Harshlands rage thread.



  • Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rage couse HL got more active forum then archo b:angry f:thanks
  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    rage couse HL got more active forum then archo b:angry f:thanks

    Ask Dark to move to your server. They'll spam your forum with QQ and get it to top in no time.
  • Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Ask Dark to move to your server. They'll spam your forum with QQ and get it to top in no time.

    where i find this dark dude. f:beg
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    where i find this dark dude. f:beg

    Dark is a faction on Harshlands that Sint dislikes. He isn't actually talking to you, he's just pretending to talk to you as an excuse to troll Dark. That's just his personality.

    OFC you wouldn't know about our ****ed up QQ'ers and faction politics, but this kind of behavior is normal for HL b:surrender.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Dark is a faction on Harshlands that Sint dislikes. He isn't actually talking to you, he's just pretending to talk to you as an excuse to troll Dark. That's just his personality.

    OFC you wouldn't know about our ****ed up QQ'ers and faction politics, but this kind of behavior is normal for HL b:surrender.

    More to the point, most of the people posting in these last few threads have been either trolling Dark or raging Dark members.
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    most of the people posting in these last few threads have been either trolling Dark

    Infamous (the guild fighting Dark so understandable we'd butt heads) and Sint (professional try-hard) confirmed for "most people."
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    OPKossy wrote: »
    1: I'm not the only mod on these forums.
    2: Bans exist on the forums. They do a fairly good job of keeping people who cross the line from continuing to do so.
    3: How "stupid" a thread is is a matter of opinion and completely irrelevant to whether or not it stays open. Violation of rules, on the other hand, what gets them closed. If you have a problem with that, you can always stop using the forums. Nobody has a gun to your head forcing you to stay here or post in "stupid" threads.
    4: Was there a point to your post aside from senseless ranting at an "authority figure"? None at all? That's what I thought. Take the condescending and snide **** elsewhere.
    5: Thank you for giving my popcorn a good use before my movie started playing.

    Again, nobody cares. Including myself ~ enjoy that popcorn thread warrior!
  • Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Why are those Infamous kids on my #@%@#% lawn?! How come nobody interesting leaves safe zone enough to kill them?! b:angry b:angry b:angry

    Nah, I'm too happy to rage right now for real. b:cute
    Sometimes snarky, but will always bake you cupcakes.
  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    More to the point, most of the people posting in these last few threads have been either trolling Dark or raging Dark members.

    Having to quote myself just to teach our very own AGK how to read.
    Infamous (the guild fighting Dark so understandable we'd butt heads) and Sint (professional try-hard) confirmed for "most people."

    See where it says "or raging Dark members"? The irony of you calling me a tryhard while misrepresenting what i was saying in that way is just unbearable.

    In case your counting skills match your reading skills: Most people in this thread are, in fact, either Dark members, or trolling Dark, as can readily be deduced from the amount of raging Dark members are doing, even at people who don't play on HL.
    Again, nobody cares. Including myself ~ enjoy that popcorn thread warrior!

    You've become a bitter little man, chev. Chill out, dude. The world is full of rainbows and ponies and cupcake baking vegan scum. <3
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    In case your counting skills match your reading skills: Most people in this thread are, in fact, either Dark members, or trolling Dark, as can readily be deduced from the amount of raging Dark members are doing, even at people who don't play on HL.

    I find it even more painfully ironic that you have the most posts in this thread, and the majority of them are posts raging/trolling at Dark.

    In fact, the topic had changed away from TW, but you still find the need to try and provoke people.

    So really, there's no way you can actually call anyone out for raging/trolling, without looking like a complete fool.

    OFC you can reply with a counterargument (most of which barely even make sense to anyone but you), but a lot of them aren't even interesting to read...they're just really annoying because every single word out of your mouth seems to be some sort of bitter attack on someone/something, which, in all honesty, is a major buzzkill for forum activity because they attract mods like OPKossy/venus.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    This video is obviously relevant to the thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1JMjwJG2UM

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Yep good times, I miss flying through HH and going through walls...... revo was the best
  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I find it even more painfully ironic that you have the most posts in this thread, and the majority of them are posts raging/trolling at Dark.

    In fact, the topic had changed away from TW, but you still find the need to try and provoke people.

    So really, there's no way you can actually call anyone out for raging/trolling, without looking like a complete fool.

    As i'm not a Dark member, i quite obviously count myself among the people trolling Dark, so that's not really news, is it? I was, however, having a perfectly amiccable idscussion with a dark member before the rest of Dark resumed whining at me, like you're doing right now.
    OFC you can reply with a counterargument (most of which barely even make sense to anyone but you), but a lot of them aren't even interesting to read...they're just really annoying because every single word out of your mouth seems to be some sort of bitter attack on someone/something, which, in all honesty, is a major buzzkill for forum activity because they attract mods like OPKossy/venus.

    And here we come back to rote repetition of the same **** you've been saying since it beame apparent i didn't agree with you: "You're bitter and you make no sense."

    I personally don't mind mods, as long as they're not closing threads. But since one of your faction mates seems to have a boner for antiauthoritarianism on a, sincerely, pathetic scale, you must, of course, bleat along with him on this one. I understand. Have fun.
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited January 2014

    And here we come back to rote repetition of the same **** you've been saying since it beame apparent i didn't agree with you: "You're bitter and you make no sense."

    I personally don't mind mods, as long as they're not closing threads. But since one of your faction mates seems to have a boner for antiauthoritarianism on a, sincerely, pathetic scale, you must, of course, bleat along with him on this one. I understand. Have fun.

    Do yourself a favor Sint. Step back, read what you just wrote, then analyze it before you click "reply". You'll find that you'll look less like an idiot if you do those 3 simple steps.

    You're welcome to continue being mad, but I simply don't see the point of it. Remember, 3 simple steps to peace and happiness!

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Do yourself a favor Sint. Step back, read what you just wrote, then analyze it before you click "reply". You'll find that you'll look less like an idiot if you do those 3 simple steps.

    You're welcome to continue being mad, but I simply don't see the point of it. Remember, 3 simple steps to peace and happiness!
    And here we come back to rote repetition of the same **** you've been saying since it became apparent i didn't agree with you: "You're bitter and you make no sense."

    Never saw that coming, honestly.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Yep good times, I miss flying through HH and going through walls...... revo was the best

    and whole guilds that are crying over you glitching hh
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Why is OUR SERVER so damn slow with all this rebirth s***, I mean seriously LC is already on the final phase we are what, like 30% on the phase behind? STOP the slacking you lazy good for nothin (insert something here)
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    We're not lazy, we're making progress as quickly as they are at the exact same rate.

    The difference is they CSed harder at the start, so they had an initial advantage of like 90%. I did my dailies every single day and by the time it was POSSIBLE to be Arcane Sky X with dailies alone, this is the first time Harshland's % moved. Meanwhile, several other servers were already at like 30% or 60% or 80%. This implies they CSed the pills.
    AFTER it became possible to hit Arcane Sky X with dailies alone? We've been gaining % at an equal rate, just of course we lack that initial advantage, nothing more.

    If anything, you should be proud of Harshlands for not being dumb enough to CS those pills when ultimately they'd end up waiting at Arcane Sky X like everyone else.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I would like to believe that the amount of people you are referring to csing does not exist or else... ROFLMAO. I am starting to think the server history change stuff is population based or something along those lines.... WE NEED MORE PEOPLE ON THIS SERVER! b:angryb:angryb:angry
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.
  • Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I would like to believe that the amount of people you are referring to csing does not exist or else... ROFLMAO. I am starting to think the server history change stuff is population based or something along those lines.... WE NEED MORE PEOPLE ON THIS SERVER! b:angryb:angryb:angry

    This is documented stuff, it's not like threads on this forum just disappear.

    But mind you, I'm not gonna go dig the thread I'm referring to up. At any rate though, I specifically recall some guy from like Dreamweaver or something in general discussion mentioning that he'd CSed the pills to hit Arcane Sky 10 to see how much the % increased, but didn't see it go up from the 18% it was at. All I recall is that I'd done -EVERY- daily up to that point and I was at like Arcane Sky 6, so the only explanation is:

    Heavy Trial spam (sincerely doubt this, since I think the chances for pills are still pretty low and it doesn't give you a crapton, but rather just one; could be wrong)


    Heavy CSing

    But yeah, SINCE Arcane Sky X became achievable with dailies alone, all of the servers have been gaining % at about the same, steady rate. Lazy servers would be identified by a server bypassing or gaining on another that was ahead of it, but that simply didn't happen whatsoever.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    trial gives 3 pills on 1-9, 5 on 10-18, might be higher on 19-27, not sure tho

    however this is a chance, same as everything else on it.
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.


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