TW - RavenTail vs Regicide 04-01-13



  • zerozenra
    zerozenra Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Gj on the tw raventail was ougeared and outnumbered in the tw but won with skill over gear. Im proud that Aspa and GoddessNoa can leave a faction and rejoin a dead one and beat the faction they left in a matter of months. I have to take my hat off to my brothers and the rest of RT for all the work they put in. Keep looking good in tws im proud of you rt!
  • Chikers - Sanctuary
    Chikers - Sanctuary Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Leave OPKossy alone! b:cry
  • Svaarog - Sanctuary
    Svaarog - Sanctuary Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    RT is like an ultimate version of facs like REVENGE and RedRaidrs b:laugh
    Viking Pride b:cute
  • Daruvial - Sanctuary
    Daruvial - Sanctuary Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    zerozenra wrote: »
    Gj on the tw raventail was ougeared and outnumbered in the tw but won with skill over gear. Im proud that Aspa and GoddessNoa can leave a faction and rejoin a dead one and beat the faction they left in a matter of months. I have to take my hat off to my brothers and the rest of RT for all the work they put in. Keep looking good in tws im proud of you rt!

    lol outnumbered i understand but since when are you ever outgeared with r9r3 +12? also.. regi died a while ago, not much of an accomplishment killing a dead faction is it?
  • Sassy/ss_ - Sanctuary49
    Sassy/ss_ - Sanctuary49 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    zerozenra wrote: »
    Gj on the tw raventail was ougeared and outnumbered in the tw but won with skill over gear. Im proud that Aspa and GoddessNoa can leave a faction and rejoin a dead one and beat the faction they left in a matter of months. I have to take my hat off to my brothers and the rest of RT for all the work they put in. Keep looking good in tws im proud of you rt!

    You were neither outnumbered nor outgeared.

    f:laugh f:laugh f:laugh f:laugh f:laugh
  • zerozenra
    zerozenra Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Didn't think regi had tt90s and lvl 80s in the tw lol. Out of all the top 5 factions on the server raventail has the worse geared members overall. Just because a handful of people have good gear doesn't mean the whole faction does get a life. Just stop hating and post another thread glorifying vindi from a alt. Gonna start reporting you people cause you serve no purpose but to harass and annoy people. This thread is about the video that was posted not coming here to flame and trashtalk. If you wanna make a list of all the top 5 factions gears you can then you would see lol. I will put 100mil up if it is otherwise lol are you willing to do the same or you just here to troll lol.
  • zerozenra
    zerozenra Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    lol outnumbered i understand but since when are you ever outgeared with r9r3 +12? also.. regi died a while ago, not much of an accomplishment killing a dead faction is it?

    Daruvial ask yourself this would vindicate be hurt if you didn't show up to tw? Your another noob in a faction thinking hes good because hes benefiting from kirby and kyougu. I find that most of vindi thinks they are actually good but i remember vindi without there key players lost to lg and regi which means that the people in vindicate have a lot to work on. Most of them have no idea how to play the game and just cs there gear and think because they kirby roid and kyougu they are them and talk like them. Didnt you lose to darca in rank 8 6+ lol why do even still talk go back in your hole. The problem with people these days is everyone is a trashtalker but i remember back in the day when you had to be good at something to talk in this game. Being in vindi is a waste of gear really and makes the game boring cause you get r999 and 12+ for what just to look at and get no showed for tw lol. You dont get good fights and its really no point in people waiting all the week and getting signups if no ones going to show up because all the best geared people are in 1 faction. Its boring lol and one of the reasons the game is dieing but people arent smart enough to realize that yet. Its like no one enjoys good long fights anymore in tw or they pick weaker factions to pick on. Or make backdoor deals with people so they don't atk each-other cause its 2x. Sanctuary is in a sad state, no wonder so many people are leaving this game.
  • Chikers - Sanctuary
    Chikers - Sanctuary Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    zerozenra wrote: »
    Didn't think regi had tt90s and lvl 80s in the tw lol. Out of all the top 5 factions on the server raventail has the worse geared members overall. Just because a handful of people have good gear doesn't mean the whole faction does get a life. Just stop hating and post another thread glorifying vindi from a alt. Gonna start reporting you people cause you serve no purpose but to harass and annoy people. This thread is about the video that was posted not coming here to flame and trashtalk. If you wanna make a list of all the top 5 factions gears you can then you would see lol. I will put 100mil up if it is otherwise lol are you willing to do the same or you just here to troll lol.

    I'm pretty sure with the recent influx of members and the people leaving regicide out of disinterest that raventail slowly gained a lead on regicide. Sure I've heard there are a few ~70-80-90ish people where Regicide isn't recruiting below 100... Plus you have to consider signups into the equation as well.

    I didn't look at specific numbers but I have looked at core connect recently and Regicide has lost more than its gained lately, whereas raventail has gained popularity and applications and also has the overall better geared catabarbs, 3 out of which are considered endgame material.

    It's the vindi thing all over but on a smaller level. Even if raventail didn't have the dds the fact that their barbs are so highly geared it would take a few extra people per barb to take them down rather than being able to focus fire.

    It's hard to guage the strength of a faction especially when there are many factors in a tw, not every outside faction knows how many signups on each side but from what I have noticed on core connect and also because I know of quite a few friends that have recently joined raventail that they have slowly gained a lead over regicide. Regi also recently had the organization advantage whereas I've heard raventail was struggling getting the needed signups and of course due to the lower level of recruiting they still have a little chunk of low level low geared people running around willy nilly in tw like chickens with their head cut off.

    Long story short, I think in the last few weeks the stronger dds in raventail matches or outgears regicide, raventail should have close to a full faction where regicide is probably sitting about 150-160 members last time I checked. Just saying you have 10 people in the faction that are lower geared doesn't cancel out your higher geared dds lol. It may have been true in the past but not so much anymore
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    zerozenra wrote: »
    Didn't think regi had tt90s and lvl 80s in the tw lol. Out of all the top 5 factions on the server raventail has the worse geared members overall. Just because a handful of people have good gear doesn't mean the whole faction does get a life. Just stop hating and post another thread glorifying vindi from a alt. Gonna start reporting you people cause you serve no purpose but to harass and annoy people. This thread is about the video that was posted not coming here to flame and trashtalk. If you wanna make a list of all the top 5 factions gears you can then you would see lol. I will put 100mil up if it is otherwise lol are you willing to do the same or you just here to troll lol.
    zerozenra wrote: »
    Daruvial ask yourself this would vindicate be hurt if you didn't show up to tw? Your another noob in a faction thinking hes good because hes benefiting from kirby and kyougu. I find that most of vindi thinks they are actually good but i remember vindi without there key players lost to lg and regi which means that the people in vindicate have a lot to work on. Most of them have no idea how to play the game and just cs there gear and think because they kirby roid and kyougu they are them and talk like them. Didnt you lose to darca in rank 8 6+ lol why do even still talk go back in your hole. The problem with people these days is everyone is a trashtalker but i remember back in the day when you had to be good at something to talk in this game. Being in vindi is a waste of gear really and makes the game boring cause you get r999 and 12+ for what just to look at and get no showed for tw lol. You dont get good fights and its really no point in people waiting all the week and getting signups if no ones going to show up because all the best geared people are in 1 faction. Its boring lol and one of the reasons the game is dieing but people arent smart enough to realize that yet. Its like no one enjoys good long fights anymore in tw or they pick weaker factions to pick on. Or make backdoor deals with people so they don't atk each-other cause its 2x. Sanctuary is in a sad state, no wonder so many people are leaving this game.

    First off, there is this magical thing known as punctuation.

    Second off, RT is not as good of a faction as you think it is.

    Look, I hate to rain on your parade, but RT just got wiped off the map a few weeks ago. They lost to a similar geared faction because of a lack of skill or coordination.

    Congrats that they won against Regi. I don't think they would win against Leg or Vindi. But then, neither would any other faction on the server.

    GoddessNoa is a troll, and a really really bad one at that. I have him blocked on every character on every account that I have. I freaking ***** him in a 1v1 fight during TW, and he found many deaths during TW's I was involved with simply because of me. From the way he acts on WC, and from how he boasts of things that he literelly is not capable of, I seriously doubt that he is capable of making a top tier faction, no matter how much time he is given. The fact that he bought himself godmode gear doesn't make him a good player, nor a good leader. I don't purposely go out of my way to be a jerk to RT members, but if I join a squad and it's 5 RT players and myself, I make up a polite excuse and leave the squad.

    In the end, you really shouldn't focus on one detail in a huge sea of events and proclaim that RT or GoddessNoa are professional. Vindi and Leg are tier 1 factions, Enely is Tier 2, but RT is most certainly not Tier 3, or even Tier 4.

    There are nice people in RT, I'm sure. I know a few people in RT. That doesn't change how I feel about the faction as a whole, nor how I feel about GoddessNoa.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary
    FkinMaltaMan - Sanctuary Posts: 536 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm pretty sure with the recent influx of members and the people leaving regicide out of disinterest that raventail slowly gained a lead on regicide. Sure I've heard there are a few ~70-80-90ish people where Regicide isn't recruiting below 100... Plus you have to consider signups into the equation as well.

    I didn't look at specific numbers but I have looked at core connect recently and Regicide has lost more than its gained lately, whereas raventail has gained popularity and applications and also has the overall better geared catabarbs, 3 out of which are considered endgame material.

    It's the vindi thing all over but on a smaller level. Even if raventail didn't have the dds the fact that their barbs are so highly geared it would take a few extra people per barb to take them down rather than being able to focus fire.

    It's hard to guage the strength of a faction especially when there are many factors in a tw, not every outside faction knows how many signups on each side but from what I have noticed on core connect and also because I know of quite a few friends that have recently joined raventail that they have slowly gained a lead over regicide. Regi also recently had the organization advantage whereas I've heard raventail was struggling getting the needed signups and of course due to the lower level of recruiting they still have a little chunk of low level low geared people running around willy nilly in tw like chickens with their head cut off.

    Long story short, I think in the last few weeks the stronger dds in raventail matches or outgears regicide, raventail should have close to a full faction where regicide is probably sitting about 150-160 members last time I checked. Just saying you have 10 people in the faction that are lower geared doesn't cancel out your higher geared dds lol. It may have been true in the past but not so much anymore

    I'm not going to state any further fact of what's necessary in this question. Zerozenra stated inaccurate / unclear fact. RavenTail has majority better geared players, RavenTail has majority worse geared players and Regicide has majority members to participate in TW. On the other hand though, this weekend, Regicide had less sign-ups than RavenTail in that TW (not sure exact numbers).

    In conclusion, RavenTail was in a advantage that TW.

  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm not going to state any further fact of what's necessary in this question. Zerozenra stated inaccurate / unclear fact. RavenTail has majority better geared players, RavenTail has majority worse geared players and Regicide has majority members to participate in TW. On the other hand though, this weekend, Regicide had less sign-ups than RavenTail in that TW (not sure exact numbers).

    In conclusion, RavenTail was in a advantage that TW.

    Regi has been in a little bit of a slump lately. I'm guessing members have real life duties that are cutting into TW time. They should have been able to easily hold off RT in a TW.

    Hoping that Regi gets some steam again in the future, they are fun to TW against. :D
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Chikers - Sanctuary
    Chikers - Sanctuary Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Last TW of the season, I don't blame them. Although if they did show up it probably wouldn't have been as fun of a fight.. Props to you guys though, I really miss those TWs, I wish we could have those fights again sometime. Maybe Vindi will learn to play nice to both of our entertainment or maybe one of these factions Enelysion, Regicide, Raventail or Kakumau (and the few op people in other factions like solace, corvinus and what not) will prevail over the other factions in the upcoming season and provide a skiill set that is strong enough to give Legendary a struggle.

    I feel like this next TW seasons will be a prime area for these 4 factions hopefully causing an influx of applications making them a stronger faction, I just hope we don't lose too many more of our members so we can have a decent fight against you guys come 5 months from now :D
  • zerozenra
    zerozenra Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First off, there is this magical thing known as punctuation.

    Second off, RT is not as good of a faction as you think it is.

    Look, I hate to rain on your parade, but RT just got wiped off the map a few weeks ago. They lost to a similar geared faction because of a lack of skill or coordination.

    Congrats that they won against Regi. I don't think they would win against Leg or Vindi. But then, neither would any other faction on the server.

    GoddessNoa is a troll, and a really really bad one at that. I have him blocked on every character on every account that I have. I freaking ***** him in a 1v1 fight during TW, and he found many deaths during TW's I was involved with simply because of me. From the way he acts on WC, and from how he boasts of things that he literelly is not capable of, I seriously doubt that he is capable of making a top tier faction, no matter how much time he is given. The fact that he bought himself godmode gear doesn't make him a good player, nor a good leader. I don't purposely go out of my way to be a jerk to RT members, but if I join a squad and it's 5 RT players and myself, I make up a polite excuse and leave the squad.

    In the end, you really shouldn't focus on one detail in a huge sea of events and proclaim that RT or GoddessNoa are professional. Vindi and Leg are tier 1 factions, Enely is Tier 2, but RT is most certainly not Tier 3, or even Tier 4.

    There are nice people in RT, I'm sure. I know a few people in RT. That doesn't change how I feel about the faction as a whole, nor how I feel about GoddessNoa.

    LOL kakumau is full of vindi alts and won cause they have more people and outgeared us lol. kakumau its self without vindis help couldn't even beat regi lol. Second why would you bring my brothers name up for lol. Kakumau is nothing more than another endy lol vindi comes in and acts like there friend and steals there good members like sam the barb or whatever. Its funny people most the op from your faction come to our squads for nationwars and not to yours because prob cause you suck.
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot please forge me Requiem.
  • GoddessNoa - Sanctuary
    GoddessNoa - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    First off, there is this magical thing known as punctuation.

    Second off, RT is not as good of a faction as you think it is.

    Look, I hate to rain on your parade, but RT just got wiped off the map a few weeks ago. They lost to a similar geared faction because of a lack of skill or coordination.

    Congrats that they won against Regi. I don't think they would win against Leg or Vindi. But then, neither would any other faction on the server.

    GoddessNoa is a troll, and a really really bad one at that. I have him blocked on every character on every account that I have. I freaking ***** him in a 1v1 fight during TW, and he found many deaths during TW's I was involved with simply because of me. From the way he acts on WC, and from how he boasts of things that he literelly is not capable of, I seriously doubt that he is capable of making a top tier faction, no matter how much time he is given. The fact that he bought himself godmode gear doesn't make him a good player, nor a good leader. I don't purposely go out of my way to be a jerk to RT members, but if I join a squad and it's 5 RT players and myself, I make up a polite excuse and leave the squad.

    In the end, you really shouldn't focus on one detail in a huge sea of events and proclaim that RT or GoddessNoa are professional. Vindi and Leg are tier 1 factions, Enely is Tier 2, but RT is most certainly not Tier 3, or even Tier 4.

    There are nice people in RT, I'm sure. I know a few people in RT. That doesn't change how I feel about the faction as a whole, nor how I feel about GoddessNoa.

    I see i cant rest without my name being brought up. As far as tw in kakumau i dont remember anyone that could kill me at without it being 20vs 1 so you must be living in a dreamworld. Everyone knows vindi filled kakumau with alts so they could fight rt lol. On another note there is nothing worse than a person who thinks they have amazing morals in a videogame. The only sad people are people that dont realize that its a game and take things personal. Trashtalk is very much a part of video-games.
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot please forge me Requiem.
    Here you go!

    ☆☆☆Requiem (2 socket(s))
    Subtype:Magic Sword
    Used by character(s): Wizard
    Close Range
    LV. 16
    Attack Speed 1.25
    Attack Range 3
    Physical attack 783-1174
    Magical attack 1431-1749
    Str required 55
    Int required 303
    Level Required: 101
    Requisite Reputation: 300000
    Channelling -3%
    HP: +205
    Magic +10
    Purify Spell: Has a chance to remove debuff when being attacked,
    and immune to stun and slow, and increase speed by 200%, lasts for 5 seconds.

    Atk. Level +40
    Atk. Level +20
    Channelling 9%
    Price: 200.760 / 401.520
    Manufactured by U_Sasuke

    Death is what drives one to truly live.
    Limitless Rank IX Weapon.
    Unable to be decomposed.

    Refine this gear!
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot forge me a Requiem
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot forge me a Requiem
    Here you go!

    ☆☆☆Requiem (2 socket(s))
    Subtype:Magic Sword
    Used by character(s): Wizard
    Close Range
    LV. 16
    Attack Speed 1.25
    Attack Range 3
    Physical attack 783-1174
    Magical attack 1431-1749
    Str required 55
    Int required 303
    Level Required: 101
    Requisite Reputation: 300000
    Channelling -3%
    HP: +205
    Magic +18
    Purify Spell: Has a chance to remove debuff when being attacked,
    and immune to stun and slow, and increase speed by 200%, lasts for 5 seconds.

    Atk. Level +40
    Atk. Level +18
    Channelling 6%
    Price: 200.760 / 401.520
    Manufactured by U_Sasuke

    Death is what drives one to truly live.
    Limitless Rank IX Weapon.
    Unable to be decomposed.

    Refine this gear!
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • GoddessNoa - Sanctuary
    GoddessNoa - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    RavenTail is a faction that accepts people for who they are, we realize its a game and we are here to have fun pk and do fun tws we have lives outside of the game sorry. Why anyone why try to make there selves feel better acting as if they are better than anyone in a make believe world is beyond me. LOL i got a good laugh from what you all wrote its always good to come back and here what people are saying about me. If you knew anything about me, you would know that i have 2 brothers that play this game and claim someones me that is not. You just put your foot in your own mouth and made yourself worse than those evil RTs in a videogame. Now go back to your life and skype afk and pve and or whatever you people do. Peace i'm out. P.S. it takes alot for someone to wright something like that about someone they don't even know. My advice is to probably uninstall the game if you take it that serious.
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot forge me a Requiem
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot forge me a Requiem
    Here you go!

    ☆☆☆Requiem (2 socket(s))
    Subtype:Magic Sword
    Used by character(s): Wizard
    Close Range
    LV. 16
    Attack Speed 1.25
    Attack Range 3
    Physical attack 783-1174
    Magical attack 1431-1749
    Str required 55
    Int required 303
    Level Required: 101
    Requisite Reputation: 300000
    Channelling -3%
    HP: +205
    Magic +8
    Purify Spell: Has a chance to remove debuff when being attacked,
    and immune to stun and slow, and increase speed by 200%, lasts for 5 seconds.

    Atk. Level +40
    Atk. Level +19
    Channelling 9%
    Price: 200.760 / 401.520
    Manufactured by U_Sasuke

    Death is what drives one to truly live.
    Limitless Rank IX Weapon.
    Unable to be decomposed.

    Refine this gear!
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot forge me Requiem
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot forge me Requiem
    Here you go!

    ☆☆☆Requiem (2 socket(s))
    Subtype:Magic Sword
    Used by character(s): Wizard
    Close Range
    LV. 16
    Attack Speed 1.25
    Attack Range 3
    Physical attack 783-1174
    Magical attack 1431-1749
    Str required 55
    Int required 303
    Level Required: 101
    Requisite Reputation: 300000
    Channelling -3%
    HP: +205
    Magic +19
    Purify Spell: Has a chance to remove debuff when being attacked,
    and immune to stun and slow, and increase speed by 200%, lasts for 5 seconds.

    Atk. Level +40
    Atk. Level +24
    Channelling 4%
    Price: 200.760 / 401.520
    Manufactured by U_Sasuke

    Death is what drives one to truly live.
    Limitless Rank IX Weapon.
    Unable to be decomposed.

    Refine this gear!
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Here you go!

    ☆☆☆Requiem (2 socket(s))
    Subtype:Magic Sword
    Used by character(s): Wizard
    Close Range
    LV. 16
    Attack Speed 1.25
    Attack Range 3
    Physical attack 783-1174
    Magical attack 1431-1749
    Str required 55
    Int required 303
    Level Required: 101
    Requisite Reputation: 300000
    Channelling -3%
    HP: +205
    Magic +19
    Purify Spell: Has a chance to remove debuff when being attacked,
    and immune to stun and slow, and increase speed by 200%, lasts for 5 seconds.

    Atk. Level +40
    Atk. Level +24
    Channelling 4%
    Price: 200.760 / 401.520
    Manufactured by U_Sasuke

    Death is what drives one to truly live.
    Limitless Rank IX Weapon.
    Unable to be decomposed.

    Refine this gear!
    about time!
  • GoddessNoa - Sanctuary
    GoddessNoa - Sanctuary Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'm not going to state any further fact of what's necessary in this question. Zerozenra stated inaccurate / unclear fact. RavenTail has majority better geared players, RavenTail has majority worse geared players and Regicide has majority members to participate in TW. On the other hand though, this weekend, Regicide had less sign-ups than RavenTail in that TW (not sure exact numbers).

    In conclusion, RavenTail was in a advantage that TW.

    Actually Raventail on had 30+ and Regi had 40+, i know because i checked both before the tw. Regicide had the advantage during the tw regicide could have easily won if they would have not attacked invoked barbs and been faster to build towers. So many things they did wrong from the top down. Most of regi is g16 or better where our gear is tt90/tt99. O well a win is a win somebody always will hate. They also didn't send catas with good enough support so 1 squad of under-geared players were able to kill off there catas.
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot please open 1000 Wildlife Packs for me
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot open 1000 packs for me
    Sorry but I couldn't find a pack named 'pack' :(
    Try again with the exact spelling.
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • U_Sasuke - Sanctuary
    U_Sasuke - Sanctuary Posts: 643 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot please open 1000 Wildlife Packs for me.
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary
    MadSkiIIz - Sanctuary Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sweetiebot please open 1000 Anniversary Packs for me

    1000 SoTs please b:victory
    super mega interresting:
This discussion has been closed.