Incentive for instances (moved)

MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Suggestion Box

let me start with a small introduction. I`m a long time PWI player, tho originally I came from PW:MY, before the PWI servers went live. This means I have been around ever since PWI was still a lil baby and I have witnissed all its changes. I havent been below lvl 100 for years so I will not be adressing any problems for the instances or gameplay below lvl 100, so please keep in mind everything I'll be typing here goes for lvl 100+ only :)

Disclaimer: I am here to represent my opinion and mine only, please respect this and I will respect ur opinion. I am in no way an encyclopedia so I might say things that are in conflict with the truth and I apoligize for this, please correct me and I will correct the post. Also english is not my native language, please dont get upset if my english isnt flawless

In this thread I wud like to adress what I feel shud be done with instances (purely PvE) to improve quality of life for everyone in game, and especially I wud like the give suggestions on giving people a reason to get into these instance, reward the player for their efforts :)

Before getting into any details regarding the instances there is one change that in my opinion is most definately required for every single instance there currently is in PWI.
This being: Remove the mechanic knows as stealth from the PvE instances

Reason: While I do feel stealth is a mechanic that greatly benefits assassins I do not feel that its made to by-pass content in the game and farm faster, which it is most definately used for in PvE instances, this said stealth has no other function in these instances, its a mechanic purely made for PvP and it shud be kept that way.

That being out of the way I will now start adressing the following instances:

Rebirth - Delta
BH99 (Seat of Torment/Aba)
Twilight Temple
Phoenix Valley
Warsong City

A faction is a place where people spend time together and help eachother improve, this also goes for helping eachother out with improving their gear. 9-trials being a factionbased instance is a very important place that allows the whole faction to help eachother out while getting rewarded themselves. 9-trials consists of 3 rounds, each with 9 trials. Keeping that in mind I wud like to bring forth my suggestion.

This being the introduction of a new item, which for convenience purposes I will adress to as Proof of Madskillz ;). This token will be rewarded to everyone that has completed a trial in the 3rd round. (meaning that the faction has already completed the first 2 rounds, this being the first 18 trials)

As soon as u have 5 PoMs you can trade these in for a 9* D.orb.

Both the PoMs and the Orb will have to be non-tradable so these can only be used to improves someones own gear, and the 9* D.orb may only be used on bound gear (of any level), much like the 5* orbs from the dreamchaser pack, cept from the gear level cap. It is also impossible to use the 9* D.orb to make it into a 10* D.orb.

I feel like indirectly this will also improve TW activity, because it also gives people an incentive to join a bigger faction, which might lead to a higher TW activity, but this is purely speculation on my part.

Rebirth - Delta
Currently, since the introduction of Nation Wars, the game is lacking something I feel is very important; An instance to farm money. While I do realise a new upcoming instance has been announced I strongly feel that Rebirth - Delta should be this instance.

My reason for thinking this is simple, no matter what class u are, or no matter what gear u have, Rebirth - Delta takes just as long for everyone. This will lead to everyone having an equal oppurtunity to make money. I would also strongest suggestion the pay-out of Rebirth - Delta to be in coin, rather than items. I do not know how much money per hour people were making off nirvana, but I suggestion counting Rebirth - Delta as a 2-hour run and pay the players slightly more than the people were averagely making in nirvana.

Problem: While my intention with this change is to give everyone an equal oppurtunity I can see a problem coming with this, this being the 2 classes known as Venomancers and Assassins being a less popular choice in Rebirth - Delta, simply because the great things these classes bring (High single target DPS (sins), Purge and single target amplification (venos)) are not needed in Rebirth - Delta.
Solution: The way to solve this is by giving the bosses considerably more hp and give them the ability to defensively buff themselves (perhaps not permanently), this will make ur run take considerably longer if u choose to not take a sin or veno.

BH99 (Seat/Aba)
Currently this instance is only used for BH100, and very rarely for people that need chrono or FB. Tho I feel like these instances would be great for farming skillbooks. With the sin stealth out of the way I feel like this wud allow to make Peachblossem and Hellfire drop a special little something for the people that kill it (not always ofcourse, but %-based)

First thing that needs to be changed is that u will have to kill all the bosses in the instance, before being able to reach Peach/Hellfire.

Then I do believe that it would be good to make Peach/Hellfire drop highly contested skillbooks, Im talking about skills such as:

Heaven's Flame
Barrage of Arrows
Black Ice Dragon Strike
Parasetic Nova

I think this would definately give people an incentive to do the whole instance rather than just the BH boss, and if the droprate is kept on a proper amount people that farm the instance will eventually be rewarded for it, without destroying the current price of the skillbooks.

Frostcovered City
While I realise this instance is made for lvl 85-98 I do feel this instance is a lot of fun and gives a lot of diversity. So I would suggest the introduction of yet something new

Frostcovered City Hard Mode (FCCHM) (Im not sure if HardMode is copyrighted by ArenaNet ^^)

This will basically keep FCC how it is, but scale the mobs up to make them considerably stronger (boost them up to lvl 105 or lvl ?)
Since the current level of the mobs is lvl 88, anyone over the lvl of 98 will get a very low amount of XP, while I do realise the instance is intended to be like this I do feel this change is a very good one :)

Ofcourse the old FCC wouldnt go away, u just get the choice at the start to open either instance (much like with TT)

Problem: Lower level people will use FCCHM to powerlevel
Solution: In order to enter nirvana u needed a key and u needed to be lvl 100, so it seems like it is quite easy to make sure that people below the level of 100 can not enter this instance, this is ofcourse very important.

Lunar right now must be one of the least popular instances of the game, tho I feel like this has changed a little with the introduction of the G16/r999 molds + badges. I do feel like it should somehow be rewarding to choose a different path, rather than the BH path, perhaps by increasing the amount of Badges rewarded to the people that kill the bosses on the other paths.

Also I strongly believe the 3mil opening fee should either be removed or decreased significantly (I believe there's an item much like the ultimate substance for TT but then for lunar, make people use those?)

Twilight Temple
The way twilight temple is is just fine in my opinion, people use it whats its been made for, to get TT items and gear, perhaps increasing the droprate of fairy boxes in TT3+ would be a welcome change.

Phoenix Valley
Phoenix valley much like Twilight Temple is currently fullfilling its purpose, this being leveling people, tho I feel like certain classes have a very unfair advantage over others, this is why I made the suggestion I made for Frostcovered City, also because PV is very simple and small which gets very boring very fast. (no offense to whoever made it)

This place currently fulfills no purpose whatshowever and I have no idea how this could become a useful place again, I feel like making this instance a money making instance is a very bad idea, obviously because it had previously led to elitism/high gear requirements, which in my opinion is bad for quality of life in game and bad for quality of the community. This is probably my least favorite instance of all, and I have no suggestions for this place im afraid.

Warsong City
Warsong City is currently my favorite instance, I feel like this has the perfect balance between working on ur gear, making money (selling badges) and working together, a balance of classes is required, tho the gear requirement for participating might be a little high for some. I feel like if every instance could be like Warsong City people would definately like to do more different instance which will decrease boredom ingame. (ofcourse all fullfilling their own different purposes)

This is all I got for now, if u made it this far, congratulations, u will either hate me now or agree with me with some of the things I said, but either way I am very interrested in ur opinions, so please leave respectful comments or questions :)

peace b:bye
super mega interresting:
Post edited by MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary on


  • /Mangetsu - Dreamweaver
    /Mangetsu - Dreamweaver Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    I think all good ideas and hopefully GMs will do something about it or AT LEAST DO SOMETHING to bring some of the instances back.

    However, I noticed you "have no idea" how to bring back Nirvana.

    so here s a suggestion of my own (and probly a lot of people in psib:laugh)

    Make Nirvana another mold/badge/essence instance with one EoD and one EoO guarantee per run.

    Now the problem with this would be that ev1 would leave WS and Lunar to go do Nirvy instead, that is why GMs could do Nirvy Boss to drop only nirvy molds (wep by last boss ofc) and leaving r9 gear for WS (only) and r9 weeps for Lunar (only). And if you think about it seems fitting that if you want the best gear in pwi you would need to pay a lit more, in this case 12 mirs for WS and 3mills for Lunar
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I like that idea for vana :)
    as long as it doesnt keep people out of warsong ^^
    super mega interresting:
  • SaphirHealer - Archosaur
    SaphirHealer - Archosaur Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    PV is not serving its purpose for the lower levels. it starts at like what...20 or 30..but people would much rather be fc babies then do PV...I try getting PV squads for my alts because tis a good change....but can never get the people to do it..the don't bother.."why would I bother to do PV when i can just but a heads room and get more exp for less time/effort"

    Too bad they don't give any incentives to actually do the lower level ones..Wish they had it when my cleric was a lowbie..I would farmed the **** out of that place...
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I know about the problem with the FCC babies :)

    but like I said at the start of my post, Im only adressing lvl 100+ instances, because I dont know about the lower level stuff cuz Ive been lvl 100+ for years, so what Ive written only applies to lvl 100+ :)

    Thank you for ur input tho

    PS: Selling FCC XP-room is something done mainly by sins. Removing stealth from instances (like Ive suggested in my post) will make it less profitable to do FCC clears (or more expensive to buy xp rooms ofc, supply:demand) which might help u with ur problem aswell :)
    super mega interresting:
  • _Mr_Tanky_ - Sanctuary
    _Mr_Tanky_ - Sanctuary Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Mad, you're a god. This is seriously amazing and really should be considered. +1 to everything apart from PV as it is not fulfilling it's potential at all, Heart_Broker is the only person that I have seen on the Sanctuary server doing it, and even onto that he's selling 100+ solo'd runs for 5m. Crazy?!

    R8 101 Barb - Deleted by PWI. Customer care = 10/10!
  • XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary
    XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Mad, you're a god. This is seriously amazing and really should be considered. +1 to everything apart from PV as it is not fulfilling it's potential at all, Heart_Broker is the only person that I have seen on the Sanctuary server doing it, and even onto that he's selling 100+ solo'd runs for 5m. Crazy?!

    Is that a bad joke?

    I've seen and been part of multiple squads. While these squads may not get the 7 or 8 runs that heart broker can do, they still get a solid amount of exp. Alternatively, it's a fairly soloable instance if you have good gear (g16 should be ample) if you do it in smaller pulls.

    Yes, an OP seeker is able to solo it very easily, but the same goes for an OP of almost any class. (Adroit has pointed out that he was getting 6 or 7 runs a day per token while doing it, and he's a wiz)

    At lower levels it could serve it's purpose, but FCC does it better, so people tend to bypass it. Someone will inevitably go on an FCC baby rant, but let's be real here, PV doesn't require a whole lot of skill for classes besides the puller and possibly the healer, and certainly won't develop it.

    However, if people took some initiative and tried to form their own squads, I'm confident you could get a few takers. The problem is there is so much general resistance to actually being the one to form a squad people wait around for a world chat from an fcc squad or whatever else rather than just doing it themselves.

    With response to madskill's idea about removing stealth, I'm not sure if there are any instances that have stealth disabled, so it might be a lot of new programming (I don't have a sin so I'm not overly familiar with options for nerfing stealth potential). They do have the programming set up for making bosses massively OP if a certain number of mobs aren't killed though, like in fb69+ and warsong, adding that might be an alternative (unless that's what you meant anyway)

    I definitely like the trials idea, it used to be a fun way to get the faction together, now there's very little motivation to do it so people just don't. Also, with the advent of r9r3 and prominence of g16, higher rounds have become much easier. While trial 9 used to be a series of squad wipes and a struggle to complete in time with 40 people, now a couple seekers can set vortex and have people pull in and it's basically done. I think that your option would not only make it more profitable but encourage people to go for the higher rounds, both of which I think are good (however, since that would cut in on orb sales, i'd be very surprised if they considered it b:surrender)

    As for mangetsu's vana suggestion, I think the EoO and EoD from one instance is excessive, especially since a lot of people don't like lunar. I think that would effectively kill lunar in the process of reviving Vana. Even without adding molds to them, if they give badges, I think it might kill both lunar and warsong (or at least make them rather sickly). I know a lot of the people I do warsong with or lunar with are largely trying just to get badges to use their molds. Maybe one or two people need a mold, but for the most part I think removing lunar's exclusive hold on the EoD and warsong's cheepest access to badges would be detrimental to both, and may make it harder for people to get squads for molds (I say that as someone who has every mold I need already)
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
    Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer

    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • _Mr_Tanky_ - Sanctuary
    _Mr_Tanky_ - Sanctuary Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    No it's not a joke. And yeah, that's a good point although there still isn't that many PV squads that aren't with a OP geared player soloing it.

    R8 101 Barb - Deleted by PWI. Customer care = 10/10!
  • XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary
    XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That's because people don't take the initiative to do so. I'm sure if you tried, as a barb, you would be able to get a couple people.
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
    Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer

    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    making squads for PV is rather easy, my problem with PV however, and I adressed this in my post, is the large class imbalance. Im sure u can all agree with me on the fact that certain classes are a lot better and more effective in this very small n simple instance, which is exactly why I prefer for a harder version of FCC, which I called FCCHM, since this offers a better class balance and more diversity. As for the vana, Circe is probably right, unless they drastically change the instance itll just bring back the negativity vana brought in the first place...

    even up to this day ppl PM me their weapon to join the squad, it makes me sad :(
    super mega interresting:
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    (however, since that would cut in on orb sales, i'd be very surprised if they considered it b:surrender)

    this is why I say it shud be a 9* Orb, these days most (I hope lol) people dont use Orbs to get +9 anymore, since its 100x cheaper the use Mirages/Tisha's/Tiekangs
    super mega interresting:
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    Im curious :o do only the players of PWI ever look here? or is the suggestion thread actually bein looked at? cuz im quite curious in hearing why certain things would or would not work b:thanks
    super mega interresting:
  • Ediger - Raging Tide
    Ediger - Raging Tide Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    That's an interesting idea for Trials - but truly think it needs to be more - there are so many people who already are +10 that will have no need for the +9 bound

    I think they need to give supply tokens along with warrior shields, and not just 1 but like 10 for tier 1 trials 1-4, 25 for 5-7 and 50 for 8-9 - then double that for tier 2 and triple that for tier 3. This would make trials a bit more worth the effort to go farther.

    They also need to take coins out of tier 3 as a reward, heck maybe even as a tier 2 reward. I did 27 trials this week on 3 toons and got 2 chests that were not coins, all the rest were. That's just sad, considering the costs involved in JUST repair bills, if nothing else.

    If they increased the % of ancient emblems, took out coins as rewards (both in tier 2 and 3) and then added the supply tokens that may be a bit more incentive to invest in trials more often.

    I don't mind the 9* orb thing though, but I really don't think that's nearly enough to motivate many to get all the way to tier 3 - and as someone who did it for the first time it is very time consuming to get that far! and as an avid trials fanatic even I'm not motivated enough to do that on a regular basis!

    As for Nirvana adding supply tokens as a drop in the chests as well as adding ancient emblems may help. I also think they could change from flawless gems to immacs take out getting mirages and if PStones are given increase the number of those per chest.

    I also like the idea that molds and the essences drop in there. But if they did that then something would need to be tweaked because as it is its pretty easy to run nirvana these days.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    Rebirth - Delta
    Currently, since the introduction of Nation Wars, the game is lacking something I feel is very important; An instance to farm money. While I do realise a new upcoming instance has been announced I strongly feel that Rebirth - Delta should be this instance.

    My reason for thinking this is simple, no matter what class u are, or no matter what gear u have, Rebirth - Delta takes just as long for everyone. This will lead to everyone having an equal oppurtunity to make money. I would also strongest suggestion the pay-out of Rebirth - Delta to be in coin, rather than items. I do not know how much money per hour people were making off nirvana, but I suggestion counting Rebirth - Delta as a 2-hour run and pay the players slightly more than the people were averagely making in nirvana.

    Problem: While my intention with this change is to give everyone an equal oppurtunity I can see a problem coming with this, this being the 2 classes known as Venomancers and Assassins being a less popular choice in Rebirth - Delta, simply because the great things these classes bring (High single target DPS (sins), Purge and single target amplification (venos)) are not needed in Rebirth - Delta.
    Solution: The way to solve this is by giving the bosses considerably more hp and give them the ability to defensively buff themselves (perhaps not permanently), this will make ur run take considerably longer if u choose to not take a sin or veno.

    Venos are not useless in GV...We have something called Parasitic Nova which is just as good as a bm's Roar, and if the veno is demon, it's even better. We can also use myriad in fox form, and noxious. Just because we don't have zhen attack, doesn't mean we can't do anything...

    BH99 (Seat/Aba)
    Currently this instance is only used for BH100, and very rarely for people that need chrono or FB. Tho I feel like these instances would be great for farming skillbooks. With the sin stealth out of the way I feel like this wud allow to make Peachblossem and Hellfire drop a special little something for the people that kill it (not always ofcourse, but %-based)

    First thing that needs to be changed is that u will have to kill all the bosses in the instance, before being able to reach Peach/Hellfire.

    Then I do believe that it would be good to make Peach/Hellfire drop highly contested skillbooks, Im talking about skills such as:

    Heaven's Flame
    Barrage of Arrows
    Black Ice Dragon Strike
    Parasetic Nova

    I think this would definately give people an incentive to do the whole instance rather than just the BH boss, and if the droprate is kept on a proper amount people that farm the instance will eventually be rewarded for it, without destroying the current price of the skillbooks.

    Well guess what. Wanmei recently announced that they were going to redesign these 2 instances for this purpose: farming books. I don't know if they will add more books, or if they will drop more often. You can see what I'm talking about

    Frostcovered City
    While I realise this instance is made for lvl 85-98 I do feel this instance is a lot of fun and gives a lot of diversity. So I would suggest the introduction of yet something new

    Frostcovered City Hard Mode (FCCHM) (Im not sure if HardMode is copyrighted by ArenaNet ^^)

    This will basically keep FCC how it is, but scale the mobs up to make them considerably stronger (boost them up to lvl 105 or lvl ?)
    Since the current level of the mobs is lvl 88, anyone over the lvl of 98 will get a very low amount of XP, while I do realise the instance is intended to be like this I do feel this change is a very good one :)

    Ofcourse the old FCC wouldnt go away, u just get the choice at the start to open either instance (much like with TT)

    Problem: Lower level people will use FCCHM to powerlevel
    Solution: In order to enter nirvana u needed a key and u needed to be lvl 100, so it seems like it is quite easy to make sure that people below the level of 100 can not enter this instance, this is ofcourse very important.

    Lunar right now must be one of the least popular instances of the game, tho I feel like this has changed a little with the introduction of the G16/r999 molds + badges. I do feel like it should somehow be rewarding to choose a different path, rather than the BH path, perhaps by increasing the amount of Badges rewarded to the people that kill the bosses on the other paths.

    Also I strongly believe the 3mil opening fee should either be removed or decreased significantly (I believe there's an item much like the ultimate substance for TT but then for lunar, make people use those?)

    Lunar Unpopular? I don't think sof:scared

    Phoenix Valley
    Phoenix valley much like Twilight Temple is currently fullfilling its purpose, this being leveling people, tho I feel like certain classes have a very unfair advantage over others, this is why I made the suggestion I made for Frostcovered City, also because PV is very simple and small which gets very boring very fast. (no offense to whoever made it)

    This place currently fulfills no purpose whatshowever and I have no idea how this could become a useful place again, I feel like making this instance a money making instance is a very bad idea, obviously because it had previously led to elitism/high gear requirements, which in my opinion is bad for quality of life in game and bad for quality of the community. This is probably my least favorite instance of all, and I have no suggestions for this place im afraid.

    There will always be elitism anyway.Now you find elitism for warsong and lunar too. Mm, I guess nirvana was a little worse though, because when there was no caster nirvana, ppl only wanted sins, bms, and venos.

    Anyway, what they should do with nirvana is very simple: Increase the default rate significantly. Maybe 5x of what is now.

    Warsong City
    Warsong City is currently my favorite instance, I feel like this has the perfect balance between working on ur gear, making money (selling badges) and working together, a balance of classes is required, tho the gear requirement for participating might be a little high for some. I feel like if every instance could be like Warsong City people would definately like to do more different instance which will decrease boredom ingame. (ofcourse all fullfilling their own different purposes)

    peace b:bye

    I deleted most of ur quote, including something with which I do not agree. Not allowing stealth in instances. Sin's have got enough hate imo. Stealth is a skill of their class and they have the right to use them all to their advatange. I don't know what class you play, but if Wanmei disabled fox form in instances because it allows me to run away every time things get tough, I would very upset. f:shock

    I think even non-sins (like me, lol) wouldn't like this. Because stealth can help the other team members if used wisely.

    P.S Oh yeah, deleted parts were the part where I had nothing to comment
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I deleted most of ur quote, including something with which I do not agree. Not allowing stealth in instances. Sin's have got enough hate imo. Stealth is a skill of their class and they have the right to use them all to their advatange. I don't know what class you play, but if Wanmei disabled fox form in instances because it allows me to run away every time things get tough, I would very upset. f:shock

    I think even non-sins (like me, lol) wouldn't like this. Because stealth can help the other team members if used wisely.

    P.S Oh yeah, deleted parts were the part where I had nothing to comment

    you do make some interresting points, however u seem to have missed mine.

    never did I call venos useless in delta, I used the words 'less popular choice'

    sure they have nova, and noxious gas, does that make their ability to AoE better than a wizzy/psy/seeker?

    No it doesnt.

    You compare Nova with BM stun which I find to be somewhat strange

    Chi Cost : 2 sparks
    Cooldown: 30 seconds

    Roar of the Pride:
    Chi Cost: 35 chi (demon) 25 chi (sage)
    Cooldown: 14 sec (demon) 15 sec (sage)

    just on these 2 points u can see the clear difference between the 2 skills.

    But all numbers aside, and I know ur a veno so u would like to defend the class u play, but the specialisation of a venomancer doesnt lie where u say it does. Which is why I suggest to give the bosses a self-buff so the veno's purge will come in as an important skill and more hp so the single target amplification helps more than it does now.

    As for the information regarding FB99, thank you :) I was not aware of this and I am happy to hear this.

    As for the popularity in lunar...I am again very confused, I dont know how it is in Lost City, but not a single soul will enter Lunar for the purpose of anything other than BH (or helping someone with BH). People speak of the legends of the scary bosses that live on the paths where the Hauntery Queen doesnt spawn, but no one will ever go there, cuz why would you, it doesnt reward you.

    As for the elitism, sure it exists, and this is a shame, but im not being asked to proof that im 5 APS with a +10 weapon to join a squad these days, which means it has definately gone down since the vana days.

    As for the stealth... I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, I do not think stealth belongs in PvE instances. It will only be used to by-pass content any other class will have to fight thru which causes a huuuuuuge class imbalance when it comes to farming these instances. The kill counters help, but they arent there yet in every instance, so they shud either remove stealth or put kill counters everywhere to make it so that sins cant hop from 1 boss to another without having to do anything in the instance whatshowever
    super mega interresting:
  • Frijolero - Sanctuary
    Frijolero - Sanctuary Posts: 820 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    As soon as u have 5 PoMs you can trade these in for a 9* D.orb.

    Both the PoMs and the Orb will have to be non-tradable so these can only be used to improves someones own gear, and the 9* D.orb may only be used on bound gear (of any level), much like the 5* orbs from the dreamchaser pack, cept from the gear level cap. It is also impossible to use the 9* D.orb to make it into a 10* D.orb.

    Rank gear is not bounded. They have stats that makes them similar as if you used a bind charm on them.

    The only difference between Lunar T3 and TT T3 is that TT99 gear comes with a free binding charm, and thus they have the 'bounded' status while lunar gear doesn't (unless you use a binding charm on them, obviously).

    I think the +9 D.Orb shouldn't have the limitation of beign usable only on bounded gear becuase of the difference on how high level gear is 'bounded' to the character. It will give the orbs limted usage. But giving them not tradeable, not stashable, not droppable, and can't be combined to craft higher orbs status can be fair enough.
    Sliding we go, only fear on our side. To the edge of the wire and we rush with the tide.
    Although I'm still alive, pray to God I survive
    How long on this longest day, 'til we finally make it through.
    - June 6, 1944. The day earth stood still.
  • XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary
    XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Rank gear is not bounded. They have stats that makes them similar as if you used a bind charm on them.

    The only difference between Lunar T3 and TT T3 is that TT99 gear comes with a free binding charm, and thus they have the 'bounded' status while lunar gear doesn't (unless you use a binding charm on them, obviously).

    I think the +9 D.Orb shouldn't have the limitation of beign usable only on bounded gear becuase of the difference on how high level gear is 'bounded' to the character. It will give the orbs limted usage. But giving them not tradeable, not stashable, not droppable, and can't be combined to craft higher orbs status can be fair enough.

    You could just use binding charms on it. I know a lot of people who have done that just to prevent accidental NPCing (or hacker npcing)
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
    Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer

    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • Frijolero - Sanctuary
    Frijolero - Sanctuary Posts: 820 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You could just use binding charms on it. I know a lot of people who have done that just to prevent accidental NPCing (or hacker npcing)

    But why use a binding charm on a gear that is already binded? b:question

    I do understand why to do it to prevent accidental npcing, but that just doesn't sound fair (tho it sound like something PWI would do to force you CSing. Have to buy a real money cost item to be able to use a free item, like the 2M coin chests & supply stashs b:surrender), but I think that goes against the purpose of the item you're suggesting.
    Sliding we go, only fear on our side. To the edge of the wire and we rush with the tide.
    Although I'm still alive, pray to God I survive
    How long on this longest day, 'til we finally make it through.
    - June 6, 1944. The day earth stood still.
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    So only usable on Bound gear and Rank gear then... but using it on unbound gear is a no-go, people will just sell the orbs and that wudnt do the economy any good
    super mega interresting:
  • Frijolero - Sanctuary
    Frijolero - Sanctuary Posts: 820 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    But lunar T3 is not bounded and isn't rank gear. Neither warsoul if I remeber right. Can't say anything 'bout NW gear cause haven't seen any of them ingame yet.

    The orb can't have gear limitations in order to be able to refine all types of gear a player can have during his entire gamelife on PWI.

    The closest gear limitation I can think that could be fair about is grade. but using a +9 orb on a low grade gear is kind of a crime.
    Sliding we go, only fear on our side. To the edge of the wire and we rush with the tide.
    Although I'm still alive, pray to God I survive
    How long on this longest day, 'til we finally make it through.
    - June 6, 1944. The day earth stood still.
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    well imo people will have to bind their lunar gear in order to use the 9* orbs on them.
    I think thats a perfectly acceptable condition, and its also the only acceptable condition imo, else, like I said, these orbs will be sold
    super mega interresting:
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You know madskillz, it's not really necessary to disable stealth in instances. Why? well...

    The point of this instance is to farm mats for making TT gear, and ofc to make money. The acts of TT that are the best for farming all have mob counts. So even a sin needs to kill some mobs, like everyone else to get to the boss.

    The strength of a sin in pve is their ability to solo. Even with with the best gear, soloing this instance is unpractical, and to get to any boss you need to kill half of the mobs in every valley. So here stealth isn't very useful, except running away. Actually a sin here can help its squad with stealth in 2 ways.

    One is by doing a backward lure. The sin goes to the end of the valley, while the party remains behind, and the sin goes back to the beginning.

    Another way is by their team stealth. There is a couple of valleys where you get the mobs needed half-way in the valley. With this skill all the party can run to the end and then have the mobs reset when they stealth.

    Here you need to kill every single mob too. So, here stealth gives no advantage to sins. You can't even solo this instance in the 1st place.

    Nirvana: RIP?

    All mobs are level 150. You can't even hide here.

    Phoenix Valley
    Wasn't killing mobs the point of coming here in the 1st place? f:laugh

    I know that fb69 and 79 have mob count too. But, who would farm this in the 1st place. All what drops in these fbs is really old. Then, if it's about a cultivation a sin of the expected level for each fb cannot solo. Only way for this sin to complete this instance fast would be with the help of a higher level sin than can tank.

    FBs 99:
    Ok, here they do have an slight advantage. They can skip most mobs, and just kill the guardians and bosses to get to the last boss. However, not any sin can solo all these bosses. The sin needs to have some decent gear for this.

    Tbh, I would rather do TT with my sin that soloing fb99 bosses because the chance of getting a book, nevermind a good one, is really low.
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Ok well I see u agree with me when it comes to FB99, which is prolly the 2nd instance Id think about.

    The first bein FCC, they skip half this place to sell XP rooms, not having to touch more than 20 mobs.

    FCC is where my main problem with stealth lies :)

    (I believe they also changed the BH99 bosses because of the sins soloing them but this I do not know)

    With all the other instances Ill agree with you, the kill counter is a good thing :)
    super mega interresting:
  • Crixxix - Raging Tide
    Crixxix - Raging Tide Posts: 848 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    To be honest, I'd like to see Nirvana reborn. As a barb, my runs there have been few and far between, but I gotta say, that I really liked the instance. Making it a money making instance is a great idea, so long as they revamp it somehow to make it equal for all classes. Perhaps dropping a decent amount of coin, maybe some 250k or more per boss would be good. Better yet, maybe making it a quest based reward, like AEU would be an even better idea.

    As far as balancing the classes, I'm sure tweaking with how the bosses fundamentally work would make this possible. Maybe changing their buffs/debuffs would be enough. Great post Mad, you deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. b:laugh
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    doesnt ur post just proof my point? b:chuckle

    the words 'less popular choice' are all over that post b:chuckle
    she didnt get invited because veno wasnt a popular choice ^^

    thats exactly the point I was trying to adress when suggesting what I suggested ^^
    super mega interresting:
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    doesnt ur post just proof my point? b:chuckle

    the words 'less popular choice' are all over that post b:chuckle
    she didnt get invited because veno wasnt a popular choice ^^

    thats exactly the point I was trying to adress when suggesting what I suggested ^^

    f:horroromg, I think you only read like the 1st 3 lines.

    She said that after a while she got invited, and in the end she was taking all the agro because she was doing the most damage.

    What I don't agree with you at all is that you are reducing venos to a debuffing machine, and implying that's all we can do. Even if we have only 2 aoes, those do just enough damage. Noxious scarab cd isn't that long, a demon veno needs to do just 2 spells to be able to use it again. Sage noxious hits harder than demon, but cd is a bit longer. And, even though nova takes 2 sparks to cast, I always somehow can get back 2 sparks by the time it's cooldown is over.

    I think the only people who would say no to a veno are the same people that think vortex is a must for any instance. That bp is indispensable. That you must have at least nv-3 with high refines to do BH in GV (...). We veterans know that the gear that u need to do gv is hh90, with +4 or +5 refines, and a balanced squad, which ofc has a space for a veno.

    inb4 you don't read well again.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited April 2013
    What I don't agree with you at all is that you are reducing venos to a debuffing machine, and implying that's all we can do

    In all fairness, that's how large majority of the current players see the class. Even worse, most venos can't even do that much these days. Both of which contribute to a lack of popularity for the class in any scenario where purge/amp aren't considered a major want. :/
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ow Azura, in no way am I reducing venos to that, or well I didnt intend to and im sorry if it seems that way. Im just talking about how people making these squads will look at it.

    Im a sage wizzy, I love having a veno in my squad to nova when things get painful for me, this is my personal opinion, but I do know that not every squad/person thinks this way.

    Wether its for the right reasons or not, venos and sins are less popular in delta, but in no way did I mean to talk bad about venos. I am just thinking of a way to make everyone love a veno in their delta squad cuz I think it is needed.
    super mega interresting:
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    I wanna hear more opinions, and especially wanna hear a response from dev's or GMs or whoever can actually make any of these changes happen, just to hear why or why not certain things wont be implemented b:thanks
    super mega interresting:
  • Fissile - Archosaur
    Fissile - Archosaur Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Frostcovered City
    While I realise this instance is made for lvl 85-98 I do feel this instance is a lot of fun and gives a lot of diversity. So I would suggest the introduction of yet something new

    Frostcovered City Hard Mode (FCCHM) (Im not sure if HardMode is copyrighted by ArenaNet ^^)

    This will basically keep FCC how it is, but scale the mobs up to make them considerably stronger (boost them up to lvl 105 or lvl ?)
    Since the current level of the mobs is lvl 88, anyone over the lvl of 98 will get a very low amount of XP, while I do realise the instance is intended to be like this I do feel this change is a very good one :)

    Ofcourse the old FCC wouldnt go away, u just get the choice at the start to open either instance (much like with TT)

    Problem: Lower level people will use FCCHM to powerlevel
    Solution: In order to enter nirvana u needed a key and u needed to be lvl 100, so it seems like it is quite easy to make sure that people below the level of 100 can not enter this instance, this is ofcourse very important.

    Of all the ideas you posted, this is my favorite. This hard mode should take all the most difficult elements of the game and combine them in one place: mobs with AoEs / seals / stuns (like many of the warsong mobs), physical / magic immune mobs, bosses that spawn other bosses (like Drake Fling and Incacerate), world bosses, etc.

    And also replace the heads quest with something really difficult and far less mundane. I imagine taking the 'heads' quest and the room completely locks down (all exits blocked by doors) and swarms of mobs flood through the blocked entrances (visualize every mob from PV started attacking the squad at the same time, only these would be harder to kill by a wide margin). Each mob randomly chooses a squad member to attack and can not be drawn away from that squad member until it dies. The quest would complete when all of the mobs are killed, with each mob giving decent XP. At that point you would be able to receive a reward from the npc (on the order of millions of XP). The quest would only succeed if all squad members are alive (or revived) at the end, and once you leave the room you can't get back.

    And of course, limit how often you can do "hard mode". Perhaps have it consume a nirvana talisman. The idea here is that there would be absolutely no way to solo it and it would be very difficult even for top geared players. Then the last part would be borderline impossible, but with great rewards for success.