Wizard Usage? Hmm

Posts: 2 Arc User
edited August 2013 in Wizard
Do people look for wizards? By that I mean like Barbs are seeked out so they can tank clerics are seeked out for healing, seekers are looked out for there vortex ability and assassins are towards the end of the game looked for there damage they can deal. But are wizards seeked out for any reason? Are they good in territory wars? Pvp or PVE?

I have a lvl 80ish seeker (havnt played in awhile) and I couldn't do much because in order to do regular quest of killin like 80 mobs I would always die and the only way I could prevent that was 2 buy the charm things and I didn't want to spend money just to accomplish regular quest so I quit, and now I'm back hopping I can do it with a wizard and won't have the same problem
Post edited by beastzzzzzzz on


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  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wizzies are mainly wanted for PVP purposes. Open map PVP/NW/TW/etc. Don't make a wizzie solely for PVE. You are going to need decent gear though if you don't want to just feel like you're dying pointlessly over and over again in PVP.

    Also, that sounds like you're severely undergeared on your seeker more than anything.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Wizzies are periodically sought out for AEU because we make the bushes path much easier between easier control of the fires with db and having a channeling elemental damage spell, as well as frost blade allowing melee to do a little to phys immune mobs (and more importantly HF them)

    However, don't hold your breath for a squad to be looking for a wizard to run a TT/lunar/whatever.
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
    Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer

    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    AEU- controlling the fires with DB, phys immune "twin" boss
    Seat-phys immune mobs, frostblade
    Warsong- Soloing Metal pav.

    Delta, Lunar, FCC, Warsong all have healthy amounts of aoeing that wizards can help with and may be selected simply because they need aoe dd and want a variety outside the usual people that get selected.

    I want to emphasize the importance of frostblade. I can keep aggro on a phys immune mob on my bm with frostblade simply by triple spark->aps from most r8/G13 or below wizards. Not amazing dd but still nothing to scoff at. In addition I can HF/GS without having to waste 2 sparks first by using Drakes Breath first (making it a 4-6 spark combo) and that makes mobs go down fast. Similarly, a sin can stunlock/freeze for you and keep mobs out of range without having to use Condensed Thorn. Its amazing how many sins have never gotten this skill. And in addition to that, many barbs neglect to self buff Poison Fang and then can't ream/freeze mobs but if you give them frostblade they jump up to +80-100% magic damage on their hits.

    I am very critical of how others play, although I usually don't say much. I've learned most people in this game hate friendly advice, no matter how politely I try to offer it. Usually I will ask for frostblade once or twice depending on the importance of it in the instance (Aba, who cares. AEU twin bosses, I'll flat out demand it, lol) and if I have to fight to get frostblade the wizard goes on my blacklist. If you're having trouble finding squads it may be for this reason.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You forgot abba weekly boss

    DB is ****ing sweet on those phy. immune mobs

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

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  • Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    well, don't expect for someone to ask specifically for a wiz. for aoe purposes in non phy immune mobs seekers are superior; and then you have a healthy bunch of aoers such as archers and psys.

    having said that, at the moment you won't really have a trouble doing your instances (assuming reasonable gear)
    you only purge once #yopo
  • Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    well, it's not a really a class ppl are looking for because , well ... it has nothing special over other classes.
    Barbs/BM can tank/buff/amp/debuff, clerics/mystics can heal/buff, venos can bramble/amp/purge, archers are good range DPS/AOEers + STA/purge lowers the Boss HP. Seekers have a sustainable self centered AOE and def/attk lvl buffs. Psy's are pretty sturdy with their voodoo's + defensive skills.
    Wizards...well...wizards when it comes to squad they bring nothing. Frostblade is circumstantial. I always buff all the melee in squad with it, even if for just building chi, but still, It's not like I'm wanted in squad for that.
    Survival wise, we have only static defenses. True, we can get some really stratospheric numbers with the current gear/refines widely available, but again, it's just static. Our control skills are lacking (whatever we have can be worked with, but it could be a lot better). Our dps sucks compared with pretty much any other class. Our DPH is decent and can be worked with but the dps downside and the uselessness when it comes to squad support makes wizards not a class to WANT in a squad, but a class to tolerate.
    i've been playing this game on and off for about 4.5 years now. From the beginning wizards were a trouble making class for whoever played them, but played well there was a good potential under all those troubles. The blow to this class was the rise of APS, sins and Psy's. When Sins got their r8 gear it was all over. Farming was ruled by Sins who were stealth running TT's and farming hundreds of millions while a wizard could not get in a squad to do BH. Psy's came with a natural defense over sins in PvP and with a magic DPS output that was better than wizards, plus a lot of control skills that helped/made their live easier in all sittuations, pve or pvp.
    A lot of wizards I knew/know at that point either just straight up quit the game or just sold their unbound gear and re-rolled sins/psy. At one point in time you could not see a decently geared wizard in Archosaur for days. The only chance to see one was around TW time because with all the bad things that happened to this class there was still some form of usefulness to them in the TW environment.

    I played my wiz a lot, and given the choice I would not play any other class. But I was not able to make money with a wizard. Sure, you can merchant, but that's not the idea, you need a max lvl 6 char for that.
    I sold everything that was unbound on my wiz (at that point there were probably 1 or 2 rank8 wizards on server, heavy cash shoppers), made a BM, got it to 5 aps, started farming and making money with it. Bought r8 for my BM, my wiz and cleric. Then I made a Sin, got him r8 stuff and G13 daggs when the raps were 1 mil/piece. Farmed the **** out with that one (and still do). Made a full G16 (Lunar set) barb farmed with my aps sin (and some self farming with the barb).
    Now I'm working on getting a full TT g16 set for my wiz. Got his wep already, working on badges I have most of the molds I want.
    I did all this charging 0 zen in the last 3 years, but all because I did not played my wiz but other classes that I could make money with.

    TL;DR: playing a wizard is a like having your own temperamental luxury prostitute: you will spend a lot of your hard earnt money for it for a few moments of satisfaction here and there. If you're not pushing her buttons right you're in for a lot of unpleasant pain.
    The difference between a wizard and a prostitute is that you're the only one playing with it.
    Still, given the choice , I would not play any other class.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Posts: 2,507 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    well, I'd say the psychics rank lower in demand compared to wizzies but that's mostly because of squads that think that psys can't aoe (e.g. bh delta LF aoe wiz/archer). On the other hand, you don't really want to join such a squad and there is not a significant aoe instance anyway.

    with the addition of aeu, psys finally got a unique role (shared with clerics), to soulburn the mob of the first stage of aohe and it was the first time I saw quite a bit of wc for LF psy.

    anyway, I think that the temperamental luxury prostitute part is correct XD
    you only purge once #yopo
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The main reason I think that people request Seekers for RB and such is the unreasonable amount of vit / fail equip clerics. My wiz can tank RB fine with a half butted cleric or competent mystic. -People need to start holding clerics accountable for poor builds / **** weapons. A good cleric makes far more difference than Aura of the Golden Bell for my wiz when tanking.

    Wizards in Dragon's Breath are at the mercy of the squad. Barbs that do piddly amounts of AoE and lack aggro skills (stomp of the king is nice) are just too common. BMs, and Sins that derpa derpa chase ranged kiting mobs around are less than useless wasting time that ranged dd's can make short work of. Mystics that refuse to Gale Force for a struggling Wiz should be scrutinized.

    I hate my wiz. -It's my most useless toon out of 7 classes I play (pve). I however would take a wiz over a BM, Sin, Barb, or Archer in almost all pve circumstances: simply because they are a class that doesn't typically come across as totally worthless most of the time. Those classes can be more useful: they just typically aren't.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    @ursa : I like ur words, it describes exactly (like when me try to play this class properly).

    Hmm, it is difficult to say. But I think
    a Class that REALLY NEED 'something' BOOST is Wizard.

    I am in confusion(like OP), 'What our class is?'

    for TW ? no it is not the real answer,
    Every single class has it role in TW too.
    They are Great at their job, and so do we on TW.
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Wizards are borderline useless in pve as others have stated (yes there are a few things that can be useful, but in general we are not really wanted..) the good news is that we dominate in end game pvp, so wizards are an ideal class for people like me who love pvp and put pve activities in the same category as watching paint dry.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Wizards are borderline useless in pve as others have stated (yes there are a few things that can be useful, but in general we are not really wanted..) the good news is that we dominate in end game pvp, so wizards are an ideal class for people like me who love pvp and put pve activities in the same category as watching paint dry.

    The word "dominate" is make me surprised,
    Yes we are magic class. That make us really able to by pass charm, or maybe a one-shot.
    but mage class is not just wiz (Priest (capable of DD), Mystic, Psychic??).

    When it is compared to EP and MS maybe we are choosen to be a better DD on PvP Squad. but when it is come to Psy?
    its Debuff anoying, his DPS is way better than Wiz, and it is area Magic DD, his survivability skills are amazing.
    feared class by the most end-game(CMIIW!!).

    What is left for the wiz?
  • Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    End-game wiz >>>>>>> end-game psy.

    Assuming we're talking r9rr.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The word "dominate" is make me surprised,
    Yes we are magic class. That make us really able to by pass charm, or maybe a one-shot.
    but mage class is not just wiz (Priest (capable of DD), Mystic, Psychic??).

    When it is compared to EP and MS maybe we are choosen to be a better DD on PvP Squad. but when it is come to Psy?
    its Debuff anoying, his DPS is way better than Wiz, and it is area Magic DD, his survivability skills are amazing.
    feared class by the most end-game(CMIIW!!).

    What is left for the wiz?

    Psychic dps is a little better than wiz on average, but wizard dph dwarfs psychic dph. Psychics don't have anything that even comes close to undine + spark.. a competent wizard is able to drop a tanky opponent much faster/easier than a psychic can. Psychics do have some neat survival skills (seal buff, phys immune, white voodoo), but 2/3 of those come with strings attached. White voodoo makes their damage a joke, and phys immune obviously doesn't help vs casters and takes away large chunks of chi that could otherwise be used offensively. Wizards rely primarily on stone barrier and blink for defense, neither of which interfere with the ability to be offensive (and both are very effective at keeping me alive).

    So in a very simplistic way of looking at things, wizards are just better at killing things than psychics. Wizards are dedicated DDs that do just that (wizards do not do well in a support role), and psychics are like half-DDs with the option to be decent DDs (wizard spike damage is an order of magnitude above that of an equally geared psychic though), and also have the option to play more of a support role by being annoying to kill and just running around soulburning people/purifying teammates/random CC etc. I haven't even mentioned other skills that further make wizards better at killing (reversions being another easy example) or other very useful support skills that psychics have (veil of shadow, spirit phalanx, psionic link, etc).. but I hope I've made my case.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Psychic dps is a little better than wiz on average, but wizard dph dwarfs psychic dph. Psychics don't have anything that even comes close to undine + spark.. a competent wizard is able to drop a tanky opponent much faster/easier than a psychic can. Psychics do have some neat survival skills (seal buff, phys immune, white voodoo), but 2/3 of those come with strings attached. White voodoo makes their damage a joke, and phys immune obviously doesn't help vs casters and takes away large chunks of chi that could otherwise be used offensively. Wizards rely primarily on stone barrier and blink for defense, neither of which interfere with the ability to be offensive (and both are very effective at keeping me alive).

    So in a very simplistic way of looking at things, wizards are just better at killing things than psychics. Wizards are dedicated DDs that do just that (wizards do not do well in a support role), and psychics are like half-DDs with the option to be decent DDs (wizard spike damage is an order of magnitude above that of an equally geared psychic though), and also have the option to play more of a support role by being annoying to kill and just running around soulburning people/purifying teammates/random CC etc. I haven't even mentioned other skills that further make wizards better at killing (reversions being another easy example) or other very useful support skills that psychics have (veil of shadow, spirit phalanx, psionic link, etc).. but I hope I've made my case.

    I think psy(blackvodoo) DPS is 1.5x higher than the wiz (in condition opponent get undined, Psy and Wiz together hitting the oponent) more or less it is.

    and Im not sure what is a wiz role without 2 spark, or genie spark on cooldown.
    Sutra is 60 sec cooldown, Genie Spark is 40 sec cooldown. So there is a gab that we should kite, build chi, and bla3.
    and not to mention that those morai skills are good only for comboing.
    (so I was thinking, Can we belong to a Tank Class when we got no spark?).
  • Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Psychic dps is a little better than wiz on average, but wizard dph dwarfs psychic dph. Psychics don't have anything that even comes close to undine + spark.. a competent wizard is able to drop a tanky opponent much faster/easier than a psychic can. Psychics do have some neat survival skills (seal buff, phys immune, white voodoo), but 2/3 of those come with strings attached. White voodoo makes their damage a joke, and phys immune obviously doesn't help vs casters and takes away large chunks of chi that could otherwise be used offensively. Wizards rely primarily on stone barrier and blink for defense, neither of which interfere with the ability to be offensive (and both are very effective at keeping me alive).

    So in a very simplistic way of looking at things, wizards are just better at killing things than psychics. Wizards are dedicated DDs that do just that (wizards do not do well in a support role), and psychics are like half-DDs with the option to be decent DDs (wizard spike damage is an order of magnitude above that of an equally geared psychic though), and also have the option to play more of a support role by being annoying to kill and just running around soulburning people/purifying teammates/random CC etc. I haven't even mentioned other skills that further make wizards better at killing (reversions being another easy example) or other very useful support skills that psychics have (veil of shadow, spirit phalanx, psionic link, etc).. but I hope I've made my case.

    Pretty much agree with this...much to my sadness. Wiz does so much more damage. Maybe not as much in PvE Because we can literally spam our AoE constantly even at distance...but otherwise I think you will be fine with a Wizard. I have never denied someone based on being a Wiz. They are great extra AoE and perfect boss killers with the spike damage.

    @Adroit in particular. You make me sad. Mostly because you tell the truth. But I love my psy and I would not give her up. Except I play her like a magic tank (still have full MAG build) instead of a one shot cannon in PvP. In team play I feel like they are more useful simply because of the versatility. I can tank all of the things! ...Although I did just get wrecked 3 times in a row last week by a Wiz in 1v1...But that was not gear/class difference. He just out played me Dx
    Perfect Signature made by Silvy![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]

    RandomSin: Horu your wife is a murderer.
    Horugou: I know, Isn't it great? :D
    Reroll closed thread because necros suck. -Kossy
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Wizards are borderline useless in pve as others have stated (yes there are a few things that can be useful, but in general we are not really wanted..) the good news is that we dominate in end game pvp, so wizards are an ideal class for people like me who love pvp and put pve activities in the same category as watching paint dry.

    Link your gear, then explain what it costs, then tell him about the class dominating.

    Then explain that the range and time needed to get undine+spark+skill and compare that to attack range/time for other classes.

    Finally, tell him how equally geared archer can just bait you till purge bow procs then you die.

    Wizards are absolutely lame, and with rrr9 psychics (or hell even mystics and venos) they are not even needed in TW anymore. Just watch WC - you won't see anyone look for a wizard for anything - pvp, pk, faction/tw. "Faction xyz recruiting wizards . . . ." you will never see it.

    Watch in NW/TW - no one runs from a wizard, they all run TOWARDS them. Not exactly what one expects from a class that "dominates in end game pvp".

    With equal rrr9 gear, nearly ANY class is better than wizard. They don't need an easily defended against genie spark attack to kill someone - most other classes equally geared at end game can kill a wizard by just pushing one button . . . .


    I leave the reader with this advice: want to know about wizards in pve? Watch world chat and see what classes are wanted. You will never see someone ask for a wizard

    Want to know about wizards in pvp? Watch them. If wizards really "dominated" end game pvp, wouldn't you see them swarming around the pvp areas? I challenge you, go look. Bet you don't see one. And even if you do - you won't see them "dominating" by any stretch of the imagination.

    Don't trust adolt - eternal wizard cheerleader and self-appointed expert. Don't trust me in fact. There is no need to trust anyone, really. Just go look for yourself.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    sometimes there are going to be exceptions where, at a particular point in time, one or two great players are giving people the impression that wizard is a good class. but if you expand this debate to the general populace, and look at wizard in its entirety, you find, without question, we are the shiitiest class in this game. talking about frostblade being one of the deciding factors to measure our value in PvE with is just embarrassing. frostblade is like the longest running inside joke we have in this game.

    anyway, there is no sophisticated argument with foolproof principles from the 11th century governing the logic behind why I said what I said. let's just keep it real. how many wizards are genuinely causing problems for the great majority of you +12'd jaded people out there? now compared to every other class? thought so. why is everybody rolling a seeker, archer, or veno and not a wizard? thought so. don't give me this learning curve **** about people not being patient enough because they get discouraged from the slow channeling, give everyone else a little more credit than that. they realize wizards are trash.

    I strongly agree with Ursa, in particular when he talks about static defenses, which is a concept a lot of people don't understand. every other class has a kit that affords them the freedom to decide how they want to play, whereas a wizard is entirely at the mercy of chi and cheesing spark, both of which are so unbelievably easy to bait. it always makes me laugh when I hear people talk about how op wizards are, which almost always follows a "OMG FIRE COMBO, FIRE COMBO!!"

    yeah, real combo. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My first year of playing; I was told that the devs hate wizards. Then I was told that all the original devs are gone. It appears to me that the devs have always hated wizards regardless of new or old.

    I've looked at Psy skills and wondered how they were able to pull off multiple powerful ranged AoE's w/o chi. I've looked at how Venos and Mystics even w/o pets or herbs out 1-1 dd wiz in general. I watch as almost every other class if not all gets improvements to PvE except wizards. As already pointed out: Psys are even better at PvP.

    Wizard is cheaper to operate MP wise than a Seeker which is the best class for sharing roles with wiz. Seekers tend to want BP from sins, while wiz's would prefer seals and bonus dd from Mystic. Seeker will still pay high repairs and MP for preference of Sin. Wiz will pay less repairs and MP for preference of Mystic.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Link your gear, then explain what it costs, then tell him about the class dominating.

    Then explain that the range and time needed to get undine+spark+skill and compare that to attack range/time for other classes.

    Finally, tell him how equally geared archer can just bait you till purge bow procs then you die.

    Wizards are absolutely lame, and with rrr9 psychics (or hell even mystics and venos) they are not even needed in TW anymore. Just watch WC - you won't see anyone look for a wizard for anything - pvp, pk, faction/tw. "Faction xyz recruiting wizards . . . ." you will never see it.

    Watch in NW/TW - no one runs from a wizard, they all run TOWARDS them. Not exactly what one expects from a class that "dominates in end game pvp".

    With equal rrr9 gear, nearly ANY class is better than wizard. They don't need an easily defended against genie spark attack to kill someone - most other classes equally geared at end game can kill a wizard by just pushing one button . . . .


    I leave the reader with this advice: want to know about wizards in pve? Watch world chat and see what classes are wanted. You will never see someone ask for a wizard

    Want to know about wizards in pvp? Watch them. If wizards really "dominated" end game pvp, wouldn't you see them swarming around the pvp areas? I challenge you, go look. Bet you don't see one. And even if you do - you won't see them "dominating" by any stretch of the imagination.

    Don't trust adolt - eternal wizard cheerleader and self-appointed expert. Don't trust me in fact. There is no need to trust anyone, really. Just go look for yourself.

    Yes u r saying the truth, sir.
    it is about the time : - cooldown, chi build, position, not to mention he press a 'surprise' soul of fire.
    it is about the range : -30m? (it will be definitely pleasant if it is) no.. the truth is @#*&amp;!
    to take down only 1 opponent.

    but yes indeed it is one of deathly power, we can take down the enemy even opponent gear is higher than us(including refines). but it is just it.
    f:worry f:shy

    oh no don't make a bad words of him(Adroit).
    He is good , I mean a good person and a good player also.
    don't be jealous because he can explain with detail what this Class capable of, it is feel not really good for me to read your saying that way, sir.
  • Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Link your gear, then explain what it costs, then tell him about the class dominating.

    Then explain that the range and time needed to get undine+spark+skill and compare that to attack range/time for other classes.

    Finally, tell him how equally geared archer can just bait you till purge bow procs then you die.

    Wizards are absolutely lame, and with rrr9 psychics (or hell even mystics and venos) they are not even needed in TW anymore. Just watch WC - you won't see anyone look for a wizard for anything - pvp, pk, faction/tw. "Faction xyz recruiting wizards . . . ." you will never see it.

    Watch in NW/TW - no one runs from a wizard, they all run TOWARDS them. Not exactly what one expects from a class that "dominates in end game pvp".

    With equal rrr9 gear, nearly ANY class is better than wizard. They don't need an easily defended against genie spark attack to kill someone - most other classes equally geared at end game can kill a wizard by just pushing one button . . . .


    I leave the reader with this advice: want to know about wizards in pve? Watch world chat and see what classes are wanted. You will never see someone ask for a wizard

    Want to know about wizards in pvp? Watch them. If wizards really "dominated" end game pvp, wouldn't you see them swarming around the pvp areas? I challenge you, go look. Bet you don't see one. And even if you do - you won't see them "dominating" by any stretch of the imagination.

    Don't trust adolt - eternal wizard cheerleader and self-appointed expert. Don't trust me in fact. There is no need to trust anyone, really. Just go look for yourself.

    Oh please.

    You obviously either don't have an endgame wizzy, do but are just shiit at playing it or you're just dumb.

    Maybe it's all 3.
    Thank you Silvychar for my siggy :)
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Check the range on genie spark - it ain't 30m - its 20m.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Oh please.

    You obviously either don't have an endgame wizzy, do but are just shiit at playing it or you're just dumb.

    Maybe it's all 3.

    I am sure I will see you at west gate "dominating pvp", right? Yea, didn't think so.

    And if by endgame wizzy you mean cheated the game to 105 to get copperpaper weight like adolt? no, I guess I don't.

    But shhhhhhhhh, adolt thinks that has nothing to do with it. It's all cuz he so pro.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Link your gear, then explain what it costs, then tell him about the class dominating.

    Then explain that the range and time needed to get undine+spark+skill and compare that to attack range/time for other classes.

    Finally, tell him how equally geared archer can just bait you till purge bow procs then you die.

    Wizards are absolutely lame, and with rrr9 psychics (or hell even mystics and venos) they are not even needed in TW anymore. Just watch WC - you won't see anyone look for a wizard for anything - pvp, pk, faction/tw. "Faction xyz recruiting wizards . . . ." you will never see it.

    Watch in NW/TW - no one runs from a wizard, they all run TOWARDS them. Not exactly what one expects from a class that "dominates in end game pvp".

    With equal rrr9 gear, nearly ANY class is better than wizard. They don't need an easily defended against genie spark attack to kill someone - most other classes equally geared at end game can kill a wizard by just pushing one button . . . .


    I leave the reader with this advice: want to know about wizards in pve? Watch world chat and see what classes are wanted. You will never see someone ask for a wizard

    Want to know about wizards in pvp? Watch them. If wizards really "dominated" end game pvp, wouldn't you see them swarming around the pvp areas? I challenge you, go look. Bet you don't see one. And even if you do - you won't see them "dominating" by any stretch of the imagination.

    Don't trust adolt - eternal wizard cheerleader and self-appointed expert. Don't trust me in fact. There is no need to trust anyone, really. Just go look for yourself.

    1. My gear is linked in my signature, and wizards do dominate at end game (a wizard with my gear does very very well against other classes of similar gear).

    2. undine + sutra + spark + d.pyro is one of the fastest, most deadly combos in the game (if not the most deadly)

    3. end game wiz vs archer is so one sided it isn't even funny, the archer has no chance. I can bypass end game archers without even needing a crit.. and a purge isn't that big a deal against a single opponent (more of an issue when you are getting focused by several people). Yeah you need to rebuff yourself obviously, and maybe if they purged you at a bad time you'd want to use some genie.. but 16.4k hp, 110 def levels, and 9.7k pdef purged doesn't insta drop after a purge like you seem to think.

    4. competent wizards are invaluable in TW/pvp.. you are clueless

    5. People run from me all the time, I can understand why you'd think otherwise being a wizard and all, but having noob gear and playing like a noob isn't going to get people to run from you.

    6. "Any class is better than a wizard.. and most other classes can kill a wizard with one button?" lmao, no. Self buffed I have 16.4k hp, 20k pdef, 19.5k mdef, 110 def level, it takes a lot more than one button to kill my wiz (if I'm not afk, generally more than one person). I've also yet to find anyone on server that could beat me 1v1 (meaning kill me more than 50% of the time), and I'm a wizard.. so I'm finding this assertion of yours that any class is better than a wizard especially ridiculous.

    I was hoping after all of these months/years you'd have stopped blaming the class for your own incompetence, but you are as whiny/pathetic as ever. I have no interest in going in circles with you this time around, I'm quite a bit busier now than I was in the past.. but you can go ahead and have fun writing your QQ essays.. just don't be too surprised if I don't dignify them with a response.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Check the range on genie spark - it ain't 30m - its 20m.

    yes I already mention it.. if it is 30m then "HellYeah Fire Wiz burn everything on his sigh"

    but the fact is.. no it is just no
    I don't want to tank Archers,Psy hitting my squisy body for this Fire Show... No.
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    1. My gear is linked in my signature, and wizards do dominate at end game (a wizard with my gear does very very well against other classes of similar gear).

    2. undine + sutra + spark + d.pyro is one of the fastest, most deadly combos in the game (if not the most deadly)

    3. end game wiz vs archer is so one sided it isn't even funny, the archer has no chance. I can bypass end game archers without even needing a crit.. and a purge isn't that big a deal against a single opponent (more of an issue when you are getting focused by several people). Yeah you need to rebuff yourself obviously, and maybe if they purged you at a bad time you'd want to use some genie.. but 16.4k hp, 110 def levels, and 9.7k pdef purged doesn't insta drop after a purge like you seem to think.

    4. competent wizards are invaluable in TW/pvp.. you are clueless

    5. People run from me all the time, I can understand why you'd think otherwise being a wizard and all, but having noob gear and playing like a noob isn't going to get people to run from you.

    6. "Any class is better than a wizard.. and most other classes can kill a wizard with one button?" lmao, no. Self buffed I have 16.4k hp, 20k pdef, 19.5k mdef, 110 def level, it takes a lot more than one button to kill my wiz (if I'm not afk, generally more than one person). I've also yet to find anyone on server that could beat me 1v1 (meaning kill me more than 50% of the time), and I'm a wizard.. so I'm finding this assertion of yours that any class is better than a wizard especially ridiculous.

    I was hoping after all of these months/years you'd have stopped blaming the class for your own incompetence, but you are as whiny/pathetic as ever. I have no interest in going in circles with you this time around, I'm quite a bit busier now than I was in the past.. but you can go ahead and have fun writing your QQ essays.. just don't be too surprised if I don't dignify them with a response.

    You already did respond. As of course I knew you would.

    And you forgot to include the cost of your gear, as I knew you would.

    And you also forgot to show up at west gate, as you always have.

    And you failed to address the 3 points I raise that are indisputable - as you always do.

    The fact is, I am free to admit that if you are 1% of the server with a wizard with adolts gear, you might do just fine. Just recognize that it ain't your skill, and it sure as hell isn't the class. THAT is what this post is about, after all. Not you, hard as that may be for you to believe.

    And 1 vs 1? sure, you can seal and shrink and sleep and hop around, and with your gear survive, until you are lucky enough (or your opponent stupid enough) to get of a spark combo - but that's just it. Wizards are a one trick pony that takes a lot of work to get a kill. In tw or nw, an equally geared archer yes, could absolutely kill you with just hitting demon quickshot and watching. 1 vs 1? no, of course not. But most people who don't need to stroke their ego by 1 vs 1'ing people with lesser gear (after all, is it likely anyone could have BETTER gear than you?) will find little interest in that. I'm not surprised that you haven't.

    And maybe I'll stop "blaming the class" when you stop crediting the class, or your skill, and recognize that its the gear, dummy. Or did you forget, that you disappeared for all that time till your gear was done? Because we haven't.
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    for OP:

    Listen to Adroit, Cheeze when they come to explain something.
    they are good and they are know what they are saying.
    good at
    Both Gear and Skill.

  • Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    OMG, Hold your horses people!!
    lets go back to the original question of the OP:
    Do people look for wizards?

    The answer is yes and no.

    for PvE = NO . We have absolutely ZERO upside on other classes in this game.
    for PvP = YES and NO. YES if you're not R9rrr because you're easy to kill. No if you're R9rrr because you're a pain in the rear.

    So we basically have 75% NO, 25% YES for wizard's place in the gameplay. Now to make thinks really worse is that the YES applies to about 80-85% of the server's population and the NO applies to the top 1%.No one wants to go against a topped gear wizard, what abou the rest of the wizard population that's not R9rrr josd? well, everyone knows we're squishy so everyone takes their chances.
    What I mean is what's the rist of taking your chances against a wiz? e.g: You see a Barb u don't know the gear? well, drop 1 shot, see how much dmg, evaluate if it's worth or not, you can get away easily (usually). With Bm you don't want to mess with cause he might just stun lock u to death. Archers have range and if you got purged you might be in trouble. But if you take on a wiz that you see it has a g16 (or worse) wep on, you might very well kill it or not ever get in danger anyway.

    Since the first batch of people hit endgame gear back in 2009 the wizards were at the top of the food chain. Let me go through a couple of gear stages to explain myself (this is the view of a FULL MAG WIZARD):

    LEVEL1: I remember when the best gear achievabl was TT90 green, TT99 was rarely seen. Having a +5 or +6 Wraith Conquerer was something to "awww" at. Once dressed up in TT90 gold sleeves, some hp+crit rings, Leather cape, and 3* boots+hat with 3xpdef stats each you were ready to rock. And damn I was rocking at that point I tell you that much.
    The problem was, up to that point you were a joke. PvP under 90 was a total no-no. Unless you went against some really low IQ people you were royally screwed. This was the era when the LA wizards became popular on PVP servers specially.

    LEVEL2: the "blessing" of something unseen before: anniversary packs. Yaaaay!!! PWI was 1 yr old! Everyone get in the streets and celebrate. To add to this, we hide in packs gear that would otherise take many many months to get: Lunar. Lunar Rings, Lunar weapons, lunar Capes, OHT map3 equivalent for Boots and Hat.
    This came in before the big wave of players (not a few no-lifers) hit 99/100 so no one farmed for TT99 AA gear or wep anymore because the packs rewards were soo much better. Now with the new gear: 2 lunar rings, lunar cape, lunar weapon (I loved my NEON) and OHT boots+HAT a FULL MAG wizard with a max of +6 refines could have 8.5K HP barb buffed, 11k pdef full buffed and 19% crit. Man, i was rocking the effin boat again, because the only chance to kill me in TW (and I did not had a personal effin cleric) was to either gank me somehow or purge me. I was having 3 hour TWs with 1 or maybe 2 deaths. The TW faction we were going head to head each week actually had a 3 man (or 4 if veno was available) archer squad dedicated to only S&D me on the TW map.
    That was cool and all, but the problem was if someone would have stopped at LEVEL1 gear they would have been spawning more than killing in TW.

    LEVEL3: Tokens go down in price, 5 aps toons are becoming the farming standard.Archers especially are extremely effective making a lot of money out of the old TTs so there, the first R8 weapons arise. Damn those things hurt. When I exchanged my +10 Neon (that had many hundreds of kills on it) with a +5 R8 my jaw just dropped at the damage difference. And most of the server, and I mean 95% of it didn't got to the +10 lunar level ...there was a whole new world in terms of kill/survival. You could get wrecked really fast by anyone with a +5 or higher R8. But we were a few of us so I was still rocking the boat.
    The problem was, the balance was broken again. The Level2 gear was not doing the job anymore , so either get good at kiting or just refine like madman. Cue introduction of SIN.

    LEVEL4: Nirvana.This was the first instance that actually gave +Def /+ attk levels on gear sets. And the weapons!!!! Doom of Flowers, OMG, re-roll for stats, +10 it and damn that thing was hurting like a break-up from the first love. But at this point the Sins were ruling the PvE and PvP and this was the point were I took a long break from playing my wizard. Regardless of gear they had they pretty much wrecked everything in their way in PvP. Then it was the PVE side where they could do 6 man instances in 1/4 or the time (stealth to boss, kill, reset TT) with incredible productivity. That just added on top of an OP class because now they were just higher refined, higher defenses. First +10 ornaments you would see on SINs.
    The problem was at this point the game was pretty much broken. A lot of very good wizard re-rolled other classes and never looked back. To me this was basically the only hopeless time in the history of PWI's wizards.

    LEVEL5: R9 and R8 recast
    This was the first attempt of PWI to bring back the balance at the top after they completely messed it up at the previous level. This gear made it all possible again, good wizards were top dogs again.
    The problem though was that most of these wizards were alts of the farming sins. Skill = 0 when played. Then to add on top of it, the aps world also got to touch R9 obviously and there, the LEVEL4 gear was made obsolete. There was no match between the two. having LEVEL4 gear as a wizard would just make you fodder for the kill count of R9's. R8 recast was to stupidly expensive it didn't even matter for a long time. LEVEL 4 gear was still costing in the hundreds of millions to have for a set.

    Level6: NW, R9rrr and g16
    Disregarding the economic reasons behind the g16 introduction, PWI realised they need to close the gap a bit, so cue NW introduction with the raps+uncanny rewards + other goodies. To make the cash shoppers happy they also upped the ante a bit with R9rrr.LEVEL5 gear vs R9rrr is painful even to think about,R9rrr vs G16 you still cringe. But at least there's something work with, and making a full set of g16 doesn't cost an arm and a leg now. It can be achieved in a few months which is actually amazing.
    The problem is now even inside the LEVEL6 we have major differences in survival and damage between the two options. One makes you a top dog, the other one makes you MEH....

    Draw your conclusions about how much worth this class is and if you want to actually invest the time and effort to be at the top. Because really, if you're not at the highest level when it comes to gear your skill in playing a wizard really does not matter.

    I will always beat in a race a Formula 1 world champion if I'm driving a Ferrari and he's driving a Ford Fiesta 1.4. Skill matters only when the starting offset of measuring it is the same.

    P.S: not cheching for grammar, ain't nobody got time for that!
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    In NW/TW vs. non-super-major facs you can get away with G16 +7 with +10 weapon and do great. In NW most people are half-*** geared and easy, TW well you can avoid the r9rrs and leave your own OPs to deal with them.

    VS. a major landholding faction with a lot of r9rr, though, yea. R9rr +10 wizard or roll different class

    youtube .com/user/WallyPWS Active

    youtube .com/user/tehnewblife Semi Inactive
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    OMG, Hold your horses people!!
    lets go back to the original question of the OP:

    The answer is yes and no.

    for PvE = NO . We have absolutely ZERO upside on other classes in this game.
    for PvP = YES and NO. YES if you're not R9rrr because you're easy to kill. No if you're R9rrr because you're a pain in the rear.

    So we basically have 75% NO, 25% YES for wizard's place in the gameplay. Now to make thinks really worse is that the YES applies to about 80-85% of the server's population and the NO applies to the top 1%.No one wants to go against a topped gear wizard, what abou the rest of the wizard population that's not R9rrr josd? well, everyone knows we're squishy so everyone takes their chances.
    What I mean is what's the rist of taking your chances against a wiz? e.g: You see a Barb u don't know the gear? well, drop 1 shot, see how much dmg, evaluate if it's worth or not, you can get away easily (usually). With Bm you don't want to mess with cause he might just stun lock u to death. Archers have range and if you got purged you might be in trouble. But if you take on a wiz that you see it has a g16 (or worse) wep on, you might very well kill it or not ever get in danger anyway.

    Since the first batch of people hit endgame gear back in 2009 the wizards were at the top of the food chain. Let me go through a couple of gear stages to explain myself (this is the view of a FULL MAG WIZARD):

    LEVEL1: I remember when the best gear achievabl was TT90 green, TT99 was rarely seen. Having a +5 or +6 Wraith Conquerer was something to "awww" at. Once dressed up in TT90 gold sleeves, some hp+crit rings, Leather cape, and 3* boots+hat with 3xpdef stats each you were ready to rock. And damn I was rocking at that point I tell you that much.
    The problem was, up to that point you were a joke. PvP under 90 was a total no-no. Unless you went against some really low IQ people you were royally screwed. This was the era when the LA wizards became popular on PVP servers specially.

    LEVEL2: the "blessing" of something unseen before: anniversary packs. Yaaaay!!! PWI was 1 yr old! Everyone get in the streets and celebrate. To add to this, we hide in packs gear that would otherise take many many months to get: Lunar. Lunar Rings, Lunar weapons, lunar Capes, OHT map3 equivalent for Boots and Hat.
    This came in before the big wave of players (not a few no-lifers) hit 99/100 so no one farmed for TT99 AA gear or wep anymore because the packs rewards were soo much better. Now with the new gear: 2 lunar rings, lunar cape, lunar weapon (I loved my NEON) and OHT boots+HAT a FULL MAG wizard with a max of +6 refines could have 8.5K HP barb buffed, 11k pdef full buffed and 19% crit. Man, i was rocking the effin boat again, because the only chance to kill me in TW (and I did not had a personal effin cleric) was to either gank me somehow or purge me. I was having 3 hour TWs with 1 or maybe 2 deaths. The TW faction we were going head to head each week actually had a 3 man (or 4 if veno was available) archer squad dedicated to only S&D me on the TW map.
    That was cool and all, but the problem was if someone would have stopped at LEVEL1 gear they would have been spawning more than killing in TW.

    LEVEL3: Tokens go down in price, 5 aps toons are becoming the farming standard.Archers especially are extremely effective making a lot of money out of the old TTs so there, the first R8 weapons arise. Damn those things hurt. When I exchanged my +10 Neon (that had many hundreds of kills on it) with a +5 R8 my jaw just dropped at the damage difference. And most of the server, and I mean 95% of it didn't got to the +10 lunar level ...there was a whole new world in terms of kill/survival. You could get wrecked really fast by anyone with a +5 or higher R8. But we were a few of us so I was still rocking the boat.
    The problem was, the balance was broken again. The Level2 gear was not doing the job anymore , so either get good at kiting or just refine like madman. Cue introduction of SIN.

    LEVEL4: Nirvana.This was the first instance that actually gave +Def /+ attk levels on gear sets. And the weapons!!!! Doom of Flowers, OMG, re-roll for stats, +10 it and damn that thing was hurting like a break-up from the first love. But at this point the Sins were ruling the PvE and PvP and this was the point were I took a long break from playing my wizard. Regardless of gear they had they pretty much wrecked everything in their way in PvP. Then it was the PVE side where they could do 6 man instances in 1/4 or the time (stealth to boss, kill, reset TT) with incredible productivity. That just added on top of an OP class because now they were just higher refined, higher defenses. First +10 ornaments you would see on SINs.
    The problem was at this point the game was pretty much broken. A lot of very good wizard re-rolled other classes and never looked back. To me this was basically the only hopeless time in the history of PWI's wizards.

    LEVEL5: R9 and R8 recast
    This was the first attempt of PWI to bring back the balance at the top after they completely messed it up at the previous level. This gear made it all possible again, good wizards were top dogs again.
    The problem though was that most of these wizards were alts of the farming sins. Skill = 0 when played. Then to add on top of it, the aps world also got to touch R9 obviously and there, the LEVEL4 gear was made obsolete. There was no match between the two. having LEVEL4 gear as a wizard would just make you fodder for the kill count of R9's. R8 recast was to stupidly expensive it didn't even matter for a long time. LEVEL 4 gear was still costing in the hundreds of millions to have for a set.

    Level6: NW, R9rrr and g16
    Disregarding the economic reasons behind the g16 introduction, PWI realised they need to close the gap a bit, so cue NW introduction with the raps+uncanny rewards + other goodies. To make the cash shoppers happy they also upped the ante a bit with R9rrr.LEVEL5 gear vs R9rrr is painful even to think about,R9rrr vs G16 you still cringe. But at least there's something work with, and making a full set of g16 doesn't cost an arm and a leg now. It can be achieved in a few months which is actually amazing.
    The problem is now even inside the LEVEL6 we have major differences in survival and damage between the two options. One makes you a top dog, the other one makes you MEH....

    Draw your conclusions about how much worth this class is and if you want to actually invest the time and effort to be at the top. Because really, if you're not at the highest level when it comes to gear your skill in playing a wizard really does not matter.

    I will always beat in a race a Formula 1 world champion if I'm driving a Ferrari and he's driving a Ford Fiesta 1.4. Skill matters only when the starting offset of measuring it is the same.

    P.S: not cheching for grammar, ain't nobody got time for that!

    The problem is a lot of people can't afford to every TOP-gear level (including me here) that Dev give us.
    so that is always be the downside of the Wizard class allthetime.

    so this is 'what the class is' that I played(Obviously, I just found the real answer when you post that).
  • Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    The problem is a lot of people can't afford to every TOP-gear level (including me here) that Dev give us.
    so that is always be the downside of the Wizard class allthetime.

    so this is 'what the class is' that I played(Obviously, I just found the real answer when you post that).

    yes indeed.
    The wizard was , is, and will be the most expensive class in the game. To be competitive first you need gear then you need some kind of skill to play it.
    Unlike other classes, this investment is only valuable for two very time limited instances of the gameplay: TW and NW. Occasional PVP can be added but lets leave that out of the discussion for a minute.
    Now, consider what other classes and options you have and lets talk about a few:
    Barb: gear up a barb in G16 and you have a damn beast without even high refines. +25k HP and and some nice defense levels are coming into play so you can PvP, PvE and with the boost from the new skills quite a lot of survivability and aggro generating means. Add in some pretty nice AOE skills and hey, we're rolling. You're needed, you're loved for your buffs, squad relies on you to perform. Dynamic defense control (invoke , form)
    BM: APS build maybe mixed with 2 G16 pieces, or full G16 for the sake of being tanky. Amps and buffs that squads love. AOE capability. DPS capability. Helps in PvE and PvP
    Cleric: who does not need one
    Archer: versatile. Not a lot of survival mean, but range and DPS way higher than a wizard. Purge procs help on self buff bosses, a run buff that again everyone loves, an evasion that everyone loves. Not the best defenses in game but lately they got some good boosts in skills.
    Sin: best DPS ingame. This class is so broken that my sin at 1.25 aps with a +3 g15 bow does about 2x more DPS to a boss than my wizard with a G16 + 5. With all the chi generating skill I can keep up the sin sparked for the duration of any WS boss fight for example.
    Besides, there are still a lot of TTs that can be run stealth and that can produce a reliable 4-7 mil/hour return during 2x with about 40-50k in repairs as the only cost (genie stones). This char is not up to date in gear by any means or standard. It has the gear I made it with 2 years ago. Since it has been a reliable source of money every time I needed.
    Seeker: well, tanking capability, aoe, HA , phys and magic attk, defense/attk buffs and an array of debuffs that help everyone.
    Psy: fast caster, AoE machine, good survival skills. I don't know this class very well since I haven't played one.
    Venos: one of the classes a bit in a shadow for a while, they were ruling the game a few years back. Still it seems that with the evolved pets system things might change. Amp and purge for squads, bramble for whoever wants it. HA builds are sturdy as they can be while dishing out quite some damage. Played well they are beasts (no pun).
    Mystic: Versatile. Can heal, can damage, can buff, good support.

    Now to come back to wizard: In a squad we're good for...uhm...frostblade?
    In my view the Wizard should have had the following squad buffs:
    - magic attk (the one from cleric).
    - increase the MP pool of squad - Wellspring Quaff
    and skills :
    - undine would decrease all elemental defenses not just E/F/W

    keep in mind, these are not changes that I want to happen now to wizard, this is what I thing wizard should have had all along to make it just a little bit better.

    But for some reason, in every game I played in the last 8 years, wizards got screwed sooner or later. It's a hard class to master, a very difficult one to balance and to avoid the hoards of brainless melees usually over-complaining about OP mages/wizards the devs prefer to underpower them than to give them too much to work with. To get a quote from PWi's own Wizard description:
    As masters of the conjuring arts, Wizards are vulnerable while casting, but once the casting is complete, they deal great damage to enemies.
    Really? Vulnerable only while casting?
    And that great damage to enemies might be in PvP with top tier gear, but in PVE you're being laughed at by all other classes. That should be added in the description too.

    but hey, it's just words. Devs don't care about these things as long as there's a new type of pack to release.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~



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