Jolly Jones Bounty Order Quest Broken?

Posts: 232 Arc User
edited June 2013 in General Discussion
For some reason, this quest doesn't seem to show up for my Seeker.

For clarity, I'm talking about the Bounty Order Quests from Jolly Old Jones. My Seeker is unable to get the items needed to start the quests (or the initial coin reward) from Old Jones. The quest simply doesn't show up.

I've currently tried this quest on my 58 Wiz, 52 Seeker, and 46 Psy. Yesterday when I attempted the quest, I did it Wiz > Psy > Seeker and the quest failed to show up for my Seeker. Believing there might be a daily account limit for the quest, I tried again today. I went Wiz > Seeker > Psy. However, the quest still didn't show up for my Seeker, but did for the other two.

Currently in the process of seeing if different Jolly Old Jones will have the quest for him and if the quest is showing up on my other characters, all at a lower level though.

Edit: Quest not showing up at any Jolly Old Jones.

Anyone else having a similar problem?

Edit: Quest also not showing up for girlfriend's 51 Mystic.
A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
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  • Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    edited March 2013
    Based on the testing I did on my own account, it would seem that these new Bounty quests can only be completed for one character per account within a given level range. Much like the Quiz Events, you can only use one character for lvls 21-30, 31-40, 41-50.. etc up to 71-80.

    So if you have more then one character on any given account that falls in a similar level range as another character on the same account, only one of those characters will be able to complete the new Bounty quests.

    This, of course, is still an Assumption, albeit a fairly educated assumption, it is still, nevertheless, and assumption.


    I don't know how true this is, since it's brand new content I have not had the chance to try. You should try it out though and let us know if this changes anything for you.

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Dunno if this is the same case with you, for me, Im guessing theres some kind of stacking mechanism on the new Jolly quest.

    Took the quest on my alt & got 7 tokens, but after that I only finished 5 tokens because I had something else to do.
    The next day, talked to Jolly again and he gave me another 7 tokens, which makes me had 9 tokens in total in my inventory. I was thinking to finish them all since I got free time to kill, but then Jolly only gave me 2 token quests in total for that day (its already a new day, but somehow it seems the NPC still records the yesterday's token, if you understand what Im trying to write here....).

    So it ends up I have 7 unused tokens from Jolly.. which Im guessing I will never use because the next day Jolly will give me another 7 tokens and it forbids me to take the new quest more than 7 times a day..

    Can someone enlighten me on this? Or maybe I did something wrong?
    I'm on Heavens Tear!
  • Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I don't know how true this is, since it's brand new content I have not had the chance to try. You should try it out though and let us know if this changes anything for you.

    Tried it again today, starting with my Seeker and my GF's Mystic (found out she had done it previously on her 60 Veno on the same account). This theory seems to hold up because they both had the quest. Not sure if the level range is correct though, that will require a bit of leveling.
    lordhanzo wrote: »
    So it ends up I have 7 unused tokens from Jolly.. which Im guessing I will never use because the next day Jolly will give me another 7 tokens and it forbids me to take the new quest more than 7 times a day..

    Can someone enlighten me on this? Or maybe I did something wrong?

    I haven't had a chance to test this, but I will try it on my Psychic. I didn't use any of his quests yesterday, so if I can't do more than 7, then that seems to be the cap.
    A sword can cut a man in twain, but words can shake a fortress to the ground.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    okay, so my take on this is might help i guess? ^^;

    when i discovered the quest, i hopped over to it with my lvl 66 wizzy. 642k in a single day is pretty freakin cool for me, so I'm thinking... yeah. new dailies, here I come! xD
    once my wizzy is done, I hope over to my lvl 75 BM, and do all 7 there, too. 742k there. even more amazing!
    so... my lvl 79 cleric should be even better, right? well... my cleric can't get the quest... at all.
    the next day, i did partial on my wizzy, then tried my cleric, who still couldn't get the quest, then went ahead and did the whole thing on my BM. the following day, i started with my cleric, who still couldn't get it, then went to my wizzy. was really happy when i saw the orders stack! was even happier when i went through all 10. sometimes it does work, sometimes it doesn't. i have noticed tho, if you accidentally take the dragon point quest, then trash it, you can't get the bounty quests any more that day. oops xD

    at the same time, i'm doing the same quests on my other account. start with my lvl 49 sin, works great. switch to my 38 seeker, still works great! switch to my 33 barb, and he can't touch it. nothing's even there for my to get! same with my 27 mystic. (and yes, it is a secret *failing* dream to have a decently leveled char of every class, tho i haven't managed to keep a psy or archer yet <<')

    so... no matter what order i try to do them in day after day, the two on each account that i've already done them on are the only ones it'll work for. it won't let me change it up. which is annoying, but understandable.

    so my biggest question is... is the upper level limit honestly lvl 80 like the patch notes say? because if i send my BM to 76, and she can't do it any more, and they won't let me do it on a new char... i'd be kinda upset! so for now, i'm holding at 75, but... i don't wanna stay there.

    whacha think?
  • Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    done this today on archer 77 and can't do it on veno 76 . This is not bugged/broken it is limited to character lvl range per account b:angry

    Don't be so naive ppl , you think many things are bugged but in fact are specially designed with limitations (nerfed) b:chuckle
    PWI since nov 2008, FW open beta, BOI open beta, STO free-to-play open release, Torchlight I since came out.
  • Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Quest resets daily just like Bounty Hunter Quest. You can only do it on 1 character per level tier per account, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50 etc. And yes 80 is the cap level.
  • Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Quest resets daily just like Bounty Hunter Quest. You can only do it on 1 character per level tier per account, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50 etc. And yes 80 is the cap level.

    I was just thinking the same thing... It worked that way way in the Quiz event too... And I just noticed how everyone with this problem was having it with a character within the same range as a character they previously done...
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I just finished up these dailies on one character. Switched accounts, and the other character could not even pick up the quest. They are bother exactly 70 and on two completely different accounts.
    I could have very easily done the quests near reset though and accidentally bled into the other day. I'll be testing this to make sure shortly.

    But. Could it be that these dailies are saved based on IP address or something?! If so that doesn't fix leveling alts and low levels at all if it's only one character! o__o; Not to mention kinda unfair...

    ~My Screenshot Tumblr~
  • Posts: 1,600 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    No. I do them on multiple accounts each day (time permitting)
  • Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Welp, it happened for me again. I waited a full day before I tried it also so no possibility of overlap.

    On one account, I picked up the quest to give me more Bounty Orders. This was on my level 70 cleric and I did all of the quests Jones allowed me to do with them.

    I then logged on to another account. I picked up the quest to give me more Bounty Orders. This was on my level 70 archer. She has 29 of those orders now and yet Jolly Old Jones doesn't have the other quests for her.

    Not sure what's goin on but Venus asked to be kept up to date with issues about this quest so, here ya go.

    ~My Screenshot Tumblr~
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I have posted this on mine topic, but moderator close it. Missing NPCs in game:
    1. (Event from 20:00-21:00 and 21:00-22:00 all NPCs)
    2. Questmaster is gone, no more rewards for completed quests.
    3. Jolly Jones Bounty Order. all items are missing (Broken Flag, Grinding Machine etc)

    I think it's a April joke, but not in a good taste, so much from me.
  • Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Gees, I doubt that's for april fools though. :[

    ~My Screenshot Tumblr~
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sorry for open this topic again, but i have some problems with quests. I have 4 orders left, but Jolly won't give me any other bounty quests. Players in guild told me, i need to wait 2 days to re-fix it it self, so this is a solution?.

    I have 2 characters on 73lvl on mine account, one of them don't get this quest and other one can do only 3 of this orders..crappy. It's seems it's bugged against free players in game?.

    Now all work good, sorry for problem.
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I gotta ask, can i do the quests while my character is lvl 80?
    Right now i'm at 79 and i can do this quest,but will i be able when i hit 80 ?
    Fiends, criminals, slaves, blasphemers
    The word of Ra is against you
    Ye are fettered and bound with leather
    straps... helpless, doomed
    Wailing in unendurable torment
    Lashed to the forked slave stick by the neck
  • Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I gotta ask, can i do the quests while my character is lvl 80?
    Right now i'm at 79 and i can do this quest,but will i be able when i hit 80 ?

    At level 80 you're fine. I have a character that I'm keeping at 80 just for Jolly Jones quests at the moment. 81 is when you won't be able to get them any more.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
This discussion has been closed.