always usefull, but will be way more targetted (by sins and archers). I consider wizard the least usefull of all when not well geared. Wizard is purely a DD. If you don't hurt, your only use is if squaded with a good psy/wizard. However, G16+7 is easy with the reawakening rewards. That's enough to do decent damage.

    For NW, it really depends on your server and if you go with squad or not. In squad, I'd say cleric. You will be usefull without the targetting from TW (at least a bit less). Veno is also nice when going in group. If solo, I'd say psychic. With both voodoos, and stun/immobilize you can make yourself quite useful on a map. If just for points map-hopping, go for mobility, so veno.
    Now i was wondering , if psy is really the class to go for (as the requirement of high refines for good soulforce got so much mroe ridiculous in the time i was absent).

    As a psychic, it's always sad to see this kind of statement (especially when from a fellow psychic). Psychic isn't as much a big DD anymore and a class that can do a lot with any gear quality. If you like playing a psychic, changing class because you plan to get G16 gear is really not necessairy. If you're really outgeared, you can play a supportive role very well. And seriously, G16 isn't bad at all...
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    i would not recommand to use nirvana G16 gear and aim directly for R9. I play myself a cleric with G16 gear and all lv 10 shards equiped on gear and getting oneshot in nw and tw. (mainly by archers and seekers) + im a sage cleric and got damage like a feather.

    Every nw i get like 100 supply tokens in average.

    Personally as a cleric point of view.. skip the G16 it is junk for cleric and better go R9 geared.
  • Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Two recommendations:
    1. Play a wizard, they have extremely high defenses with stone barrier and can one shot most things endgame with genie spark.
    2. Instead of getting s3 nirvana and refining it up, get r9 and dont refine it. it will be about the same cost and r9 is better because as you do NW, you will slowly gain the tokens to make it r9s2 and r9s3 is easy from there. +3 r9s3 is better than +10 s3 nirvana. Especially with puri proc on caster weapons.
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited February 2014
    2. Instead of getting s3 nirvana and refining it up, get r9 and dont refine it. it will be about the same cost and r9 is better because as you do NW, you will slowly gain the tokens to make it r9s2 and r9s3 is easy from there. +3 r9s3 is better than +10 s3 nirvana. Especially with puri proc on caster weapons.
    This part is not true.

    Having the gear itself won't do you much good if you have **** for refines and shards. Moderate refines of +5-7 can handle G16 Nirvana with ease, sure... but with low/no refines you'd be in the same boat as you would with high refines on the Nirvana gear.

    After all, purify can't save a caster that's dead... and a caster with low refines is something that's gonna die.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »
    This part is not true.

    Having the gear itself won't do you much good if you have **** for refines and shards. Moderate refines of +5-7 can handle G16 Nirvana with ease, sure... but with low/no refines you'd be in the same boat as you would with high refines on the Nirvana gear.

    After all, purify can't save a caster that's dead... and a caster with low refines is something that's gonna die.

    ^Kossy knows. Kossy squish squish like an orange.
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited February 2014
    ^Kossy knows. Kossy squish squish like an orange.

    Great now you've made me want to eat an orange.

    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I wouldn't say R9rr +3 is as good as +10 Nirvana G16 but at +5 full R9rr I did have better hp/defences than my +7 Nirvana G16 which I had previously. If there's enough event gold, getting full +7 is relatively easy either way.

    Unless you have alts, I'd also suggest going for R9 and work your way towards R9rr eventually.

    As far as class is concerned, it's true that for Psychic & Wizard you kinda need R9rr because they are big nukers, you need to be able to kill things and players.

    Clerics and Venomancers are support oriented classes and there's Mystic too. Clerics can be good in offence but they are usually stuck in support.
    Mystics are good DD but they can also be nice for support.
    Venomancers are pretty much support, they can deal some nice damage if R9rr but overall they are expected to debuff and purge. Venomancers are probably the cheapest class as they can get away with lesser gear and still function thanks to debuffs not being affected by weapon and having multiple ways of going immune to purge/debuff then run the hell out.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 2
    edited February 2014
    As far as class is concerned, it's true that for Psychic & Wizard you kinda need R9rr because they are big nukers, you need to be able to kill things and players.

    For psychics this was true at the very start, but you just can't define a psychic like that anymore. Saying this would mean that psychics are wizards with less survivability and less offensive power. The class is actually 1 that has it's ability and usefulnes increase proportionally to gear. You can play the class as pure support, and white voodoo grants a decent survivability even at lower gear.

    I wonder if this misunderstanding is some left-over of the days where 20 attack lvls was a lot, the encounter of those few OP psychics that are known server wide or the fact that 95% of the youtube psychics play hit-and-run. It's saddening to see how this silly misunderstanding prevents ppl from playing the class b:cry Just comparing psy and wizard skills on ecatomb should show how silly it is to call psychics a "big nuker". It's like everyone just sees 1/3rd of the class options ...
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    trands wrote: »
    For psychics this was true at the very start, but you just can't define a psychic like that anymore. Saying this would mean that psychics are wizards with less survivability and less offensive power. The class is actually 1 that has it's ability and usefulnes increase proportionally to gear. You can play the class as pure support, and white voodoo grants a decent survivability even at lower gear.

    I wonder if this misunderstanding is some left-over of the days where 20 attack lvls was a lot, the encounter of those few OP psychics that are known server wide or the fact that 95% of the youtube psychics play hit-and-run. It's saddening to see how this silly misunderstanding prevents ppl from playing the class b:cry Just comparing psy and wizard skills on ecatomb should show how silly it is to call psychics a "big nuker". It's like everyone just sees 1/3rd of the class options ...

    I played a Psychic and did some minor PK with it among friends though I stopped playing her since last year (only use for BH/FSP). I don't disagree with you but you know it's kinda like how people define Venomancers by their purge and amp and forget all the other things a Venomancer can do. If one wants to describe a class they can write a book about it but in just a few words, I'd place Psychics as DDs.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Stay with psy stay with psy stay with psy because you will putting new blow holes in your victims with ease,reflects,silence the list goes on and you can make a lot of people to into one hit wonders in no time.Refine it well and you will make people cry cry hard even the r9 recast to the 100th power will cry.
  • Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thy thy, for all the detailed answers : the one thing that saddens me : i did not ask for r9rrr .... ofc the best gear in the game, would be the best option ...

    But having to invest something upward of 2billion in ingame coins with current economy ... for the sake of beeing able to play and have some experience in pvp (that are not 4 years old - Harshlands Zulu - if anyone remembers xD) is not really the answer i was looking for.

    In terms of g16 equipped AA classes , it kinda baffles down to either a mystic, a psy or a wiz atm.

    From all those classes, i have played the wiz and the psy already ( my 99 psy on hl is deleted , dunno why forums still show it ..) - So if anyone would be kind enough to give me some extra insight into the mystic class - and could maybe give me a sample pwcalc - of whats doable in g16 and the idea behind the build - ( am guessing full int , and even more int after rebirth is the way to go)

    thyvm everyone - keep the good comments coming
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Quite simply, the pure DD classes (psy+wiz) need r9rr to be effective and actually considered a factor. The support classes (cleric+veno+myst) can get away with g16 Nirv.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    guess imma shrink away from my idea of getting back into the game.

    The gear requirements seem a little bit out of control - given that every 2nd person writing in forums, is advicing to go r9 ...b:surrenderb:surrender

    makes me kinda sad , i did like the pvp from pwi , and the graphics and stuiff like that - but with such a tendency towards the cashshopping part of the game - i dunno ---- if it is really ever worth it to start this game (again)b:shocked
  • Posts: 699 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    guess imma shrink away from my idea of getting back into the game.

    The gear requirements seem a little bit out of control - given that every 2nd person writing in forums, is advicing to go r9 ...b:surrenderb:surrender

    makes me kinda sad , i did like the pvp from pwi , and the graphics and stuiff like that - but with such a tendency towards the cashshopping part of the game - i dunno ---- if it is really ever worth it to start this game (again)b:shocked

    People saying to go r9 aren't the most witty persons when the OP asked for G16+arcane class. Imo your question has been answered though and cler/myst/veno are your best bets.
    Wizard can be awesome but to make up for it's squishyness usually requires r9 gear where phy.shield has the most effect.
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    guess imma shrink away from my idea of getting back into the game.

    The gear requirements seem a little bit out of control - given that every 2nd person writing in forums, is advicing to go r9 ...b:surrenderb:surrender

    makes me kinda sad , i did like the pvp from pwi , and the graphics and stuiff like that - but with such a tendency towards the cashshopping part of the game - i dunno ---- if it is really ever worth it to start this game (again)b:shocked

    Don't listen too much people from the forum that say R9rr everywhere (for some reasons people are often negative on the forum), you can do all the PVE in the game in G16 and you can have fun in PVP/TW/NW with G16, yes there's a lot of R9rr, but not everyone is R9rr, there's a lot of G16 people of all classes.

    Here's a pwcalc of a mystic with G16 pure magic:


    And here's one with hybrid build:


    The weapon should have +40 att. lvl, but I wasn't able to put it so in total it's 61 att. lvl for both pwcalc.

    Both are fine for any PVE, I know for sure a mystic G16 can easy solo FC and some TT.

    Ofc a R9rr+10 archer will maybe one-two shot you, but not everyone is R9rr+10 or archer, there's still a lot of G16 people, but mystic's summons are nice for that they help your defense/survivability/damage (+ anti-stun).

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I suggest mystic as well. Mystics are quite annoying in nw, with their ress buff hehe. And quite useful in tw. Oh this coming from a r9s2+12 wiz.
  • Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    guess imma shrink away from my idea of getting back into the game.

    The gear requirements seem a little bit out of control - given that every 2nd person writing in forums, is advicing to go r9 ...b:surrenderb:surrender

    makes me kinda sad , i did like the pvp from pwi , and the graphics and stuiff like that - but with such a tendency towards the cashshopping part of the game - i dunno ---- if it is really ever worth it to start this game (again)b:shocked

    R9 isnt as nearly as expensive as it used to be with constant sales, and NW providing a free second cast, and the mats for 3rd cast being 100% farmable.

    Don't worry about price, ever. Do it or don't, it is your choice. But don't let the price of r9rr be a deterent, because I've seen even some of the worst farmers and merchants get r9rr. It can be done, it just takes a bit more work.
  • Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited February 2014

    Here's a pwcalc of a mystic with G16 pure magic:


    And here's one with hybrid build:


    The weapon should have +40 att. lvl, but I wasn't able to put it so in total it's 61 att. lvl for both pwcalc.

    Both are fine for any PVE, I know for sure a mystic G16 can easy solo FC and some TT.

    Verdant Shell really makes this builds shine - what a nice skill xD
  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    http://pwcalc.com/d652ea44e6563e8e wizzie

    http://pwcalc.com/00448661b13eb6de Mystic

    http://pwcalc.com/42659a6eac4fb979 Veno

    http://pwcalc.com/d8bbf623a8803e59 Psy


    Such squishy

    Caster underpower

    R9 much need

    Seriously if you're sticking to G16 then run enough warsongs and dish 60mil for G15 WS belt and buy 2 sky covers. Rings = epic defense.

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Verdant Shell really makes this builds shine - what a nice skill xD

    And a mystic that leech Devil (sacrifice the summon) gain 100% bonus p.def for 20 sec (+ 30% crit too) and 6-9 sec anti-stun depend of the cultivation.

    There's also an other summon that create a shield that absorb damage and heal like falling petal. (sort of over time heal)

    It's pretty much why I say that mystic have the best survivability of casters (with clerics), we have the summons to improve or def/att, our healing skills (sage even purify) and plants that reduce the damage the enemy do and an AOE sleep.

    Mystics are really full of surprises and not as squishy as people say, a lot of people don't know how to play mystic which give us a bad reputation on forum, but on HL mystics are loved.

    We don't have powerful 2 spark AOEs like wizz, but once the wizz have done that AOE he's pretty much dead cause he have nothing left.

    Also it's easy as mystic to fight psy, wizz and veno, cause verdant shell is not only 90% p.def (lvl10, sage is 100%), but also water and wood defenses, venos hit like girls on mystics, I personally never have been kill by a veno in NW even when I was G16 and the veno R9rr, a lot of wizz and psy ignore that our buff also give us 90% more water defense. Psy are pretty squishy to our combo.

    And according to people bramble tornado (push back that works on players) is pretty annoying. =P

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute


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