Damage Calculation Query

Aithusa - Dreamweaver
Aithusa - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
edited August 2013 in Archer
Fellow mathematical experts.....I have a question for you.

Many skills (lvl10, sage/demon, morai, lvl100) across classes have a fixed amount of damage addition (eg. deal base phy dmg + 100% wep dmg + 1500) I would like to understand how much the bolded part contributes towards actual damage after defenses.

If there is an existing thread explaining kindly point me to it since my searches turned up with nothing.
Post edited by Aithusa - Dreamweaver on


  • Jarkhen - Archosaur
    Jarkhen - Archosaur Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Fellow mathematical experts.....I have a question for you.

    Many skills (lvl10, sage/demon, morai, lvl100) across classes have a fixed amount of damage addition (eg. deal base phy dmg + 100% wep dmg + 1500) I would like to understand how much the bolded part contributes towards actual damage after defenses.

    If there is an existing thread explaining kindly point me to it since my searches turned up with nothing.

    From PWI Wiki's Damage page:
    skill damage = base damage + skill weapon attack multiplier * weapon attack + constant damage
    damage delivered = damage dealt * ( 1 - reduction% )

    if ( attack level > defense level ) then:
    damage taken = damage delivered * ( 1 + ( attack level - defense level ) / 100 )
    if ( attack level < defense level ) then:
    damage taken = damage delivered / ( 1 + ( 1.2 * ( defense level - attack level ) / 100 ) )

    Combining these, we get:

    if (attack level > defense level) then:
    damage taken = ((base damage + skill weapon attack multiplier * weapon attack + constant damage) * ( 1 - reduction% )) * ( 1 + ( attack level - defense level ) / 100 )

    if (attack level < defense level) then:
    damage taken = ((base damage + skill weapon attack multiplier * weapon attack + constant damage) * ( 1 - reduction% )) * ( 1 + ( 1.2 * ( defense level - attack level ) / 100 ) )

    You only care about the constant damage, so:

    if (attack level > defense level) then:
    constant damage taken = (constant damage * ( 1 - reduction% )) * ( 1 + ( attack level - defense level ) / 100 )

    if (attack level < defense level) then:
    constant damage taken = (constant damage * ( 1 - reduction% )) * ( 1 + ( 1.2 * ( defense level - attack level ) / 100 ) )

    Let's take two endgame jaded archers for our example.

    Demon Stunning Arrow has a constant damage addon of 2687. So:
    damage taken = (2687 * ( 1 - .81 )) * ( 1 + ( 118 - 110 ) / 100 )

    damage taken = 551

    Dividing by 4 due to the 75% PvP damage reduction, we get 138 damage as the total dealt due to the constant damage addon. For reference, assuming the base damage behind the attack is 33k, the total damage dealt is 1831, so the base damage addon is giving you about 8.15% more damage (7.5% of the total dealt). You can also find this by just dividing 2687 / 33k.

    Note: Exact values would actually be slightly different due to the 2% reduced physical damage on the hat. I'm too lazy to incorporate that, but the idea is the same.
    Current: http://mypers.pw/1.8/#133167

    TW/NW Videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/Axel3200

    Some people get R93 and become another cookiecutter DD, other people get R93 and get called out as serious threats. At some point, it's just not about gear anymore. - Qui
  • Aithusa - Dreamweaver
    Aithusa - Dreamweaver Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Thanks for that Jarkhen.