No characters on account

RamJoT - Dreamweaver
RamJoT - Dreamweaver Posts: 74 Arc User
edited December 2013 in Support Desk
I have no characters on my ramjot account on the dreamweaver server.
They were there yesterday.
Post edited by RamJoT - Dreamweaver on


  • mogonmongon
    mogonmongon Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ye same with me in Raging tide server?? wheres my character go i wanna play the game
  • toothlessfury9
    toothlessfury9 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    same u think they would check out the game first and stop messing up the game for us. this is the second time in as many months.
  • Calmin - Dreamweaver
    Calmin - Dreamweaver Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I am having the same problem on Dreamweaver and Raging Tides. it seems that they are the only two servers affected. It looks like all other servers are working fine at the moment.
  • Snowphoenix - Dreamweaver
    Snowphoenix - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have 5 accounts on Dreamweaver, all toons are gone. Cannot create new toons on accounts that have toons AND cannot create toons on accounts that didn't have toons. It's as if the server is stuck in a worm hole...everything went in and nothing is coming out. b:sad
  • //elodic - Dreamweaver104
    //elodic - Dreamweaver104 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ty pwi check ur stuff be4 touching orrrrrrrrr test on the testing server b4 changing it to see if it will effect the real server -.-
  • Lady_Arina - Dreamweaver
    Lady_Arina - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Again trouble PWI? b:laugh I just DC from Dreamweawer server and now i have no any character on my account =/
  • TammyEilean - Dreamweaver
    TammyEilean - Dreamweaver Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Again trouble PWI? b:laugh I just DC from Dreamweawer server and now i have no any character on my account =/

    Like you, me too and its not just DW! Its RT,ARCH,SAN, & TEAR. Soooo...its hurry-up and wait....AGAIN b:surrender
  • Mafuyuko - Dreamweaver
    Mafuyuko - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Having the same problem here, I was doing faction base dailies and then I got kicked. Of course, now I do not have any characters on my list.
  • jadewolf69
    jadewolf69 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Does anyone know about how long this will take for them to fix this error? I wanted to play today so I could catch up in lvls with my husband's character! >.<
    Only been on this game for about a month and I've already had so many problems with the server it's a wonder why anyone still plays.
  • LaughAsUDie - Dreamweaver
    LaughAsUDie - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jadewolf69 wrote: »
    Does anyone know about how long this will take for them to fix this error? I wanted to play today so I could catch up in lvls with my husband's character! >.<
    Only been on this game for about a month and I've already had so many problems with the server it's a wonder why anyone still plays.

    copied from bottom of page ... "All times are GMT -8. The time now is 04:29 AM."

    .... so wait for them to come into work, grab a coffee + doughnut, scratch themselves ... then take a look at server.

    Basically I wouldn't hold your breath b:bye
  • doomsday112
    doomsday112 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Characters not showing up on both accounts as well.
  • TammyEilean - Dreamweaver
    TammyEilean - Dreamweaver Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    jadewolf69 wrote: »
    Does anyone know about how long this will take for them to fix this error? I wanted to play today so I could catch up in lvls with my husband's character! >.<
    Only been on this game for about a month and I've already had so many problems with the server it's a wonder why anyone still plays.

    Yep "could not retrieve character list" confirmation box appears after a couple minute wait b:sad
  • nimbrethell
    nimbrethell Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    servers have crashed, even tho they show online here, was one of the last on Dreamweaver
  • Namishka - Raging Tide
    Namishka - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i'm from RT,i also got disconnected and when i logged back *poof b:avoid all characters gone. tried to check on morai server and all is well, except on RTb:cry
  • LaughAsUDie - Dreamweaver
    LaughAsUDie - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    servers have crashed, even tho they show online here, was one of the last on Dreamweaver

    Same here

    ... gotta love this page, which says everything is fine b:chuckle
  • TammyEilean - Dreamweaver
    TammyEilean - Dreamweaver Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Same here

    ... gotta love this page, which says everything is fine b:chuckle
  • Ghouls - Raging Tide
    Ghouls - Raging Tide Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'll miss the cog b:angry

    I think they want us to stop playing pw definitely
  • Miss_Sophie - Raging Tide
    Miss_Sophie - Raging Tide Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I am on Raging tides, have three accounts and no characters.
  • Starcaster - Raging Tide
    Starcaster - Raging Tide Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    This is the second time in less than 30 days when ive logged on and my characters are completely gone.......b:angry. there is a server wide error and only pwi can fix it. i didnt get to play that day and now i wont get to play again today......... am i upset pwi? you bet ya b:angry
  • SuperSlushE - Raging Tide
    SuperSlushE - Raging Tide Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Yep, another hot mess. I have no toons on any of the servers I have played on and Jone's blessing site says I only have toons on Morai and DW, although my main gameplay is on RT. f:ouch WTB ONE MAINT THAT DOESN'T **** EVERYTHING UP.
  • Starcaster - Raging Tide
    Starcaster - Raging Tide Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    and its a pretty sad day when we have to play pwi through forumsb:surrender hi slushee :)b:chuckle
  • ammonnight
    ammonnight Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    look out for more free orbs ,, lmao
  • triskelion76
    triskelion76 Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Hmmppp.. seems all my character had been gone with the winds, thinking typhoon Haiyan also wipe out PWI b:cry hope it will comeback soon and btw... pls try to find my toons i did not teach them how to come back in there own server.. b:thanks b:laugh also pls dont mess up with barb his untamed and out of control when he learned his missing b:pleasedb:laugh
    Code of Tralala
  • BabyEVE - Raging Tide
    BabyEVE - Raging Tide Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Not only the character list is missing. we cannot do trade and mailbox got problem too. another fail maintenance b:shutup
  • shibakenji
    shibakenji Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    same here can log in but have no characters, what is going on.?? why is server up if we cannot play?
  • Velra - Dreamweaver
    Velra - Dreamweaver Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    No characters on either of my two accounts on Dreamweaver...Really PWI I'll say it again you guys need to hire some GMs that know what the hell they are doing because the ones you have now don't!
  • baaddawg
    baaddawg Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Getting tired of spending money on a game I cant play.
  • vendedor002
    vendedor002 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Cold Facts,

    Things like this are now constantly happening, lack of care? I dont know but Its enough

    No respect or consideration for the players of your game. Before something like this happen you make sure you'd fix it quick. How long as it been? 5 hours? I lost the count.

    NO incoming money from me anymore and if anyone else is smart enough to realize PWi staff is worse and worse month, this game feels like its geting left behind already,

    How many more years are you planning to last PWI?!

    I don't wanna be spreading hate messages but this is how I feel, over a player I'm a costumer for over 5 years, I miss old PWi this game doesn't feel like it anymore and I bet I'm not the only one.

    Quit thrwoing in expansions and blowing our game because you're not whos playing it, or at least have the notion of how it will affect the game in anyway, all that happend in the last few years made all the people that I knew from back then quit the game. I'm a loyal player of your game considering to quit along with all rest.

    Hate message much? This is all you deserve, 90% feel like I do.
  • TammyEilean - Dreamweaver
    TammyEilean - Dreamweaver Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ammonnight wrote: »
    look out for more free orbs ,, lmao
    Okay Okay I conformed to the Big ARC warning, cashed in all my DQ stuff, and now this? I am not looking forward to this=========> when "Sirens" is "defying gravity" aka "**** ^"b:sad
  • jadewolf69
    jadewolf69 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I would suggest boycotting the game but it's kinda hard to do that when you already can't play the game. lol
This discussion has been closed.