Best way to defeat heavy armor

Posts: 0 Arc User
edited April 2013 in Assassin
hey fishys

i was always wondering does the skill CONDENSED THORN HIT LIKE A CHARM THROUGH HA ???? because it says it adds 50% of water attack to is this theory of mine right-letz say i do a damage of 10000 so tat means i do 5000 water attack ??? but its still good against HA armors especially if ur aps it says 10 secs so....10 seconds of apsing n tat guy is dead right ???plzz tell me is this correct TYb:victoryb:victoryb:victory
Post edited by adishenat on


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  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yes. CT is a percentage and thus is actually useful

    Better to combine a wood pot with it as well

    And no, constant use of exclamation and text talk does not make it hit any better

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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Yes. CT is a percentage and thus is actually useful

    Better to combine a wood pot with it as well

    And no, constant use of exclamation and text talk does not make it hit any better

    ty though lol but u didnt have 2 write the last sentence though xD n if i deal letz say 20k damge so thn 10000 water damage so that means in pvp 10000-75%=25000 so ill deal 2500 per sec ?? i cant get d theory n is it worth getting coz i pvp alot as a 7x too
  • Posts: 4,001 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    adishenat wrote: »
    u didnt have 2 write the last sentence though

    They really did. Take two seconds longer to write your post in a legible form and we'll read it.
    If it takes longer for us to figure out what you were trying to say than it did for you to type your message then people are going to ignore your question.

    Like I'm choosing to do now. Want an answer? Ask a question worth reading.
    Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory
  • Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thats a bunch less question marks already. You are improving. Now if yould fully spell out the words you use, and not address your readers as "fishys" it would almost be a pleasure to read.

    And i know i didnt have to write these sentences, but i did so anyway.
  • Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I dont know bout you guys but when I CT against physical immune stuff on my sin, she`ll only deal bout half her weapon damage to the target. My guess would be it means 50% of weapon attack, which is the same **** archers get with fire. Still the damage is being constant, which makes absolutely no sense when the damage is taken from a random point between low and high end attack. It really might be glitched against physical immune targets, who knows, but I wouldnt call the damage too great with my experience of p.immune mobs/bosses.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First of all, Hrun is right. 50% of weapon damage is the addon of Condensed thorn, due to the fact that it is not affected by our sparks (though it is by demon spark's aps (obviously) and our own critical rate).

    Second of all. The OP of this thread is a level 74 sin. Condensed thorn sure helps against HA, but only by a small amount - it's not a game-changing factor as you make it out to be.

    To be honest, if you aren't like me and that is indeed your first level 74 sin - sins do not gain the ability to kill HA until near endgame. Otherwise, we have no damage.
    (Technically, we do, but that involves maxing all the skills we can at a given level, which few people will do).
    Forever overlooked.
    Forever forgotten.
    Forever alone.

    This is a good thing. People don't notice me, and they don't notice the knife whistling towards their throat.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    It add's 50% water damage not 50% phy damage nor 50% of weapon attack damage. The only physical attack that is added is based on your attack plus 1817.4. When fighting bosses I will use this when PD is in cool down, it does make a noticeable difference. I also use it in tw/nw on casters after a stun before a harder hitting skill.
    Lets troll the forums together b:victory
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have found, in my own experience, that getting a HA class health to 0 is the best way to kill them. But hey that's just me. b:chuckle

    Turn chill on and stun lock that **** into non existence, works great. If they cant hit you you wont die and eventually they will :3
  • Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    3 spark + Subsea + Tangling Mire + Target @ 55-60% hp before Subsea + quick skill combo (starting with CT) = GG HA char (If their genie/apoth/escaping skills are off CD don't bother and try something more subtle)
  • Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    3 spark + Subsea + Tangling Mire + Target @ 55-60% hp before Subsea + quick skill combo (starting with CT) = GG HA char (If their genie/apoth/escaping skills are off CD don't bother and try something more subtle)

    When i see someone using 3 spark, im running.
    Noone 3 sparked at me + killed me with it, because i run till its off. I allways use anti stun while running, so Teleport Stun wont work.
  • Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    When i see someone using 3 spark, im running.
    Noone 3 sparked at me + killed me with it, because i run till its off. I allways use anti stun while running, so Teleport Stun wont work.

    Well Tackling Slash would have to be active before 3 sparking b:surrender
  • Posts: 492 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    3 spark + Subsea + Tangling Mire + Target @ 55-60% hp before Subsea + quick skill combo (starting with CT) = GG HA char (If their genie/apoth/escaping skills are off CD don't bother and try something more subtle)

    Jib is nub. b:avoid
    Achieved R9 before it was mainstream.
    103 Demon R9 assassin - retired.
  • Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    actually this topic is interesting i always wondered if it was worth it spending 1 sec to cast throne skill i mean in the meantime i could have hitted 3 aps hits BUT out of my big pvp experience it is extremely nice vs bms with physical morrow i'm still not sure about barb but when i go skill mode i cast it a lot casts so fast !


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