So hows the server.

Posts: 110 Arc User
edited August 2014 in Etherblade (West)
As the title is archosaur now o.o

Back when I was was nemesis...ascend....some other guilds....pretty much it. Im kinda curious on what has happened since I quit.

1) Which are the strongest guilds fighting around now (example....back in the was impulse v narla.....narla v on and on)
2) What is the percentage value of people who have at least rank 9 now.
3) Is there anyone from the olden days of archosaur still playing this server?

I think thats all I wanna know to be honest.....K have fun.....BYE.

Post edited by Claciusvile - Archosaur on


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  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I should shove a shoe up your *** >_>

    Come back to the server and play a bit and you'll get a better picture of whats going on. And oh btw answers to questions-

    1) Which are the strongest guilds fighting around now-Defiance v Rouge sort-of but that balance tipped greatly.
    2) What is the percentage value of people who have at least rank 9 now-I'd say about 30-40% but good R9 players? Still 10% or less
    3) Is there anyone from the olden days of archosaur still playing this server? Kat, Pulse, Met, Me, Van, Aries (sometimes) BDoom, Cable, Fatality, Cused, Cassi, Mesis, etc....XD
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I should shove a shoe up your *** >_>

    I don't think I would like this threatening behavior if I did decide to come back >.>
  • Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Shoevile :)

    1) Top two factions are effience (aka D) and RogueXXX

    2) What Tami said

    3) Adding to her list... Cable, Proski, Aby, Wnb, Mexy.... that's all coming off the top of my head.
  • Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Shoevile :)

    1) Top two factions are effience (aka D) and RogueXXX

    2) What Tami said

    3) Adding to her list... Cable, Proski, Aby, Wnb, Mexy.... that's all coming off the top of my head.

    You din't read her list carefully, my name was already mentioned.

    There's Geo... NOT.

    Ace. LOL.
    Mmmmmmmmmmm. idk : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Nemesis *gone* Ascend *been gone a long time* Just Defiance and rogue here now as for major tw factions. How I wish I could go bk to the days of Ascend vs Nemesisb:cry But I agree with previous answers about people. Pulse is still around though, biohazard, Arix$on, still lots of people here from those days. Status of server.......yeah its still here
  • Posts: 845 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Bushy beavers.
  • Posts: 2,732 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sever's good, *pets it*
    lol no but seriously
    What the other people have said on the thread pretty much covers it.
    @Infamous_me: what are you talkin' about? Nemesis is still around! it just... re-named it's self as (D)efiance D:!
    Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.
  • Posts: 725 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    @Infamous_me: what are you talkin' about? Nemesis is still around! it just... re-named it's self as (D)efiance D:!


    And (lol) at some of the people on that 'list' of olden Archs. Some of them haven't really been around as long as Clac.
    PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)
  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sever's good, *pets it*
    lol no but seriously
    What the other people have said on the thread pretty much covers it.
    @Infamous_me: what are you talkin' about? Nemesis is still around! it just... re-named it's self as (D)efiance D:!

    I hope you're just trying to make a really, really bad joke. No. Really. b:laugh

    I thought i was joining Tubbies 2.0 But then again after all the smokes and screens its really-

    1) a bunch of Sanc people
    2) rag tag HT/LC players
    3) Narla and Elusive players

    IF we want to be reallllllyyy technical b:shutup

    @Nahk-But...but....*sniffle* b:shocked I am an oldbie.
  • Posts: 995 Arc User
    edited July 2013

    And (lol) at some of the people on that 'list' of olden Archs. Some of them haven't really been around as long as Clac.

    There might be 1 or 2 names I would maybe put started after first 3 months of server opening. Every single one of the others had some toon on server by then. With how old our server starts to get, I really wouldnt disqualify any of said players from oldschool.

    Ps. So I am in Nemesis again? **** this game <.<.
    __Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
    HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
    WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop
  • Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You freaking forgot the Indians Tami. Lol.

    And it's not Nemesis, it's Narla b:laugh : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW
  • Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Sucky 'cause Cable's there.
  • Posts: 1,842 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Old wizards never die, they just fade away . . . . .
    "And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
  • Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Old wizards never die, they just fade away . . . . .

    Sounds about right.
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    +1 BLOODMYSTIC. Though at 40, I am starting to feel [almost] like a grown-up hehe.

    I miss pwi but me and Indi's bank account is happier. :) Hope everyone is well and having fun!
  • Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Damn that's a lot, making me miss this game and ish... I might just have to play again. ;) lol
    Just don't. This is your final warning.
  • Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    +1 BLOODMYSTIC. Though at 40, I am starting to feel [almost] like a grown-up hehe.

    I miss pwi but me and Indi's bank account is happier. :) Hope everyone is well and having fun!

    HI VAL AND INDIRI b:bye Good to hear from you. I miss you both!!! <33
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    EmperiousDX was a pretty good player back then. just cause he didn't go grab R9 doesn't make him nonexistant...
  • Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited August 2014
    EmperiousDX was a pretty good player back then. just cause he didn't go grab R9 doesn't make him nonexistant...
    This looks like a NECRO!

    EmperiousDX - Archosaur replied to a message that was 1 year 29 days 17 hours 13 minutes old.

    Any thread over one month (30 days) old is considered to be a dead thread and you're not supposed to post in them. The person you are replying to probably doesn't care any more or can no longer be found on the forums. The topic itself could be out of date. Next time just make a new thread.

    Let's see how long it takes for a mod to close this :)
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  • Posts: 4,655 Community Moderator
    edited August 2014
This discussion has been closed.