New DQ System Suggestion Thread



  • violetangelkat
    violetangelkat Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    In addition to the rewards posted I'd like to suggest a new system entirely.

    My suggestion is that when you pick up a DQ item, it disappears and you are given the event silver straight away. The amount of event silver should be increased a tad to compensate the coins we miss out on; but this will also combat the botting problem as DQ items wont be able to be stockpiled. I can also see this leading to more 2x DQ events.

    What about quests needing DQ items such as bank quest? I suggest that if you have a quest requiring a DQ item they should not disappear and converted to event silver until the quest is complete.

    This allows the system to stay completely within game, not needing outside systems to calculate your points etc. With this the event boutique should be updated (Possibly with sales on event items every now and then?) b:victory

    I hope you like my idea b:dirty

    What about the people that don't use the event boutique? They get no rewards?

    I think the other ideas of a similar system to what we already have are better. That way you can choose your rewards and aren't limited to only one thing.
  • DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What about the people that don't use the event boutique? They get no rewards?

    I think the other ideas of a similar system to what we already have are better. That way you can choose your rewards and aren't limited to only one thing.

    Put current DQ rewards in event boutique, use said idea, people will use event boutique, why would they not use if that's the way to get DQ rewards... well DQ points turned into silver...

    There would be no reason to not use an in-game system over a webbased system really, either way would work just fine.
    Well, maybe later, semi-retired.
  • violetangelkat
    violetangelkat Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Put current DQ rewards in event boutique, use said idea, people will use event boutique, why would they not use if that's the way to get DQ rewards... well DQ points turned into silver...

    There would be no reason to not use an in-game system over a webbased system really, either way would work just fine.

    That would be a better idea. The idea that I responded to did not include other possible DQ rewards being added to the event boutique.
  • Keliska - Raging Tide
    Keliska - Raging Tide Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    1.) Newer fashion (could be even brand new pending) I wouldn't care if rotation wasn't availible.
    Could add in Sage/Demon Celestial Sets. Those of us that can't compete with the lvl 100+
    (Personally would love some more undyable fash. As all the random colors are an eye sore. ^ ^;)

    2.) Crafting Box or hell mini boxes. Give players some other option to acquire the abilities.

    3.) Giant Bunny!
    Venomancers/Clerics rock![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    Alt main: Traydor_Styx - RT - 96
  • foley3k
    foley3k Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I have yet to see anything come from PWI that went "smoothly". So whatever they release it will more then likely be screwed up.

    Anyway, make the useless instances useful. No one goes nirvana, make some sort of drop in there that makes it worth while. The things that Eoria mentioned are also good. Not bot-able and mostly available to everyone. Have to have something in there for the lower levels as well.

    As for what to put into this new rewards system.
    Bring back medals of glory, untradeable and unstashable. They will have to farm it on the character they want to make R9. Or mats that when enough of them are obtained, could be made into MoGs, that are still account bound and unstashable.
    Keep the Event cards as well. Personally I couldnt care about the other things as event cards were all I used. I think this was the biggest issue for most as they are a cheap source for FTP players to acquire charms and refine aids.

  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I have to agree with Ast on the Basic Badge thing. In general, the rewards need to be either cosmetic (e.g. the random pigments) or light enough not to affect the gameplay significantly (e.g. the do-all cards or pstones). If you put everything you want to farm conveniently in the new system, you're just rationalizing not playing the game (although depending on the acquisition method, DQ grinding for TT mats does have a certain appeal to it... not Basic Badges though).
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • HideYoHubby - Archosaur
    HideYoHubby - Archosaur Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I wish you would put endgame shards in there, I know it wont happen but that being said. Orbs, another one your not gonna do. MoGs/GSTs are prolly not gonna happen either.

    Event gold is perfect for it, maybe increase things you can buy with it? Another thing I would love there is a new item, which allows you to transform pan gu tomes into Scroll of Tome tomes. Something expensive, along the lines of 15-30 event cards worth of points. Or throw it on boutique for 100g all I care, I`ll get one.

    Right now there is loads of bound pan gus on servers from when nobody expected NW upgrade on tomes. Problem is said tomes are just so much better than pan gus you need one to be competent. This wouldnt be problem with sufficient supply of SoTs but right now you have to pay 600-700m for one on Archosaur, assuming you can find one, which is just completely ****. Meaning, least Archosaur, simply doesnt have enough of supply for said items. I am not asking to get cheap transform, just an option to somewhat fight the prices back to 400-500m/SoT.

    Ps. While your at it, make mysterious merchant take 1k chip packs at once, thanks.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
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    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • Annastasia - Lost City
    Annastasia - Lost City Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    If we're phasing out DQ points as being available from DQs due to botting, then why not these options for things to NPC for points?:

    -Chest of Coins (already available)
    -Nirvana Keys
    -Reflective Shards
    -Fairy Keys
    -Celestone of Heaven/Human/Earth
    -Celestone Fragment
    -Hypers (for those of us who are 105 and have like 500 ****ing bound hypers to our char that we can't even acc stash)

    a.k.a. basically a bunch of stuff you can't really bot, but people have an easy time coming by regardless.

    And please keep makeover scrolls, random pigments, and demon/sage event cards in whatever new version of the DQ point shop you make. Those three are probably the things people get most from the shop currently.
    i second this idea.

    while i am pleased that finally a response has been made, i am leery of believing that anything will actually be done. past history with PWI has shown that GM's placate the players and then completely forget about the issue. you promised how long ago that the DQ rewards system would have new items available? i was content with the current system and had very little problems with it. i really hope that you DO listen to your players and respond in a timely manner.
  • keltset
    keltset Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm hoping that PWI realizes that not all of your patrons can cash shop charms and many can only attain them from DQ points. So with this new system of yours will it benefit the masses or just fill your pockets with real coin. Forcing players to purchase in game gold that's controlled by a few players in game ( I realize that most reply's will be in the nature of stop QQ'ing and just buy the in game gold). I will if the few who control the gold market keep gold between 1.5 and 2 mill as would many other's,,, but as in the real world here in PW greed controls actions. What will happen is gold prices will rise to the point of many leaving your game just because it seems that you cater to the cash shoppers needs and wants more than anything else.
    Happy brain-storming just beware that we are not sheep waiting to be slaughter for or by you!
  • demonicdarshadow
    demonicdarshadow Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Please, open your DQ Rewards page, click on Items Vendored tab of the page and read:

    I was talking about the DQ point you can buy from Jolly Old Johnes not the ones from vendored items. Those are updating normally. My question was if I bought from JoJ NPC over 600 points why are they not appearing on my page?
  • Argenesis - Raging Tide
    Argenesis - Raging Tide Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    A thought comes to mind, why not hypers? Everyone uses them, they are super cheap, and there are already plenty of ways to get them without using tokens, so it wouldn't really break anything, it would just make it less costly for the non-farmer to level up.
    My avatar won't update, I'm not level 38, I swear. b:surrender

    Finally 100, now using r8 to farm my t3.
  • Wyssewomin - Heavens Tear
    Wyssewomin - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    There are so many posts on this thread now I dont want to have to read every one, it will take way too long. Obviously from the number of posts this is a subject highly regarded by many who play PWI. Until recently I had never had any problems with the system, it functioned for me perfectly. I like getting the items that are on there now and have gotten many of them. Please dont take away the perfect stones, the do all cards, make over scrolls, random dyes, D/S cards and the mount. The ones that can be switched up or changed I leave to those who care about them. I used to be able to get mysterious stones and rep badges, how about bringing those back ? PLEASE!!!!!

    The DQ items are used in the Dragon Quests for all levels to get the dragon orders so that you can redeem them for molds, one being the bracers that have negative interval for light armor that sins dearly love. Is that system going to be affected at all?

    What is so bad about farming DQ for coin? It was one way I was able to keep my characters in coin sufficient enough for upgrading skills etc. So what if someone bots for them? I dont like seeing bots in any game but they never interfered with me doing what I needed to do.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    edited October 2013
    something that works...

    TBH i need to have a think about this for a good idea but above is top idea for now.
  • Annalyse - Heavens Tear
    Annalyse - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,618 Arc User
    edited October 2013

    I agree with you on the badges. People can farm them eawsily and we need the molds for the gear anyway.

    But supply tokens are a different thing. The time zone restriction they never bothered to fix just keeps them unachievable for some people. And yet they're used to make untradable stuff. We need another way to get them :/

    I do agree with this. Long have I wanted to engrave my necklaces. Although I'd be happier if they would just make the supply tokens tradeable.

    I like the idea of making the DQs worth event silver themselves and adding the DQ rewards to the event boutique. Provided the event silver amount went through immediately like when you exchange a D/S card... otherwise we're right back where we started with problems. But it would eliminate the need for upkeep on a webpage.
    Annalyse (veno) - Melosa (cleric) - Glynneth (archer) - Pickerel (sin)
    Florafang (wiz) - RubixCube (barb) - Laravell (psy) - Diviah (Mystic)
    Torchwood (BM) - Sataea (Seeker) - Wystera (Sin) - Allissere (SB)

    Looking for a mature faction on HT?
  • deathloki666
    deathloki666 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I agree with the thought about a few random items on the list take the fashion out and put in hypers and other things people can use like 1* dragon orbs for the people who can't put money into the game also GST's and MOG's I was able to put a **** ton of money into the game but aren't and it sucks for them why don't you give them useful Items so they can enjoy the high end gear
  • I_willscrewU - Sanctuary
    I_willscrewU - Sanctuary Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    - See, The thing is people who can't put money into the game is not welome in it, do we usually make unwelcome people confortable in our homes? So dont expect something 'good' out of this .. NPC'ing materials such as TT for coin value will never happen.
  • miscarcando
    miscarcando Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    i hope pwi don`t listen to the players and will put r9 stuff into dq/new system shop. it is realy enough when each 2. player run around with full r9 nowdays. when this will happen than its worthless to farm t3 anyway. this game should make fun for a longer time, not only for power leveling to 101 and than obtain r9 in a few weeks to get bored lol

    same with basic badges and supply tokens!
  • Boomz - Harshlands
    Boomz - Harshlands Posts: 516 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Many people didn't like my original idea of supply tokens and many other item based ideas for the rewards, so how about we put a value on the rewards rather than what could potentially tank a market to reap those coins. Therefore I suggest that after attaining "x" amount of points you can get an Ecstasy card (1 mill), after "y - %" (where y is around 5 times x - a percent such as 10% because it is requires more effort for an increased amount) will get you an Excitement Card (5 mill), after "z - 2%" (where z is around 10 times x - twice the percent reduction y is recieving such that if y% reduce is 10%, z will be 20%) will get you a 10 Million Big Note.b:victory
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ cause i can't make art, so i made
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤this awesome tank.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 1 shot king. LV 150 FSP bosses hit for 3m. Top Player hit record: 652,656.
  • BungaSakura - Raging Tide
    BungaSakura - Raging Tide Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    i always use DQ point for charm. with NW, charm become a "must". Now with no DQ point, we have to buy charm from boutique or player. My main is veno, i have 10k HP, every NW i always burn at least 600k HP charm. my suggestion now, aside on other new DQ system rewards or similar like it that other ppl already suggest. Please put plat charm price become 1 gold each.

    i dont know if anyone already suggesting it. since i dont read all other reply.
  • SpellDancer - Dreamweaver
    SpellDancer - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    In the new system, I would love to see the continued use of Demon/Sage cards, I know many used them including myself.

    What I would love to see again is Medal of Glorys, as seen way back in 2010 I believe. Back then they were worth 50k DQ points if my memory serves me well. Many got r9 this way, and I understand that they were taken out so people work really hard to earn it, or took the lazy way out and put real money into ZEN to buy when it was on sale. I'm thinking bring them back to say 100k DQ point per Medal, combined with 10k DQ point per General Summer Token. Maybe even include level 11 gems (Sapphire, Garnet etc). Also have the chance to earn fashion tokens that give the player a full set of a fashion that is in the event boutique. All of these items however will not be allowed to be traded.

    Many will think I'm going crazy saying this, but earning 50k DQ alone in a x2 grind of Assault on arch is very very long, BUT if its made that little bit easier to get, it wont be exploited as much by merchants, and it will make people spend more time in game, since many are saying it's boring as their goals are too far out of reach. And more time in game = potentially more funding to PWI.. maybe

    This is my opinion though, I doubt many will agree
  • nattana
    nattana Posts: 3
    edited October 2013
    Well, if its being replaced I hope it be for something better, cause PWI usually use make the stuffs harder for player get it, so we need buy gold for survive. I really hope and suggest you keep the event gold card, pigments was used often as well and sure new rewards that could be more useful.

    reward's ideas:

    1. some kind of box that contain some random apothecary or defense charms or any amount of perfect stones

    2. event gold card (it NEED keep)
    3. random pigments
    4. Holly Pills
    5. makeover scroll (noticed many people wish keep this one)
    6. amount of HP potions with diferent cooldown of crab meat (so could use both same time) =P
    7. SMILEY could be a nice thing too... maybe a diferent one that can get only with this system

    CASE want put fashions please don't put the ugliest ones again.

    About the system:

    Well, I guess you are looking for something diferent of selling things to NPC, right?
    Maybe points for killing bosses?

    Or maybe some kind of point that you get in some instances where people don't use anymore and could bring it back. Nirvana or Public Quest.

    Or getting points with dailies quests: morai quest, bh, faction base quests...

    or make FC back to drop some special mats that trade for points or something like that.

    Or maybe, very interesting, the faction members could get points in this system doing Trials, since Trials are becoming not too popular anymore since rank 9 3rd reforge came out. Could be interesting for community in the faction back to work together.

  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited October 2013
    Absence Notes

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • _Bagyra_ - Morai
    _Bagyra_ - Morai Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    well, i kinda like the idea of keeping those,let's say "free" items.

    for starters, yes it's free, so it is ridiculous when people start asking for some more free usefull stuff. like charms, pstones, do alls, free fashion etc is not enough?

    my offer would be:

    1. move all the items from dq rewards to event shop, so there's no need to redeem like 99 random pigments etc. through the site, but can be purchased in game, for a similar value.

    2. sage/event cards could be farmed in instances like weekly sot or abba. well, something like weekly nirvana maybe (but it should be made harder, should change in the way sot/abba did)? so it would be impossible to "farm" ridiculious amount, but people still pretty easy get the free stuff

  • foley3k
    foley3k Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    PWI asked for suggestions and ideas about ARC. They seem to have ignored it and are making it mandatory anyway, and took notice to ZERO of the concerns players had.

    Why is the new rewards system going to be any different? It's not. This threat is simply here to get hopes up, then pull them down and stomp of them with **** covered boots.

    This is a process to make players feel their opinions matter, that things will change, that they give a rats **** about what we have to say. This thread will not decide what goes into the new rewards system, if one ever comes that is.

    I fell for it, but not anymore. When has PWI ever listened when it mattered? When have they cared?

    How about a rewards system where when PWI releases new content the people who report one of the 100s of bugs gets rewards? Hell, I would rack up millions of points the first day.

  • zionwarrior
    zionwarrior Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Let's make a list of the reasonable items on the listing so far.

    Do-All-Cards (very reasonable and in current DQP page listing)

    Random Dye (very reasonable and in current DQP page listing)

    D/S event cards (very reasonable and in current DQP page listing)

    PStones (very reasonable and in current DQP page listing)

    Add in 1-5* D Orbs at a decent price mark up untradable and account bound

    Make Over Scrolls (very reasonable and in current DQP page listing)

    Fashion both male and female not just what is in there now and rotate it every few months multiple sets

    A few color pigments (none blk white red)

    For those wanting grade 11 gems how about True Gem Socket Packs
    ( A Random chance at grade 11 gems but mostly socket stones of varying amounts)

    Smilies different types as not everybody wants to farm a full D/S event card just for smilies

    Golden and Platinum Boxes such as the kind aquired from cube of fate but account bound able to be sold.

    Tokens of Perfect Luck
    (Yes it is reasonable as it allows the free to play to farm them freely without having to buy them from another player and will set a market value on them at a set price as there are known groups of people who deliberately try to jack token prices up while maintaining the same profit margins on both raging tides and archosaur servers. I do not know as to the others just make the price proper as well)

    Supply Tokens (market is mostly dead as it is but still reasonable due to the fact that pwi has MANY more time zones and people who can't get on at that hour I can but not everybody who has a "life" can get on for a event that is in a virtual world thus giving them a method of obtaining said item from a method that is avaliable to them just make the price proper as well)
    Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.
  • SpazziKitten - Heavens Tear
    SpazziKitten - Heavens Tear Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    As long as we can still get demon/sage event cards I think everyone will be moderately happy.

    That's the big one- we HAVE to keep those D/S cards or the game stops being worth playing for so many people.

    Everything else is just a bonus.
  • SofiaDRose - Sanctuary
    SofiaDRose - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I would think that the best thing the new DQ system could give us, other than D/S cards, is to have an auto-update system, where every set time-frame, the system updates all DQ points accumulated for every player. This way nobody will be discouraged about not being able to obtain more DQ points and continue to be mad at PWI for not updating their current count.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    nattana wrote: »
    Well, if its being replaced I hope it be for something better, cause PWI usually use make the stuffs harder for player get it, so we need buy gold for survive. I really hope and suggest you keep the event gold card, pigments was used often as well and sure new rewards that could be more useful.

    reward's ideas:

    1. some kind of box that contain some random apothecary or defense charms or any amount of perfect stones

    2. event gold card (it NEED keep)
    3. random pigments
    4. Holly Pills
    5. makeover scroll (noticed many people wish keep this one)
    6. amount of HP potions with diferent cooldown of crab meat (so could use both same time) =P
    7. SMILEY could be a nice thing too... maybe a diferent one that can get only with this system

    CASE want put fashions please don't put the ugliest ones again.

    About the system:

    Well, I guess you are looking for something diferent of selling things to NPC, right?
    Maybe points for killing bosses?

    Or maybe some kind of point that you get in some instances where people don't use anymore and could bring it back. Nirvana or Public Quest.

    Or getting points with dailies quests: morai quest, bh, faction base quests...

    or make FC back to drop some special mats that trade for points or something like that.

    Or maybe, very interesting, the faction members could get points in this system doing Trials, since Trials are becoming not too popular anymore since rank 9 3rd reforge came out. Could be interesting for community in the faction back to work together.


    Oh ye, holy pills would be awesome in dq shop.
  • Labells - Dreamweaver
    Labells - Dreamweaver Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Can PWI please make sure the new system is not time sensitive ie made only available to people that can be online between the US hrs of 8am-8pm.

    DQ worked for all of us because it we constant 24/7 if you wanted to collect you could.

    O and can the new system please not be like the Delta "coin replacement" where we got 1 quest with coin in it that was supposed to make up for ALL the Delta's we run.

    This game runs 24/7 (except maint days) which enables many around the globe to play it, yet we can never go to weekly events as they are scheduled only to fit the US market.
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited October 2013
    Absence Notes

    In addition to this, I'd really like you guys to keep in mind that DQ points was something you could do cross server. In fact, it was the ONLY farming you could cross server. Meaning I could farm some dq points on my main on DW and then use that for a slow flyer on HT until I was able to get a better one. It was a very small boost, mind you. But it was still something that people who were switching servers could do. Since you guys dont' exactly make that easy, it would be nice if the one and only thing you could do would remain functional.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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