Mobless WS, Frenzy WS

DarkEvion - Harshlands
DarkEvion - Harshlands Posts: 100 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Dungeons & Tactics
I've been seeing alot of post for what this is, but no title, so I'ma be lazy and pull this from a post I made earlier.

Let's break this down a little further so you can easily do it if you so like, In HL they call it Frenzy WS for starters, because if you don't kill the mobs the boss deals 50k damage. I don't know all the classes I can just tell you the basics of what you need.

Forming squad:
You need at the very least, with what I roll with: Barb, BM (pref ddg, or an archer with PV can replace this bm if you're good enough) Veno, cleric, second sin usually, and yourself, if you're a sin(if you're not two sins then, make sure one can deal like a ****, an r9rr or two g16+10's should do the job here.

There now you have your squad.

Now you decide if you want to kill Incarnate or not(Final boss) if you don't you, don't have to do pavs, you can fully skip them, if you do then do the pavs like you would for a normal ws.

Then you buff up at teleporter, your two sins roll into the heart of the city and head to metal

Metal: At metal you want to wait for boss to walk away from the teleport area and prepare your people to teleport in, the head sin will count down from 3 and say a key word, I use "GO" as the key word, and everyone will teleport in, your sins will triple spark the moment the head sin says go grabbing aggro so everyone has time to teleport in and kill the mobs with the sins, so the sins have no chance of dying, ((Most pro way to do it as I've found)) after the mobs are dead kill boss like this, head sin will run in, use triple spark, AD (do give movement buff) and IG(iron guard) and kill boss, veno will debuff, barb will use his db, archer / bm should PV/DDG/DG the moment the head sin uses power dash, your second sin should use subsea(Twirly blue skill)
someone should use the p def debuff genie skill(again forgot the name, I'm herp a derping this up) cleric looks pretty for this party, don't even BB it's a waste of time. and boom, your boss should be dead. Do this combo for all the bosses. It'll kill them the fastest. Then you kill second spawn, cleric bb's for this part and you do it like normal. Don't wait for archer's PV if you're using one, unless you really need it, save it for Frenzy bosses.

From here I normally move on to fire. have everyone except sins jump off the side, sins run to fire

Fire: Fire pav will spawn your party ontop of the boss, so your sins will clear out the mobs right before baws to kill them, remember sins, to kill beetles first, they debuff your aps, and will kill you if you're not tanky enough.

Then your head sin runs into the frenzy boss, as soon as he T sparks, he yells the key word again "GO" And everyone teleports in and insta debuffs, if your party doesn't debuff fast enough, you're trashed, rebuff at teleporter and try again.

Normally at this part, if I die more then twice, I replace my BM, it means he sucks and can't DG fast enough, that's up to you, leader, what you do. Ask your IGing sin what he thinks, he should have a good idea about it if he's any good.

do second boss like normal

Then sins teleport glitch to the earth mobs on the side, everyone else jumps off the side goes back to teleporter

Earth: Earth you don't have to kill mobs and only first form frenzies, I've actually solo'd this before, it's not that hard, run in Trip spark, yell go, everyone will teleport on boss, and kill it, once first form is down kill it like normal. Not that hard. Kill second boss and everyone, including sins jump off the side.

Sins teleport to heart, and everyone waits at teleporter, run to wood, go to the middle where wood boss does a circle around, and once it passes the spawn point a sin yells "Teleport now" everyone comes in, goes to sins, it's a safe zone. if it starts drawing closer to spawn point and someone isn't around, yell "Don't teleport" So they don't die, don't need dead peeps now do we?

then head sin bum rushes boss, kill it like metal, just bum rush it and kill it. Then do second.

Sins walk to water, others jump off side.

Sins will kill mobs next to water because they can pull while killing boss. Kill the dress women first, because they will bubble more often. These mobs are the hardest. Once they're dead, do the same thing as wood, wait for boss to pass have people teleport in, tell them not to go when it's not safe, yata yata.

Kill boss like normal, kill second like normal, Do incarnate if you killed pavs.

Now fora tidbit, if you choose to do this. if you didn't kill pavs, everyone waits in the beginning while timer is running, once timer runs out you'll get the message pop up. E veryone teleports to water at this time, and the boss won't be spawn, run into the farthest right corner, and wait for boss to spawn, it's an easy way to kill it without dealing with those pesky mobs, Head sin attacks boss as it finally spawns and rotates to the back section, and you kill it like a normal frenzy boss, do second, and boom water's done easy, If someone dies or misses teleport, just kill the mobs as a group, when the first is downed. If you wipe, you have to do it like normal.

And this, is how you do frenzy ws.

If someone could fill in the blanks for the things I forgot that would be awsome. Ty

Edit: Was reading the forums and saw some other points, let's reiterate, as long as One sin has decent gear / hp to tank second boss, you can do it, the second sin just needs decent daggers, hp doesn't matter, and as long as your veno has a good amp, and your bm has a good DG, the rest of the squad can be horribad geared, as long as you can work in unison. Trust me, the cleric / bm or archer / bm / barb's gear matter 0 as long as they can work together. And don't die to aoe bosses... lol
Post edited by DarkEvion - Harshlands on


  • PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver
    PotatoHeadQR - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    pretty cool guide.

    I guess the twirly skill is subsea and the genie pdef is tangling mire.
    for the record I've done it (no inc) with 1 bm 5 sins but yeah, full debuffs are nice.

    also, since you typically do more than 1 run, if you dont defend you can split the party in 3 and open two instances at once (need 2 to open WS). ofc, you can prepare them with alts XD
    you only purge once #yopo
  • DarkEvion - Harshlands
    DarkEvion - Harshlands Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oh yeah, those are what those are called lol, tyz, and yes you can open like that too, I forgot about that, but if you do that, and you don't have 5 sins XD the water mobs are hard, it's easier for me to just wait for each one, if the squads eh... ish. To wait for timer like stated earlier to teleport to the water boss, God I hate those mobs.... those mobs are so evil, I'm +10 and 12 most of my aps gear, with +12 r9rr wep, full DoT, fully buffed 14k hp, and charmed. And they still tear me up, Mean bubble mobs....
  • WannaBM - Archosaur
    WannaBM - Archosaur Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    DG = HF i assume ?
    and barb db = devour ? b:chuckle

    What we usually do is to start at fire.
    Teleport on countdown to earth because this is an easy one.
    Sins check if it is safe at metal, wood and water and everyone can teleport in safety.

    For squad building there is imo a little more versatility than that.
    Sin is needed.
    BM is needed.
    Cleric is probably needed.
    Barb is primarily for buffs. Maybe the team can do without. (but i am the barb, so i prefer not)
    Veno is nice to have but an extra DD is almost as good if the DD is strong enough.
    Then add another APS DD and more APS DDs to replace veno/barb when doing without those.

    Important to have it clear who is the main DD and who will have agro and thus use IG to tank. Usually a +10 sin, but i suppose a +12 BM or APS barb could do as well. G16 or R9.3 sin weapon is pretty much equal, so that doesnt matter. Other APS members should be decent ones. leave the G15s home and 4APS +4 isnt all that great either.

    when attacking a boss, everyone spark and makes sure his debuffs are activated right after the spark when everyone just starts attacking. Either the main tanking sin agroes the boss before he sparks, or anyone else could do so to take the first hits for the main sin allowing him to use his defences a bit later, giving more time. Of course taking the first hits means you will need to AD. Invoke is unfortunately not enough to tank mobless bosses.

    So for me its spark - devour - form and weapon swap - aps
    for the BM its the same with HF instead of devour. (need CE/tea)
    for the sin its subsea instead of devour and of course no need to swap anything.
    What the veno is doing besides amping i dont know :)
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Sin is needed.
    BM is needed.

    I've done plenty without sin or bm but you need about 3 r9rr players +10 or better. The main benefit of 5.0 DPS is being able to keep it up for spark after spark but if you're killing in just 1 spark it doesn't matter as much. Cleric (mark of weakness), Veno (amplify damage / sage soul degen), and Archer (Bloodvow) all can stack their debuffs up pretty high.

    Unlike lame nirv bosses the ~20% HP debuff from archers and venos works on all bosses in WS.
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  • DarkEvion - Harshlands
    DarkEvion - Harshlands Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Please don't over analyze this thread with r9 this and r9 that, this is a basic idea of how to Frenzy WS, without using all r9's. It's just to help people farm badges if they want to, it's not meant to give any ideas to r9 parties, because I'm pretty sure they already know how to ws. Please and ty.
  • Rubybeard - Archosaur
    Rubybeard - Archosaur Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    i did really fun mobless WS once, and there wasnt any cleric on our squad. although we were fully buffed with cleric buffs as well.

    the barb was full g16 with 22kish hp in human form
    3 sins 2 rrr9, and 1 g16
    me bm without demon hf
    and an archer with demon BV

    demon HF for me is not that necessary, i usually just spark+cloud+hf. 3 sins spark+bm spark hf will wipe boss under 15 seconds. or you can tandem with archer BV +gs

    3 sins make it more easy because they will passing aggro to each other b:laugh
  • WannaBM - Archosaur
    WannaBM - Archosaur Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    i did really fun mobless WS once, and there wasnt any cleric on our squad. although we were fully buffed with cleric buffs as well.

    the barb was full g16 with 22kish hp in human form
    3 sins 2 rrr9, and 1 g16
    me bm without demon hf
    and an archer with demon BV

    demon HF for me is not that necessary, i usually just spark+cloud+hf. 3 sins spark+bm spark hf will wipe boss under 15 seconds. or you can tandem with archer BV +gs

    3 sins make it more easy because they will passing aggro to each other b:laugh

    ye when 1 dies, the next get agro etc.... b:laugh

    Im am not the **** to demand demon HF whenever i make a squad, but saying it is not that necessary for your mobless FW is not totally correct either. Of course if the rest of the squad can make up for your lack of demon HF, it can still work.

    However dont misunderstand. Not having demonHF means your battle will take 3 seconds longer. HF double damage, so every second with HF takes 1 second of the time needed to kill the boss. This is significant and it is why demon HF is rightfully one of the if not the most expensive skill to buy.
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • Rubybeard - Archosaur
    Rubybeard - Archosaur Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ye when 1 dies, the next get agro etc.... b:laugh

    Im am not the **** to demand demon HF whenever i make a squad, but saying it is not that necessary for your mobless FW is not totally correct either. Of course if the rest of the squad can make up for your lack of demon HF, it can still work.

    However dont misunderstand. Not having demonHF means your battle will take 3 seconds longer. HF double damage, so every second with HF takes 1 second of the time needed to kill the boss. This is significant and it is why demon HF is rightfully one of the if not the most expensive skill to buy.

    its my opinion, not about correct or incorrect lululululululululuheueheuheueheulawlawlawlawlolololololol
  • Walpurga - Dreamweaver
    Walpurga - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Go and sell 60 FC bigrooms f:hush and get your Demon HF

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • DionDagger - Dreamweaver
    DionDagger - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    On DW not many ppl run it, but when we do its normally the same sins and bm.

    BM (demon HF)
    +4-5 sins

    Most of the sins are me (g16+10), 2 r9rr +10, a g15 +12 2x int +GoF, and a +12 g16. We normally kill the bosses in 6secs at the most, one sin uses SS, then I mire (str in genie), and the BM HF's. Normally those daggers are in there even if the sins change when ppl leave, its quite odd.
  • Walpurga - Dreamweaver
    Walpurga - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I don't think I've seen anyone but NoobzKiller do stealth warsong these days and even then it's pretty infrequent.

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • DionDagger - Dreamweaver
    DionDagger - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I don't think I've seen anyone but NoobzKiller do stealth warsong these days and even then it's pretty infrequent.

    He's normally the one doing WC's for them, but Slewdem actually runs them more than noobz does, and I'll wait til he starts to run because I don't trust many BM's with HF. There's more people than you think, if you pay attention more >.>, and not every stealth WS run ends up in WC, we do like 5-10 runs before someone leaves hence why they aren't world chatted as often.
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I've done about 5 runs like that in total.
    5 sins at least +10 G16 and a BM with demon HF.
    Buff with cleric+barb+mystic alts after each boss.
    A breeze to be honest...too bad I'm not a regular in that squad, I was just filling a spot.
    Those guys are making around 5-10 runs/day, some of them were saying they have 300+ badges and inventory on alts full of molds sorted by armor type.'s a thing.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Selbronne - Heavens Tear
    Selbronne - Heavens Tear Posts: 79 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    few advices to this:
    Basicly u run a little too much
    1. when defending is done u port directly to metal pav and wait in corner till boss and mobs spwan
    2. at earth u port directly into it(i prefer the main DD say sth like "Earth in 3" and port)
    3.u port to fire same way as earth, if u don't move u ussualy won't agro the mobs. if u by a chance agro them share the stealth ftw
    4. 1 person ports to wood to check if it's save. if u port on boss head run forward (oposite direction to where mobs are) to reset boss
    5. after wood sins stealth run to water to clear mobs.(only real need to run in ws)aslo time u gotta port into water is mcuh shorter than wood. For smart ppl: occult ice the mobs do can be interupted, aslo stun on vile version of water boss can be interupted(let ur cleric save gennie energy for ad to use more usefull gennie skill b:chuckle )
    that whould be this. hope that helped. b:victory if u are uncertian of the squad u can always start with water not metal,but advicing not doing it