Selling Bound Gear



  • Posts: 1,052 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    No I rather have all my + set back to 0 than have some one **** a account and trade bound gear to their toon lol
    This game is like washing hair with shampoo... Rinse and repeat if desired.
    Proud owner of many mains.101 bm,101 seeker,101 demon sin,100 sage sin,101 archer,101 barb,100 cleric,100 wiz( first toon since sept 08 finally made it in 2013)newly added mystic 100 HA,72 psy.
  • Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    this isn't a question of hackers, that is totally irrelevent and pwi will tend to those types of problems, it is their end of the aggrement you "sign" when agreeing to play the game everytime you log on. If you forget about hackers, think about all the positive things that can happen if you can get rid of your gear, i myself have a fully sharded G16 +5 set and a G16 +10 weapon that i could sell and help me get my r9 3rd cast weapon since i already got the 3rd cast gear. The point of these charms is to have the security of not dropping your stuff in pvp while still being able to advance your gear through farming and the investment into the gear you bought.b:victory
    (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
    Dawnglory's legendary Stormbringer ShockWave LV 105-105-103
    7 year old Harshlands character, semi-retired Wizard Boomz
    Will he reach 1800 spirit?
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited March 2013
    If it's bound, being able to sell it completely defeats the point of binding it to begin with.

    You may as well make a poll to remove the ability to have gear bound in the first place since that's basically what the result is.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • edited March 2013
    this isn't a question of hackers, that is totally irrelevent and pwi will tend to those types of problems, it is their end of the aggrement you "sign" when agreeing to play the game everytime you log on. If you forget about hackers, think about all the positive things that can happen if you can get rid of your gear, i myself have a fully sharded G16 +5 set and a G16 +10 weapon that i could sell and help me get my r9 3rd cast weapon since i already got the 3rd cast gear. The point of these charms is to have the security of not dropping your stuff in pvp while still being able to advance your gear through farming and the investment into the gear you bought.b:victory
    This is what account stash stones are for. I just trade my gear down to my other characters though the stash.

    I'm just waiting for the ability to have an increased size for the stash, and also the ability to link accounts with it. I'd love to trade some gear to my veno, but she's on a separate account.
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    No... that completely defeats the whole purpose of bounded items. They are bounded for a reason, to prevent it from being sold or npc. If you don't like it, don't get an item that bound to your character or don't use binding charm at all. It's that simple.
  • Posts: 1,416 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I vote for unequip shards. b:avoid
  • Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    I got too much **** in my bank that needs to go.

    Also getting "****" wouldn't even be an issue. It almost never happens.

    Make it an unbinding process of 3 days.

    The perfect solution.
  • Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I vote yes, not because I want to sell things per se, but to make crafting g16 easier.
    I like to farm warsong on my veno, but my seeker needs his bound vana2 armor made g16, and I don't like to farm on him so much, so I would rather be able to make it so I can unbind it to give to my veno to g16 XD Wouldn't matter to me if it bound back after equipping it again, I'd just rather do it that way.

    Also unsocketing shards is an awesome idea, buuut they want us to buy transfer stones, so I doubt that would ever happen.
  • Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I vote yes, not because I want to sell things per se, but to make crafting g16 easier.
    I like to farm warsong on my veno, but my seeker needs his bound vana2 made g16, and I don't like to farm on him so much, so I would rather be able to make it so I can unbind it to give to my veno to g16 XD Wouldn't matter to me if it bound back after equipping it again, I'd just rather do it that way.

    Also unsocketing shards is an awesome idea, buuut they want us to buy transfer stones, so I doubt that would ever happen.

    If you get TT dragonslayers, the sword won't be bounded...
  • Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    voted NO. If u have no use for it then destroy the darn thing, its that simple. selling defeats the purpose of binding it in the first place
  • Posts: 1,173 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Seriously? If you really want to be able to resell your gear, pay the higher price to get lunar. That's WHY people get lunar, if you think you might resell it later you can. Don't get TT gear or TT vana and then complain when you can't sell it.

    People complaining about bank space, make an alt bank and use your stash (just working on the assumption that if you're complaining about having all this bound stuff, you probably can afford one), or if you're so sure you won't ever need it again, just destroy it, problem solved.
    xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
    DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
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    Because I can't stand playing melee classes
  • Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I say yes, BUT, no TT gear. Not matchless wings or wings of cloud charger. The only bound items that I think you should be able to sell are ones that you personally used a binding charm on.
    Archer Build:
    Sin Build:
  • Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Items that in game are bound when equipped I say no to unbinding. Items you bind yourself that otherwise would be unbound when equipped, then add unbinding charms to the boutique.
    WeBeKinky Leader - lvl 10x psychic

    If you don't like my attitude, you should realize I don't care.

    It's strange what desire will make foolish people do.
  • Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Seriously? If you really want to be able to resell your gear, pay the higher price to get lunar. That's WHY people get lunar, if you think you might resell it later you can. Don't get TT gear or TT vana and then complain when you can't sell it.

    People complaining about bank space, make an alt bank and use your stash (just working on the assumption that if you're complaining about having all this bound stuff, you probably can afford one), or if you're so sure you won't ever need it again, just destroy it, problem solved.

    I love how people instantly compare this entire thread to the basis of lunar vs TT .. guys open your minds to the vast majority of items that are in this game ... For instance helmets ? Flyers ? Fashion ? Lots of which can be sold on a safe trading platform for bound items.

    OPKossy wrote: »
    If it's bound, being able to sell it completely defeats the point of binding it to begin with.

    You may as well make a poll to remove the ability to have gear bound in the first place since that's basically what the result is.

    This conversation isn't a suggestion thread polling for a benign feature to be improved upon. This is a conversation to bring out for us what the chinese already have.

    And in all fairness directly aimed at you here OPKossy , if its "rebound" with the new Tradesafe-Charm it means PWE just got repaid off an item. Fool, how can you not see the benefit here for the company you now represent; the purpose here is to provide a bound ""safe"" method of trade.

    Not much coding would have to be done as the item already exsits in our game files:
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    My opinion is there should be a trade safe binding charm. There are so many items in game that some have that will never EVER be used again. I feel that if you are willing to up the coin then yes you should be able to sell bound items. Just saying PWI would make good coin with this idea if they are smart enough to endorse it.
  • Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I find it amusing that most of the people posting agreements are from the same faction on HL...
    *Explodes into Tuna* ._.


    Doom_Panda- 102 R9 partial 3rd cast Sage Barb 29k HP.
    Dawnx - 100 Demon Cleric.
    Dawnx_- 101 Sage Cleric.
    DawnMyst- 94 Demon Mystic.
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited March 2013
    This conversation isn't a suggestion thread polling for a benign feature to be improved upon. This is a conversation to bring out for us what the chinese already have.

    And in all fairness directly aimed at you here OPKossy , if its "rebound" with the new Tradesafe-Charm it means PWE just got repaid off an item. Fool, how can you not see the benefit here for the company you now represent; the purpose here is to provide a bound ""safe"" method of trade.

    Not much coding would have to be done as the item already exsits in our game files:

    There's plenty the Chinese have we don't actually want over here.

    And calling me a fool is a bit much. Some things I believe are better off not here and this is one of those things. PWI could sell the CN rank 9 third cast in the boutique directly for obvious benefit, but that doesn't necessarily make it a good idea.

    However I've already given my reasons why I'm against this in the threads that come up over it each time.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I have heard through many rumors that selling bound gear was made possible in the china version of this game, I would love to know if that is coming via a stone or something to the pwi US servers. I as a long term player who loves pvp have obtained 100s of millions in bound gear that just sits in my bank uselessly. I would like a good concrete awnser from GMs if this function is coming to our game as well (I hear about a "trade-safe platform" for bound gear). Thank you in advance for any real awnsers I hope i can sell my infamous G16 gear. b:shutup

    p.s. i think if people really want this like i do we should make a poll and show the overwhelming support for this! b:pleased


    Yes to trading bound gear
    No to trading bound gear

    And rumors are just that.......rumors.....

    Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
  • Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The only way being able to sell bound gear makes any logical sense is if the unbind charm cost a ridiculous amount of gold, then I can see them doing it.

    In general there, there would be no point to having bound gear if you can just turn around and sell it later. If that's what you want then why not just make all gear undroppable because that would essentially be the same thing.
  • Posts: 2,102 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I see good opinions on both sides, but none that answer my question, why is tt gold items bound to begin with on equip but lunar gold is not. None of the mats are bound unlike other items that can be traded but are made with bound items. Take pq3 ring for instance, aside getting in a pack you can only make it with bound crystals, but the ring itself is not bound even after equipping. I can see the point of items that were bound on purpose like tomes, trade-able capes ect for various reasons.
    Marine - Marshall - Raging Tides - Retired
    DEMHEALSMAN - Dreamweaver
    Yes, because people really need 900+ dex or 1000+ magic just for the lulz
  • Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    OPKossy, if the unbinding charm was not originally an idea that was thought of for the benefit of the company perfect world knowing how they like to extract cash from the boutique, they would not of made it in the first place. Also this item is the perfect thing to getting perfect world back on track to its original game creation before the original developers were fired and things got messed up. The original idea is you farm to win. This item would allow you to safely farm and increase your gear. Why should you have to farm twice the amount just to have a working set of gear while increasing your amount of coins? That would drive paying customers away just from the pure absurdity and obviousness that the game was designed for the people who pay to win. As I remember, pwi is strictly on a contract with pwcn in which stuff is slowly filtered over to this version about 4-5 weeks after its initial release.( PWI DOESN'T EVEN MAKE ANYTHING THEY JUST TRANSLATE AND IMPLIMENT). if this wasn't true our developers would be allowed to make changes by themselves and the game
    (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
    Dawnglory's legendary Stormbringer ShockWave LV 105-105-103
    7 year old Harshlands character, semi-retired Wizard Boomz
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  • Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    game's quality would be greatly increased. It's like giving one of your children a candy bar, but not the other. The current game demands that the binding charm be introduced because it will be the best possible item to come out in this game because it will give a small advantage back to the people like me that spent years farming tons of gear they can finally sell vs. the people that just hypered to 101 and just bought r9. Anyone who thinks this isn't the original idea and what would be fair to the community truly doesn't understand pwi itself, or are greedu and just want cash shopping to win. I rest my case. b:victory
    (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)
    Dawnglory's legendary Stormbringer ShockWave LV 105-105-103
    7 year old Harshlands character, semi-retired Wizard Boomz
    Will he reach 1800 spirit?
  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i want to sell my old tt80 and tt90 gold gear from my old acc b:surrender
  • Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yes for the gears/items that got bound with a binding charm.

    No for the gears/weap that auto bind, TT90 gold, TT99 etc..

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute


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