Server Login Issues 8/21/2013



  • zeroclass
    zeroclass Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot, analyze "SweetieBot - Lothranis"
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetiEBot akdjhbfcagf
    Kau !
    bobyjoee wrote: »
    SweetieBot what would happen if pinocchio said "my nose will grow"?
    He would then have to lie to make his nose grow.
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • DroidGuard - Archosaur
    DroidGuard - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot analyze SweetieBot
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot - Lothranis
    What do my thoughts look like?
    zeroclass wrote: »
    SweetieBot, analyze "SweetieBot - Lothranis"
    SweetieBot couldn't find any posts belonging to '"SweetieBot - Lothranis"' :(
    Can you try again with their exact name please?
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • Psytrac - Dreamweaver
    Psytrac - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sweetiebot what is the most paused movie frame in history?
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • swimreferee0
    swimreferee0 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    b:sleep unfortunately it has been almost 22 hours since we were last on using PWI i don't understand why this issue was not caught during shake down testing before it was implemented and why post implementation check out it wasn't caught unfortunately it appears that some people can get on and others can not. It would be good to do a post implementation review to prevent future outages. If an implementation doesn't check out the it should be a roll back to the shut down version and not a push forward and fix scenario. I hope a what learned will happen so future outages do not occur and procedural changes can be made to ensure improved quality.
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot analyze SweetieBot
    SweetieBot couldn't find any posts belonging to 'SweetieBot' :(
    Can you try again with their exact name please?
    Sweetiebot what is the most paused movie frame in history?
    I don't know, what is the most absorbent fabric?
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • Untamed_pain - Archosaur
    Untamed_pain - Archosaur Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Any answers yet?

    Ffs...when east coast went back up i went to RT made a psy its lvl 29...i want back on Arch Server.
    untamed_pain demon veno 103-100-101
    SweetAzHoney Sage Cleric 102-currently rebirthing
    xXZoeMarieXx sage seeker 101-currently rebirthing
    StormyRainz Demon Mystic 101 Not rebirth yet
    EsmeStorms Demon wizzy 101 not rebirth yet
    UhitLikaGirl Almost sage barb 100 buffer
    and loads of other alts...
  • AceAlpha - Archosaur
    AceAlpha - Archosaur Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot please open 1000 Anniversary Packs for me!
  • DroidGuard - Archosaur
    DroidGuard - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot wats my favorite color
  • AstroKing - Archosaur
    AstroKing - Archosaur Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sweetiebot what is the meaning of life
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot please open 1000 Anniversary Packs for me!
    Here is where I posted the result.
    Please use that thread for future requests like this.
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • Opey_ - Archosaur
    Opey_ - Archosaur Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    b:sleep unfortunately it has been almost 22 hours since we were last on using PWI i don't understand why this issue was not caught during shake down testing before it was implemented and why post implementation check out it wasn't caught unfortunately it appears that some people can get on and others can not. It would be good to do a post implementation review to prevent future outages. If an implementation doesn't check out the it should be a roll back to the shut down version and not a push forward and fix scenario. I hope a what learned will happen so future outages do not occur and procedural changes can be made to ensure improved quality.

    SweetieBot dumb this down for us plz
  • zeroclass
    zeroclass Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot, who is best pony?
  • Tollingbell - Sanctuary
    Tollingbell - Sanctuary Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Just logged in to Sanctuary.
    It's TollingBell b:angry
  • Khallie - Sanctuary
    Khallie - Sanctuary Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hubby and I logged in straight after maintenance but now cant log in other account. Sooo at a guess, if you were logged in when the error happened...don't log out!
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot wats my favorite color
    Chocolate cake color? How interesting!
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • Shyrona - Heavens Tear
    Shyrona - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    at least keep us informed .. this sweetybot thing is totally annoying
  • bobyjoee
    bobyjoee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot Can you post a selfie?
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sweetiebot what is the meaning of life
    (according to Douglas Adams' humorous science-fiction novel The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
    SweetieBot dumb this down for us plz
    What is bringing us down?
    zeroclass wrote: »
    SweetieBot, who is best pony?
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • DroidGuard - Archosaur
    DroidGuard - Archosaur Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot nope its blue
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    bobyjoee wrote: »
    SweetieBot Can you post a selfie?
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • MzAnthropy - Archosaur
    MzAnthropy - Archosaur Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    b:surrender Before the log in issue I did have a ticket in about my Morai. my influence is at a stand I hope both are fixed soon. At this point I can't log in..and I will not do Morai quest since I cannot get my skill book until my account is fixed..b:thanks
  • zoubinettecc
    zoubinettecc Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please Sweety let me kiss you @ west with boomy but i still cant log in :( help us for Moraib:surrender
  • zeroclass
    zeroclass Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Hubby and I logged in straight after maintenance but now cant log in other account. Sooo at a guess, if you were logged in when the error happened...don't log out!


    Edit: Oops, wrong quote.
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    SweetieBot nope its blue
    What do you mean?
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • Vanflyheight - Heavens Tear
    Vanflyheight - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Ok gang, im wondering how many more pages on this issue is going to be stretched till pw finally gets the idea on fixing the stupid server error. I was hoping to get on the game but i also was hit by the server error msg. if this doesnt get fixed anytime soon, id soon just watch computer movies instead. ya would think of having the servers down for over 12 hrs, that pw would notice something is wrong with their systems. oh i have an idea, try restarting the servers again without any bugs in the program. Is any Mod in the house to give us an update on this chaotic, catastrophic, monstrosity that has been going on for the last 8-10 hrs?

    PS, its only been bout 8-10 hrs since the servers were back on, and bout 10 hrs ago that servers shutdown for maint. I know alot of you guys are getting impatient, but could all of you guys and gals TAKE A CHILL PILL. Ty
    The Sure Shot that Flies Straight

    Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)

    2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 64
  • Lonchot - Heavens Tear
    Lonchot - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sweetiebot Would you marry me?
  • Opey_ - Archosaur
    Opey_ - Archosaur Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Arch server is up
  • zeroclass
    zeroclass Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Just logged in to Sanctuary.

This discussion has been closed.