LAG is INSANE and needs to get fixed.

PhoenixMist - Lost City
PhoenixMist - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Support Desk
First of all I had a problem with lag lately & Im running faster internet speed than lots of of other people (72mbps-144mbps). I laughed when I was right on a server issue with a HUB issue when no one could connect to server in some areas b:chuckle on Lost City Server that was creating lag. My lag has improved abit but not full after the fix. I dont know whats the issue but it has sorta been fixed to some degree. Some people have still been having latency. First of all by how much people now on Lost City Server I can't recieve data as fast. It takes awhile to connect to the server and sometimes it does not. So I know there is a server issue that need to be checked again GM. When Im on the internet well its fast surfing the net. I never had a problem with Perfect World International until the Nation Wars Map Update. I know its not my computer at all I exceed the expections. Sometimes as I alt-tab the game I get a config-pack error window that pops up. So that could be the problem or PWI need more higher resolution smoother gameplay settings or what not? If I need arc to connect to your server better? b:angry its not really useful. I dont like arc what so ever.

Post edited by PhoenixMist - Lost City on


  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2013
    Luckily, I can help.

    Unfortunately, I'm going to need more information.

    Based on your description, I'm guessing that you probably have either one, or multiple issues. They can vary greatly depending on what you're experiencing.

    From your description, I'm thinking along the lines of regional hub issues, DNS routing issues, local memory cache, video drivers, system resources, and finally incompatible/corrupt/security software issues.

    While it's read that you have a super-fast fiber link to the internet, no site is going to provide you with that kind of bandwidth. Speeds like that only benefit people that run multiple systems with multiple high-load data streams.

    I'll need at a minimum...

    1. A link to a posted Speccy report. (taken at the time you are having the issue)
    2. A copy of your dxdiag log. (If you have a 64-bit OS, use the 64-bit dxdiag. Don't forget to use the CODE tags, or upload the file to an external site and provide a link to it.)
    3. A copy of a traceroute to the server you are having issues with.
    4. Detailed information on how your computer is connected to your network, the layout and configuration of your network, and other devices and how they are connected.

    If you have questions about the traceroute, and other network-type lag-related information, I direct you to this post for some general information and links to get you pointed in the right direction.

    Finally, you don't have to run Arc. There's plenty of ways to live without it. Aside from adding another process running in the background and some possibly questionable security settings that I'm still investigating, it's just fine. If you have a decent system, using Arc won't have a big impact.

    Looking forward to your reply. Keep in mind that I do have a full time job, an hour-long commute, and I do have to sleep sometime, so a reply may be a little delayed.
  • Adroit - Lost City
    Adroit - Lost City Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Luckily, I can help.

    Unfortunately, I'm going to need more information.

    Based on your description, I'm guessing that you probably have either one, or multiple issues. They can vary greatly depending on what you're experiencing.

    From your description, I'm thinking along the lines of regional hub issues, DNS routing issues, local memory cache, video drivers, system resources, and finally incompatible/corrupt/security software issues.

    While it's read that you have a super-fast fiber link to the internet, no site is going to provide you with that kind of bandwidth. Speeds like that only benefit people that run multiple systems with multiple high-load data streams.

    I'll need at a minimum...

    1. A link to a posted Speccy report. (taken at the time you are having the issue)
    2. A copy of your dxdiag log. (If you have a 643-bit OS, use the 64-bit dxdiag. Don't forget to use the CODE tags, or upload the file to an external site and provide a link to it.)
    3. A copy of a traceroute to the server you are having issues with.
    4. Detailed information on how your computer is connected to your network, the layout and configuration of your network, and other devices and how they are connected.

    If you have questions about the traceroute, and other network-type lag-related information, I direct you to this post for some general information and links to get you pointed in the right direction.

    Finally, you don't have to run Arc. There's plenty of ways to live without it. Aside from adding another process running in the background and some possibly questionable security settings that I'm still investigating, it's just fine. If you have a decent system, using Arc won't have a big impact.

    Looking forward to your reply. Keep in mind that I do have a full time job, an hour-long commute, and I do have to sleep sometime, so a reply may be a little delayed.

    I want a 643 bit OS D:
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  • PhoenixMist - Lost City
    PhoenixMist - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Just forget it Im going to defrag my external drive and work with my router channel setting and see if I get a better hop. If not IDK?
  • Kablaab - Dreamweaver
    Kablaab - Dreamweaver Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    router channel setting

    Connecting wireless then? Changing the channel may help to avoid interference from other wireless networks operating on the same channel as well.

    Are you on wireless G, or have you upgraded to N? I ask because G provides a slower LAN speed than the WAN speed you listed. If your router as well as PC card/dongle aren't N compatable, I would recommend using wired connection for optimizing your speed since even older devices (pre gigabit ethernet) run at 100 Mbits. Not to mention, wired is just more stable of a connection and prone to less interference than a wireless connection is.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited September 2013
    Connecting wireless then? Changing the channel may help to avoid interference from other wireless networks operating on the same channel as well.

    Are you on wireless G, or have you upgraded to N? I ask because G provides a slower LAN speed than the WAN speed you listed. If your router as well as PC card/dongle aren't N compatable, I would recommend using wired connection for optimizing your speed since even older devices (pre gigabit ethernet) run at 100 Mbits. Not to mention, wired is just more stable of a connection and prone to less interference than a wireless connection is.
    N provides a slower speed as well, and when doing full-duplex streaming like the game uses, that speed will be cut in half. (unless you have the rare combination of a multi-channel N router with a PC that has a similar multi-channel antenna array so that they both will support full-duplex transmissions over wireless..)

    I can understand that the information I ask for may take a bit of work, but it's a better solution than taking a stab in the dark and praying.
  • Kniraven - Lost City
    Kniraven - Lost City Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    You called her on her ****.
    She has no idea what you're asking.
    She wants to lay blame and responsibility on another party and to expect improvement without effort.