Incentive for instances (moved)



  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Of all the ideas you posted, this is my favorite. This hard mode should take all the most difficult elements of the game and combine them in one place: mobs with AoEs / seals / stuns (like many of the warsong mobs), physical / magic immune mobs, bosses that spawn other bosses (like Drake Fling and Incacerate), world bosses, etc.

    And also replace the heads quest with something really difficult and far less mundane. I imagine taking the 'heads' quest and the room completely locks down (all exits blocked by doors) and swarms of mobs flood through the blocked entrances (visualize every mob from PV started attacking the squad at the same time, only these would be harder to kill by a wide margin). Each mob randomly chooses a squad member to attack and can not be drawn away from that squad member until it dies. The quest would complete when all of the mobs are killed, with each mob giving decent XP. At that point you would be able to receive a reward from the npc (on the order of millions of XP). The quest would only succeed if all squad members are alive (or revived) at the end, and once you leave the room you can't get back.

    And of course, limit how often you can do "hard mode". Perhaps have it consume a nirvana talisman. The idea here is that there would be absolutely no way to solo it and it would be very difficult even for top geared players. Then the last part would be borderline impossible, but with great rewards for success.

    I would love this idea in pretty much any game, but this wudnt work for PWI. (this game has never been and will never be about being good at something, with the right gear everything is possible for everyone) Its not possible to make challenging content in PvE (or nearly impossible) since a r999 has the potential of a squad full of G16, so what is hard for a squad of G16 is an easy thing for r999 which will lead to elitism. (meaning people will only accept r999s into their squads) So I dont think this is a very good idea, my point with FCCHM was to just up the levels and hps to have them give more XP, not make it super hard, just make it rewarding. (just as hard as it is to clear FCC with a squad of lvl 85s)
    super mega interresting:
  • Crixxix - Raging Tide
    Crixxix - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I agree with this. We don't want to revive the elitism that Nirvana had brought to the game, and I'm still going to leave the ultimate decision on how to revive Nirvana to more talented minds than my own. I can throw suggestions out there all day, but they will more than likely be flawed.
  • Fissile - Archosaur
    Fissile - Archosaur Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The fact remains that there is not PvE content that is even remotely challenging for players in fully endgame gear.
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    The fact remains that there is not PvE content that is even remotely challenging for players in fully endgame gear.

    True, because its not possible. PWI is not a game u shud play for the challenge, its a very easy n laid back game, u can write a flawless guide for every single class in less than 100 words. Also does this game not have end-game gear. Lvl 100 endgame gear 2 years ago is nothing compared to Lvl 100 endgame gear now, and this will just continue on and on with less and less people being able to afford this endgame gear.

    Increasing the difficulty of the game will in no way affect the better people of the game (simply because there are no 'better' people due to the low skillcap) but it will only affect the people able to afford better endgame gear. And I dont think this is something PWI will ever want to do, simply because they will lose a lot of their community and players

    Tho on that note I feel like we're losing track of the original topic, which is the ideas I've thrown at you guys to give people an incentive to do instances that are rarely done these days, not make them harder, just more rewarding.
    super mega interresting:
  • Hannsel - Dreamweaver
    Hannsel - Dreamweaver Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ...... But giving them not tradeable, not stashable, not droppable, and can't be combined to craft higher orbs status can be fair enough.
    i'm iffy about non stashable orbs. there is only so many +9 items i'll need on 1 toon. i'd prefer to be able to stash for my other toons to use as well
    well imo people will have to bind their lunar gear in order to use the 9* orbs on them.
    I think thats a perfectly acceptable condition, and its also the only acceptable condition imo, else, like I said, these orbs will be sold
    i dont understand the necessity of this condition
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    i'm iffy about non stashable orbs. there is only so many +9 items i'll need on 1 toon. i'd prefer to be able to stash for my other toons to use as well

    i dont understand the necessity of this condition

    oki allow me to give u an example worldchat that will come if these orbs can be used on items that are not bound:

    WTS 9* service for x amount of money, u trade me ur gear, I make it +9 and trade it back for the payment

    Making a D.orb usable on an item that isnt bound is the same as making it tradable, just look at the Basic Badges that u use to make G16 gear, people sell crafting services aka selling the badges that are untradable
    super mega interresting:
  • Hannsel - Dreamweaver
    Hannsel - Dreamweaver Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    oki allow me to give u an example worldchat that will come if these orbs can be used on items that are not bound:

    WTS 9* service for x amount of money, u trade me ur gear, I make it +9 and trade it back for the payment

    Making a D.orb usable on an item that isnt bound is the same as making it tradable, just look at the Basic Badges that u use to make G16 gear, people sell crafting services aka selling the badges that are untradable
    its not that bad though economy wise as they cant sell for higher price than current refining costs.
    also trials requires u to be in active faction w/base and get enaf fac mates unlike warsong where any1 can form squad and do it. allowing it to work on tradable gear makes the 9 trials more appealing for +10~+12 peeps