Blademaster Video Channel Repository

Posts: 218 Arc User
edited March 2015 in Blademaster
Main post no longer being updated, check the other pages.


[PvP/PvE] Allec
[PvP] ZaytroX
[PvP] LadyBlondeh/MadeByVisa/LameBiscuit
[PvP/PvE] JaviMaster
[PvP] TheDan [Channel 1] [Channel 2]
[PvP] XCableX
[PvP] Kniraven


[PvP] Toddloveleah
[PvP/PvE] VegBlade
[PvP/PvE] Glory
[PvP] Jungleboy
[PvP] BigDiamond
[PvP] Nigoshi
[PvP] Zanryu
[PvP] Ehmi
[PvP] Rome
[PvP] Onatop
Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
Post edited by Nigoshi - Raging Tide on


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  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm no where near active anymore, but I'll be posting more videos again shortly. Just been gone from game the last 6 months.
    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I'm no where near active anymore, but I'll be posting more videos again shortly. Just been gone from game the last 6 months.

    Well wbish TheDan.

    I am so going to watch those videos I am really curious. *noms on popcorn*
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Cough, fix my inactive status. I'm playing again and just got my emperor tome today.
    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Cough, fix my inactive status. I'm playing again and just got my emperor tome today.
    Congrats! and WB
    Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
  • Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I didn't know this was up. I suppose school and studying for finals make me not see this lol.b:laugh

    I'll probably be making TW videos again, if they don't suck (granted they already suck) and last quite a long time/good fight to be posted up during the December break and early January.

    and thanks for the name. Lol : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    cable he spelled ur name wrong lol
    Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
    Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
  • Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ya it's pronounced Gayble

    EDIT: Thanks Nigoshi, you are the man! : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yo Brogoshi, put me in the Active List.

    Here's your proof that you need.

    Recent TW vid : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm not the best geared or skilled bm but i have been uploading a lot of vids of me fighting as well as others :)
  • Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'm not the best geared or skilled bm but i have been uploading a lot of vids of me fighting as well as others :)

    Looks like your computer takes a hit when recording. Mine does too, only in massive PvP (TW). You should try to edit your videos and make them 2x speed (for Sakubatou's case). Looks like it runs a lot smoother. Also, you can edit out the waiting, getting buffs, or typing part. The people here want to see action!

    Okay, so I got to watch some of the videos and I'll give some tips of what I do that are stolen from people's guides on this subforum (hehehehehehehehehehe).

    The one video named "me vs nihilus"

    -I didn't see much leaps used in the video. I would use leaps a lot if you know you're taking quite a beating (Leap Back) to have the chance to take 1 damage. Or Leap Forward for a chance to avoid status effects. just use whatever, sins have cooldowns on using teleport too.

    -I know you like using Ferocious Leap and so do I! Instead of auto attacking with axes, use fast hitting skills instead of using the long casting Fissure or Highland Cleave.
    In other words, use skills like Drake's Ray, Ferocious Leap, Ocean's Edge (this covers the slow on Fissure), Drake Sweep/Fan of Flames or Army Crusher(I didn't see them on your skill bar), Aoelian Blade. Just spam these in a rotation to dish out more damage.

    -Use Blade Hurl when you run out of options of defense (or leaps) but I would resort to the skill right after the sin sparks, triple or double. That's what I usually do when a sin sparks on me. Or sometimes, I use it as a finish combo assuming I can't reckless rush them because they're too far away.

    Imo, even though sins have gigantic chi gains and a Tidal Protection, I would still use Mo Zun Taunt.

    - You're also a clicker and semi-spam keyboard like me. However, it kinda just seems you are delayed on it. and yes, we make mistakes such as Reflective Aura instead of hitting Roar of the Pride.

    To the 'mass' PvP regarding Dark v Mayhem

    -I know you like flying over and dropping to scare your opponents... which can be effective. Except, it showed a major problem the client likes to do. It makes it look like you're on the ground but you're in air. So you tried to Blade Tornado but you were probably going WTF why won't it work?!?!!?! Because you were really in the air. So everyone PvPing that looks at you probably though "is he lagging?"

    But what I like to do, is run in balls deep. Have an IG ready when you know you're going to be focused first (I mean, we are BMs). Or you can be a sly devil and wait till your team engages then you enter in but not through flying. Just run in and assist your DDs.

    -Pay close attention to who you were hitting. There was a Blademaster Seal of the God-ed. And yes, people end up hitting them anyway, they do it to me all the time. And sometimes I still try to hit people who are under AD or IG. But when the BM was SoG, the best action was to Mo Zun Taunt and just go to someone else who needed to die first or assist your team.

    -While you guys were waiting I noticed you were on Magic Marrow and you got sniped by a sin in stealth. It happens. If you're waiting for people to show up to PvP against you, and you dominated your scene are just wait till they get buffs, then I would use p.marrow and keep it on until the fight begins (then switch to magic marrow). This requires a lot of awareness, but it prevents getting OHKO by sins. Trust me, I used to be a victim.

    -When the last miniature PvP fight began, I saw you Blade Tornado straight to a seeker who had IG on... and you stood there. BT is most effective, in my opinion, when you run around with it on, especially when they don't have some immunity buff on them. BT doesn't go through immunity anymore. So go spread out your wings.

    Okay that's all I can give after watching 2 videos. : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Looks like your computer takes a hit when recording. Mine does too, only in massive PvP (TW). You should try to edit your videos and make them 2x speed (for Sakubatou's case). Looks like it runs a lot smoother. Also, you can edit out the waiting, getting buffs, or typing part. The people here want to see action!

    Okay, so I got to watch some of the videos and I'll give some tips of what I do that are stolen from people's guides on this subforum (hehehehehehehehehehe).

    The one video named "me vs nihilus"

    -I didn't see much leaps used in the video. I would use leaps a lot if you know you're taking quite a beating (Leap Back) to have the chance to take 1 damage. Or Leap Forward for a chance to avoid status effects. just use whatever, sins have cooldowns on using teleport too.

    -I know you like using Ferocious Leap and so do I! Instead of auto attacking with axes, use fast hitting skills instead of using the long casting Fissure or Highland Cleave.
    In other words, use skills like Drake's Ray, Ferocious Leap, Ocean's Edge (this covers the slow on Fissure), Drake Sweep/Fan of Flames or Army Crusher(I didn't see them on your skill bar), Aoelian Blade. Just spam these in a rotation to dish out more damage.

    -Use Blade Hurl when you run out of options of defense (or leaps) but I would resort to the skill right after the sin sparks, triple or double. That's what I usually do when a sin sparks on me. Or sometimes, I use it as a finish combo assuming I can't reckless rush them because they're too far away.

    Imo, even though sins have gigantic chi gains and a Tidal Protection, I would still use Mo Zun Taunt.

    - You're also a clicker and semi-spam keyboard like me. However, it kinda just seems you are delayed on it. and yes, we make mistakes such as Reflective Aura instead of hitting Roar of the Pride.

    To the 'mass' PvP regarding Dark v Mayhem

    -I know you like flying over and dropping to scare your opponents... which can be effective. Except, it showed a major problem the client likes to do. It makes it look like you're on the ground but you're in air. So you tried to Blade Tornado but you were probably going WTF why won't it work?!?!!?! Because you were really in the air. So everyone PvPing that looks at you probably though "is he lagging?"

    But what I like to do, is run in balls deep. Have an IG ready when you know you're going to be focused first (I mean, we are BMs). Or you can be a sly devil and wait till your team engages then you enter in but not through flying. Just run in and assist your DDs.

    -Pay close attention to who you were hitting. There was a Blademaster Seal of the God-ed. And yes, people end up hitting them anyway, they do it to me all the time. And sometimes I still try to hit people who are under AD or IG. But when the BM was SoG, the best action was to Mo Zun Taunt and just go to someone else who needed to die first or assist your team.

    -While you guys were waiting I noticed you were on Magic Marrow and you got sniped by a sin in stealth. It happens. If you're waiting for people to show up to PvP against you, and you dominated your scene are just wait till they get buffs, then I would use p.marrow and keep it on until the fight begins (then switch to magic marrow). This requires a lot of awareness, but it prevents getting OHKO by sins. Trust me, I used to be a victim.

    -When the last miniature PvP fight began, I saw you Blade Tornado straight to a seeker who had IG on... and you stood there. BT is most effective, in my opinion, when you run around with it on, especially when they don't have some immunity buff on them. BT doesn't go through immunity anymore. So go spread out your wings.

    Okay that's all I can give after watching 2 videos.

    Yeah i do agree with all of what you said. In the fight vs sin i did hit reflective instead of roar xD I basically got lucky with the 7k crit or i was done for. I've seen the dans videos and ive switched to a chi sucking genie with use of mo zun. It seems like in fights vs sins though they go very quick for me. I will try what you said tho.

    Mass pvp- yeah that upset me and luckily i wasnt killed in the new dragon tower area it seems you get stuck in air more often than other areas. Flying is like my go-to thing because in my +5 g16 gears its hard to run in w/o getting one hit by a OP caster. I should get some immune pots but so much coin xD might try to earn some faction merit and get the pan gu.

    Mage marrow is another thing i try to spam in mass only because it brings my mag and phys def to about the same 10-11k. I usually encounter trouble with mages much more often than phys classes. Yeah it was a bad move to BT the SoG bm wont deny that xD.

    BTW that sin that snuck me is r9rr+12 nw cast ring wings of ascension o.o he would kill my **** no matter what xD
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited January 2014
  • Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    can video posters post here to just say we have vids coming up? Assuming they don't bother subscribing. lolb:laugh : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Hey guys, just wanted to let everyone know I have a new PvP video up, and a 1v1 at the end as well. b:thanks

    (PvP Vid) "Just Doin Mah Dailies! D:"
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    thx for the update!

    p.s anyone have videos from other verions of PW? (PWBR/RU/CN) I had a few links a while ago, but they've since been lost
    Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I just realized that there's this post exist in the bm section LOL. I'm barely active LC now, but mehhhhh here some old NW vids b4 Crystal wars and Bridge battles. If i could afford more charms on lc I'd play :((
    Find the solution to Laplace's equation at X=2, Y =3, OR bend over b:cry
  • Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Looks like your computer takes a hit when recording. Mine does too, only in massive PvP (TW). You should try to edit your videos and make them 2x speed (for Sakubatou's case). Looks like it runs a lot smoother. Also, you can edit out the waiting, getting buffs, or typing part. The people here want to see action!

    Okay, so I got to watch some of the videos and I'll give some tips of what I do that are stolen from people's guides on this subforum (hehehehehehehehehehe).

    The one video named "me vs nihilus"

    -I didn't see much leaps used in the video. I would use leaps a lot if you know you're taking quite a beating (Leap Back) to have the chance to take 1 damage. Or Leap Forward for a chance to avoid status effects. just use whatever, sins have cooldowns on using teleport too.

    -I know you like using Ferocious Leap and so do I! Instead of auto attacking with axes, use fast hitting skills instead of using the long casting Fissure or Highland Cleave.
    In other words, use skills like Drake's Ray, Ferocious Leap, Ocean's Edge (this covers the slow on Fissure), Drake Sweep/Fan of Flames or Army Crusher(I didn't see them on your skill bar), Aoelian Blade. Just spam these in a rotation to dish out more damage.

    -Use Blade Hurl when you run out of options of defense (or leaps) but I would resort to the skill right after the sin sparks, triple or double. That's what I usually do when a sin sparks on me. Or sometimes, I use it as a finish combo assuming I can't reckless rush them because they're too far away.

    Imo, even though sins have gigantic chi gains and a Tidal Protection, I would still use Mo Zun Taunt.

    - You're also a clicker and semi-spam keyboard like me. However, it kinda just seems you are delayed on it. and yes, we make mistakes such as Reflective Aura instead of hitting Roar of the Pride.

    To the 'mass' PvP regarding Dark v Mayhem

    -I know you like flying over and dropping to scare your opponents... which can be effective. Except, it showed a major problem the client likes to do. It makes it look like you're on the ground but you're in air. So you tried to Blade Tornado but you were probably going WTF why won't it work?!?!!?! Because you were really in the air. So everyone PvPing that looks at you probably though "is he lagging?"

    But what I like to do, is run in balls deep. Have an IG ready when you know you're going to be focused first (I mean, we are BMs). Or you can be a sly devil and wait till your team engages then you enter in but not through flying. Just run in and assist your DDs.

    -Pay close attention to who you were hitting. There was a Blademaster Seal of the God-ed. And yes, people end up hitting them anyway, they do it to me all the time. And sometimes I still try to hit people who are under AD or IG. But when the BM was SoG, the best action was to Mo Zun Taunt and just go to someone else who needed to die first or assist your team.

    -While you guys were waiting I noticed you were on Magic Marrow and you got sniped by a sin in stealth. It happens. If you're waiting for people to show up to PvP against you, and you dominated your scene are just wait till they get buffs, then I would use p.marrow and keep it on until the fight begins (then switch to magic marrow). This requires a lot of awareness, but it prevents getting OHKO by sins. Trust me, I used to be a victim.

    -When the last miniature PvP fight began, I saw you Blade Tornado straight to a seeker who had IG on... and you stood there. BT is most effective, in my opinion, when you run around with it on, especially when they don't have some immunity buff on them. BT doesn't go through immunity anymore. So go spread out your wings.

    Okay that's all I can give after watching 2 videos.

    would love to use some of this advice. if only my faction got a good twb:cry
    Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
    Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
  • Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    You may be able to change mine back to active, it just depends on whether or not I decide to actually play again. I'm still a little on the fence about it, but should know within the week.

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty

    I read the forums naked.
  • Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    You may be able to change mine back to active, it just depends on whether or not I decide to actually play again. I'm still a little on the fence about it, but should know within the week.

    so did you ever come back?
    Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
    Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
  • Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    so did you ever come back?

    I think so. I'm currently leveling to 100 again, I'm at 97. I'm also trying to farm badges to reroll my claws, but I've already got a WS video up and I don't imagine anyone cares to watch a 97 BM solo FC.

    I still haven't gotten back into PvP yet and I'll have to relearn combos and stuff so it may be a while before I put up a video.

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty

    I read the forums naked.
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I still haven't gotten back into PvP yet and I'll have to relearn combos and stuff so it may be a while before I put up a video.

    Looking forward to it!
    Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Hey guys, just added a new PvP video to my channel :)
    Let me know what you think.

    Knights Market & Dat Kite! (PvP Video)
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Not sure if double posting is permitted under this circumstance, but well, here it is :

    Knights vs Insurrect (FINAL) (03/01/2014) PWI Lost City TW

    This was a really fun video to make with some comedy added in. Tell me what you think guys,
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hey guys, another update.
    I just added my latest PvP Video filled with scenes from the last few weeks.

    It is titled Barb Slayer (PvP Video). Check it out!

    Subscribe if you haven't, and be sure to comment ;)
  • Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thanks for the vids Kniraven!

    I too have added a few new videos :) the latest of which is.

    South Gate Skirmish
    Wait...Wait...There will be large posterior wenches?! -Impatiens - Blademaster PvP videos and TW
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    You too Nigoshi ^^

    Here is my latest!
    It is pretty much all group pvp, insteadof me hunting KoS.
    Let me know what you guys think!

    Someone drops a +12 4 socket NV3 HA Helmet w/ 4 vit stones to me in it. :)

    Duke Shouts : "GIMME BACK MY HELM!" (PvP Video)
  • Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    u need to get rid of those senceless zooms in your vids
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited May 2014
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Knights vs _TRIAD [2] 5/10/2014
    Lost City - PWI

    as played by : Kniraven (Knights Leader / Blademaster)

    This week _TRIAD got some help.
    NyKage & other Stalkers members hopped over to their guild to assist in fighting Knights. It was a more difficult war. Very Fun over all.

    Knights vs _TRIAD[2] (05/10/2014) - Kniraven Video

    Be sure to check out _Assassina_'s TW video as well.
    He was on Knights defense so you can see their perspective.

    PWI: Knights Vs _TRIAD Round 2 - _Assassina_ Video


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