Cash Shop Sales Lacking?

Praxalis - Archosaur
Praxalis - Archosaur Posts: 190 Arc User
edited December 2013 in General Discussion
There hasn't been the usual big bang OMPH in CS sales of more useful items that I expected during this holiday season. I'm not normally a big CSer myself, but I would like to see something other than random pigments go on sale. (But the crafting masteries on sale was a step in the right direction) Here's to hoping you put actually good stuff on sale for New Years like Rank or Refinement/Refinement Transfer. b:shutup So I can put my PWI pre-paid cards I got for Christmas to good use @_@

Of course, inb4 the usual CS QQing and moaning and trolling.
Post edited by Praxalis - Archosaur on


  • XxZloxX - Raging Tide
    XxZloxX - Raging Tide Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    IKR they been so lazy with there sales, packs, **** packs again, more ****
  • UnboundFury - Dreamweaver
    UnboundFury - Dreamweaver Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    There hasn't been the usual big bang OMPH in CS sales of more useful items that I expected during this holiday season. I'm not normally a big CSer myself, but I would like to see something other than random pigments go on sale. (But the crafting masteries on sale was

    a step in the right direction) Here's to hoping you put actually good stuff on sale for New Years like Rank or Refinement/Refinement Transfer. b:shutup So I can put my PWI pre-paid cards I got

    Of course, inb4 the usual CS QQing and moaning and trolling.

    To the CS QQrs:
    Insatead of complaining about the CSrs, you should THANK them.
    THEY are the ones that allow YOU to play for FREE.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    And thank the non csers for buying their overpriced cash shop things as well!
  • SHIMBERLY - Heavens Tear
    SHIMBERLY - Heavens Tear Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    To the CS QQrs:
    Insatead of complaining about the CSrs, you should THANK them.
    THEY are the ones that allow YOU to play for FREE.

    Nah not really because at day one it was stated free to play,but they knew idiots would go overboard in paying for fictitious junk.
  • UnboundFury - Dreamweaver
    UnboundFury - Dreamweaver Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Nah not really because at day one it was stated free to play,but they knew idiots would go overboard in paying for fictitious junk.

    So, people actual thought/think that Free to Play=Free to Operate and maintain?
    People thought/think that they intended to run this game via VOLUNTEERS and not PAY their employees???
    That may be the very definition of ignorance.
  • Praxalis - Archosaur
    Praxalis - Archosaur Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    @SHIM-They made it "F2P" to make the gateway of entry nonexistent. Then they pulled people in with their items that were available for purchase and made them appealing and hooked people so that they wanted more and more. and obviously, that works very well in the Western World because we like to stroke our egos to no end (at least in the US) the bigger and flashier our pixels the better we feel, so to speak.

    @Angel-lol +1 b:chuckle Without non csers, csers would just have a bunch of expensive pixels gathering dust and no one to bash on for being "beneath them" on the financial ladder. I've een my fair share of arrogant CSers and I've seen my fair share of wonder CSers.
  • MagicEmpress - Lost City
    MagicEmpress - Lost City Posts: 795 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    When is the real +10 orb sale gonna happen?
    Not black Friday, cyber Monday, Christmas... Only New Years left.

    It's kind of insulting after the free +10 orb fiasco they make it hard to buy them legitimately.
  • WannaBM - Archosaur
    WannaBM - Archosaur Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Playing free to play is a choise and thats why i try to accept the situation as it is in this game:

    Paying customers are all that matter, can do what they want, get all the advantages that prove to make them pay more. Non paying customers are cannon fodder to entertain the paying customers and they try to just make it just not bad enough for the free player that they will all leave.

    However, it does worry me about where gaming in general is going.

    I have been gaming since the time we had monchrome screens. Games were simple and single player however, we played them for a challenge and the feeling of achievement. even though there was no widespread internet, we would play games single player and compare with other players our scores, times or whatever. Or youd play a game like supaplex and youd feel mighty damn good if you even manage to finish all the way without cheats.

    Then came internet and multiplayer and gaming got to a new level. Now it was much easier to compete and to compare yourself with other players. It became mainstream and winning or losing, or being better or worse than other was like it is in sports. Real competition, real money to be won even with top games like starcraft b:dirty Pro matches on TV just like soccer and the top players being national heros (at least in korea). Just imagine now that we change the olympicss to PTW. Doping is forbidden, unless the player pays the match organisator and if you pay a real lot, the finish line is also bit closer in your lane. Be happy, someone got to pay for the stadiums !

    Free to play started out rather innocent. Simple games with relatively low maintenance cost would try to make everyone pay a few dollars without **** over competition. Youd get things like a more convenient user interface, a build que in games like these so you dont have to wake up etc. All limited and aimed to make a little money from a large amount of players. Unfortunately the game makers quickly learned that there are a small number of people who dont have any honor in competition and are willing to pay idiotic amounts of money to get advantages over others. To cheat basically. So thats is what PWI and other F2P games are catering to nowadays.

    I find this very unfortunate. And therefore out of priciple and because we can only vote with our wallet, i do not pay for these pay to win games. Of course i should actually not play them at all, but my gaming buddy happens to want to play for free. Until there comes a game who strongly stands for the principles to avoid all pay to win factor and goes back to getting small sums from large amounts of players, i dont think i will ever play a free to play game again. What really worries me is that free to play seems to have grown so big that i fear for the future subscription play. :(
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Cantabrum - Archosaur
    Cantabrum - Archosaur Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    When is the real +10 orb sale gonna happen?
    Not black Friday, cyber Monday, Christmas... Only New Years left.

    It's kind of insulting after the free +10 orb fiasco they make it hard to buy them legitimately.

    b:cute cs harder and they may reward us whit good sales b:avoid