NW-time change

Greds - Lost City
Greds - Lost City Posts: 135 Arc User
edited August 2013 in Suggestion Box
1. Im posting here toooo take attention of pwi Staff reson why i do so is the nw time i know LC is a USA or somehting server but keep in mind we had no choice to pick an EU server and waiting the time to realeas one was just.... so we picked one and now we not able to change server. So for me i wont leav my main wich i work for 5 years near straight ...... Im posting about NW cuz its the most pissing of event try to wake up at 4-5 am forbit to farm your gear TW wasnt bad you can go but if no its ok.... and rest of events we gove up but NW is a cash maker now and some weps can be only farmed there So let us change server once orrrrrr Change 1 NW time to EU time so its fair for all ppl i think it willl make more ppl come near dead servers and birng fun back. I know you can do it since you make TW sometimes at EU time so think about it im sorry for my terible eng i just suck at it but sometiems we gota make a move foward.b:angry
Post edited by Greds - Lost City on


  • Anngy - Lost City
    Anngy - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    well is hard each nw i must woke up at 6 am and monday i go work so cant attend...i never charge in games and i like have fun with my friends but we cant update our gears if nw is at this time and most of ppl from our faction are europeans and same time with me. Some ppl left game coudnt go nw ... nv is dead so no gears update :( If is posible 1 day nw time to be how is it now and 1 day diferent time so all can attend not 2 nw /week but at least 1...
  • Wickedbrew - Raging Tide
    Wickedbrew - Raging Tide Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    As a US citizen, currently living where NW would be at a time most would be able to attend living in North/Central/South America and various island countries, I would agree it would be nice to give a NW time for those across the pond.

    While I personally don't enjoy NW any longer, I think those in Europe should have the opportunity to have one time of the two, to experience NW without the need of toothpicks propping up eyelids.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

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    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    and some weps can be only farmed there

    you only purge once #yopo
  • ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver
    ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    so. ill take example for east coast servers
    change nw time for europeans. ok. lets say, make nw 6 hours earlier.

    usa : 8pm -> 2pm
    west europe : 2-3 am -> 8-9 pm
    center russia, west asia : 7-8 am -> 1-2 am
    australia, east asia : 10-12 am -> 4-6 am

    green : good time, yellow : not too bad, red : bad

    change nw time for europeans, **** other areas.

    thats why they shuld give us ONE free server transfer to Morai EU server, but not change time

    oh and im european
  • Greds - Lost City
    Greds - Lost City Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    ok ws 2nd cast go farm other place then nw :) gl call me in 2 years if they brign new idea
  • Greds - Lost City
    Greds - Lost City Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    so. ill take example for east coast servers
    change nw time for europeans. ok. lets say, make nw 6 hours earlier.

    usa : 8pm -> 2pm
    west europe : 2-3 am -> 8-9 pm
    center russia, west asia : 7-8 am -> 1-2 am
    australia, east asia : 10-12 am -> 4-6 am

    green : good time, yellow : not too bad, red : bad

    change nw time for europeans, **** other areas.

    thats why they shuld give us ONE free server transfer to Morai EU server, but not change time

    oh and im european

    They told me they wotn let us transfer accs cuz its not posible so thats the only way to do anything
  • skaitavia
    skaitavia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    They told me they wotn let us transfer accs cuz its not posible so thats the only way to do anything

    It is not possible due to name libraries, which is not limited to your character itself. It's also tied to any and all gear you've ever made and traded in the game as well.

    As Apoca stated, you basically can't satisfy everyone. Change the time to satisfy one group, and another group(s) gets screwed over. It's how it works unfortunately.

    The only way is to start fresh on an EU server, or take the time to schedule time for NW at that early of a time (if you're dedicated enough to do this). As bad as that sounds, that's currently the only way.

    I mean, maintenance starts at 2 AM EST (my time zone), and doesn't end until 4 AM. And during x2 that's a prime time to log on to farm easy world bosses for lots of Perfect Shards and Chrono Pages, so sometimes I set up my schedule to allow me to do that once a week during x2.

    It's not completely changing your schedule. It's just to do it for the fun of it, and if you're dedicated enough.
  • Kablaab - Dreamweaver
    Kablaab - Dreamweaver Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Skaitavia wrote: »
    It's not completely changing your schedule. It's just to do it for the fun of it, and if you're dedicated enough.

    For a lot of people these days, it is about the only way to make coins anymore though. Even though the price of raps/cannies has bottomed out comparatively speaking - a decently geared player who has farmed their gears over the years and is now wearing g16 nirvana can get 100 tokens during a full nation war. That would net (after crafting fees for raps) about 12 mil a weekend. Other than that, there isn't much money making potential unless you're on at world boss time (shards and chronos still sell decent). Nirvana is a dead instance. Lunar still costs a fee, and yes the fee can be recouped by the EOD at the end - however with the last month long 2x event Lunar was over farmed to the point where on my server there was a shop sitting with 300+ EOD's, and another right beside it with 50+ more of them. As for the other drops, crystals frags and essences - they've become so dirt cheap. Lunar golds no longer go for 3-6 mil a piece, but more like 300-600k. Delta used to be nice to farm for tome frags that went at 200k a piece in times past, but now shops are buying for as low as 35k only. On the flip side though, skill book pages (pages of fate, OBP) do seem to have gone up slightly in price, but not enough to offset the lack of income from other drops. The TT market has just simply been flooded for years - I'm sure many old players have alt toons chock full of mats that have never sold. BH rewards of coin cards are nice random bonuses but for a lot of players are few and far between. Taking all of this into account, Nation Wars has become THE money making instance for many players whenever 2x isnt on.

    All of that said, I'm a US player that works nights and weekends. I don't get to make the Friday event generally speaking, and only make about half at most of the Sunday event (ranging from 20-130 tokens depending on which toon I go on and if I'm in the winning nation). I make just about enough coin to get through the week, what with all the potions and repairs I end up dishing out coins for. I for one wouldn't like to see the NW event shifted 6 hours or earlier/later. I wouldn't be able to make it then if it were earlier in the day. HOWEVER, I would like to see a mid-week NW event on lets say Wednesdays (the day of the week I have off most :D).
  • ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver
    ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    For a lot of people these days, it is about the only way to make coins anymore though. Even though the price of raps/cannies has bottomed out comparatively speaking - a decently geared player who has farmed their gears over the years and is now wearing g16 nirvana can get 100 tokens during a full nation war. That would net (after crafting fees for raps) about 12 mil a weekend. Other than that, there isn't much money making potential unless you're on at world boss time (shards and chronos still sell decent). Nirvana is a dead instance. Lunar still costs a fee, and yes the fee can be recouped by the EOD at the end - however with the last month long 2x event Lunar was over farmed to the point where on my server there was a shop sitting with 300+ EOD's, and another right beside it with 50+ more of them. As for the other drops, crystals frags and essences - they've become so dirt cheap. Lunar golds no longer go for 3-6 mil a piece, but more like 300-600k. Delta used to be nice to farm for tome frags that went at 200k a piece in times past, but now shops are buying for as low as 35k only. On the flip side though, skill book pages (pages of fate, OBP) do seem to have gone up slightly in price, but not enough to offset the lack of income from other drops. The TT market has just simply been flooded for years - I'm sure many old players have alt toons chock full of mats that have never sold. BH rewards of coin cards are nice random bonuses but for a lot of players are few and far between. Taking all of this into account, Nation Wars has become THE money making instance for many players whenever 2x isnt on.

    All of that said, I'm a US player that works nights and weekends. I don't get to make the Friday event generally speaking, and only make about half at most of the Sunday event (ranging from 20-130 tokens depending on which toon I go on and if I'm in the winning nation). I make just about enough coin to get through the week, what with all the potions and repairs I end up dishing out coins for. I for one wouldn't like to see the NW event shifted 6 hours or earlier/later. I wouldn't be able to make it then if it were earlier in the day. HOWEVER, I would like to see a mid-week NW event on lets say Wednesdays (the day of the week I have off most :D).

    im both a merchent and a farmer, and i can tell you NW isnt THE thing where you earn the most coins. think ppl are just lazy to look around.
    Skaitavia wrote: »
    It is not possible due to name libraries, which is not limited to your character itself. It's also tied to any and all gear you've ever made and traded in the game as well.

    As Apoca stated, you basically can't satisfy everyone. Change the time to satisfy one group, and another group(s) gets screwed over. It's how it works unfortunately.

    The only way is to start fresh on an EU server, or take the time to schedule time for NW at that early of a time (if you're dedicated enough to do this). As bad as that sounds, that's currently the only way.

    I mean, maintenance starts at 2 AM EST (my time zone), and doesn't end until 4 AM. And during x2 that's a prime time to log on to farm easy world bosses for lots of Perfect Shards and Chrono Pages, so sometimes I set up my schedule to allow me to do that once a week during x2.

    It's not completely changing your schedule. It's just to do it for the fun of it, and if you're dedicated enough.

    well, yes name database seems to be a problem but, someone working at PWE could still manually copy everything, and they could make this service for like 30$ >.>
  • Greds - Lost City
    Greds - Lost City Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    im both a merchent and a farmer, and i can tell you NW isnt THE thing where you earn the most coins. think ppl are just lazy to look around.

    well, yes name database seems to be a problem but, someone working at PWE could still manually copy everything, and they could make this service for like 30$ >.>

    okok but you got tons of acc proly same as me so you can go farm.... but im talkign in general about others ppl that cant get gear by farming and alot of **** thinkg nly about them selfs at x2 and world boses lol i kiled 1 or 2 in last 6 motnhs and never see them cuz ppl got timed kill...
  • coenie
    coenie Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    He hello. I would also like that Pwi changes one NW time so that all european players at least also can go one time to nw and farm there gears.
  • ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver
    ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    coenie wrote: »
    He hello. I would also like that Pwi changes one NW time so that all european players at least also can go one time to nw and farm there gears.

    you should read that

  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    You should think maybe. Or are you feeling so entitled that catering to the whole playerbase makes no sense to you?

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Switch 8pm Friday NW and 2pm Saturday TW.


    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver
    ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    You should think maybe. Or are you feeling so entitled that catering to the whole playerbase makes no sense to you?

    im from europe, but for my part im not selfish enough to want something for me and **** up half the world. you should know you cant please everyone
  • skaitavia
    skaitavia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    You should think maybe. Or are you feeling so entitled that catering to the whole playerbase makes no sense to you?

    Here's a quick example for you to describe what Apoca was saying:

    You only have time to make one food dish for a party, and you only have enough money to get a single meat item. But before you make your dish, you learn the following about the group of people at the party:

    - Group A LOVES chicken, is okay with pork, but HATES beef.
    - Group B LOVES beef, is okay with chicken, but HATES pork.
    - Group C LOVES pork, is okay with beef, but HATES chicken.

    All three groups really wants a meat with their dish, and would avoid it if it's meatless.

    You go to the only open supermarket in your town at the time due to time constraints, and notice that the only meats they sell are chicken, beef, and pork.

    That's the situation Apoca was saying. In my example above, if you choose chicken, then group C would be the group that gets screwed over, and if you choose beef, group A gets screwed over, and so on.

    If you choose to move NW time back 6 hours, EU players would benefit, US players would be okay with that, but center Russia/west Asia and Australia/east Asia would get screwed over.

    When your customer base is world-wide, it's almost impossible to please everyone unless they decide to add many instances of the problematic time schedule of an event, but that leads to other questions like "I can't go to Monday Tigers because it's 9 PM servertime, so can you make it earlier, or make it also on weekends?" and "I can't TW on Saturday at 8 PM, can there be another TW time on Wednesday?", and so on. On top of that, adding more NW instances would flood the market even more with Supply Tokens.

    I hope that makes sense.
  • Greds - Lost City
    Greds - Lost City Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    If you choose to move NW time back 6 hours, EU players would benefit, US players would be okay with that, but center Russia/west Asia and Australia/east Asia would get screwed over.

    ok thats a solution who told it must be 6h .... welll aint it like EU ppl are ****ed 24/7 every event all? so lol if once usa get screwed it wont hurt .... also you can rotate the nw time ... by months 1 motnh this time 2nd this 3rd this comon or smehting use..... brain sorry but its anoing to hear move EU server etc etc ok i move but i want my accs there... end
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    How does that analogy work with an event that doesn't have costs though, Skai? It doesn't hurt the devs to make another time slot to please as many people as possible .-.

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • skaitavia
    skaitavia Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ok thats a solution who told it must be 6h .... welll aint it like EU ppl are ****ed 24/7 every event all? so lol if once usa get screwed it wont hurt .... also you can rotate the nw time ... by months 1 motnh this time 2nd this 3rd this comon or smehting use..... brain sorry but its anoing to hear move EU server etc etc ok i move but i want my accs there... end

    The main reason the US servers don't get screwed over, or will not be the one to be screwed over is because of the original intent of the servers: to allow ease of play by allowing events to exist at the same time it is of your time, if you live in that time zone. I live on the east coast of the US, which is the main reason I chose an east coast server, so that the events are timed at the same time it is in real life, so it's easier to plan my schedule in advanced.

    But as I stated in my first post, there's currently no way to satisfy your needs unless you make a fresh start in the EU server, because I don't see PWE making the efforts to put server transfers/interserver events as a main priority.

    How does that analogy work with an event that doesn't have costs though, Skai? It doesn't hurt the devs to make another time slot to please as many people as possible .-.

    Well, the main purpose of that analogy was to say this: "Doing action A will make peoples A and B happy, but C unhappy, and doing action B will make peoples B and C happy, but A unhappy, and doing action C will make peoples A and C happy, but B unhappy". While I agree that a company should be trying to please all parties, it's just sometimes impossible to, given the diversity of the customer base.

    And while it doesn't hurt the devs to make another time slot for NW, it does introduce 50% more supply tokens into the market, if a third NW was to be added to a week.
  • Anngy - Lost City
    Anngy - Lost City Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Well I think they just dont dont want make any changes... Is not so hard to change saturday nw time or monday nw time so some can join saturday some monday (I mean EU ppl)... is not our fault that at begining wasnt EU server ... and I cant swich there after 5 years playing here ... even i cant attend some events too but this is other story...
  • hellxor
    hellxor Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Not possible to change time event all two week for exemple?
    Not possible to add an id to name account and/or nickname to change server : nameLC or name00x ?