Full Deity AA Cleric

Restorz - Dreamweaver
Restorz - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
edited February 2014 in Cleric

I was just wondering what you guys would think about this. I know it's a bit odd, but I'm considering it. Right now I can DPS pretty hard with full r9rr +12 wep. I get -94% chan with chan helm cape neck and belt switch, better DPS if I leave R9 belt on though(go down to -82% Chan, but gain the 30 Attack levels from full R9 Set bonus). Yes, lose a lot of survivability. But if I upgraded tome from Dominance to Emperor, and upgraded neck to a -12% chan from a -6% chan I could get -99% chan with keeping my regular helm on.. Using the sage cleric buff that grants -20% chan for a period of time.

That being said, I don't have the best survivability as it is, being just +7 gear with +50/75 hp citrine gems. But, having full +12 with lvl 16 pdef cube neck and +12 NW upgraded R9 ring and +10ish Sky Cover/Stars Destiny (which I would lose -6% chan on because Cloud Stir/Moon's Embrace has -6% chan) and considering the new primal world pdef/mdef passive boost, Full Deity stones seemed like, idk something different, especially the way I built my Cleric pure Magic AA. I would hit quite hard, but despite the possible +48 defense lvls from full JoSD, only +11/12 R9RRs would really be a threat, especially after upgrading everything to +12. It would be expensive as hell, maybe not even worth trying or as it would be a pretty costly mistake if I didn't like it. But it kind of fits my play style and I think I would have fun with it.

Right now I have 37-40k magic atk with cleric buffs and in UV dance mode, but after the reinc system (I'm only 101-101-101 right now) and the restating after getting an Emperor tome that could really go up, I could easily get my Mag from 760(What it is now) into the 900s (if I got lvls 105-105-10X). Also take into account the new Primal passive that gives +14% damage to all skills, which really doesn't help APSers but a -Chan caster would really benefit. Right now I have 124 atk lvls. After full Deity it would be 172. But if I switch to -Chan gear I lose R9 belt/full deity cape which is 38 Atk lvls. Alternatively could keep them on and have -81% Chan buffed. DPS wise seems like the better option to have the extra +38% Damage per hit. Full -99% chan would mainly just be for casting chi gains Ect. It would be a lot of work, but could really be an enjoyable payoff.

Let me know what you think.

Post edited by Restorz - Dreamweaver on


  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It would be interesting, that if you PK or DD a lot. If you play support too much, naturally you wouldn't be able to take advantage of it.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • DarkSkiesx - Dreamweaver
    DarkSkiesx - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,355 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I think you're a long way off making a decision on shards, I would worry about shards last, get all +12/NW upgrades etc and then make a judgement call at that point whether you feel you are tanky enough and want to go deities or that your damage is high enough that you want to go jades.

    I think the main reason you don't see a lot of deities AA toons is because their damage output is already pretty high with all the damage stuff maxed out, and they benefit from the jades more as it allows them to live longer to take advantage of the purify proc.

    Even more so with the primal upgrades esp the crit and skill damage casters will be putting out a lot more damage.

    However a cleric does have really good defensive skills with sage vanguards/plume shell/pious, which makes deities less of a defensive sacrifice than say on a psychic:- of which there is a full deity toon on our server, Anjumara, may help to have a chat with him. Although I think he doesn't mind getting occasionally one shot so that he can hit people for insanely high numbers :D
    DarkSkiesx - Demon Archer

    DarkSeasx - Sage Assassin

  • Madebyvisa - Raging Tide
    Madebyvisa - Raging Tide Posts: 283 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The cost of switching from deity to josd isnt that high 9m 12 gold each gem (possibly less if u luck out on shard pax) so giv it a go by all means
  • Fissile - Archosaur
    Fissile - Archosaur Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Isn't channeling capped at 90%?
  • Aeliah - Dreamweaver
    Aeliah - Dreamweaver Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Channeling is capped at 99, if you go over, you reset to 90. I've tested this myeslf---I have -98% channeling, or 91% with full r9rr set in.

    One of a cleric's biggest problems in pvp is the difficulty they can have doing spike damage. Yes, we have our one skill, which is Tempest. However, (a) its highly visible, and (b) it costs a lot of chi and time. Aka, double or triple sparking it for bypass attempts is difficult/not practical. Other classes tend to have faster, more reliable ways to get spikes in damage off of ordinary skills. Example: mystics have lucky break for the guaranteed crit, wizards have spark debuff, psychics have the 2 spark skill that increases their channeling and magic attack by a ton (2 sparks, but not highly visible, and much faster than tempest, and affects more than a single attack). Venomancers have multiple debuffs which can lead to enormous spike damage if they get lucky.

    So, as far as deity build goes---yes I'd say it could have enormous uses for open world pvp, IF it makes the difference between bypassing or not bypassing somebody's charm on something other than Tempest (talking about relatively endgame gears here). However, if deity builds doesn't really help you bypass, then probably it isn't worth it. Even in full jades, I find that doing the full heal debuff combo and then blasting through their hp in 10 seconds after I tick their charm thing works on even the tankiest people, as long as I get a few crits along the way. Its a slow, predictable-as-heck combo, but in 1vs1, its also a spammable and sometimes hard to block combo as well.

    As far as channeling in pvp goes... yes and no. Mostly no. In 1vs1 against certain arcanes (not mystics if they have tangling mire on their genie)---yes. With plume shell, you can absorb the rare physical hit a veno, psychic, or wizard can dish out, and the rest of the time the increased magic defense and channeling is pure win. However, against every other class, a channeling build simply doesn't have the physical defense to survive. Ordinary archers will crit bypass you on auto attacks, sins will have no difficulty one-shotting you. Seekers will one-shot you the moment plume shell is gone; barbs, bms, and other clerics even will charm bypass you.

    Furthermore, in violet dance you can't switch gears. In group pvp situations, if you go into violet dance with channeling gears in, you are committed. If a physical dd shows up and stuns you, you'll have difficulty getting out of violet dance in time to put your tankier gears back in. I know this from experience lol (on bridge battles with few people I tend to use channeling gears to damage the towers faster, but occasionally get caught by an incoming archer and die when ordinarily I never would).

    I'd say, deity stones---yes. Channeling build---keep it mostly for pve, or pvp only where you significantly outgear the enemy and want to kill them faster (aka, certain outnumbered NW battles where you face off again a dozen weak enemies, channeling gear might be acceptable).



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  • Restorz - Dreamweaver
    Restorz - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2014

    Okay thanks guys. Aeliah this is what I was going to ask you about in game yesterday, but I think you were about to start a PV binge. I think there could be a lot of potential with that type of built. And yes again as you said -Chan build meant solely for PvE and Chi gains. I also totally agree on that Cleric's combos are quite predictable, but maybe I could find some different combos with such high damage output.

    Thus, most of which will involve kiting because of lower survivability; but with sage Vanguard, Guardian Light, Wings of Protection, Pious Blessing and Plume Shell, there are means of taking high damage even as a full AA low Defense build. I'm still considering it, and as a reply to Desdi, I am only ever support when Im in a squad as only healer, and usually if I am I ask for a second Cleric; so I rarely run support. Its going to take lots of time and money getting from where I am now to that point (getting 105-105-10X for Max Magic, getting all primal passives, getting last Morai skill -> Poius, ect) so maybe I'll update this thread on my progress in a month or so. As DarkSkies said, refines are priority one, and sharding will be the last thing I do.

    But thank you all for your opinions, much appreciated.

  • Salari - Raging Tide
    Salari - Raging Tide Posts: 2,102 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    i knew a couple psy's that went dot in their gear (long before deities). All I got to say is, with one of them I did a few fws's with them. Fastest fws's i ever been in. Watching a psy do a full pull and 2 hit all the mobs is quite impressive. He would quite regularly solo emp in 3-3 while i did the other bosses. Some scary damage a full mag caster can do in pve and pvp.

    I suggest see how you do with just +12 in all your gear with no sharding. That will give you the best idea on how you will be defensively in pvp. Don't rely on the r9 weapon proc for defense, but pay attention when it does, it can be a game changer in the right circumstances. You can also look at mav's videos and a few other clerics that post here, yes he has a mouth on him, but does have some good videos

    Good luck

    Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz
  • SonH - Dreamweaver
    SonH - Dreamweaver Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    While the build can be viable in certain situations, I think you're still forgetting the aspect of purge. Yes Sage Vanguard, Plume Shell, WoP, GL, etc... are all wonderful things, but the moment an archer or a curious veno purges you, all I can say is God bless.

    Also as Aeliah already pointed out, you can't switch gears while in UV form, just like any other forms, and therefore, if you're caught out, you will probably die.

    Lastly, with channeling gears, your Physical defense will just be too low for Plume Shell to work correctly. Even with an MP charm, your MP will be depleted too fast and Plume Shell will disappear sooner than expected, which will probably result in the death of you.
  • Aeliah - Dreamweaver
    Aeliah - Dreamweaver Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    While the build can be viable in certain situations, I think you're still forgetting the aspect of purge. Yes Sage Vanguard, Plume Shell, WoP, GL, etc... are all wonderful things, but the moment an archer or a curious veno purges you, all I can say is God bless.

    Also as Aeliah already pointed out, you can't switch gears while in UV form, just like any other forms, and therefore, if you're caught out, you will probably die.

    Lastly, with channeling gears, your Physical defense will just be too low for Plume Shell to work correctly. Even with an MP charm, your MP will be depleted too fast and Plume Shell will disappear sooner than expected, which will probably result in the death of you.

    This is truth.

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  • Restorz - Dreamweaver
    Restorz - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2014

    Yeah I know all that. I'm not going to spend 1-2 bil getting a +12 Deities [Wings of Ascention] and a +11/12 Lvl 16 Cube neck and not use them. Chan is solely meant for Chi gains and PvE.

    And as of always, KoS Venos. If purged, kite back and rebuff, nice because getting full Cleric buffs only takes about 3 seconds now with new Primal skill.

    Its going to take some practice to actually master the build, if I decide to go that route, but in my head seems very viable.
  • freygin
    freygin Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    You can't use Pantheon Blessing in UV mode, if purged while in UV mode, it'll still need some time to rebuff, either switch back to normal form then Pantheon Blessing, or single buffs.
  • Restorz - Dreamweaver
    Restorz - Dreamweaver Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    freygin wrote: »
    You can't use Pantheon Blessing in UV mode, if purged while in UV mode, it'll still need some time to rebuff, either switch back to normal form then Pantheon Blessing, or single buffs.

    I' aware.