update sins please lol

Posts: 15 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Assassin
I have been playing pwi for few years now.. The main thing I have noticed is that you guys do major updates on every class but not for sins... Sins are technically out dated .. lol .. specially their skills and stuff.. I know that boosting up sins will bring lots of tickets into u from other classes because they fear sins and its undenyable ( lets face it b:embarrass ).

Everyone wants to be the dominating class in here.. its true. You people have forgotten that sins are LA and an easy kill class for every other class in pwi. The only main advantage sins have is that they can farm in instances ( such as TT ) easily. Thats pve,.. Sins are mainly meant for pvp and now they are just outdated **** .. lol .. So please think for a while and make sins competitive with other classes and balanced as other classes.. f:naughty
Post edited by randoll on


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  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Lol you're funny.
    You made me laugh funny man.
    Do some more funny things
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Lmao sins are not underpowered.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    randoll wrote: »
    The only main advantage sins have is stealth, huge amounts of chi regeneration, ability to avoid damage and/or status effects depending on sage or demon and buff choices, ability to avoid death when hit by an attack that would otherwise kill them, and ability to QQmoar about how underpowered they are.

    I corrected it for you; I'm sure this is what you meant to say.

    A sin can still be VERY powerful, it's just not as disproportionately strong as it used to be. With the advent of purify weapons (and before that Arcane Defense on wizards) you can no longer stun someone and expect to successfully aps them to death with your g13+4 daggers. Get some refines, get some shards, and get some skill. As more people move from end game (tt99/lunar/vana/r8) to r9 or r9r3, you can't continue to use an aps set that even with +10 refines and good sockets leaves your rather squishy and expect to be competitive. Get a g16 set and stop treating PvP like it's another TT where the boss is gonna sit there and let you aps him to death.
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
    Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer

    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    he means, "please fix sins so I can continue to herp derp triple sprk occult ice auto atk"

    Sins are still broken and will always be broken, youre just doing it wrong.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I corrected it for you; I'm sure this is what you meant to say.

    A sin can still be VERY powerful, it's just not as disproportionately strong as it used to be. With the advent of purify weapons (and before that Arcane Defense on wizards) you can no longer stun someone and expect to successfully aps them to death with your g13+4 daggers. Get some refines, get some shards, and get some skill. As more people move from end game (tt99/lunar/vana/r8) to r9 or r9r3, you can't continue to use an aps set that even with +10 refines and good sockets leaves your rather squishy and expect to be competitive. Get a g16 set and stop treating PvP like it's another TT where the boss is gonna sit there and let you aps him to death.

    I know g13 is totally **** >.> ( everyone knows it). many Sin skills have a long cd except very few other skills.. To use some stun skills , more and more chi is required ( there r 3 skills excluding shadow escape, that wl give chi but still they have a long cd and once u use them up, u wl have to depend on normal aps) . Since the new update , stun skills are useless in pvp for a dph sin anyway; The stun duration will be over by the time the sin tries to use a skill on the target, after stunning. The normal sin skill attacks don't do major damage like other classes do. I was in pvp and I know it lol
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    he means, "please fix sins so I can continue to herp derp triple sprk occult ice auto atk"

    Sins are still broken and will always be broken, youre just doing it wrong.

    LOL did you even read it.. I wasn't even talking about aps at all...
  • Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    randoll wrote: »
    Since the new update , stun skills are useless in pvp for a dph sin anyway

    Uninstall please
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As a BM, I also find that my instantly gain Three Sparks skills have too long of a cooldown. I shouldn't be expected to wait out my instant chi gaining skills with my blademaster stealth. Man if only I had longer stuns like a wizard which lasted the duration of my casting time.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Uninstall please

    do you even play a sin? lol get a full rrr9 sin and try to use a sin stun skill in pvp. Then u wl see what I'm talking about.. b:tired
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    randoll wrote: »
    do you even play a sin? lol get a full rrr9 sin and try to use a sin stun stun skill in pvp. Then u wl see what I'm talking about.. b:tired

    You're an idiot.... You can stunlock just fine on a sin. Start with your 2 spark mass dmg stun, then move to your sleep and give your skills a couple seconds to cd if you didn't tick target. If you did tick target then instead use tackling slash plus your seal before first stun ends and chain with your tele stun. Hit once or twice and depending whether you used sleep or tackling slash plus seal combo, you then use the other to continue. You can also add occult ice for greater duration, if you haven't killed target by the end of this you can maze steps to continue your assault or just stealth to wait out another try.

    If they faith out of the combo you can also use maze step or stealth away before continuing the combo, effectively wasting their genie.

    Now that I've taught you to play your own class mr. R9 third cast pls go away
  • Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    randoll wrote: »
    do you even play a sin? lol get a full rrr9 sin and try to use a sin stun skill in pvp. Then u wl see what I'm talking about.. b:tired

    Yes I do.
    I don't see the problem. Uninstall.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You're an idiot.... You can stunlock just fine on a sin. Start with your 2 spark mass dmg stun, then move to your sleep and give your skills a couple seconds to cd if you didn't tick target. If you did tick target then instead use tackling slash plus your seal before first stun ends and chain with your tele stun. Hit once or twice and depending whether you used sleep or tackling slash plus seal combo, you then use the other to continue. You can also add occult ice for greater duration, if you haven't killed target by the end of this you can maze steps to continue your assault or just stealth to wait out another try.

    If they faith out of the combo you can also use maze step or stealth away before continuing the combo, effectively wasting their genie.

    Now that I've taught you to play your own class mr. R9 third cast pls go away

    lol u think those stuns last long? oh wait u said wait for the skills to cd ( do u know how long it takes for those to cd? ).. maze and tele stun and what? throat cut? well the thing is, sins run out of chi by then.. ( oh wait,,, I forgot again.. u said to wait until skills cd while in pvp) if a sin try your suggestions I can guarantee they wl die very soon lmao.. please play a sin before posting stuff in sin forums ijs b:lipcurl
  • Posts: 1,083 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Lol, why so fail at pvp? No other sin I know that's half decent at pvp has a problem with their stuns. What he meant by wait for cool downs is use your sleep duration to the max. Do you even know how to so that? You're probably just one of those Aps sins that dies on bramble with +5 armour anyways lol. Stick to pve and soloing fc.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yes I do.
    I don't see the problem. Uninstall.

    so u have a full rrr9 dph sin? yeah right.. b:scorn lol
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Lol, why so fail at pvp? No other sin I know that's half decent at pvp has a problem with their stuns. What he meant by wait for cool downs is use your sleep duration to the max. Do you even know how to so that? You're probably just one of those Aps sins that dies on bramble with +5 armour anyways lol. Stick to pve and soloing fc.

    keep sleep duration max? so u mean keep target stunned all the time? well , a dph sin aint a dps sin b:chuckle . where does the attacking come in? well maybe u assumed that all sin skills are stun skills or that all stun skills do major damage. ok lets assume that a dph sin stuns a target.. well it cant aps the taget .. so will just use normal skills on it. and since the skills are in cd, its time for a dph sin to sit back and die ... well now u wl say use stealth and wait for some to cd... oh maybe Raging Tides server dont have Espionage Potions.. yeah then it works. :)
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    randoll wrote: »
    keep sleep duration max? so u mean keep target stunned all the time? well , a dph sin aint a dps sin b:chuckle . where does the attacking come in? well maybe u assumed that all sin skills are stun skills or that all stun skills do major damage. ok lets assume that a dph sin stuns a target.. well it cant aps the taget .. so will just use normal skills on it. and since the skills are in cd, its time for a dph sin to sit back and die ... well now u wl say use stealth and wait for some to cd... oh maybe Raging Tides server dont have Espionage Potions.. yeah then it works. :)

    You're completely stupid.
    The lock i just explained lasts twelve seconds and that's if you don't throw in two occult ices which would extend it to up to 28 seconds if your opponent doesn't genie out of it.

    Maze step is used if they break it or if you need extra dd time without being stunned/froze/slept.

    If someone does use an awareness pot to find you, grats that's another advantage. You just wasted their apoth.

    Lastly, a sin complaining about not having enough chi is the most f-cking stupid thing I've heard in a long time. Gtfo
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You're completely stupid.

    If someone does use an awareness pot to find you, grats that's another advantage. You just wasted their apoth.

    lol well so if they use it up.., r they gonna just sit back and watch ? next thing u know is they make it rain on u when in stealth..the duration of awareness lvl is enough to easily kill the sin. plz stop giving idiotic suggestions ..whats the use of maze steps since if the target is doing massive dmg with their normal skills and the sin normal skills dont?...so plz dont just say whatever comes to your mind without really playing a dph sin...else gtfo :)
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You still have your own apoth after you waste theirs. Twelve seconds of being immune to all damage and debuffs for example is a favorite of most sins.

    Maze step is used to prevent yourself being susceptible to enemy control skills, it can also be combined with ironguard powder at the end of the almost half a minute single target stunlock i just "suggested" despite every competent sin already being aware of it.

    Also, i have two sins one sage and one demon.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You still have your own apoth after you waste theirs. Twelve seconds of being immune to all damage and debuffs for example is a favorite of most sins.

    Maze step is used to prevent yourself being susceptible to enemy control skills, it can also be combined with ironguard powder at the end of the almost half a minute single target stunlock i just "suggested" despite every competent sin already being aware of it.

    The thing is that those ig and other pot are not used only by sins.. sins have no class specific pots like others. They can get that immune effect too.. you cant expect or ask a dph sin to aps a target after successfully stunning it. The main point is that dph sins don't do good damage from their normal skills ,compared to other classes ..

    basically its like this.. earlier sins were mostly aps.. almost all other classes were not aps but their skills do massive damage.. sins used their aps to compete with this damage on them. What pwi did was, they gave the top gear (all g16 stuff ) to sins and made them to give up aps and be dph sins. But what they forgot to do is, to improve their damage done by their skills . so now sins cant use aps ( is useless now anyway ) and neither they can hit hard like other classes from their skills ,and the skill cd sux.
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    randoll wrote: »
    The thing is that those ig and other pot are not used only by sins.. sins have no class specific pots like others. They can get that immune effect too.. you cant expect or ask a dph sin to aps a target after successfully stunning it. The main point is that dph sins don't do good damage from their normal skills ,compared to other classes ..

    basically its like this.. earlier sins were mostly aps.. almost all other classes were not aps but their skills do massive damage.. sins used their aps to compete with this damage on them. What pwi did was, they gave the top gear (all g16 stuff ) to sins and made them to give up aps and be dph sins. But what they forgot to do is, to improve their damage done by their skills . so now sins cant use aps ( is useless now anyway ) and neither they can hit hard like other classes from their skills ,and the skill cd sux.

    If someone else used an IG, then they couldn't use the stealth pot you're QQing about.

    Now you realize you're dumb so you're not even trying to argue stuns any more.

    You have highest crit rate in game and skills that make your crits do more than double damage and you also have a large mass aoe amplify plus a water damage buff for dph skill spamming not to mention you're a class than can be almost pure dex using a dex damage weapon and you get a god of frenzy weapon. AND you always get the first hit.



  • Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You know, there is a solution to your problem OP:

    You start playing a game, you choose the underdog. I am more of an RTS player actually, so my best example is starcraft. When starcraft 1 was new, i started playing terran. They were considered very hard to handle and absolute underdogs. Of course the glory if you beat one of those overpowered noob protoss was great. After a long time of losing much more than winning, i got to know them reall well. Then by the time patches come to fix that underdog position and balance things, while the protoss still doesnt know much better than to build dark templars or carriers, you have already learned to cope with the weaknesses and can play really well with your race. Now you have a balanced race combined with the skills you learned by making up for being imbalanced. You will kick everyones butt like no tomorrow.

    If you start playing a sin, you are in the oposite position.

    PS: Sorry, i didnt know enough about the game te become a mystic or veno in PWI. So now i failed and ended up with an average race instead of an underdog :)
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    If someone else used an IG, then they couldn't use the stealth pot you're QQing about.

    Now you realize you're dumb so you're not even trying to argue stuns any more.

    You have highest crit rate in game and skills that make your crits do more than double damage and you also have a large mass aoe amplify plus a water damage buff for dph skill spamming not to mention you're a class than can be almost pure dex using a dex damage weapon and you get a god of frenzy weapon. AND you always get the first hit.




    reading it makes me doubt that u really play a dph sin. Stop talking like an idiot.. pure dex sins are squishy as hell... You think only sins have GoF? go and look at your own class rank 9 stuff... you're so stupid.

    sin normal skills dont do massive damage like other classes dumb ***...b:shutup
  • Posts: 2,620 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    randoll wrote: »
    reading it makes me doubt that u really play a dph sin. Stop talking like an idiot.. pure dex sins are squishy as hell... You think only sins have GoF? go and look at your own class rank 9 stuff... you're so stupid.

    sin normal skills dont do massive damage like other classes dumb ***...b:shutup

    People who play your class are embarrassed you exist.
  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    People who play your class are embarrassed you exist.

    Said a bm who posts stuff in sin forums without even knowing sins properly b:laugh f:laugh ... btw plz dont come back untill u play ur full r9 dph sin for a while.. f:hehe
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I haven't had a problem playing as a full r9r2 DPH sin, unless it's against equally geared Psychics.
  • Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    wow u guys making this post look bad :p
    we sins have huge stun locks lol don;t QQ about that hahahah :P
    i would like to QQ about detection lvls though why a sin can't c a same lvl archer while the same archer can c him? that's what must be updated ASAP.
  • Posts: 4,628 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Skaitavia wrote: »
    I haven't had a problem playing as a full r9r2 DPH sin, unless it's against equally geared Psychics.

    At end game sins should absolutely dominate psys.. I watched a 1v1 between KindaBusy (full r9rr +12 josd.. basically maxed psychic) vs Bait (full r9rr +10 with +12 wep and nw gear sin).. it was stupid one sided (Bait dominated). After a few 1v1s, KindaBusy said that he could make it last forever if he just sat in white.. which he tried and couldn't last more than 3-5 mins. Neither of them were derping that bad, I think those 1v1s were a good representation of what end game psy vs sin really is.
    Youtube Channel: youtube.com/user/D2VeT/videos?flow=grid&view=0
    Current gear: pwcalc.com/6ab2893fbfb080a8
  • Posts: 625 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    As a BM, I also find that my instantly gain Three Sparks skills have too long of a cooldown. I shouldn't be expected to wait out my instant chi gaining skills with my blademaster stealth. Man if only I had longer stuns like a wizard which lasted the duration of my casting time.

    I loled XD










    hehe randoll , get the facts. And you are lucky Kniraven is being polite.




    Booyeah. b:cool
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sins are hella fun to play, ijs. Totally agree with Hruns (I started out as a sin, but I handicapped myself by beginning PvP at a ridiculously early level vs people with much people gear.)

    Tbh, @ OP, Sins don't need any rebalancing. They're ridiculously versatile (except for AoEs) and I find them to be one of the most interesting classes to play. Obviously, however, to get to that enjoyable stage, you do have to move beyond the "APS herpderp repeat" mentality.

    @People discussing stuns: I don't stunlock anymore (for long periods of time) unless I'm trolling. Tbh, the only reason I use stuns right now are to make people waste their genies... I fully expect people to break out of my stunlock and I work my strategies around to compensate and take advantage of the fact.

    Really simple example: Headhunt>Badged out of headhunt>Herpderp telestun kill while sealed in throatcut.
    Forever overlooked.
    Forever forgotten.
    Forever alone.

    This is a good thing. People don't notice me, and they don't notice the knife whistling towards their throat.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    At end game sins should absolutely dominate psys.. I watched a 1v1 between KindaBusy (full r9rr +12 josd.. basically maxed psychic) vs Bait (full r9rr +10 with +12 wep and nw gear sin).. it was stupid one sided (Bait dominated). After a few 1v1s, KindaBusy said that he could make it last forever if he just sat in white.. which he tried and couldn't last more than 3-5 mins. Neither of them were derping that bad, I think those 1v1s were a good representation of what end game psy vs sin really is.

    Really? I need some lessons then XD. I wasn't able to defeat a R9r armors/R9r2 weapon psy (+10/+11 jaded armors, +12 weapon) on my server (LuciferV) in a 1v1, and I was full R9r2 (+10 armors/+11 weapon with just placeholder citrines atm), and that happened several times.

    I end up getting over-silenced and SoR'd to death.


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