Return of Hypers in Frost



  • Nenor - Dreamweaver
    Nenor - Dreamweaver Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You have to remember one other thing, just because someone has 6 level 100+ toons and may play each of them pretty well.. does not mean that they can play every toon available as successfully.
    I rolled a barb a month ago. Im not horrible on it, but I do feel like i haven't quite gotten a good handle on it as of yet. I have done all my quests i could and managed to work in a few bhs (mostly 69/79, although i out leveled the 69s very quickly). I only have 5 levels left until 100. I won't be using him very much once I hit 100, as I know, at best, I'm mediocre at playing it. I seem to do fine solo, whether single mob, or rounding up 10 for aoeing, and doing the occasional bh runs. I am however, not so sure i could hold aggro against a very large group (such as pulling half a pavi in warsong or rounding up the spawns in delta). But i think id do halfway decent at tanking say sot/aba bosses when there is not enough barbs to go around for bh and there are people in wc begging for 30 mins. (which is why i originally rolled it)
    Doing all my quests has given me the ability to solo decently. The lack of people to squad with along the way, and the quick leveling pace has limited my ability in other ways. (I didn't use any hypers or fc along the way). If i know im limited in my abilitys after playing normally to 95.. I cant imagine leveling at a faster pace and still knowing what to do, and when to do it. I know I will improve the more practice I get, the issue i'm having is.. i dont want to "practice' on my bh 100 squads. b:surrender That's not fair to me, and it sure isn't fair to them.
    I still think level restriction is the way to go. They have a level cap on opening to start with, I dont think it was meant to be circumvented.
  • SweetieBot - Lothranis
    SweetieBot - Lothranis Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited March 2013
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  • GumyBear - Raging Tide
    GumyBear - Raging Tide Posts: 365 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    looks to me the only people complaining about it are all above 100 already and did there power leveling already. Seem like they just dont want other to share in what they already did b:angry

    In all of the 4 yrs I've been playing PWI, I have never had a 100+ toon and I'm proud of it b:victory (highest lvl I've gotten to is 86) I would love to see no hypers/lvl restriction in FC. Granted I did hyper in FC once when my mystic was in her 50's, and I hated it! Now I have a lot of quests in my quest log and I have no idea where to start. It's a bit overwhelming. After that I will never hyper in FC again. Well maybe when I get to 100+
  • Star_Prism - Archosaur
    Star_Prism - Archosaur Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    b:cute Star, we are one and the same!
    I actively do the quest, no matter the alt. Even though I did them on a cleric, how do I tackle them as a mystic, veno, barb, etc? How do I turn around and kill these mobs (magic, ranged, melee, etc) with this different class?

    Exactly!! Just because you have played a few other classes doesn't mean playing another will be the same. Even with similar classes. I have a veno and when I started playing a mystic though they had a similar fighting style, there were some marked differences.
    Questing is not just there for you to level it helps you learn your role in the game. What skills to use, when to use them, what to watch out for. Level 100 is not the best time to just start learning what your skills do, especially since you will most likely be in a squad and they will not appreciate those "oops" moments.

    Sorry, I feel like an odd person by saying this but...I'm playing an MMO. Questing is part of that. I love questing, squading for dungeons, running around acting like a loony with factionmates and squadmates. b:cute

    I feel the same way. I play this game because it's something for me to do for fun, to enjoy. Or if I'm having a bad day I log onto one of my melee classes and pound on some mobs. Great release. I personally don't see how standing around waiting for someone to sell FC rooms in my level range is at all fun. Give me the quests any day of the week.
  • GlenRoss - Archosaur
    GlenRoss - Archosaur Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    .... and it doesn't disqualify your arguments, of course ....

    but how many of you, who want unrestricted FC, regularly sell the heads room?
  • Sarason - Lost City
    Sarason - Lost City Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I loved this week, really I did...... Iam tired of seeing frost babies.....loved seeing the old ways come back...but if you want to really see old school..I remember when we did not have BH's to help level. All we had was zening parties, cs, events, scrolls, orders and grinding to level our chars... go figure........ I voted for no hypers in frost and left a message that if a level restriction is place it should be level 90 to 95 and no hypers....but then again that is just me.
  • Ciruchi - Heavens Tear
    Ciruchi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have lvl 100+ myself but I'm not going to lie and say I didn't use ff at all. You talk about bh's like we all do 10 a day or something. I recall running out of quests on my toons around 75+. JS it's funny how all these people are 100+ talkin about ff (probably because it doesn't matter to them anymore). Yet I bet if they make new toons they will use ff around 70-85 because ITS SO SLOW AND NERFED... for instance lvl 80-90 quests - okay go kill 80-85 mobs and gain maybe .3%, but don't forget your turn in for your extra 50k exp which may give you another .1 .

    The only reason people are even saying remove hypers from ff completely is because they're mad about the pwrlvling nothing more. So make sense of it and say Lvl cap not remove a whole instance completely. Think about it zzz
  • CheetahWoods - Raging Tide
    CheetahWoods - Raging Tide Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    yesterday(Monday) I was farming eden trash for apocalypse pages for a few rounds, maybe 2-3hrs, and NOT 1 PERSON in Snowy. it was kind of awesome. one catshop with crab/herb etc and me.

    It seems to me this is the perfect opportunity to put fc back to the original version.
    that one boss with the one key gold fc armor mat was tough, but now you can level 50 ways. this game levels u free basically.

    original fc was more challenging, why not put it back.
  • CheetahWoods - Raging Tide
    CheetahWoods - Raging Tide Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Exactly!! Just because you have played a few other classes doesn't mean playing another will be the same. Even with similar classes. I have a veno and when I started playing a mystic though they had a similar fighting style, there were some marked differences.
    Questing is not just there for you to level it helps you learn your role in the game. What skills to use, when to use them, what to watch out for. Level 100 is not the best time to just start learning what your skills do, especially since you will most likely be in a squad and they will not appreciate those "oops" moments.

    I feel the same way. I play this game because it's something for me to do for fun, to enjoy. Or if I'm having a bad day I log onto one of my melee classes and pound on some mobs. Great release. I personally don't see how standing around waiting for someone to sell FC rooms in my level range is at all fun. Give me the quests any day of the week.

    actually, you have hit on a good point. These games were designed to do the quests and the game will give you everything as you go along.
    you learn skills 1-2 at a time. gives u time to learn them.
    mobs drop craft mats for your level. you can level all crafting as you go when you quest

    I also enjoy dealing with the same quest but on 2 different classes.

    I sometimes wonder why powerlevellers are even playing this game. they need some basic **** n slash and go full bore full gear NOW

    I have a real life that has plenty of stress and suspense. I also like to farm just to escape, or relax in a dungeon for 2-3 hrs taking it completely apart, just to do it.
    I am in no hurry to get to 105. the journey is the fun part

    EDIT: after 3.5 yrs, my main hit 101 in December doing as much of its own culti as it can. cheetah is a slacker who sits in town lol
    btw, I refused, on principle, to ever set foot in fc again loooong looooong ago. i'm still mad about the first change.
  • cuntsuella2
    cuntsuella2 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I know it's been touched on, but look at the 100+ opposed to FF pwrlvl.

    In the 4+ years I have been playing pwi I never power leveled a toon. Yes, I have hypered a few levels here and there to reach a milestone, but never wanted to pass over the game play. In 4+ years my highest level toons are 101 and 100 and they have both maintained those levels for at least 6 months.

    I don't agree with power leveling, because it doesn't suit my reasons for playing. This doesn't mean those that choose to should not be allowed to. I have friends that created and power leveled strictly for the purpose of providing buffs and support to their mains, then they ultimately realize they like their alts and choose to dedicate play time on them. These people have put a ton of cash into the game in order to achieve end game aspirations on their mains and support their various alts.

    I know their are a HUGE majority of high levels that obtained their levels beyond 100+ by using FF and exploiting the FF Dragon glitch before it was made unappealing. Many of those players began when I did (I ran with them as noobs) and they jumped to 100+ 2 or 3 years ago and have long forgotten me and the help I provided them at my expense. They do not know me by this alt and I am just fine with that!

    Now that so many have achieved, or have end game goals in sight due to pwrlvl, it is interesting to see them complain about the newcomers and alts that want the same opportunity.
  • ado1989
    ado1989 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    On my server people who bought all their gear with real money, talk how it is good without fc.
    And they talk how people should not buy their lvls with real money.
    I mean wtf, u invested $ in a game, bought r9, and now are complaining how people should not buy sth with real money :P
    I understand that people want fc back, the quests in pwi suck really, i lvlup mostly by doing quests and bhs and got so tired of the stupid quests.
    There is nothing interesting in the quests in pwi, from lvl1 til lvl100 go kill x number of mobs, go to that place, kill that boss and thats it.
    After 90+ i wasnt doing quests, 60k exp for a quest where i kill 90 mobs srsly? i prefered to aoe grind and farm dq.
    Yes there are many other ways to get exp, but just saying that quests suck in this game.
    This game should offer more quest chains like goshiki quest chain, wraiths ploy.
  • Jacerai - Dreamweaver
    Jacerai - Dreamweaver Posts: 943 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have lvl 100+ myself but I'm not going to lie and say I didn't use ff at all. You talk about bh's like we all do 10 a day or something. I recall running out of quests on my toons around 75+. JS it's funny how all these people are 100+ talkin about ff (probably because it doesn't matter to them anymore). Yet I bet if they make new toons they will use ff around 70-85 because ITS SO SLOW AND NERFED... for instance lvl 80-90 quests - okay go kill 80-85 mobs and gain maybe .3%, but don't forget your turn in for your extra 50k exp which may give you another .1 .

    The only reason people are even saying remove hypers from ff completely is because they're mad about the pwrlvling nothing more. So make sense of it and say Lvl cap not remove a whole instance completely. Think about it zzz

    Someone on DW wanted to be run through BHs back to back (as in unstacked, as she got them, etc). I told her to stack them and do quests between. She cursed me out and blacklisted me. b:chuckle

    Also, questing isn't for everyone. It's a nerve-calmer for me. I love my Heaven/Hell quests (85/95/100+ mobs? Hell yeah!) but that, again, is just me. b:cute
    b:cute The world may be small, but it is far from known.

    Why the rage? It's a draining emotion.

    Me: DaValentine (veno), Jaceraie (mystic), etc etc etc b:chuckle
  • Nilleana - Heavens Tear
    Nilleana - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Like someone else said, I really loved this week and I'll be sad to see it go. :(
  • jjbrendan
    jjbrendan Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It can be very slow to get to Level 105 and maybe hypers may speed up leveling in FCC. I hope this idea is helpful. Best wished to all here.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited March 2013
    jjbrendan wrote: »
    It can be very slow to get to Level 105 and maybe hypers may speed up leveling in FCC. I hope this idea is helpful. Best wished to all here.

    To 105, sure.

    To 70, no
    To 85, not really.
    To 95, a bit harder, but doing the dailies is still a huge boost to exp, especially PV. (Especially considering that most classes with proper gear can solo this PV without issues.)

    Which is why there needs to be a hard cap on the level of players that can enter FC, and a limit to the level that hypers are allowed to work.

    All in all, we've seen strong evidence that having FCC disabled has seemingly increased server activity because people aren't just buying heads now, they're actually playing. When hypers come back to FC without any limitation, it will be back to empty lands and business as usual.

    Anyone who votes for unrestricted hypers in FC, is voting for the death of the game.
  • Ezio_Sin - Heavens Tear
    Ezio_Sin - Heavens Tear Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Maybe people will realize how fun grinding and zhenning is b:pleased

    BWHAHAHAHAHAHA b:laughb:laughb:laughb:laugh
    Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.
  • korallia
    korallia Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    so tou enjoyed a empty server ????? the server was so empty this week in case you didnt notice and your levels do matter if you are 101+ you are dne with hypers so you say what ever you want
  • Cocoboco - Sanctuary
    Cocoboco - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    I Know Their Are A Huge Majority Of High Levels That Obtained Their Levels Beyond 100+ By Using Ff And Exploiting The Ff Dragon Glitch Before It Was Made Unappealing.

    Now That So Many Have Achieved, Or Have End Game Goals In Sight Due To Pwrlvl, It Is Interesting To See Them Complain About The Newcomers And Alts That Want The Same Opportunity.

    ^ +1
  • serbetel
    serbetel Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I wouldnt bet that map and wc remain active with ppl doing lowlevel stuff.

    Doing something for a week is something else then knowing things wont come back.
  • GlenRoss - Archosaur
    GlenRoss - Archosaur Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    korallia wrote: »
    so tou enjoyed a empty server ????? the server was so empty this week in case you didnt notice and your levels do matter if you are 101+ you are dne with hypers so you say what ever you want

    Nonsense. I'm guessing it was only empty in the one area where you spend all of your time. I wasn't always 103 and opposed hyper-addiction then, too.

    What else ya got?
  • Kinjeto - Raging Tide
    Kinjeto - Raging Tide Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited April 2013

    This is how things used to be done. Its called fun.

    This is also called fun and that is how it used to be for technical power leveling or you used to make the two book things together, or do oracles (before they were in the cash shop. That is why we had a Perfect World now its a Perfect Frost World and the company can go bankrupt for all I care. I was generally all right with the BH there was sort of a big thing over that, back in the day. Hell I'd be fine with hypers if there was a zhen party or AOE leveling party for that to.

    But... But the Frost Walk City just kills it for me. It kills it for me from a game-degradation stand point and a mechanic stand point. Just make it so you can't use hypers in Frost and the whole game changes. That in it self for be a revelation for PWI & PWCN. (If it weren't for the communication barrier and the language barrier.)

    Pre-2009 it was called fun, now it feels as though PWCN is making it just Cash-Cow World and we've come a long way in other games since then. Hopefully PWI will do what Cubizone did and just ditch this product and focus on being a Publisher. I suppose on the brighter hand side of things we have other titles to emigrate to and stop playing this garbage, more importantly stop paying for this garbage directly. Ideally more indirectly and hoping Zombie Studios get my cash and not PWI.

    Also per-price-point every 10 levels wasn't bad either. You could drop 50 USD on the leveling and be happy to reach the next level lot and more importantly still keep going these days 1513 USD sets of armor and a cornered market where the whole of Lions Arch is filled with cat shops and the auction house is SEVERELY under utilized or it certainly feels like it.

    Then the irony when you mention other 'products' on this forum and the sense of chinese pride of the failed P2W power creep product, my gosh. Give it 5 seconds and a better computer/upgrade (cause there are a lot of people who play this game on **** or crappy computers) and they would be running to the hills for other titles.

    The bottom line: I've been playing Blacklight Retribution -- when I get a chance and other titles and the value for money in certain other titles. I can drop 50 AUD a month and be happy to come back day-after-day. In here its like a GOD DAMN Ebola Lepper colony.

    "Looking for 5 APS Sin"
    "FC Cleared wanting 400~500k"
    "Pack item... Selling..."
    "500k Lunar fee" <-- PWI's idea of a coin sink... Which should of been in the game anyway, but failed hard.


    "Looking for Zhen Party"
    "Looking for FBXX party"
    "Looking for TT Party"
    "Looking for Gamma or Delta party"

    If this your content PWI, you can quite frankly just go in a hole and die or you might as well just sell straight power through the cash shop with an anti gambling pack establishment. Cause your game is literally AIDS infested dead.
    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye