
$weetCheeks - Archosaur
$weetCheeks - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
edited July 2013 in General Discussion
is ToS enforced to some but not all? There is a noticeable increase in botting, inappropriate chat, inappropriate names, harassment, bullying, spam, account selling and spamming that is directing players to sites that are geared towards hacking into accounts. And nothing it being done. Why? ToS run both ways. We, as players are obligated to follow ToS. And you, as authors of said ToS, are obligated to enforce it. The community would implore you to hold up your end of this contract. And it is a contract, you know.

is the community left to police itself? This is not working. No matter how many screenshots people send in, nothing is done about any of the above issues and it's getting frustrating. What, EXACTLY, is the job of a Game Master? Why are they never in the game to enforce ToS, or monitor what is going on? Or are GMs just players with powers to pick and choose who gets ToS'd and who doesn't? If that's the case, I would like to apply to be a GM. I'd actually go in the game and monitor things for at least a couple of hours everyday and make a presence known. You know, if GMs actually came in 2 or 3 times a week, maybe people wouldn't freak out when they do come in and bog them down with inane chat and questions. As it stands now, GMs are considered a myth, and when they do show in game, an anomaly. And, it seems, that when ToS is enforced, its because someone knows a GM personally. Not very fair. Or is it? I think not. Again, the community implores you to hold up your end of the contract.

ToS runs both ways, for sure. You need to start holding up your end of the contract. I have sent in 100's of screenshots of ToSable offenses. Yet the ppl who do most of the offending are still in the game, with no consequences to their bad behavior. And the worst offenders seem to be the ones who wrote, and refuse to enforce, the Terms of Service contract. Get a stick on it, boys and girls!!
Post edited by $weetCheeks - Archosaur on


  • Rjwashere - Dreamweaver
    Rjwashere - Dreamweaver Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    PWI is lazy... ijs.
  • Praxalis - Archosaur
    Praxalis - Archosaur Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    is ToS enforced to some but not all? There is a noticeable increase in botting, inappropriate chat, inappropriate names, harassment, bullying, spam, account selling and spamming that is directing players to sites that are geared towards hacking into accounts. And nothing it being done. Why? ToS run both ways. We, as players are obligated to follow ToS. And you, as authors of said ToS, are obligated to enforce it. The community would implore you to hold up your end of this contract. And it is a contract, you know.

    is the community left to police itself? This is not working. No matter how many screenshots people send in, nothing is done about any of the above issues and it's getting frustrating. What, EXACTLY, is the job of a Game Master? Why are they never in the game to enforce ToS, or monitor what is going on? Or are GMs just players with powers to pick and choose who gets ToS'd and who doesn't? If that's the case, I would like to apply to be a GM. I'd actually go in the game and monitor things for at least a couple of hours everyday and make a presence known. You know, if GMs actually came in 2 or 3 times a week, maybe people wouldn't freak out when they do come in and bog them down with inane chat and questions. As it stands now, GMs are considered a myth, and when they do show in game, an anomaly. And, it seems, that when ToS is enforced, its because someone knows a GM personally. Not very fair. Or is it? I think not. Again, the community implores you to hold up your end of the contract.

    ToS runs both ways, for sure. You need to start holding up your end of the contract. I have sent in 100's of screenshots of ToSable offenses. Yet the ppl who do most of the offending are still in the game, with no consequences to their bad behavior. And the worst offenders seem to be the ones who wrote, and refuse to enforce, the Terms of Service contract. Get a stick on it, boys and girls!!

    First off let me start by saying I know exactly what youre complaining about as Im on when the WC trolling/flaming/etc happens against YOU and Ive heard both sides of the argument (those who defend you and from those that are trolling you)

    Now for the bolded points-
    1) Its a well known (or well at least in mine and a few other cases) that someone on this server in particular has gotten away with ticketing someone because she was butthurt about her catshop being undercut which resulted in some drama (not to rehash it here or state names but this gives some weight to the "GM in someone's pocket argument"
    2)You do realize that the people who troll you to hell and back are CSers right? that means most likely they'll almost NEVER get touched until enough people call them out.

    THAT being said-you yourself put yourself in the line of fire by responding to them. BL them-how can you be responding if you can't see them? Seriously 1/3 of the time I see you open your mouth and answer their stupidity. Just don't. It runs my wc for that hour or so b:shutup

    Im not saying I'm on anyone's side but you really should bring this up as a customer service thing-PWI is currently hiring some new customer service representitives.
  • Cutlspbm - Archosaur
    Cutlspbm - Archosaur Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Pwi has had this problem and its been growing for a few years now. I have seen many people violate the ToS. Even say in world chat things that are suppose to be perma ban for them. If the GM actually logged on during the evenings they would catch these people.
  • $weetCheeks - Archosaur
    $weetCheeks - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I NEVER say anything to anyone, unless they talk to me 1st. and I have most blocked lol... the block list isn't big enough, or I would have them all blocked. Seriously, PWI would make a another ton of cash if they would implement a "Block List extension stone." I'd buy 3 or 4 of them. And trust me, I've done my fair share of cash shopping and then some. I'm almost ashamed to say how much I've spent in here. But I get harassed about that, too. Why people worry about what I do with MY money is beyond me. If it was THEIR money, I could understand it. But it isn't. Its MY money. So I don't think it's cash shopping. I think it's who you know, and which GM is stupid enough to tell ppl they are a GM.
  • Rjwashere - Dreamweaver
    Rjwashere - Dreamweaver Posts: 208 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I NEVER say anything to anyone, unless they talk to me 1st. and I have most blocked lol... the block list isn't big enough, or I would have them all blocked. Seriously, PWI would make a another ton of cash if they would implement a "Block List extension stone." I'd buy 3 or 4 of them. And trust me, I've done my fair share of cash shopping and then some. I'm almost ashamed to say how much I've spent in here. But I get harassed about that, too. Why people worry about what I do with MY money is beyond me. If it was THEIR money, I could understand it. But it isn't. Its MY money. So I don't think it's cash shopping. I think it's who you know, and which GM is stupid enough to tell ppl they are a GM.

    what are these GMs you speak of
  • FieryBlade - Harshlands
    FieryBlade - Harshlands Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited July 2013


    btw whats the topic of this thread?

    Sig made by me f:sneakyf:despise

    I don't have a bad attitude, I just have a personality you don't like
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I NEVER say anything to anyone, unless they talk to me 1st. and I have most blocked lol... the block list isn't big enough, or I would have them all blocked. Seriously, PWI would make a another ton of cash if they would implement a "Block List extension stone." I'd buy 3 or 4 of them. And trust me, I've done my fair share of cash shopping and then some. I'm almost ashamed to say how much I've spent in here. But I get harassed about that, too. Why people worry about what I do with MY money is beyond me. If it was THEIR money, I could understand it. But it isn't. Its MY money. So I don't think it's cash shopping. I think it's who you know, and which GM is stupid enough to tell ppl they are a GM.

    Oh please, dont start this bs on forums too. Everybody on server knows that 90% of your drama would be gone with BLing a single person. With that we might lessen the drama on server by 50%. And oh dear if you think you are one of the major CSers on server with completely undergeared toon b:laugh.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • $weetCheeks - Archosaur
    $weetCheeks - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have mostly G16 gear, so what's the problem? If you're so worried about how my toon is geared, fork over some coin and then you can complain how my toon is geared. And again, why do you care what I do with MY money? It isn't YOUR money. Its MY money. Until YOU pay for what I do in this game, anything you say is irrelevant. Now, you're dismissed b:pleased And it isn't the wc drama I am referring to. It is all ToS. Maybe I used too many big words for you.
  • MyMate - Dreamweaver
    MyMate - Dreamweaver Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I NEVER say anything to anyone, unless they talk to me 1st. and I have most blocked lol... the block list isn't big enough, or I would have them all blocked. Seriously, PWI would make a another ton of cash if they would implement a "Block List extension stone." I'd buy 3 or 4 of them.

    I've been playing for 4 years and during that time I've blacklisted a whooping total of 3 people xD Funny how some people seems to have the need to blacklist 1/3 of the server and some would do just as well without a blacklist altogether. Maybe it's more of a personal problem rather then it being that everyone ells are *******? ijs

    Anyway, reason they don't show up in game and that it takes long to get responses/action on tickets is probably that PWE is under-staffed. My guess is that the workload on their employees are pretty high and the only way to fix this problem is either for them to rethink their priorities (have a feeling that will just make things worse) or hire more people (probably not gonna happen since the more people they hire the less they make). But that's just my guess, I really got no idea how they run their company.
    "In the beginning, it was claimed that all in Perfect World were equal. But now it seems that some are more equal than others..." ~ Lost City Recluse
  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yup, we're left to police ourselves.
    We've all seen how well this is turning out.
    Because the kids in the sandbox can't play nice, but momma and papa are stoned out of their minds.
    If you don't have enemies that enjoy ticketing you for spite, you're pretty much a mouse in an unsupervised cheese factory.

    I wish I was a GM, but I'd never get the job, because I would literally make a book out of the ToS and throw it at people.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The idiots should just make the black list unlimited, would solve pretty much all problems, except scamming, botting of course, but the harassment issues and just the ordinary raging of inbreds on World Chat, personally I`m SICK of deleting people from my BL just so I can make room for others who happen to be annoying @ that time.

    If GM`s are too lazy to properly monitor the game real - time or appoint players as suggested, to monitor the chat and if necessary mute the offenders, then at least make damn sure we can black list every one we wish without the stupid limit, which is pathetic concerning the vast amounts of player base, not to mention it only works per character and not the IP, thus, the offender can simply make a new account and do same old things over and over!
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I have mostly G16 gear, so what's the problem? If you're so worried about how my toon is geared, fork over some coin and then you can complain how my toon is geared. And again, why do you care what I do with MY money? It isn't YOUR money. Its MY money. Until YOU pay for what I do in this game, anything you say is irrelevant. Now, you're dismissed b:pleased And it isn't the wc drama I am referring to. It is all ToS. Maybe I used too many big words for you.

    I guess I find it amusing somebody claims they spend crapton on this game and are still utterly undergeared. My barb is a catshop and he has N3 gear, lol.

    As for ToS breaches? You do realize you are likely one of the people who breach the ToS most regarding harassment and issues regarding it? You are a textbook example of double standards and dumb bishes.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • $weetCheeks - Archosaur
    $weetCheeks - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I guess I find it amusing somebody claims they spend crapton on this game and are still utterly undergeared. My barb is a catshop and he has N3 gear, lol.

    As for ToS breaches? You do realize you are likely one of the people who breach the ToS most regarding harassment and issues regarding it? You are a textbook example of double standards and dumb bishes.

    How am I under geared? And I'll say it again since you keep missing the point- If you are so worried about my gear, drop some coin on me, big boy! b:dirty You are one of the ppl who harass me and violate ToS on a daily basis.

    You are a classic example of what's wrong with this game. Even on the forums people are allowed to harass me and call me nasty names! WTG PWI and your ToS b:victory Your obtuse (yes I know, another big word that you will probably have to look up) way of using profane name calling truly shows your lack of intelligence. Fail, WnbTank/Unfapped/Templar_TJ/sinsinsalot! Is this another account you ****? Or is this one that you share with 20 other people? Just because you have 2 brain cells roaming around in that cavernous abyss you call a head and they happen to bump together to create a spark, does not constitute a thought. Maybe you'll luck out and they will find each other twice in your life *rolls eyes* I await your next post b:laugh b:kiss
  • MyMate - Dreamweaver
    MyMate - Dreamweaver Posts: 558 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    How am I under geared? And I'll say it again since you keep missing the point- If you are so worried about my gear, drop some coin on me, big boy! b:dirty You are one of the ppl who harass me and violate ToS on a daily basis.

    You are a classic example of what's wrong with this game. Even on the forums people are allowed to harass me and call me nasty names! WTG PWI and your ToS b:victory Your obtuse (yes I know, another big word that you will probably have to look up) way of using profane name calling truly shows your lack of intelligence. Fail, WnbTank/Unfapped/Templar_TJ/sinsinsalot! Is this another account you ****? Or is this one that you share with 20 other people? Just because you have 2 brain cells roaming around in that cavernous abyss you call a head and they happen to bump together to create a spark, does not constitute a thought. Maybe you'll luck out and they will find each other twice in your life *rolls eyes* I await your next post b:laugh b:kiss

    Pro tip, ignore them.

    And btw, I think you just violated the nr 1 forum rule :x
    You may not use the Perfect World International (PWI) Forums to:

    1. Transmit unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable content. Profanity filter dodging and filtered words/statements with clear vulgar intent will also be considered outright violations.
    "In the beginning, it was claimed that all in Perfect World were equal. But now it seems that some are more equal than others..." ~ Lost City Recluse
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    How am I under geared? And I'll say it again since you keep missing the point- If you are so worried about my gear, drop some coin on me, big boy! b:dirty You are one of the ppl who harass me and violate ToS on a daily basis.

    You are a classic example of what's wrong with this game. Even on the forums people are allowed to harass me and call me nasty names! WTG PWI and your ToS b:victory Your obtuse (yes I know, another big word that you will probably have to look up) way of using profane name calling truly shows your lack of intelligence. Fail, WnbTank/Unfapped/Templar_TJ/sinsinsalot! Is this another account you ****? Or is this one that you share with 20 other people? Just because you have 2 brain cells roaming around in that cavernous abyss you call a head and they happen to bump together to create a spark, does not constitute a thought. Maybe you'll luck out and they will find each other twice in your life *rolls eyes* I await your next post b:laugh b:kiss

    Are you honestly that clueless? I have nothing to do with the players you grouped me with. I dont like them, talk to them nor really even know them. But I guess you know better than I do who I am, rofl.

    Ps. I only gear up pretty girls and for the love of god I really dont want your nudes.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Aritorsha - Archosaur
    Aritorsha - Archosaur Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    is ToS enforced to some but not all? There is a noticeable increase in botting, inappropriate chat, inappropriate names, harassment, bullying, spam, account selling and spamming that is directing players to sites that are geared towards hacking into accounts. And nothing it being done. Why? ToS run both ways. We, as players are obligated to follow ToS. And you, as authors of said ToS, are obligated to enforce it. The community would implore you to hold up your end of this contract. And it is a contract, you know.

    is the community left to police itself? This is not working. No matter how many screenshots people send in, nothing is done about any of the above issues and it's getting frustrating. What, EXACTLY, is the job of a Game Master? Why are they never in the game to enforce ToS, or monitor what is going on? Or are GMs just players with powers to pick and choose who gets ToS'd and who doesn't? If that's the case, I would like to apply to be a GM. I'd actually go in the game and monitor things for at least a couple of hours everyday and make a presence known. You know, if GMs actually came in 2 or 3 times a week, maybe people wouldn't freak out when they do come in and bog them down with inane chat and questions. As it stands now, GMs are considered a myth, and when they do show in game, an anomaly. And, it seems, that when ToS is enforced, its because someone knows a GM personally. Not very fair. Or is it? I think not. Again, the community implores you to hold up your end of the contract.

    ToS runs both ways, for sure. You need to start holding up your end of the contract. I have sent in 100's of screenshots of ToSable offenses. Yet the ppl who do most of the offending are still in the game, with no consequences to their bad behavior. And the worst offenders seem to be the ones who wrote, and refuse to enforce, the Terms of Service contract. Get a stick on it, boys and girls!!

    First off, those of us on the Archosaur server know what you're capable of and know the types of harassment and bullying that you've done to NUMEROUS players in worldchat, so the innocence act can stop.

    I'm sure there are many people that have sent in tickets and screenshots of you harassing people on worldchat.. INCLUDING MYSELF. So for your sake, you should be glad that the GMs aren't buckling down on that sort of misconduct on the servers or you would have been banned a long time ago.

    Blacklists are made for a reason, I've had you on my blacklist for weeks now because the tickets and SSs I was sending in weren't being taken care of properly so I just did what any other player would do and took matters into their own hands and blacklisted. It's not hard to do.
  • WannaBM - Archosaur
    WannaBM - Archosaur Posts: 1,984 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Im so happy i got no clue what this is all about :D

    I have 3 people in my blacklist for drop stealing. Other than that i am happy to live my oblivious live on archosaur b:chuckle
    Everything i write is from PvE perspective unless mentioned otherwise.
  • autumnfaerie1989
    autumnfaerie1989 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    First off, those of us on the Archosaur server know what you're capable of and know the types of harassment and bullying that you've done to NUMEROUS players in worldchat, so the innocence act can stop.

    I'm sure there are many people that have sent in tickets and screenshots of you harassing people on worldchat.. INCLUDING MYSELF. So for your sake, you should be glad that the GMs aren't buckling down on that sort of misconduct on the servers or you would have been banned a long time ago.

    Blacklists are made for a reason, I've had you on my blacklist for weeks now because the tickets and SSs I was sending in weren't being taken care of properly so I just did what any other player would do and took matters into their own hands and blacklisted. It's not hard to do.

    Ari! I Love you! $weet.... really WC drama isn't enough you have to take your **** to the forums... people violate the ToS everyday.... SO DO YOU! day in and day out, so stop being all "QQ im butthurt" all because someone else got the better insults... I don't know if i speak for ALL of Archosaur server but i know the ones I've talked to are sick of seeing your drama and harassment on others... Grow up and get over yourself already...

    Much Love from the "frat house beer bong"b:dirtyb:kiss
  • autumnfaerie1989
    autumnfaerie1989 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    How am I under geared? And I'll say it again since you keep missing the point- If you are so worried about my gear, drop some coin on me, big boy! b:dirty You are one of the ppl who harass me and violate ToS on a daily basis.

    You are a classic example of what's wrong with this game. Even on the forums people are allowed to harass me and call me nasty names! WTG PWI and your ToS b:victory Your obtuse (yes I know, another big word that you will probably have to look up) way of using profane name calling truly shows your lack of intelligence. Fail, WnbTank/Unfapped/Templar_TJ/sinsinsalot! Is this another account you ****? Or is this one that you share with 20 other people? Just because you have 2 brain cells roaming around in that cavernous abyss you call a head and they happen to bump together to create a spark, does not constitute a thought. Maybe you'll luck out and they will find each other twice in your life *rolls eyes* I await your next post b:laugh b:kiss

    AND ANOTHER THING!! How DARE YOU accuse WnbTank of hacking/account sharing.... hes one of the few people i know who had worked his *** off for his gear and toons, and doesnt associate himself with lowlifes like you and TJ... Just cause his barb/cat shop has better gear than you $weet... get over your jealousy already... the better woman won and need to just get over yourself and move the hell on...
  • ResiaTri - Heavens Tear
    ResiaTri - Heavens Tear Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I've been playing since before the Tideborn release...which roughly goes out to about 5 years.

    This entire time, I haven't had any trouble with people. About the only people I have trouble with, are people who **** up my squad...but that is very rare for me. I've had few problems with this game, and I actually find entertainment in the World Chat conversation some days. I consider it a staple to PW.

    Yes, there will always be rude people, bots, etc. that's just part of a game....too bad they tend to ruin the game for everyone else.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    edited July 2013
    Something we are trying to work on getting put into place is the game advisor program. Check my sig for page ill update later.

    This would do a lot of things including offer support to players as well as wc mods dealing with minor problems etc. Check the sum up for details.

    Just waiting for the GMs to get this set up. Now val has gone this may be an issue... Time will tell.
  • $weetCheeks - Archosaur
    $weetCheeks - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    First off, those of us on the Archosaur server know what you're capable of and know the types of harassment and bullying that you've done to NUMEROUS players in worldchat, so the innocence act can stop.

    I'm sure there are many people that have sent in tickets and screenshots of you harassing people on worldchat.. INCLUDING MYSELF. So for your sake, you should be glad that the GMs aren't buckling down on that sort of misconduct on the servers or you would have been banned a long time ago.

    Blacklists are made for a reason, I've had you on my blacklist for weeks now because the tickets and SSs I was sending in weren't being taken care of properly so I just did what any other player would do and took matters into their own hands and blacklisted. It's not hard to do.

    I only give back what I get. Only difference between your group of miscreants and I is I don't use profanity, or inappropriate chat content. I guess I should post the screenshots of you and Daavos from the other night? If you really want to go there, we can. I'm not perfect, but I don't start it either. This was NOT about you and your faction and friends. It was about ToS in general. That you chose to take it as a personal affront is on you. Sounds like someone has a guilty conscience.
  • $weetCheeks - Archosaur
    $weetCheeks - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    AND ANOTHER THING!! How DARE YOU accuse WnbTank of hacking/account sharing.... hes one of the few people i know who had worked his *** off for his gear and toons, and doesnt associate himself with lowlifes like you and TJ... Just cause his barb/cat shop has better gear than you $weet... get over your jealousy already... the better woman won and need to just get over yourself and move the hell on...

    Speaking of getting over yourself.... LOL! And since you want to complain about my gear too, kick down the coin!! I posted a simple opinion with a few questions. Wasn't directed towards anyone. Another guilty conscience?
  • Mitachi - Dreamweaver
    Mitachi - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You're being a child OP. The world is very cruel, learn to ignore people and they will leave you alone. This whole thread just proves are easily you are provoked, and how you feel the need to defend yourself to people you don't even know. It also shows how you are just as guilty. Chill, its a game treat it like one and not your whole life. Tbh you seem really paranoid xD

    G16 isn't good gear, its average btw. Only way for us clerics to survive is to get r9rr else we easy kills.

  • Aritorsha - Archosaur
    Aritorsha - Archosaur Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I only give back what I get. Only difference between your group of miscreants and I is I don't use profanity, or inappropriate chat content. I guess I should post the screenshots of you and Daavos from the other night? If you really want to go there, we can. I'm not perfect, but I don't start it either. This was NOT about you and your faction and friends. It was about ToS in general. That you chose to take it as a personal affront is on you. Sounds like someone has a guilty conscience.

    Lol.. Daavos and I are like best friends. We were just messing with eachother. Don't believe me? Ask her.

    I just find it comical that you sincerely believe that you don't fall into the boat of people that have bullied and harassed others on the Archosaur server and you want to be a GM? Making alts and harassing people in pms when you think you're anonymous isn't considered harassment? I have SSs too dear.

    Basically my whole opinion is, if you want people to follow ToS and ToS to be enforced maybe you should start by leading by example and blacklisting those people that harrass you and bother you instead of fighting back.
  • autumnfaerie1989
    autumnfaerie1989 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Speaking of getting over yourself.... LOL! And since you want to complain about my gear too, kick down the coin!! I posted a simple opinion with a few questions. Wasn't directed towards anyone. Another guilty conscience?

    I'm not complaining about your crappy gear, mines no better, I'm on about the fact that you sit here and whine and go on about the ToS and you break it just as much as the next one.... stop being such a hypocrite, just cause you cant take what your dishing out and finally others on the server are dishing it right back.... I'll be the first to admit I've probably broken ToS but when you go about to do the same calling people names etc... which backfire in your case... that one you have for me... "frat house beer bong" ...... really is that the best you can do.... you sound like a 16 yr old.... not a grown woman and mother.... have a little respect for yourself and bring the conversation back up to the adult level. f:despise
  • $weetCheeks - Archosaur
    $weetCheeks - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I was speaking of the chat content, darling b:pleased And you are right, example is best. Like I said, I haven't been perfect. But I haven't done anything more than defend myself, and haven't been vulgar or inappropriate in my responses. Unfortunately, you cant say the same. I cant even say anything in world chat, or look for/sell something in world chat, without one of you starting something. This thread was not directed to anyone at all. But as a personal opinion and general questions. Again, that you take it as a personal affront is on you. Have a lovely day b:flower
  • autumnfaerie1989
    autumnfaerie1989 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You're being a child OP. The world is very cruel, learn to ignore people and they will leave you alone. This whole thread just proves are easily you are provoked, and how you feel the need to defend yourself to people you don't even know. It also shows how you are just as guilty. Chill, its a game treat it like one and not your whole life. Tbh you seem really paranoid xD

    G16 isn't good gear, its average btw. Only way for us clerics to survive is to get r9rr else we easy kills.


    Not even our our server to see the **** and you get it! your right she is just as guilty and certainly is paranoid easily provoked etc... just another of the lovely drama queens we see in world chat everyday
  • autumnfaerie1989
    autumnfaerie1989 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I was speaking of the chat content, darling b:pleased And you are right, example is best. Like I said, I haven't been perfect. But I haven't done anything more than defend myself, and haven't been vulgar or inappropriate in my responses. Unfortunately, you cant say the same. I cant even say anything in world chat, or look for/sell something in world chat, without one of you starting something. This thread was not directed to anyone at all. But as a personal opinion and general questions. Again, that you take it as a personal affront is on you. Have a lovely day b:flower

    right... you have personally attacked Ari, Roe and others soo many times ive lost count... calling Ari all sorts of names that would get censored here and totally break the ToS... so Stop being so darn innocent cause your not and none of us buy it
  • $weetCheeks - Archosaur
    $weetCheeks - Archosaur Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm not complaining about your crappy gear, mines no better, I'm on about the fact that you sit here and whine and go on about the ToS and you break it just as much as the next one.... stop being such a hypocrite, just cause you cant take what your dishing out and finally others on the server are dishing it right back.... I'll be the first to admit I've probably broken ToS but when you go about to do the same calling people names etc... which backfire in your case... that one you have for me... "frat house beer bong" ...... really is that the best you can do.... you sound like a 16 yr old.... not a grown woman and mother.... have a little respect for yourself and bring the conversation back up to the adult level. f:despise

    How do I break ToS? By defending myself against the likes of you? Without using vulgarity and cussing? And what makes you think I cant take what you dish out? You aren't that good, sweetheart b:flower Try growing up some, yourself b:cute that you even remember your nickname shows it made an impact, and I only used it once and that was months ago b:chuckle I realize that in order for me to say anything about ToS I have to be following it. And I haven't violated ToS in months. So stop taking this as an assault on those who have responded negatively and let it stand for what it is- an opinion with some questions. That you even respond in the manner which you are, shows your own lack of maturity.
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