Pick a proc for caster weapons: Purify, GoF, Spirit Blackhole...



  • ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver
    ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    said the stealth spark stun aps sin b:avoid

    shh let them say, they say casters are greedy but they want to dominate everything, pve not enough for them, making 10x more coins then everyone else wasnt enough during nirv era.

    funny how they all say : but zerk crit is like caster crit only. i want to say , but u have 50-60% more hp why would u hit as hard
  • Ursa - Dreamweaver
    Ursa - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,634 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Dead forums are dead and I like PWI discussion, so without further adieu:

    The thread: Remove Purify Proc Proc Y/N. We had it Coming is over 1300 posts long with about half the people thinking Purify proc should be removed or altered. There are tons of suggestions for ways to alter it, many are NW specific like the holy path effect not taking effect while carrying a flag.

    I thought I'd make a thread about what proc we think would be the most balanced for casters to have and start a discussion from there.

    Purify: It's not secret casters lack antistun skills and most melees can rip them apart once they get inside, the trick becomes kiting. Enter the worlds best kiting skill with permanent holy path and permanent antistun. They're still squisher (sort of?) but now they can't be locked down

    GoF: The glass cannon ability of casters is based on the idea that their 32m+ range will kill you before you ever reach them. Longer casting time on skills means greater dph instead of dps. and greater finishing ability.

    Spirit Blackhole: Its no GoF in terms of dph, but once purged every attack following will hit harder. It also works as a support skill for squadmates. Also, removing opponent damage buffs would assist in caster survivability.

    Other already existing procs
    Faith: Recovers hp and increases defenses. Obvious uses.
    Shield of Chi: The Pan Gu's Giant Axe buff would absorb a % of damage for a time period, procs upon being hit. Similar to purify proc it responds based on being hit, not attacking
    Darken: Has a chance to freeze and seal your enemies. If kiting is what casters needed this should help.

    Or create your own proc or modify Purify proc (ie Purify can only proc once every 15 seconds, or Purify no longer increases run speed but gives a temporary mana shield).

    The goal is not to argue whether purify proc should be removed. I find myself thinking "well, Spirit Blackhole on a caster would suck. And they already hit barbs for 30k so GoF would suck. There really is no r9t3 proc I'd rather them have." So I thought a discussion on alternatives to balance the class would be fun.

    oh wow..
    even suggesting GoF on caster weapons is b:shocked
    you guys lost all your common sense, really.
    after years of aps classes having the upper hand in everything from PvE to PvP now casters have a upper hand in PvP.
    Instead of trying to deal with it like they did for so much time, finding solutions in genies + pots, we do 1300 pages/posts or whatever it is on how to nerf them.

    Years ago this community was awesome. There were discussions about builds, strategies, skills, so on and so forth. Now all ppl do is just QQ about everything. It seems like all the good/inventive players left the game and all the leftovers (yup) are just whine babies.
    Instead of improving you whine (having maxed gear is not the end of the journey, proof is the PVP world wide contest). I know first graders that have more wit and desire to knowledge and to explore than this whole **** forum
    I like this game but I'm ashamed I'm part of this community.
    and, btw, this thread is pathetic.
    I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.
    George Carlin

    ~I listen to hardcore FIGHT songs when I visit the forum, just to get into the proper mood~

  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I laughed so much with this red quote, just show how greedy casters want to be most OPed without any using skills/apothes b:surrenderb:chuckle

    I was thinking actually about a Chuck Norris prok. With this prok, you get some damage reflected and a 80% chance to one shot you, even if the reflected damage is not enough to kill you. But that was too op, so I opted for 300% reflect, ONLY b:cute
  • JoeBlack - Harshlands
    JoeBlack - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was thinking actually about a Chuck Norris prok. With this prok, you get some damage reflected and a 80% chance to one shot you, even if the reflected damage is not enough to kill you. But that was too op, so I opted for 300% reflect, ONLY b:cute

    I just quote again my post so you see my point
    imo all of those weapon procs are too powerful, and make fights are more lucky dependent.
    heres some idea to make the game more playful and show the difference between skilled players/facerolls.

    + GoF/zerk - 1.5x dmg instead of 2x. increase the proc chance to 40%, 30% for normal zerk. no hp cost.

    +Spirit Blackhole - randomly removes half of all buffs from the target (if you have 4 buffs then remove 2, if you have 6 then remove 3) instead all of them. works on skills.

    +Purify - became a manual skill that anti-stun/speed up for 3 sec, 12sec cd, it cannot break stun but immune to any debuffs during the effect.

    another idea - 100% proc after used a skill, 12s cd.

    I like those ideas, but also need modify some skills on sin and psy also ,

    + SoS skill of psy :should reduce the chance to get seal from attacking psy to 20%, and time being sealed just 2-3s

    + remove the innen harmony sin skill or make cool down time up to 3 mins not 1min like now. When a class can continuously full 3 sparks, it is a broken of game
  • JoeBlack - Harshlands
    JoeBlack - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    shh let them say, they say casters are greedy but they want to dominate everything, pve not enough for them, making 10x more coins then everyone else wasnt enough during nirv era.

    funny how they all say : but zerk crit is like caster crit only. i want to say , but u have 50-60% more hp why would u hit as hard

    Green quote, you need to read another answer in the 1500 posts thread, they answered very clearly why the 30-40% hp more of HA melee class to balance with the range attack 30-40m within 2-3 hits can finish a fight before Ha melee can come close to try to attack IN RANGE.

    Red quote : I can say both sides : gamers and PWI company are failed. What did PWI company do? Following expecting of most new/ alts players who want to level fast without exploiting/questing . PWI made power-level by FCs, PVs, so all players can come to 101 fast enough to pay cash for getting r9 then r9-r-r. That why this game does not go downhill slowly , It accelerates faster to turn off all interests / make boredom resulted as shut down all servers finally. b:surrenderb:bye

    Nowadays, Nirvana instance die, quest/mobs grinding die. Most of towns in game are ghost towns by power-leveled. Only 2 places can be farmed for all are TT instances but this f-king PWI put everything, r9 material sale in Boutique to force all to pay for R9 then come to R9rr set. So who cares about TT farm?, maybe just be good for ppl who follow S3 Nirvana route. I like this part still b:victory

    Another place to farm is NWs, but it 's the mix between Farm/PVP place, When procs effect appeared on R9 -s3 end game weapons+ max tiers, a really unbalanced problem came up. it also turn off interests of HA melee classes then long term ??? You mean game will be automatically balanced once all players full R9-S3 set max refine and sharded ? (like sb compare they are ppl who sold the car for end game thingy b:laughb:laughb:). Then should be like Vendetta private servers? Let ppl anwer this.

    Lastly I really like playing this game and want it can alive long enough, but with the fast changes + without adjusting from players' feedback to make game more balance in general and hope to attract more new players come and enjoy. I do not know how about of this game future.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited May 2013
  • Crazybladema - Harshlands
    Crazybladema - Harshlands Posts: 425 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oh wow..
    even suggesting GoF on caster weapons is b:shocked
    you guys lost all your common sense, really.
    after years of aps classes having the upper hand in everything from PvE to PvP now casters have a upper hand in PvP.
    Instead of trying to deal with it like they did for so much time, finding solutions in genies + pots, we do 1300 pages/posts or whatever it is on how to nerf them.

    Years ago this community was awesome. There were discussions about builds, strategies, skills, so on and so forth. Now all ppl do is just QQ about everything. It seems like all the good/inventive players left the game and all the leftovers (yup) are just whine babies.
    Instead of improving you whine (having maxed gear is not the end of the journey, proof is the PVP world wide contest). I know first graders that have more wit and desire to knowledge and to explore than this whole **** forum
    I like this game but I'm ashamed I'm part of this community.
    and, btw, this thread is pathetic.

    If it was just for aps I have a version of modified purify thats better for aps and not broken. Just do 3 things to the proc

    1. Remove speed buff

    2. increase proc rate from 8% to 16%

    3. make it only work on AUTO attacks

    A balanced proc that only would give you an advantage vs aps users but nothing else really. A perfect replacement and solution.

    Shield Of Chi wouldn't be bad either as a replacement.

    Also I would like to add that casters didn't really have procs of their weapons in the past. For a reason... they really don't need it.
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Guys this is NOT the thread for general purify QQ, it's a discussion about which procs casters should have. Please keep discussion on topic, I'd have to have to close this.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • Aquiminthe - Sanctuary
    Aquiminthe - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oh wow..
    even suggesting GoF on caster weapons is b:shocked
    you guys lost all your common sense, really.
    after years of aps classes having the upper hand in everything from PvE to PvP now casters have a upper hand in PvP.
    Instead of trying to deal with it like they did for so much time, finding solutions in genies + pots, we do 1300 pages/posts or whatever it is on how to nerf them.

    Years ago this community was awesome. There were discussions about builds, strategies, skills, so on and so forth. Now all ppl do is just QQ about everything. It seems like all the good/inventive players left the game and all the leftovers (yup) are just whine babies.
    Instead of improving you whine (having maxed gear is not the end of the journey, proof is the PVP world wide contest). I know first graders that have more wit and desire to knowledge and to explore than this whole **** forum
    I like this game but I'm ashamed I'm part of this community.
    and, btw, this thread is pathetic.


    I suggest we keep everything as it is and come up with strategies to overcome our obstacles.
  • darknessofmy
    darknessofmy Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    other lame thread for QQ
  • unstop77
    unstop77 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    While high APS is handy, the mentality that its availability brought about - the whole "Must kill everything within a few spark-cycles" thing is just terrible.
  • x201x
    x201x Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    unstop77 wrote: »
    While high APS is handy, the mentality that its availability brought about - the whole "Must kill everything within a few spark-cycles" thing is just terrible.

    I have to side with those people. I just met way too many clerics who think they can get by with outdated gear or not getting their offensive skills. Hell, I LOVE to play my cleric as a healer, yet I still got all my VD skills. So many people I met didn't or not even bothered switching to VD.
  • hehehekat
    hehehekat Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    x201x wrote: »
    I have to side with those people. I just met way too many clerics who think they can get by with outdated gear or not getting their offensive skills. Hell, I LOVE to play my cleric as a healer, yet I still got all my VD skills. So many people I met didn't or not even bothered switching to VD.

  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    go go bms find us something

    where were you when casters were left out during the aps farming days? b:victory

    shoved into a corner and scrutinized by both casters and apsers for balance ideasb:chuckle
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • Fei_Lung - Sanctuary
    Fei_Lung - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In the other thread, I wasn't saying give casters the exact same options as melees have in game, just asking where are the caster equivalents? until fairly recently, casters have had no procs at all. With the advent R8r and R9r they've finally gotten two. Purify and Infinite. Some feel that one of these is an unfair advantage, I personally do not, considering the abilities that certain classes have recieved far prior to casters recieving anything.

    some facts to consider when making suggestions:
    The new procs casters have are purely defensive in nature. They do not give any offense.
    Melees have to get in range, but archers do not, and they do have procs.
    Melees can attack faster, and therefore have a higher chance to proc on attack related procs.
    Magic does not miss, however, skills are interruptable, and often take longer to produce effects, if any.
    Magic hitting harder no longer means anything in PVP. Massive attack levels and procs like SS and GoF have put that notion in the past.
    PWI endgame is an arms race, because PWI endgame is PVP.

    It is easy to claim balance in 1v1, TW, or NW...but really, it is all about who has the better gear and the knowledge to use what they have. Fights will not always be fair. You do not always have 1 R9r3 vs 1 R9r3, more likely it will be various numbers of R9/r2/r3, R8/R8r, NV/r2/r3, and TT99, all fighting each other.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In the other thread, I wasn't saying give casters the exact same options as melees have in game, just asking where are the caster equivalents? until fairly recently, casters have had no procs at all. With the advent R8r and R9r they've finally gotten two. Purify and Infinite. Some feel that one of these is an unfair advantage, I personally do not, considering the abilities that certain classes have recieved far prior to casters recieving anything.

    some facts to consider when making suggestions:
    The new procs casters have are purely defensive in nature. They do not give any offense.
    Melees have to get in range, but archers do not, and they do have procs.
    Melees can attack faster, and therefore have a higher chance to proc on attack related procs.
    Magic does not miss, however, skills are interruptable, and often take longer to produce effects, if any.
    Magic hitting harder no longer means anything in PVP. Massive attack levels and procs like SS and GoF have put that notion in the past.
    PWI endgame is an arms race, because PWI endgame is PVP.

    It is easy to claim balance in 1v1, TW, or NW...but really, it is all about who has the better gear and the knowledge to use what they have. Fights will not always be fair. You do not always have 1 R9r3 vs 1 R9r3, more likely it will be various numbers of R9/r2/r3, R8/R8r, NV/r2/r3, and TT99, all fighting each other.

    Being antistunned and speed boosted is purely defensive?

    Damn I've been playing this game wrong for years then.
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    unstop77 wrote: »
    While high APS is handy, the mentality that its availability brought about - the whole "Must kill everything within a few spark-cycles" thing is just terrible.

    The people I ran with and myself always had this mentality

    We call it..."Being good at the game"

    Its not like my bm was birthed from zeus's mighty brow with 5 aps, for a long time I killed things in squad in 2-3 cycles by coordinating debuffs and spark timing.

    hell even after I got my farming (or at that point in time endgame) set I still mostly duoed with a veno friend because it was faster than entire spark macro squads.

    When vana and a few other runs got cut off for my caster friends I made my barb as we just started full spawn delta, and made more coin out of 2x than most squads made in it. Guess what? We one or two cycled everything up to wave 9 with debuff and nuke timing without R9 seekers or anything over +7 weapon wise.

    Caster or archer spark could keep up with 5 aps builds at high refine however the lack of perma spark hurt them a lot, I ran with a few in vana that would apoc or CE to keep up a spark at every boss and one cycle kills happened.

    Ignorance on the "Derp i hit fast" and OMG TAKE ME I HAS +3 WAND sides both ruined a lot.

    Less QQ more Pew Pew
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Fei_Lung - Sanctuary
    Fei_Lung - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Being antistunned and speed boosted is purely defensive?

    Damn I've been playing this game wrong for years then.

    of course its purely defensive. you don't take any damage or have your character debuffed in any way, do you? no. you're also assuming that a caster would imitate your playstyle given this proc.

    I can only assume you mean the ability to freely reposition here. that isn't the proc, that is what the character chooses to do with it. BMs have will of the bodhisattva, Sins have maze steps, Barbs have violent triumph, Archers have elven alacrity...all of these are antistuns, and most of them give runspeed buffs....only difference is the caster version is out of the caster's control, as it only defensively procs.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    of course its purely defensive. you don't take any damage or have your character debuffed in any way, do you? no. you're also assuming that a caster would imitate your playstyle given this proc.

    I can only assume you mean the ability to freely reposition here. that isn't the proc, that is what the character chooses to do with it. BMs have will of the bodhisattva, Sins have maze steps, Barbs have violent triumph, Archers have elven alacrity...all of these are antistuns, and most of them give runspeed buffs....only difference is the caster version is out of the caster's control, as it only defensively procs.


    The ultimate offense in pwi is a speed+antistun buff

    faster than you and cant be controlled = your taking the damn hit

    Your total lack of game knowledge and general absence of common sense are just adorable
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Fei_Lung - Sanctuary
    Fei_Lung - Sanctuary Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    The ultimate offense in pwi is a speed+antistun buff

    faster than you and cant be controlled = your taking the damn hit

    Your total lack of game knowledge and general absence of common sense are just adorable

    you're still assuming a caster would use it the same way a BM or a sin would, and now you're falling to insults. which proves to me, and anyone reading this, that anything you say can freely be disregarded.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    you're still assuming a caster would use it the same way a BM or a sin would, and now you're falling to insults. which proves to me, and anyone reading this, that anything you say can freely be disregarded.

    Awww you think your a person

    Hey if you click your heels together 3 time's I bet the Great Oz will give you a brain.

    I'll indulge you though.

    Even if you run every time (wizzies will be getting in other casters/archers faces a lot) the geni chi and apoc saved by purify will be used for sparks, debuffs, and more speed

    So indirectly even if your just flat kiting you gain enough geni chi to flame spark, EP, holy path, or do any other number of nasty things with every proc. All of this in addition to wasting whatever your oppenent just spent chi/geni on freeing up even more gas on your part to nuke away.

    last I checked Spark+undine is better than a crit/zerk or purge
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Crazybladema - Harshlands
    Crazybladema - Harshlands Posts: 425 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Just ignore the insults they dont solve anything. For melles at endgame they get gof which helps them kill things due to there low damage output. Archers get spirit black hole which only helps a tad.

    Simply because it just inst reliable and has such a low chance to proc. Although if it procs it helps the user quite a bit.

    If casters get a proc it should be defensive, because they have pretty good damage. But at the same time it should be balanced with everything else.

    One proc come to mind

    Shield of Chi

    Both would make a casters life easier and it be relatively balanced. It doesn't mess with other classes stuns/amps and their ability to pin down a caster. But it does give casters a nice little defense boost 20% damage reduction if I remember correctly.
  • Master_Ghoul - Lost City
    Master_Ghoul - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    next r9 upgrade or r10 give every class gof.

    or no proc on any class.

    its so ****ing silly bm say they need gof what....

    sin need GOF

    you guys dont need any proc

    your all ****ing greedy

    you want for urself but dont want anyone else to have it

    i bet gof would make melee qq even more

    why was you not like remove aps its not a good thing when caster get showed out of the party

    caster are not dd

    look in wc i bet you still see bh100 looking for dd and when you say your class they ask 1st whats ur aps.... and omg if you say ur a caster no ur no dd.


    its not a joke i seen it so many ****ing times

    adaprt or quit.

    this is my qq thread about this qq thread trololololol
  • Crazybladema - Harshlands
    Crazybladema - Harshlands Posts: 425 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    next r9 upgrade or r10 give every class gof.

    or no proc on any class.

    its so ****ing silly bm say they need gof what....

    sin need GOF

    you guys dont need any proc

    your all ****ing greedy

    you want for urself but dont want anyone else to have it

    i bet gof would make melee qq even more

    why was you not like remove aps its not a good thing when caster get showed out of the party

    caster are not dd

    look in wc i bet you still see bh100 looking for dd and when you say your class they ask 1st whats ur aps.... and omg if you say ur a caster no ur no dd.


    its not a joke i seen it so many ****ing times

    adaprt or quit.

    this is my qq thread about this qq thread trololololol

    I think its about time this thread just *cough* b:sweat

    Just wow im done here
  • JoeBlack - Harshlands
    JoeBlack - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    One question??

    The thread http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?p=19315391#post19315391

    got almost 1500 pots but where are mods response here??

    It is a non response because they can not change anything which they can not do by now,, they have to pay/invest on their own technical team or orginal Chinese dev team to fix,they need money and time but this game is on downhill. Unworthy to invest much on this instead of gaining as much as they can.

    I do not believe there will be any changes in near future b:bye
  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited May 2013
    Anyway since this thread has been derailed and really only about the purify proc being OP, I'm going to close this. If you want to continue to discuss the purify proc, please see the appropriate thread. Thanks.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
This discussion has been closed.