Question About Character Appearence

Godschoice - Heavens Tear
Godschoice - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
edited December 2013 in General Discussion
I got a question. Are we allowed to change our character's body appearance. i know we are allowed to change our faces But about the bodies. EVEN THOU pwi gives you this advance settings tab to be able to do so when you enter into the make over services. . FOR example. having a big head and small skinny body parts Or big head, big body and arms with skinny legs . We have heard that it can be bannable if being caught or IF people complain about it. IF this is so then why should pwi put an advance setting tabs so you can make cute lil elf like toons. OR did pwi dont mind that we do it. any advice or information of truth to this is very greatful. Be so cute seeing lil elf like chars in christmas suits running around. lol.
Post edited by Godschoice - Heavens Tear on


  • SakuLv - Dreamweaver
    SakuLv - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Well Gm did said, that char size now can be big bigger or smaller

    beside there r tons of barb having huge heads and skinny bodys and not banned or anything
    so i guess its safe
  • ISHUROl - Dreamweaver
    ISHUROl - Dreamweaver Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Even before the expansion i seen a ton of players already had their chars at the extreme and never gotten banned for it. i say they planed on it because even without the advance edit you can push on the body shapes and it now gives you the option for the really skinny anime chars with huge eyes now. XDb:chuckle
  • Godschoice - Heavens Tear
    Godschoice - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Oh sweet. tysvm.. just my hubby and i wanted to try it. and it does look soo cute. But we have been getting some good compliments about it and nice laughs on heavens tear server but some are saying that it is bannable and that some did get banned. so we r like confussed to either stay as we made our toons or put them back to normal. we r scared and we do not want to get banned. so i came here to get some info and advice , so we can be at ease and not have to worry about what everyone is saying. figures here would be the best place to get all truth about it. b:pleased so IF it is safe and allowed. we'd deffinately will keep our cute elf like looks b:chuckle
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    People have been banned in the past for INI editing their body proportions, but if you do it through character customization, it isn't INI editing. (INI editing facial features has been allowed for a few months, of course.)
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • hypereccentrik
    hypereccentrik Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Check out the presets, now we can have more stick bodied, bobble headed, chibi faced toon just crying KILL ME! KILL ME!f:faintf:faintf:faint
  • Godschoice - Heavens Tear
    Godschoice - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    codes my husband and I NEVER used. we just took a make over scroll. went to the make over services. and below the menu was a adv. settings tab. clicked it and was like wow. we began to play with the slidders. and found we could change things. we began to adjust certian body parts on our toon while laughing and saying this is sooo cute. and we liked how they turned out. told my husband hey we look like little elves or little people now . was so neat. so we decided to keep the looks. but when some negative people seen us they began to threaten us that we CAN get ban. so we just wanted to make sure it was safe to do. by coming here and explaining our situation. and from what im getting from you is all good positive feed back. we are feeling more comfortable in keeping our chars like we made and having a fun time.we thank you all so very much for helping us . Huge HUGGLES to all. And have a happy Merry Christmas. and safe holidays b:kissb:laughb:pleased
  • bellllltex
    bellllltex Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    you can not update the PWI.

    help meeeeeeeee :(