Fix Bless ... DQ rewards .. Character creation .. Login problems !



  • unohu
    unohu Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    they did answer- Yes we r removing DQ rewards

    and its been weeks since they said had enough time

    Yes I know they told us it was going..... but that's not the point :/

    What they've NOT done is told us how long we've got!!

    With the 'achievement rewards' we were told WELL in advance with a definite cut-off date, but for DQs who knows if it's next month - next week - or tomorrow!!??

    Some of us haven't got loads of storage space so it'd be nice to know, then we could plan what to get and when we get it, before the cut-off date. Not an unreasonable request surely?
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Did you... did you not read the stickies in this very forum? They're there for a reason, you know.

    Translation: The fact that they haven't given us a specific date yet means they still don't have things finalized so they cannot give us the forewarning they promised. Once they do have things set, then they can give us that advanced warning like they promised for a final date.

    Yes they're promising to tell us when...that's all well and good but my post was directed to SakuLv who seems to think everyone should have done it by now. Unlike her some of us will do it WHEN we have a deadline.
  • SakuLv - Dreamweaver
    SakuLv - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    not the first time something bad happens...why no1 learn their lessons f:faint
    beside soon they will fix it anyways probably (that's if they decide its worth bothering with it)

    but if they decide not to fix it well...waiting till last minute i guess wasn't the best option
  • unohu
    unohu Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As I said Saku - some of us don't have the storage space for all the stuff we will get, thus need to PLAN our buys accordingly, like deciding which alts will have what etc. - most if not all of the items are untradeable so I certainly don't want the wrong character to get things.

    WHEN I know the cut-off date I will be able to concentrate on doing this, but at the moment i'm just contemplating how.
  • SakuLv - Dreamweaver
    SakuLv - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Demon/Sage card (event gold) can be used in all chars in account

    Do all cards -can trade

    Chi- can trade

    Dye- yah cant trade

    pet/fash/mount- don't see any use for that

    and blessing box something idk..forgot -useless o.o i guess
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    unohu wrote: »

    How are they to give us a cutoff date they themselves don't know? The achievement system, for example, is something we received plenty of warning time about... once they had finalized their preparations for removing it and contemplated a cutoff date.

    They've already promised that once they do get that information, we'll be given a warning that gives us plenty of time in advance. Asking for more at this point is a bit much, don't you think? They only have three feasible choices right now about how to do this now that we know the system is being removed.

    1: Give us a cutoff date and remove the service for us long before they're able to implement the replacement. Then we'd have a flood of complaints over the fact that there's no promised replacement. Of course, then they wouldn't be able to give a date for the replacement because they still haven't worked it out... and that would simply agitate us all even more.

    2: Give us a date and then keep changing that date. This would harm that same planning you mention as your concern and create a flood of complaints from people who are mad that they spent their DQ points earlier than they needed to. Regardless of when they managed to finalize the replacement, people would be pissed off about it. Plus, if they extended this cutoff often enough, we'd have the extra issue of people deciding to ignore the date given and then those people would be pissed and come here ranting when the system did finally get replaced because they didn't spend their DQ points due to assuming it would be another false cutoff.

    3: Tell players their current situation and that, while the system is being removed, they don't have the details finalized. This gives them time to collect player suggestions (as is being done), to actually work on a replacement without rushing things and **** it all up, and gives them the freedom to, once finalized, give us a date they can stick to with the proper replacement appearing immediately after the current system is removed.

    They've chosen to go for option 3... which means that we can simply... continue using the system the way we normally would until they've figured things out. Then, after they've figured it out and given us our warning, we can work on planning our final points as well as what we want to spend it on and which characters to send it to. Win/Win for everyone involved, essentially, as long as nobody jumps the gun and overreacts.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • TZoner - Raging Tide
    TZoner - Raging Tide Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Demon/Sage card (event gold) can be used in all chars in account

    Do all cards -can trade

    Chi- can trade

    Dye- yah cant trade

    pet/fash/mount- don't see any use for that

    and blessing box something idk..forgot -useless o.o i guess

    You know you are completely missing the entire point. Personally i say any player that isnt outraged at the fact that PWE tried to remove DQ without even remotely saying anything to begin with should just not post **** like this on the forums. I mean they literally removed the in game text from DQ and DIDNT say **** about it on the cabbage patch notes till half way thru the day after a thread i had started got enough attention that they realized they had been caught and had to cover their butt. So seriously your point is quite mute telling players what they should do with their points when, as other players have pointed out, they clearly have an issue with spending ALL their amassed points atm. You are basically just reiterating your previous post.
    OPKossy wrote: »
    How are they to give us a cutoff date they themselves don't know? The achievement system, for example, is something we received plenty of warning time about... once they had finalized their preparations for removing it and contemplated a cutoff date.

    They've already promised that once they do get that information, we'll be given a warning that gives us plenty of time in advance. Asking for more at this point is a bit much, don't you think? They only have three feasible choices right now about how to do this now that we know the system is being removed.

    1: Give us a cutoff date and remove the service for us long before they're able to implement the replacement. Then we'd have a flood of complaints over the fact that there's no promised replacement. Of course, then they wouldn't be able to give a date for the replacement because they still haven't worked it out... and that would simply agitate us all even more.

    2: Give us a date and then keep changing that date. This would harm that same planning you mention as your concern and create a flood of complaints from people who are mad that they spent their DQ points earlier than they needed to. Regardless of when they managed to finalize the replacement, people would be pissed off about it. Plus, if they extended this cutoff often enough, we'd have the extra issue of people deciding to ignore the date given and then those people would be pissed and come here ranting when the system did finally get replaced because they didn't spend their DQ points due to assuming it would be another false cutoff.

    3: Tell players their current situation and that, while the system is being removed, they don't have the details finalized. This gives them time to collect player suggestions (as is being done), to actually work on a replacement without rushing things and **** it all up, and gives them the freedom to, once finalized, give us a date they can stick to with the proper replacement appearing immediately after the current system is removed.

    They've chosen to go for option 3... which means that we can simply... continue using the system the way we normally would until they've figured things out. Then, after they've figured it out and given us our warning, we can work on planning our final points as well as what we want to spend it on and which characters to send it to. Win/Win for everyone involved, essentially, as long as nobody jumps the gun and overreacts.

    I am simply responding to the part in bold....They KNEW ahead of time what they were doing. They KNEW they were removing the DQ system and CHOSE to not let us know until AFTER we complained. They removed the in game text from the DQ items as i have stated many times before and CHOSE to not tell us what they were doing till we complained...if you ask me this ONE act by them shows that they clearly knew they were removing it...and probably this point i would say the ONLY reason it wasnt removed already is because we complained on the forums about it so much.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    You know you are completely missing the entire point. Personally i say any player that isnt outraged at the fact that PWE tried to remove DQ without even remotely saying anything to begin with should just not post **** like this on the forums. I mean they literally removed the in game text from DQ and DIDNT say **** about it on the cabbage patch notes till half way thru the day after a thread i had started got enough attention that they realized they had been caught and had to cover their butt. So seriously your point is quite mute telling players what they should do with their points when, as other players have pointed out, they clearly have an issue with spending ALL their amassed points atm. You are basically just reiterating your previous post.

    The subject that poster was replying to wasn't PWE's horrible lack of communication and method of delivering the information on this issue, so bringing that up as a response is a bit silly at this point. I'm sure everyone agrees the handled it horribly and should learn a lesson from that.

    However, I will ask the following.

    What would have happened had they not removed the point information from DQs until they finalized the replacement? None of us would know about it right now. When they announced that the system was to be removed they'd already have the new system finished up and planned out and without any of our suggestions, as a matter of fact. And nobody would really have a leg to stand on about their communication since it's fairly standard for decisions like that to be made without telling players until it can be implemented (IE: They never warned us prior to removal of the old Dominance blessing).

    Yeah, they screwed up the communication here... but that's no reason to make that your main point and focus even when responding to posts that have nothing to do with how they messed up on that.

    I am simply responding to the part in bold....They KNEW ahead of time what they were doing. They KNEW they were removing the DQ system and CHOSE to not let us know until AFTER we complained. They removed the in game text from the DQ items as i have stated many times before and CHOSE to not tell us what they were doing till we complained...if you ask me this ONE act by them shows that they clearly knew they were removing it...and probably this point i would say the ONLY reason it wasnt removed already is because we complained on the forums about it so much.

    It... really doesn't work that way. I could make a long list of things they knew they were doing in the past but had not finalized and did not inform us of until they had everything setup. We've already been over the fact that they screwed up on talking to us about it. Heck, I was one to chew them out badly for their decision making (and since mods do get to poke the GMs a bit harder seeing as we let them know if servers are down and stuff like that too, what you guys saw wasn't even half of it). But keeping hung up on that with flawed information and injecting it into things that aren't relevant will just make you seem really bitter. Yeah, we're all upset that they screwed up there. That shouldn't mean we should keep ourselves stuck to that and not be willing to evaluate the merits of what they are doing now for its own pros and cons.

    The fact is, they made the best decision when it comes to a response after the mess they caused and asking for something they themselves haven't figured out at this point is just as unreasonable of us as it was of them to not inform us in the first place of what was going on when they screwed up and removed the point info from the items.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Clokey - Harshlands
    Clokey - Harshlands Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    So mod the blessing gonna be fixed or not? -.- we have more than 1 week waiting for this... and no one GM answer us... what happened?
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    So mod the blessing gonna be fixed or not? -.- we have more than 1 week waiting for this... and no one GM answer us... what happened?

    The following should explain it for you.
    OPKossy wrote: »
    More people should consider business days (aka weekends don't count) when they're doing this sort of thing.

    So that'd be the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 11th (aka today). Now if afterwards it's still screwy then it's fair to say that it's late and still not working properly and all that.
    Today is Veterans Day in the US and many companies have the day off.

    In essence, today is the last day before they would be off-schedule. Since today is also a regular maint day for the servers, we'll likely be updated on the status of the site issues later if it turns out they're behind.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • SakuLv - Dreamweaver
    SakuLv - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    fine xD wait till PWI announce the date

    then decide on which char to send mount, fash ,pet
    since for getting event gold..u dont need to think much
  • unohu
    unohu Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Demon/Sage card (event gold) can be used in all chars in account

    Do all cards -can trade

    Chi- can trade

    Dye- yah cant trade

    pet/fash/mount- don't see any use for that

    and blessing box something idk..forgot -useless o.o i guess

    Yes I'm fully aware that the cards apply to all chars - hence my comment about 'which alts have what'.

    And fash definitely has a use lol... I'll be buying copies of what I have already and selling my originals to make money!

    Of course it'd be nice if the AH was fixed so i could sell stuff .. but thats another problem b:surrender
    fine xD wait till PWI announce the date

    then decide on which char to send mount, fash ,pet
    since for getting event gold..u dont need to think much

    b:victory my point exactly!!
  • TZoner - Raging Tide
    TZoner - Raging Tide Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It is really good to know that you chewed them out more than we saw on forum post OPKossy. What is really sad is atm they are getting a really bad rep for the current bad customer service they are giving, it has even spilled over onto their Facebook page with people leaving comments hashing them.
  • TZoner - Raging Tide
    TZoner - Raging Tide Posts: 1,764 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    well its working xD be happy all

    Yes you are right the blessings are working but everything else is still screwed up lolb:chuckle
  • Athrel - Raging Tide
    Athrel - Raging Tide Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Suuurrreeeee the DQ page is working.......but were are the points that should have been updated by now? I must have NPCed over 600+ perfect chests and still no update on that after this maintenance.......b:angry
  • kallina077
    kallina077 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Does anyone know if there is still a problem getting jones for Harshlands.
    I am having some computer issues, so I cant tell if it is PWI, arc or my browser, or then i just havent found out how to get to it.

    BTW jones might not be essential for dungeons but we have a responsibility to our squad mates to be the best we can.

    running each other down and trying to act pro gets squads killed.
    and you need the badges to get the gear and you cant get them without doing the caves.
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Rely on your Apothecary then. That's always worked, and always will. It's reliable. The blessing page is not. You can also just use those blessings from the PWI school teacher. Not as powerful, but that's at least something.f:cool

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • Toliman - Raging Tide
    Toliman - Raging Tide Posts: 1,595 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    DQ Rewards page is working for me. Facebook connect page too.