Have A Gander (First PKay Video)

Unholly - Lothranis
Unholly - Lothranis Posts: 44 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Assassin
At west with two friends when along came some PK
^A recording of one of the fights

Looking to improve my game play soooo any Constructive Criticism would be appreciated b:thanks
How do i amuse myself?
Sometimes i count to 1000 and back down again, usually i get stuck on 3

YouTube: youtube.com/user/unhollyPWI
Post edited by Unholly - Lothranis on


  • Zanryu - Lothranis
    Zanryu - Lothranis Posts: 1,998 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    HA! Dat Krispe Kreme!

    How come there's never any decent pk when I'm online? Been trying to record that for months and still jack >.>

    Thanks to the beautiful and talanted Zheii for the sigb:dirty


    I read the forums naked.
  • Tsyn - Raging Tide
    Tsyn - Raging Tide Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm just writing this down as I pause your video and watch.

    -Your stunlock is actually pretty good if this is your first pk vid.

    -Save Telestun for catching people in group PvP, not getting to them to AoE.

    -Earthen rift on a single target (the archer) isn't great. You get higher damage if you use skills like Twin Strike, Condensed Thorn, or Spell cutter. While they hit less individually, you can stack more of them... this is the same principle behind the old aps sins. Also, technically, you get more chi. XD

    -You and the archer seem to have a bit of a long fight, 1v1, in group pvp. It MIGHT have been better to freeze the archer in the air for 11 seconds with sage tackling. Then the group pvp would have been 2v3, significantly more in your favor. While you did manage to kill the archer roughly 10 or 20 seconds later.... meh, just a personal thing of mine.

    -o_O Holy path while occult iced?

    -Fly when your opponents are on the ground and running. It's cheaper than using Maze Steps, but you gain free mobility. Not many people will do this, because of the flight animation, but its actually quite useful.

    -Use your sage wolf emblem and Master Li's technique while you're looking around for new targets - the chi adds up.

    Overall, I'm actually very impressed with this video and you. Good fight. xD
    Forever overlooked.
    Forever forgotten.
    Forever alone.

    This is a good thing. People don't notice me, and they don't notice the knife whistling towards their throat.
  • Unholly - Lothranis
    Unholly - Lothranis Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    @Zan - b:surrender decent pk runs away when you come to west, everyone wants your blood b:surrender To be honest just got lucky that we was on even terms kind of. dun worry it turn in to the usual steam role after they called sweet+boom to help them
    -Earthen rift on a single target (the archer) isn't great. You get higher damage if you use skills like Twin Strike, Condensed Thorn, or Spell cutter. While they hit less individually, you can stack more of them... this is the same principle behind the old aps sins. Also, technically, you get more chi. XD

    Thank you spent 5 mins on arch damage test mob:
    casting Twin and cutter in 2 seconds dealt 140%~ damage over rifts 2.5 seconds
    i guess i have got a bit obsessed with rift as it hits so hard, i was avoiding Condensed Thorn for fear of losing FostBlade on reflection probably best to just over write the buff
    -You and the archer seem to have a bit of a long fight, 1v1, in group pvp. It MIGHT have been better to freeze the archer in the air for 11 seconds with sage tackling. Then the group pvp would have been 2v3, significantly more in your favor. While you did manage to kill the archer roughly 10 or 20 seconds later.... meh, just a personal thing of mine.

    The wiz on my team is a bit of a beast when it comes to tanking/kitting fully buffed, but one spirit blackhole proc and the sin/seeker blow him away. so our strategy was for me to kill the archer as fast as possible whilst he took the sin and seeker on a toddle around west arch b:chuckle
    How do i amuse myself?
    Sometimes i count to 1000 and back down again, usually i get stuck on 3

    YouTube: youtube.com/user/unhollyPWI