Return of Hypers in Frost



  • MechSin - Sanctuary
    MechSin - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It is the people that are finished leveling their characters that want fcc to stay the same as it was this past week, and the ones who are not finished want hypering back so they can level without getting gear right away.
    I like fcc so i do not want it to be destroyed and I do not feel like relying on others to help me level, such as making squads. Also i only have arcane characters left to level, so i cant solo pv.
    I am well aware of the ways to level in this game but it seems like without fcc you have to be with other people to help you (unless you are a good class to solo), or it is slow leveling.
  • LuciusVorenu - Lost City
    LuciusVorenu - Lost City Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I know the story and its BS.

    I have leveled my sage barb the normal way.
    Now i want to powerlevel a demonbarb. And if you stop me from doing that, i will surely feel supressed.

    Ok, and the difference here is you have leveled a barb once before the proper way, correct? I am fairly certain that you know how to play your character, or so I would hope. I, personally, will not and can not stop you or anyone else from power leveling a character. Because as OPKossy said:
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Any player that's done things the old way should not only be able to level quickly regardless... but should also be well aware of the multiple other ways to powerlevel outside of Frost.

    There ARE other ways to power level.

    There are these things called Oracles. Players can level off of those. Difference between them and Frost is they have to do it themselves, and not have some 10x do it. At least with Oracles people somewhat learned their characters to a point.

    Peopl can power level off of Phoenix Valley. Again, difference is they gain some understanding of their character.

    Power leveling is not exclusive to just frost. Frost just allows people to take an easier path, without gaining the good understanding of their character.
  • LuciusVorenu - Lost City
    LuciusVorenu - Lost City Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It is the people that are finished leveling their characters that want fcc to stay the same as it was this past week, and the ones who are not finished want hypering back so they can level without getting gear right away.

    This I have to disagree with. I prefer that frost be level restricted, and I do have characters left to level. At the moment, my BM has been 101 for months, I have a 9x Cleric whom I am leveling (yes through frost) but I did not put my cleric into frost til I was 8x, and understood how to play a cleric properly. I have a level 5 barb I started yesterday, and I will not frost until 8x, even when they do reactivate hypers for everyone come next maintenance or so.
  • XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary
    XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The assumption that ALL people leveling through frost just buy it is wrong. Before it shut down I did 7 or 8 full frosts on my cleric. Believe it or not you actually are forced to learn your toon more if you're not just going in for mobs. Just going in for mobs would actually be a closer parallel to a PV than it is to doing a full FCC.

    The difference between frost and PV though is you can just do PV once a day at lower levels, with maybe a little bonus if you resquad after like 10 minutes to get the first half again. Also, since PV just offers lots of physical mobs to aoe and then a fairly basic boss (and maybe a seal or a freeze) it doesn't force you to deal with the variety that a full FCC does.
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
    Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer

    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited March 2013
    The assumption that ALL people leveling through frost just buy it is wrong. Before it shut down I did 7 or 8 full frosts on my cleric. Believe it or not you actually are forced to learn your toon more if you're not just going in for mobs. Just going in for mobs would actually be a closer parallel to a PV than it is to doing a full FCC.

    The difference between frost and PV though is you can just do PV once a day at lower levels, with maybe a little bonus if you resquad after like 10 minutes to get the first half again. Also, since PV just offers lots of physical mobs to aoe and then a fairly basic boss (and maybe a seal or a freeze) it doesn't force you to deal with the variety that a full FCC does.
    Yeah, but you're not going to get a squad of level 30-70 people doing frost runs. They are the ones buying them, emptying the map, and not learning how to play, which is the problem.

    Completely shutting it down so far has increased the activity on the server in the lower instances and areas. Until they can decide on level-limiting hypers in the instance to 75+, 85+, or 100+, it's an excellent solution. They also need to put an absolute level minimum of 75 on the instance. It's not like there aren't many other ways to get exp daily.
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It is the people that are finished leveling their characters that want fcc to stay the same as it was this past week, and the ones who are not finished want hypering back so they can level without getting gear right away.
    I like fcc so i do not want it to be destroyed and I do not feel like relying on others to help me level, such as making squads. Also i only have arcane characters left to level, so i cant solo pv.
    I am well aware of the ways to level in this game but it seems like without fcc you have to be with other people to help you (unless you are a good class to solo), or it is slow leveling.

    First. It is absolutely NOT just the people that are "done leveling their characters" that want fc hyper-disabled. I have PLENTY of characters to still level b:cry Getting fc to become hyper-disabled or at least level capped is to promote the future of PWI itself. THAT is the main concern.

    Second. The reason WHY you can not find squads so easily, and thus, why needing to squad is such an abomination... is due to fc hyper powerleveling to begin with... Get rid of fc hyper powerleveling and wow... Squads become readily available... if you seriously can not squad with people in an MMO... play a non-internet console game... seriously...

    Whats a "good class to solo"? I can solo on any class personally... and I have multiple characters of pretty much every class... Casters have a certain way to play them which varies slightly with caster-classes... Melee characters have it the roughest solo'ing most of the time... especially against ranged enemies, but can most certainly do it with ease if one learns to simply position themselves properly... this game is no different than any other of the handful+ mmo's ive played for well over a decade, actually coming in on two decades in a few years...

  • XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary
    XSonOfCircex - Sanctuary Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, but you're not going to get a squad of level 30-70 people doing frost runs. They are the ones buying them, emptying the map, and not learning how to play, which is the problem.

    Completely shutting it down so far has increased the activity on the server in the lower instances and areas. Until they can decide on level-limiting hypers in the instance to 75+, 85+, or 100+, it's an excellent solution. They also need to put an absolute level minimum of 75 on the instance. It's not like there aren't many other ways to get exp daily.

    I'm not sure how it is on other servers, but on Sanctuary, most of the world chatting of FCC exp room sales seem to be to people in the 85+ range. (Though admittedly these people probably bought FCC to get to that point)

    I was also mainly directing that at the people supporting level capping it at 80/85.
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
    Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer

    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • Kerius - Dreamweaver
    Kerius - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I will, Kerius. I've got a few alts I'm playing through quests with (quite a few, actually). If I spy you on the world map, I'll shoot a PM (only two of my toons even remotely sound like Jace).
    I probably have a worse problem with alts. None of my characters' names match at all.

    Just try PMs to me at random times and see if I answer.
    -Raises hand- ME!
    I think i got a barb around that level. I've been working on my wizard lately and haven't played him for a while
    Bring it on! b:victory
  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There is one thing this whole idiotic discussion is gonna achieve though.

    As soon as FC is functioning again, i am gonna powerlevel at least one of each character class before they might get it in their head to indeed do something about it.

    And then, then i can join the rest of you and shout that they should end it b:laugh
  • LuciusVorenu - Lost City
    LuciusVorenu - Lost City Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There is one thing this whole idiotic discussion is gonna achieve though.

    As soon as FC is functioning again, i am gonna powerlevel at least one of each character class before they might get it in their head to indeed do something about it.

    And then, then i can join the rest of you and shout that they should end it b:laugh

    If it's such an idiotic discussion, I have 2 questions. 1-Why are you gettin upset? 2-Why you still talking? b:puzzled
  • Mizuryu - Harshlands
    Mizuryu - Harshlands Posts: 154 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There is one thing this whole idiotic discussion is gonna achieve though.

    As soon as FC is functioning again, i am gonna powerlevel at least one of each character class before they might get it in their head to indeed do something about it.

    And then, then i can join the rest of you and shout that they should end it b:laugh

    I'm laughing so hard.
  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    1-Why are you gettin upset?
    Most of all because i just get upset anytime when people are trying to push their will onto others. They dont want to powerlevel so they think others shouldnt. This is an aspect of humans i thoroughly hate.
    Then, there are even nutcases who are advocating a lvl 85+ limit while i think it is one of the most beautifull instances to play and i want to play it when im around 80, maybe as low as lvl 75 as well. That is actually where you learn to play your character.
    Also because i do level toons for all kind of reasons i deem legit ( i want a demon after my sage, i want some buffing characters) and i dont want that to be made more anoying (mostly because i will have huge lines at the pits where i normally zhen my chars with my solozhenner seeker so that i dont need anyone else) And even if the reasons are different, that does not matter. I know i will learn to play my character before i bother squads with my presence and i know some people will never learn to play if there is power leveling or not. And even that does not really matter in the light of the first reason i gave. Just stop pushing your will onto others please.
    2-Why you still talking? b:puzzled
    because i am traveling, dont have a game client and not much else to do than just spam the forums :)
  • Athailean - Lost City
    Athailean - Lost City Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    looks to me the only people complaining about it are all above 100 already and did there power leveling already. Seem like they just dont want other to share in what they already did b:angry
  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Of course, everyone does powerleveling. Or at least the very vast majority does. Find someone who thinks its is fun doing all the 100s of kill 50 of this, kill 50 of that quets for the 8th time.
  • SylenThunder - Twilight Temple
    edited March 2013
    Of course, everyone does powerleveling. Or at least the very vast majority does. Find someone who thinks its is fun doing all the 100s of kill 50 of this, kill 50 of that quets for the 8th time.
    From levels 1-79, the number of kills has been greatly reduced. All the drop quests that you used to have to grind hundreds of mobs to get the drops for are gone now as well. Drop quest items are now all 100% drop rate. So you get a quest to get 10 drops instead of the old 40 drops, and you're done in 10 kills.

    Then at 80 the new quests and the shortened quests return to normal. But you've still got over 13 ways to get experinece and spirit daily over all of the level ranges.
    1. Crazy Stone
    2. World Quest
    3. Cube of Fate
    4. Bounty Hunter
    5. Public Quest
    6. Pheonix Valley
    7. Oracles
    8. Old Heaven's Tear
    9. 95+ get Morai
    10. Base Quests
    11. Zhen squads
    12. Regular quests
    13. Lucid Gold/Silver
    14. Winter season quests (was Autumn)

    I mean seriously, it's hard to get bored with all of that, and it will give you tones of exp to level.

    Compared to all of that, FCC is damn boring.
  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    From levels 1-79, the number of kills has been greatly reduced. All the drop quests that you used to have to grind hundreds of mobs to get the drops for are gone now as well. Drop quest items are now all 100% drop rate. So you get a quest to get 10 drops instead of the old 40 drops, and you're done in 10 kills.

    Then at 80 the new quests and the shortened quests return to normal. But you've still got over 13 ways to get experinece and spirit daily over all of the level ranges.
    1. Crazy Stone
    2. World Quest
    3. Cube of Fate
    4. Bounty Hunter
    5. Public Quest
    6. Pheonix Valley
    7. Oracles
    8. Old Heaven's Tear
    9. 95+ get Morai
    10. Base Quests
    11. Zhen squads
    12. Regular quests
    13. Lucid Gold/Silver
    14. Winter season quests (was Autumn)

    I mean seriously, it's hard to get bored with all of that, and it will give you tones of exp to level.

    Compared to all of that, FCC is damn boring.

    Well if i have to kill 10 or 40 mobs is just part of it. What about all the flying around ? Does it make me a good player to fly the whole map 10 times over ?

    Let me read the list you made:
    1. Crazy Stone*
    7. Oracles*
    -Terrible coin/xp ratio. I dont do them. (no i dont pay for heads either, although i think these are way much worse ration than buying heads actually)
    3. Cube of Fate*
    -did every day on 2 chars for a while, got pretty bored with it really
    4. Bounty Hunter
    -Did every day yes
    6. Pheonix Valley
    11. Zhen squads*
    -Wasnt able to solo it effectively, never found a squad willing to do either. Would be interested in though
    13. Lucid Gold/Silver*
    -not while europeans are awake.
    8. Old Heaven's Tear
    9. 95+ get Morai
    10. Base Quests
    5. Public Quest
    2. World Quest
    12. Regular quests
    14. Winter season quests (was Autumn)
    -Way to get a long list. for short, quests.

    * and you do agree with these ? they dont make people very skilled.

    As i have said many times, i learned to play my character in FC. It was a revelation for me. I very well remember my very first FC. I was lvl 75 or so, didnt power level one bit, got there by doing all the quests. I knew how to ream, devour and frighten. I enter the instance, i ask whats the plan ? "do i pull them 1 by 1 or can we handle groups of 5?" While half the squad gets ready to leave or asks the leader to kick me, some guy tells me to run to the glacial, invoke, roar, sunder. I look at the hallway in front of me, i dont know what a glacial is, but i guess it must be somewhere out there .... b:shocked the squad doesnt seem like they are very patient so lets go and jump in the deep before they kick me.... 30 seconds later i stand there well and healthy with some 30 dead mobs around me. That feeling.... thats where my barb life started and thats the moment where i fell completely and utterly in love with my barb, the game and FC. b:dirty
  • Star_Prism - Archosaur
    Star_Prism - Archosaur Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Find someone who thinks its is fun doing all the 100s of kill 50 of this, kill 50 of that quets for the 8th time.

    *Raises hand*

    I love to quest. I quest on every one of my alts. I currently have about 12 toons. I have every class, and 2 extras that I use for farming. I do not set foot in fc until I have the quests on my list (and normally I wait until I have all the quests so I can do the whole thing in one run)

    My highest level toon is only level 90 and I think hypers should not be usable in fc until level 100+. I hate having fc available because I constantly have people pushing me to level faster. I don't want to level fast and when I try to explain this to people it's like they can't even comprehend why I'm in no rush to get to end game.

    When people hyper level it affects those of us who don't. I've used WC to find squads and then you get into the instance to find that a person can't buff you because they have yet to do their level 39 culti (even though they are now 90+). Or they don't know how to keep from stealing aggro and wipe the squad (big problem in BH 69). Clerics that use stream instead of IH.

    Most of these things don't become apparent until you are fighting, and then it is too late. If I die because some hyper leveler doesn't know how to play, that affects me. I either lost exp (and since I don't hyper I have to quest/grind to get it back) or I wasted a guardian scroll which costs me money.

    If people are only interested in end game I don't understand why they are even playing here. Just go to a private server where you start at end game. People here will quest and level how they should, and hyper babies can already be 100+ like they want. Everyone wins.
  • Apostasy - Raging Tide
    Apostasy - Raging Tide Posts: 1,197 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i just get upset anytime when people are trying to push their will onto others. They dont want to powerlevel so they think others shouldnt. This is an aspect of humans i thoroughly hate.

    And even if the reasons are different, that does not matter. I know i will learn to play my character before i bother squads with my presence and i know some people will never learn to play if there is power leveling or not. And even that does not really matter in the light of the first reason i gave. Just stop pushing your will onto others please.

    "Pushing their will onto others"? How do you propose to re-populate the pwi map, from the beginning city areas through to the morai areas? Do you even know why I am asking this particular question? It is simply because, if these areas are not re-populated, say goodbye to all the time you spent hypering or zhenning (which this one in particular i only heard about on these fc debate threads)... What good is a game that is dead? Or is that all you enjoy, are those hypered powerleveling activities to in the end just sit around and look pretty? So get your story straight, seriously... THIS is about the future of PWI. Period. No re-population of PWI's maps = No new player base = Dead Game.
    The following is not even important enough to color in :
    As far as wether or not anyone knows how to play their class... who gives a damn... chances are that the old saying says it all about that bs even becoming part of the disabling fc hyper powerleveling conversation at all... "you can not fix stupid."
  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    "Pushing their will onto others"? How do you propose to re-populate the pwi map, from the beginning city areas through to the morai areas? Do you even know why I am asking this particular question? It is simply because, if these areas are not re-populated, say goodbye to all the time you spent hypering or zhenning (which this one in particular i only heard about on these fc debate threads)... What good is a game that is dead? Or is that all you enjoy, are those hypered powerleveling activities to in the end just sit around and look pretty? So get your story straight, seriously... THIS is about the future of PWI. Period. No re-population of PWI's maps = No new player base = Dead Game.
    The following is not even important enough to color in :
    As far as wether or not anyone knows how to play their class... who gives a damn... chances are that the old saying says it all about that bs even becoming part of the disabling fc hyper powerleveling conversation at all... "you can not fix stupid."

    tbh i am not really worried. Yes pwi dies. old games die, new ones come. Thats life. and it wont be different for pwi. At some point its just over and all that remains are some players who cannot part from their investment and thus remain in the carcasses of the game. And that is where pwi is going. That is unevitable anyway yes. Dont blame FC. its the natural way of life. What else do you expect ? that the game is going to keep attrackting new players forever ? 6 years isnt that bad actually, surely it could live a little longer maybe if there would be great updating of content and game engine.... But that isnt happening, and thats why it dies. FC is just a scapegoat. And if you ask me, fighting powerleveling may actually hasten the death of a game. Now the game doesnt really have much growth of new players, if you end powerleveling, it wont have much growing of new characters from old players either. Because honestly, stopping FC is not gonna make old players do the quests again and again. they will either power level in different ways, or they will just vastly reduce the amount of characters they create.
  • Mimi_wangzi - Sanctuary
    Mimi_wangzi - Sanctuary Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    looks to me the only people complaining about it are all above 100 already and did there power leveling already. Seem like they just dont want other to share in what they already did b:angry
    LOL i think this is true, nowadays in any bh39, 51 , etc I make for my lowers alters I found a lot of High high lvls toons (who comes to "help us" to make our BH cuz they are really bored), even they usually told us I have 3, 4, 5 toons 101+

    I really doubt , that ALL their (3, 4, 5..) 101+ toons was make without FCC power leveling

    Then to be fair just left the things like they are

    I'm not sure how it is on other servers, but on Sanctuary, most of the world chatting of FCC exp room sales seem to be to people in the 85+ range. (Though admittedly these people probably bought FCC to get to that point)

    I was also mainly directing that at the people supporting level capping it at 80/85.
    Yep , even lvl 80+, 90+ ask for heads or exp rooms in FCC so for me there are no point to put FCC with Lv restricted, cuz even ppl who CAN make FCCs, they prefers only buy them. Then we still gonna keep alters who don't care or want to learn how to play their alter class.

    Even though the problem of noobs comes time ago
    For me, after that glich of Goons time ago, PW made a lot ( not all but a lot ) of High lvls noobs , and NOW changing this (Disable hypers in frost) or not , have no point cuz they still keep

    Let the ppl enjoy the game in the way they want.

    This remember me one point
    Power leveling is minor thing, compared to other serious
    flaws of "business policy" of this game.


    I'm on Raging Tide, I have 9 toons, I do low level quests,
    low level BH's and other things.

    Cleric 92,
    Myst, Sin, Seek 70+
    BM, Veno, Barb, Archer 50+
    Wiz 42

    This HYP situation doesn't affect me at all.

    I don't mind if someone powerlevels, it won't hurt me.

    It won't reduce my ability to play my own way.


    What hurts this game is not power leveling.
    They messed up with too high Boutique prices,
    with way too low drop rates, and some other things.

    And then tried to bring more players by offering them
    "power leveling" bait when many old players became

    People aren't "slaves" (any more).

    Not many people want to spend tons of cash on game that gives
    so little for that money, especially "chance to get this-and-that"
    and that chance is so low that you have to buy hundred of those
    expensive packs to get it.

    Nor to grind for months to accomplish simple tasks that should be
    reachable within few weeks or less.

    Management is doing things that ruin this game much more
    than simple "HYP in FC".

    Some of those things are blatant blackmail, masked with
    thin "glamour wrap paper".

    At the end they pushed GM's to front line into fire.

    I almost forgot , i read a lot of ppl claming to lower lvls has to make quest , but unfortunatelly PW changed a lot of things in game , it's not the same money , drops whose I got when i play my lower cleric years ago , now there are too low drop rates, like DQ drps now only give you ONE coin -.-;; so in order to buy things to my lower levels I have to use/ farm with my alters of more lvl like 90+ to get a decent amount of money for their (lower lvls) skills.
    The other way will be just spent a lot of real money in game, so no >.> ... sure FREE to play
    "It's not about "where you go", but "as far as you can get". And If you have lost your path, you can always create your own, your own way ..."
    (Morikawa Toshiyuki [Kubota Makoto] & Ishikawa Hideo [Tokitoh Minoru] @ 「Heaven's Door」from 「 私立荒磯高等学校生徒会執行部」OVA )
  • Reliea - Sanctuary
    Reliea - Sanctuary Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A little sad really, wished they put the effort into fixing FCC into fixing Warsong and Lunar final boss drops.
  • GlenRoss - Archosaur
    GlenRoss - Archosaur Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    One side feels entitled to have the game owners hand them their ease and give them what they want, when and how they want it. Anyone who opposes their entitlement has evil motives and is selfish. All 100 levels must've pleveled because the entitled can't believe anyone would have a different attitude toward self-serving than they (the entitled do).

    The other side wants to preserve the integrity of the game. They know people will level up to 100 and they welcome that. They want to not see the game deteriorate into the welfare system where the lamers outnumber the gamers. They want to be able to form a squad with a reasonable expectation that the 95-level veno they just added knows how and when to purge or that the cleric knows why one uses red ball.

    Regardless of screeds to the contrary, it is my observation that the game is filling up with 100-level noobs. I've seen plevelers who turned out to be good players and non-plevelers who will suck forever, but I think the percentages aren't even close. And yes, I think that doing the quests and playing the game through almost always, significantly improves a player over what they otherwise would've been.

    I don't want to eliminate hypering altogether. It's good for an occasional boost. I'm totally against the addictive every-day-pleveling-to-skip-the-rest-of-the-game and even more against selling the opportunity to skip.

    Just my opinion. Let the ad hominems begin.
  • Kerius - Dreamweaver
    Kerius - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    They want to be able to form a squad with a reasonable expectation that the 95-level veno they just added knows how and when to purge or that the cleric knows why one uses red ball.
    They're lucky to even know what Purify is, it seems. b:surrender
  • LuciusVorenu - Lost City
    LuciusVorenu - Lost City Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have never said that frost should not exist, or that no one should power level. I would be a liar if I said I did not ever use frost to level. This is the exact reason I believe in a level restricted Frost. Because anyone who has done all their quests knows that once you start to hit 7x, all of a sudden the xp from your quests as well as the number seem to decrease. So yes, hypers should exist in frost, and so should frost. But with a level restriction.
  • JinxRake - Momaganon
    JinxRake - Momaganon Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Took me almost 8 months to reach level 100 on my sin. From 85 to 100 I was in more FC squads that I care to remember and saw just about every sort of player in there. After you kill 100 mobs for the umpteenth time, you just stop caring for quests.

    I managed to get myself blacklisted a few days ago for making fun of someone that was decimated by the absence of FC. People are really overreacting to this absence and those that I've seen doing low level BHs seemed to be enjoying themselves. If anything, I've seen more messages on WC with different stuff than selling pack things or squads for FWS.

    I feel that a level restricted FC would be best. I liked running that instance at 85+ as it was a pretty good example of teamwork and a bit more rewarding than most BHs. Too many people rush to lvl 100 only to realize that the only thing to do at 100 is to work on your gear and maybe PK. The same BHs on and on offer just a minor distraction. It's a lot more fun at low levels where you actually work your *** off in an instance.
  • HrunsPanda - Archosaur
    HrunsPanda - Archosaur Posts: 1,136 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    . Too many people rush to lvl 100 only to realize that the only thing to do at 100 is to work on your gear and maybe PK.

    I see this written regularly in this whole debate. I think many people like me just played their first character the old fassioned way. Some are oblivious to the whole powerleveling for quite a long time. Others dont cash shop at all and dont have the coins to pay anyone to help them powerleveling. Yet another group does cashshop but uses it to buy mounts, flyers and the such rather than paying for powerleveling their first character. And most new players wouldnt even consider powerleveling because they are simply enjoying the game.

    It is those that already have one or more lvl 100s that are powerleveling new chars. They very well realise what there is to do at level 100, and they choose that rather than doing the quests again and again.

    So this is a totally invalid argument.
  • JinxRake - Momaganon
    JinxRake - Momaganon Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The only reason people make lvl 100 alts is because they can be powerleveled. The whole idea of rolling a different class is to play in a new way, to get a new experience out of the game, to do things in a different way. So instead of enjoying the "thrill" of low level instances and runs, of low level squads and BHs where everyone actually works hard to stay alive, you'd just rush to level 100 so you can do SoT / Aba / Lunar / WS / Delta AGAIN for a billion times? Doesn't really seem justifiable to me.

    The thing I've heard most often while running FC for different people was "I have an R9 *insert class here* on *insert server here*". That's fine and dandy and all that, but utterly useless since if I leave you alone for half a heartbeat on this class you crash and burn spectacularly and I have to log my cleric just to bring your stupid *** back to life.

    It's not for me to say how to play the game right or not, but it seems often that once people have been offered the option to get easily to lvl 100, they forget to actually have fun in the game. And then we're wondering why some poor **** is calling for three hours for a BH51 squad until some high level feels sorry for him and goes to help.

    Seems a bit sad, don't you think?
  • LuciusVorenu - Lost City
    LuciusVorenu - Lost City Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It is those that already have one or more lvl 100s that are powerleveling new chars. They very well realise what there is to do at level 100, and they choose that rather than doing the quests again and again.

    So this is a totally invalid argument.

    You sir, are incorrect, again. I have come across MANY people who are new to the game, start out maybe leveling a bit, then find out about frost. They say **** this questing **** and power level themselves, all the while missing out on character development. I'm tired of seeing clerics try to heal the tank with Blessing of the Purehearted. Tired of barbs asking whats roar. Tired of 3k hp casters think they are tanks and can solo frost, only to die to 3 mobs. Or how about going here and reading more examples? Granted they may not all be Frost ****. AND THEY DON'T ALL HAVE 100 ALT/MAIN. So I do believe it is indeed your argument that is invalid.
  • Jacerai - Dreamweaver
    Jacerai - Dreamweaver Posts: 943 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Of course, everyone does powerleveling. Or at least the very vast majority does. Find someone who thinks its is fun doing all the 100s of kill 50 of this, kill 50 of that quets for the 8th time.
    *Raises hand*

    I love to quest. I quest on every one of my alts. I currently have about 12 toons. I have every class, and 2 extras that I use for farming. I do not set foot in fc until I have the quests on my list (and normally I wait until I have all the quests so I can do the whole thing in one run)

    My highest level toon is only level 90 and I think hypers should not be usable in fc until level 100+. I hate having fc available because I constantly have people pushing me to level faster. I don't want to level fast and when I try to explain this to people it's like they can't even comprehend why I'm in no rush to get to end game.

    When people hyper level it affects those of us who don't. I've used WC to find squads and then you get into the instance to find that a person can't buff you because they have yet to do their level 39 culti (even though they are now 90+). Or they don't know how to keep from stealing aggro and wipe the squad (big problem in BH 69). Clerics that use stream instead of IH.

    Most of these things don't become apparent until you are fighting, and then it is too late. If I die because some hyper leveler doesn't know how to play, that affects me. I either lost exp (and since I don't hyper I have to quest/grind to get it back) or I wasted a guardian scroll which costs me money.

    If people are only interested in end game I don't understand why they are even playing here. Just go to a private server where you start at end game. People here will quest and level how they should, and hyper babies can already be 100+ like they want. Everyone wins.

    b:cute Star, we are one and the same!

    I actively do the quest, no matter the alt. Even though I did them on a cleric, how do I tackle them as a mystic, veno, barb, etc? How do I turn around and kill these mobs (magic, ranged, melee, etc) with this different class?

    Sorry, I feel like an odd person by saying this but...I'm playing an MMO. Questing is part of that. I love questing, squading for dungeons, running around acting like a loony with factionmates and squadmates. b:cute

    Edit: Ah, I missed something about clerics knowing purify and red balls. xD Yes, I have met waaaaaay too many clerics these days that would rather DD and let charms tick and folks die than heal. When they're the only healer type in squad (no mystic, no second cleric).
    b:cute The world may be small, but it is far from known.

    Why the rage? It's a draining emotion.

    Me: DaValentine (veno), Jaceraie (mystic), etc etc etc b:chuckle
  • Deadalus - Harshlands
    Deadalus - Harshlands Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I see this written regularly in this whole debate. I think many people like me just played their first character the old fassioned way. Some are oblivious to the whole powerleveling for quite a long time. Others dont cash shop at all and dont have the coins to pay anyone to help them powerleveling. Yet another group does cashshop but uses it to buy mounts, flyers and the such rather than paying for powerleveling their first character. And most new players wouldnt even consider powerleveling because they are simply enjoying the game.

    i agree.

    I lvled my first toon to 95 without even knowing of FC. That was back in the late 2008, early 2009 if i remember right.
    Well i started playing there and reached this lv like half a year back with chilling gameplay questing and getting TT armor, when i reached the lv for them (lv 60,70,80) and i was so proud of having a gold weapon back then (lv 70 gold mold), was something special.

    Well when i started my sin, i lvled him till i reached Dreamweaver Port for my quests and was pretty much sick of doing all the monster killing again (wasnt my second toon, i think it was my 4. one actually) since i reached Dreamweaver with 3 other toons already and FC was a big deal then and i thought "damn, im going to buy one or two of those". Yea.

    I done some BHs,worldquest, other good exp giving quests and lvled to 80~85 to do fc in a squad.
    I lvled 3 toons the old way to atleast dreamweaver port questline and even further to wraithgate and lv 70~ spots.
    One ofc reached lv 95 without knowing of fc.

    But someday, you get sick of doing the same quests over and over again, so what? fc.

    Also, take this:

    Sweetiebot give 8 points to HrunsPanda - Archosaur