Throwback Thursday / Do you hear that? OHMYGODHE'SATITAGAIN
Your other account. : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW0 -
XCableX - Archosaur wrote: »They should erase all your post counts that involved derailing (including my own right here on this post.)
Then, we're going to see how hard you're going to work to get your post count up.b:angry
Sounds like someone is butt-hurt that I overtook him in posts~ ;3[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.0 -
Zheii - Archosaur wrote: »Sounds like someone is butt-hurt that I overtook him in posts~ ;3
I'm glad you can understand the tone of my words. Such powerful emotion laying : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW0 -
XCableX - Archosaur wrote: »I'm glad you can understand the tone of my words. Such powerful emotion laying inside.
Awh Cable you so silly *pats* xD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.0 -
Zheii - Archosaur wrote: »Awh Cable you so silly *pats* xD
I don't want your pat.
Please define my emotion here inside these : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW0 -
brb"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Proski - Archosaur wrote: »here's an idea, you're too weak for rogue/defiance? then man the hell up and attack them, show people you have bravado, inspire and uplift in the face of adversity. take a challenge head on for once. don't abandon ship before you even set sail. how many more ways do you want me to put it for you? oh wait, only one group of people ever actually held themselves to that standard, the rest of you just want kills. lol, my bad for expecting anything interesting out of you.
Oh, captain, my captain. Don't you realize? What you say here is EXACTLY what was so elusive about Elusive: the balls to rise to a challenge, fail many times, then ultimately succeed.
Unfortunately, this server is too full of people that look only for those challenges they can succeed at, with precious few that try repeatedly to succeed at challenges at which they shall certainly fail.
I, too, shall enjoy watching if you try to do anything to shake up our sleepy little server. However, I shall be happy to do so from a distance. I joined you in your efforts oh so many years ago to keep the server free from tw domination. At that, we succeeded. But whether the server appreciates that or even knows it occurred is somewhat irrelevant now. With the map resetting with sufficient frequency that no one faction shall ever be able to eliminate all others from the map, the only reason left to pursue such a great commission again would be to impose true fun on those who do not truly desire it. And that reason, my friend, is too much water for too little a bucket for this old wizard."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
HideYoHubby - Archosaur wrote: »Wasnt Proski the guy who despised building factions and was all bout fun? Now when people didnt want to build a faction but to join main TWs on server right a way(To enjoy game now and not "in future") they are doing it wrong again.
Enjoy your 20 minutes crystal walks against rogue of all factions, did ya? You tell us with a straight face that you "did it right".
Proski and you all view "fun" and the game differently. It is why I exited these discussions not long after my favorite Spanish speaking veno said they anchored 1k because they like the apoth for pve.
Proski, leave our friends be. They either don't want our advice or view the game so differently that they don't need it."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Nahktuul - Archosaur wrote: »I've seen this same old story be spun 5 times now since the beginning of this server.
Aren't you people getting dizzy? Aren't you getting tired of it?
/10char"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Zheii - Archosaur wrote: »@HideYoHubby
To be honest (D)efiance and RogueXXX WERE (Past tense) on a similar level. The reason (D)efiance could not beat us when they continuously attacked was because we where too even.
That balance we had, where we had fun 1-3hr tw's where we used our man power to the best of our abilities to either win or lose is gone.
Um, then victory could be based on tactics and strategy. Oh, the horror. Quick, recruit more rrr9 archers!!!!!"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
HideYoHubby - Archosaur wrote: »Option A) Stay in So Hot and roll faction, who either no show (BOAD, BD, Dream [Got ganked]) or completely lack firepower/experience to compete with us (Junkies [Missed some key players though I heard], Pandora). Knowing numbers we had (40-50) showing up for TWs, we really had no shot of even challenging either of the top factions, making it waste of charms/pots/etc. Not to forget you would now been QQing bout ganks had we bid on Rogue with Defiance.
OptionJoin Defiance, beat Rogue seemingly effortless tonight. What I talked to old So Hot players, every single one of them enjoyed said TW more than So Hot TWs we were having for weeks. Least your key players werent 1shots, least there was point in the gear some of our players are geared with fighting against Rogue.
Option C) Join Dream/other tier 2 TW faction, make it tier 1.5 like So Hot was, making the whole leaving of So Hot quite pointless.
You forgot 2:
Option (D) Sack up and have SoHot attack defiance or rogue even though it would mean certain defeat. Inspire BLOODMYSTIC to join SoHot as asked (which he didn't want to do to face roll the likes of evilhordes or whomever was up there at the time. Server domination would have surely followed. After all, he's got the best gear on the server, yo.
Option (E) Sack up and send 2 op players each to factions that were actually losing in 20 minute tws (contrast to sending ALL to a faction that was losing 2 hour tws). Fun TW and server competition ensues."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »Um, then victory could be based on tactics and strategy. Oh, the horror. Quick, recruit more rrr9 archers!!!!!
They already did, I think they have... is it like 15 R9T3 archers now? I get too dizzy every time I try to count @_@"
-Honestly tactics and strategy is what tw should be about, since it's based on the concept of warfare and war is all about out planning and out thinking the enemy. :P[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.0 -
Anri_Rose - Archosaur wrote: »Soooo, the balance of power has shifted once again on our server...
I was just hoping taht with proski and Nakhtul talking maybe if i talk to , Blood will appear...
Oh gawd, I guess I am this predictable."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Proski - Archosaur wrote: »And yet I, some little scrub wizard who wears sandals with socks and takes everything lightly in life, was able to predict TW last night to met and many other people to the exact minute? No way, he must really be a wizard!
They hoped it would be competitive maybe. How, I don't know. Our server has had many examples of a handful of rank 9's holding off entire factions in tw before. How they could think that 20 or more won't tip the scales entirely to the point that they did is, well yes, inconceivable to me as well.
PS: I wear sandles with socks too!!!!!!"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
HideYoHubby - Archosaur wrote: »Pretty sure I didnt even call it the biggest reason for going to D, I simply found it amusing you keep saying how all we want to do is "own the map". Had that been all we cared, we would of went to Rogue as it was clearly the stronger side at the time. Simple as that.
Nope, BLOODMYSTIC stopped you ALL from doing that until the pwi cavalry came . . . ."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Nahktuul - Archosaur wrote: »HYH:
I think you are overanalyzing, and putting words in people's mouths. Using the word 'crumbled' is rather overreaching, no?
Everyone else:
A lot of people are upset at efiance, yes. Because you all knew damn well what you were doing when SoHot and efiance merged, but while preaching 'fair and fun TW', you all were giving the entire server your middle fingers. No one likes that. Do you blame the server? Not all of us have entire days off to sit on the computer and farm endlessly. Not all of us have Social Security checks or parents to help supplement our rrr9, refines, ect. Many on the server have families, jobs, actual lives to attend to.
I am not intending to insult anyone in particular, nor point fingers. But really, its time to put yourselves in front of the mirror, and might be a main part of the problem, AS WELL AS the solution that you so desperately 'seek'.
Logic dictates that the best way for this server to succeed and promote a thriving, healthy TW experience is so simple, a chimpanzee could think of it: divide yourselves into core groups, and divide said groups amongst moderately structured, established factions with decent leadership. Teach the server your experiences, your methods, your skills. Groom each of the factions, raise the younglings, and within 6 months, you'll have 5-6 mega factions going at each other's throats. Doesn't that sound like REAL fun? b:pleased
I suggested this years ago - even doing something like a fantasy football draft for the server, and splitting the map in half. the league would tw on one side, and people that didnt' want to participate would tw on the other side.
But the logistics of doing this are incredible."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
oh tami, I could never troll a girl, especially one that shares the same enthusiasm for long-winded discourse as I do, and she knows it. savior complex? you're confusing the humor in my posts with the take away message, which is well intended if (big if) you care about making our server better. of course, most people don't, they're only interested in what's good for them. and that's fine, I don't tell people what to do, but when the TW's on our server go from 2 hours to 20 minutes, and everybody is pretending they have no idea how it happened, you can bet your rump I'll call bull shiit.0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »Enjoy your 20 minutes crystal walks against rogue of all factions, did ya? You tell us with a straight face that you "did it right".
Proski and you all view "fun" and the game differently. It is why I exited these discussions not long after my favorite Spanish speaking veno said they anchored 1k because they like the apoth for pve.
Proski, leave our friends be. They either don't want our advice or view the game so differently that they don't need it.
yeah, you're right, lol. at the end of the day, there are two kinds of people who play this game, those who recognize that this is a game, and those whose characters are an extension of their ego, and cannot stand dieing. for the latter, winning is the only consideration.0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »You forgot 2:
Option (D) Sack up and have SoHot attack defiance or rogue even though it would mean certain defeat. Inspire BLOODMYSTIC to join SoHot as asked (which he didn't want to do to face roll the likes of evilhordes or whomever was up there at the time. Server domination would have surely followed. After all, he's got the best gear on the server, yo.
Option (E) Sack up and send 2 op players each to factions that were actually losing in 20 minute tws (contrast to sending ALL to a faction that was losing 2 hour tws). Fun TW and server competition ensues.
And that would of resulted in QQ and drama how So Hot is ganking on Rogue/D. Whatever we would of done, some people would of found a reason to QQ bout it. And thus I really cant care too much what people think of said decision anymore.
You also got no idea, not that you can have, how bored the core players were. Having no TWs really worthwhile doing since last TW season ended in Nemesis. 6 weeks of trying to find TW only to realize you roll or get rolled no matter who we would bid on. Mark completely unmotivated to be in leadership position. Already losing catabarb who got bored, other ppl pming officers they going cause they bored. Looking back I dont think people would of prefered getting rolled that much more to keep So Hot going.
In the end we could of either kept doing something nobody was enjoying or move on. We moved on and mostly stuck together - I really dont think that is such a crime. But no, I did not expect Rogue to ultimately crumble before trying, they have been outnumbered by significant amount in all the TWs since we joined. I do find it amusing certain Rogue members are QQing and completely unwilling to do what they are saying we should of done, lol.
Ps. We didnt send anybody anywhere, certain people wanted to stick together so to say. I know what you gonna say and I get you, some just feel like logging on during week too.
Edit: My sin was the first week after So Hot disbanded in Dream. It has great people in it, never think I disagree with that, I just felt like atmosphere in faction was so different and not knowing really anybody there --> I really wasnt happy there and moved my sin to another faction where I knew people. and was more comfortable. To me this is a game and I am not bending over backwards to make sure others are enjoying the game, I do what as a whole is best for me.__Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop0 -
Zheii - Archosaur wrote: »They already did, I think they have... is it like 15 R9T3 archers now? I get too dizzy every time I try to count @_@"
-Honestly tactics and strategy is what tw should be about, since it's based on the concept of warfare and war is all about out planning and out thinking the enemy. :P
Stop QQ about that Defiance is so much stronger, if Rouge just come in full force insted of QQ in the corner, then we have our fun 1-3h TW
And if its up to tactics and strategey then you guys are alredy doomed. Never listen, never learns, refuses to listen to others.0 -
Proski - Archosaur wrote: »b:kiss
oh tami, I could never troll a girl, especially one that shares the same enthusiasm for long-winded discourse as I do, and she knows it. savior complex? you're confusing the humor in my posts with the take away message, which is well intended if (big if) you care about making our server better. of course, most people don't, they're only interested in what's good for them. and that's fine, I don't tell people what to do, but when the TW's on our server go from 2 hours to 20 minutes, and everybody is pretending they have no idea how it happened, you can bet your rump I'll call bull shiit.
You know me too well-I was hoping you'd honestly go into a nearly irrefutable, long-winded discourse that I'd enjoy reading (and laughing at all the helpless fail answers and arguements against it) but it looks like the bait won't be taken for now :P I do know you like to stir things up-come now I've shared enough time with you in factions to know this XD
Of course I know exactly what you mean but its good to spread around the server that SOMEONE *wink wink* is capable enough to cause a ruckus and has the drive to do so. This servers been to dead of anything interesting lately. b:cute I like teasing you sometimes is that a crime? Ahhhhh, if only I wasn't too busy with school.
But in all real seriousness. yes it is become quite a problem hasn't it? I wonder what we're gonna do about it Proski... ;D0 -
HideYoHubby - Archosaur wrote: »And that would of resulted in QQ and drama how So Hot is ganking on Rogue/D.
THAT may very well be true, of course. But no one is saying to play the game in a way that no one will QQ, are they? Forcing rogue to 2x defend would have been a preferable way of handling things. All dominant factions must be forced to 2x and 3x defend. Hell, it used to be THE hallmark of a dominant faction.
You didn't do that, though. Maybe because you were afraid they wouldn't 2x defend. Maybe because you were afraid they were no show you and defend defiance. Or, horror of horrors, they would no show defiance and beat you up a little.
If rogue wouldn't (or couldn't) 2x defend, then we could right troll them on these forums, couldn't we? After all, even junkies when forced to 2x defend would at least TRY to defend both.
No, instead you went into a relatively balanced tw conflict and threw a boulder on one side of the scale, all the while under the barely disguised plea "we thought it would be fun!!!!"HideYoHubby - Archosaur wrote: »Whatever we would of done, some people would of found a reason to QQ bout it. And thus I really cant care too much what people think of said decision anymore.
Again, that may be true, but don't mistake what is being said here. Noone is QQ'ing about your decision. We are saying basically that your reasons for said decision reveal either (A) a galactic stupidity on your part, or (B) a so thinly veiled excuse to cover up your desire to dominate rogue that you must think we are galactically stupid. We are just posting here to disabuse you of the notion that option B reflects the present reality."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »
Again, that may be true, but don't mistake what is being said here. Noone is QQ'ing about your decision. We are saying basically that your reasons for said decision reveal either (A) a galactic stupidity on your part, or (B) a so thinly veiled excuse to cover up your desire to dominate rogue that you must think we are galactically stupid. We are just posting here to disabuse you of the notion that option B reflects the present reality.
We havent seen Rogue show up with full 80 yet and like I said I never expected them to fall like that, w/o even trying to put up a fight. So while I expected balance to shift I really did expect quite a bit more from Rogue all in all, not that it really matters.
Defiance didnt want my sin and I ended up doing your option E I think that is. I was plaon unhappy doing it and to enjoy this game I was forced to move to Darkness_ as said faction has lot of people I talk daily. I know there is friendslist but for reason or the other it wasnt enough for me. New atmosphere + Nobody I really know resulted me being too uncomfortable to stay in Dream, I can deal with one but not the both at same time it seems.
But ultimately So Hot had to disband, there was no way to quickly challenge bigger factions and there was no motivation in leadership to take longer path. Staying in So Hot wasnt an option and arguing like we should of done that is stupid.
Which left the 4 options.
1) Going to several smaller factions in small groups - I myself tried that and wasnt happy doing it.
2) Go to smaller faction as a larger group, which would of resulted in So Hot 2.0 making the whole disbanding So Hot quite pointless.
3) Go to Rogue
4) Go to Defiance.
If and when people wanted to stick together, Defiance was best option on every single count. It was the weaker side, we had less issues with their members than Rogues, etc. You are simply taking way too narrow minded approach on the matter, when it came down to 2 options things like personal issues with key figures of Rogue started to weigh in quite a bit. But those werent the reason to make decision to join Defiance, they were reason to disqualify Rogue leaving only Defiance.
Ps. I know how you play this game, mostly logging just for NW/TW and thats fine, its how you enjoy the game and I can clearly see why you only care bout TW balance in your faction decisions. Thats not true for all though and trying to argue with only TW in mind is narrow minded.__Sami__ - Archer - 105/103/102 - - Active
HideYoHubby - Assassin - 105/101/101 - Inactive
WnbTank - Barbarian - 103/101/101 - Catshop0 -
Good thing I have XCableX to alert me as to when the drama ensues on the server so I can spectate.
I still can't believe some of the "founders" of this server still squabble among the loud minority.
Entertaining nonetheless to watch:
(Thought you played PWI to hold off for ***... Dafuq you still here nab. You'll never beat the cash shoppers for 'cereal.)
Evidently G W 2 is Bleeped
(What happened to your 17 year old girlfriend and real life? The fact that you're back here playing the same old tune makes me laugh. Good luck kid.)
You all should know by now that the forums only influence a small minority.
To Failski:
They have seen this many of time(s) by you. Do you really think that this would entertain the thought of a new "era" among the server. Your short term memory and lack of conviction in your cause is pretty transparent to the "elders" of the server. Don't expect to get much going unless of course you do what you normally do; plant seeds within other established factions and cause them to rift. I could go on but what is the point when I don't play PW anymore; fun to poke at old players nonetheless.
Lets see what happens with Failski's plans. f:heart Keep me updated XCableX b:laughWinning b:pleased0 -
_Geogaddi - Archosaur wrote: »Good thing I have XCableX to alert me as to when the drama ensues on the server so I can spectate.
I still can't believe some of the "founders" of this server still squabble among the loud minority.
Entertaining nonetheless to watch:
(Thought you played PWI to hold off for ***... Dafuq you still here nab. You'll never beat the cash shoppers for 'cereal.)
Evidently G W 2 is Bleeped
(What happened to your 17 year old girlfriend and real life? The fact that you're back here playing the same old tune makes me laugh. Good luck kid.
You all should know by now that the forums only influence a small minority.
To Failski:
They have seen this many of time(s) by you. Do you really think that this would entertain the thought of a new "era" among the server. Your short term memory and lack of conviction in your cause is pretty transparent to the "elders" of the server. Don't expect to get much going unless of course you do what you normally do; plant seeds within other established factions and cause them to rift. I could go on but what is the point when I don't play PW anymore; fun to poke at old players nonetheless.
Lets see what happens with Failski's plans. f:heart Keep me updated XCableX b:laugh
First Question: Why don't you play anymore? I'd really like to farm you for a few days... You where so fail that I could kill you with R9 +5 lmao, now you'd just be a plain good ol' one shot.
Second Question: Do you think calling someone a name makes you look cool or like a big man? Because you know what it does in reality? make you look like you're trying pathetically to grasp at straws when trying to get on someones nerves.
Third Question: To quote your own words: "I don't play PW anyone" then why on earth are you here? Is it just to get attention? a desperate plea to find someone to gives you a tiny skerrick of energy into your pathetic argument, or are you just that bored?
-Whether Proski's attempt at starting or changing anything (if it is said attempt) will do something is beside the point.
The fact is he has the guts to speak out about how much bullshiit goes on on this server and that deserves a pat on the back.
Unlike your pathetic attempt to troll and get a rise out of someone.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Queen of Silly, circa 2014, as conferred by the late great Proski Wallace.0 -
Very interesting, Lol[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Zheii - Archosaur wrote: »
First Question: Why don't you play anymore? I'd really like to farm you for a few days... You where so fail that I could kill you with R9 +5 lmao, now you'd just be a plain good ol' one shot.
Second Question: Do you think calling someone a name makes you look cool or like a big man? Because you know what it does in reality? make you look like you're trying pathetically to grasp at straws when trying to get on someones nerves.
Third Question: To quote your own words: "I don't play PW anyone" then why on earth are you here? Is it just to get attention? a desperate plea to find someone to gives you a tiny skerrick of energy into your pathetic argument, or are you just that bored?
-Whether Proski's attempt at starting or changing anything (if it is said attempt) will do something is beside the point.
The fact is he has the guts to speak out about how much bullshiit goes on on this server and that deserves a pat on the back.
Unlike your pathetic attempt to troll and get a rise out of someone.
Firest Question... LOL at the +5 R9... the fact that that is standard is hilarious... and you can ask around the server if you want to know who I am.
Second question... You put a question and a statement... before getting the answer all in one, at the same time. You are showing how stupid you really are here... Why ask a question then size up the subject before getting an answer? And to clarify, it is to entertain myself with responses like your's. If that isn't clear yet, you baited right into it with your HORRIBLE english.
Third Question... To be entertained - I don't think you realize how PWI operates. I don't think you have played this game long enough to have any social influence on the ideals or the motivations behind any action. TO tie it all in, the fact that you said R9 +5 to kill me just goes to show how **** of the generation you came from truly is.
And to summarize, I do not do this for attention, I do it for entertainment. There is no pathetic argument here as there is NO argument... simply stating facts and observations. You are simply a "NEWBIE" to what once was. I put no stock in your posts and realize you are just simply trying to post because you can.
At the end of the day, you are a child to the PWI environment and do not appreciate what it once was and what it can be. Your R9+5 phrase alone... categorized your naivety, good day sir. b:victoryWinning b:pleased0 -
PWI politics aree the best. That's why we come to watch. : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW0 -
XCableX - Archosaur wrote: »PWI politics aree the best. That's why we come to watch. b:laugh
Your dumbass brought me back so shut up - be entertained and get the popcorn biotch.Winning b:pleased0 -
WTH even geo is here[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
This discussion has been closed.
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